Board of Visitors minutes December 14, 1961 | ||
The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met on this date at 10:00 a.m. in the Office
of the President of the University at Charlotesville with the following present: Rector Albert V.
Bryan; President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.; and Visitors Berkeley, Blanton, Camp, Faulconer, Fenwick,
Hartfield, Jones, Kendig, Lantor, Lewis, McWane, Martin, Montague, and Pollock. Absent: Visitors
Coxe and Wilkerson. Chancellor Grellet C. Simpson and Bursar Edgar E. Woodward were present for the
discussion of Mary Washington College matters.
The minutes of the meeting of 14 October 1961, previously distributed, were approved.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:
Mr. John W. Boring as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, for one year, effective 15 December 1961,
at no salary from the State.
Mr. Joel Greenspoon as Visiting Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the Department of Neurology
and Psychiatry, for one semester, effective 1 February 1962, at no salary from the State.
Mr. Ian Hacking as Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for one semester, effective
1 February 1962, at a salary of $3,900.
Mr. James W. Moore as Acting Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, for one year,
effective 1 February 1962, at a salary of $8,300.
Dr. Alvin B. Moreland as Assistant Professor of Experimental Pathology, for three years,
effective 1 July 1962, at no salary from the State.
Mr. Vladimir Pertzoff as Lecturer in Russian, part-time, for one year, effective 1 September
1961, at no salary from the State.
Mr. Robert L. Searls as Assistant Professor of Biology, for two and one-half years, effective
1 February 1963, at a salary of $7,500.
Mr. Louis R. Showalter, Jr. as Junior Instructor in Business Administration, part-time, for
one semester, effective 1 February 1962, at a salary of $881.25.
Mr. Ludwig J. Weigert as Assistant Professor of Physics, for two years, effective 1 December
1961, at no salary from the State.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty
Mr. Charles E. Bishop as Visiting Professor of Business Administration, for one semester,
effective 1 February 1962.
Mr. Richard A. King as Visiting Professor of Business Administration, for one semester,
effective 1 February 1962.
Mr. Arnold B. Levison as Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for one year, effective 1 September
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leaves of absence
Dr. Nina Hollander, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, for the period 1 September 1962
through 31 August 1963, at no salary from University funds, to work with Dr. Severo Ochoa, Chairman
of the Department of Biochemistry at New York University School of Medicine.
Dr. Vincent Hollander, American Cancer Society Professor of Internal Medicine, for the period
1 September 1962 through 31 August 1963, at no salary from University funds, to work with Dr.
Severo Ochoa, Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at New York University School of Medicine.
Dr. Thomas H. Hunter, Dean of the School of Medicine, for the period 1 July 1962 through 30
June 1963, without pay, to work with the Rockefeller Foundation in the medical school at the
University Del Valle in Cali, Colombia.
The President announced the retirement of Mr. Heman J. Redfield, Associate Professor of
Mechanical Engineering, Because of physical disability, effective 31 August 1962. Mr. Redfield
has been a member of the faculty since 1954.
The President announced the following resignations
Dr. Byrd S. Leavell, Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, effective 31 December 1961, to
devote full time to teaching and practice.
Miss Amelia C. Lipchak, Assistant Professor of Nursing, effective 31 January 1962, to become
Head of the Department of Nursing of Children at the University of Tennessee College of Nursing
in Memphis, Tennessee.
Mr. James E. May, Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, effective 31 January 1962,
to accept a position with the Lockheed Missile & Space Company in Sunnyvale, California.
In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia on 14 July 1945, the President announced the following appointments
Lieutenant Colonel Sam H. Barrow as Professor of Military Science and Tactics, effective
1 September 1961, at no salary from the University.
Commander Donald F. Helm as Associate Professor of Naval Science, effective 25 August 1961,
at no salary from the University.
Lieutenant Commander Raymond P. Notson as Assistant Professor of Naval Science, effective
21 August 1961, at no salary from the University.
Lieutenant Wilfrid P. Wilkinson, III as Assistant Professor of Naval Science, effective
25 August 1961, at no salary from the University.
The President also announced the following appointments:
Dr. Kenneth R. Crispell as Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, effective 1 January 1962.
Dr. Kenneth R. Crispell as Acting Dean of the School of Medicine, for one year, effective
1 July 1962.
Dr. Alto E. Feller as Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, effective 1 January 1962.
Dr. Alvin B. Moreland as Director of the Vivarium of the School of Medicine, effective
1 July 1962.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following dates for the 1962 meetings of the Board be and they are hereby approved
10 | February 1962 | Fredericksburg |
14 | April 1962 | Charlottesville |
1 | June 1962 | Charlottesville |
13 | October 1962 | Charlottesville |
8 | December 1962 | Charlottesville |
The President reported he had been in communication with Mr. John Allan Love of Clayton,
Missouri, who desires to establish a scholarship fund, the income of which is to be used to provide
a scholarship or scholarships to be awarded to some deserving undergraduate or graduate student
or students of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, whose home is or homes are in
Missouri, in such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia shall determine, provided, however, that the total amount of scholarship aid
awarded shall not exceed the net annual income derived from said trust. If there should be no
applicant for such a scholarship whose home is in Missouri, or if the University shall not award
such scholarship aid in any year for any other reason, the income from the scholarship fund derived
during such year shall be added to the principal thereof. In awarding the financial aid thus provided,
preference shall be given to applicants who reside in St. Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri,
with first preference to those residing in St. Louis County. Whenever feasible, preference shall
also be given to those graduate or undergraduate students, fulfilling the previous conditions, who
intend to enroll or who are enrolled in courses at the Woodrow Wilson School of Foreign Affairs of
the University.
A draft of the proposed trust agreement between Mr. Love and The Rector and Visitors, prepared
by the University's Special Counsel, Mr. Minor, was being submitted to Mr. Love for approval.
The President explained that the funds donated by Mr. Love were being deposited by Mr. Love in
the Prudential Savings & Loan Association, of Clayton, Missouri, of which Mr. Love is President and
that the Savings Association desired a resolution of this Board authorizing the proper officers of
the University to open an account, to make withdrawals therefrom, and to execute a proxy to be voted
at all annual and special meetings of the Association held when the University is not specially
represented. He then submitted for consideration a resolution and proxy in the forms desired by
the Savings Association.
After careful consideration and full discussion, upon motion, duly seconded, the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted by the Board
RESOLVED, that the proper officers of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia are
hereby authorized to open either a passbook or a certificate share account, as to them seems preferable,
and to execute for and on its behalf, the proxy in the form submitted to this Board, and to
invest its funds from time to time with Prudential Savings & Loan Association, Clayton, Missouri, and
that said Association is hereby authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with writings
bearing the signatures of either of such officers, unless and until it has been notified of any
change of officers and of further authorization for other individuals to so sign, together with a
specimen of the signature of each such individual. The officers so authorized are Edgar F. Shannon,
Jr., President, and Vincent Shea, Comptroller.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia hereby desires to place on record its grateful appreciation and thanks to John Allan Love,
of Clayton, Missour, an alumnus of the Class of 1907, for his generous gifts to the University of
Virginia for the purpose of establishing a scholarship.
The President stated that he had received a letter from the Dean of the Division of Extension
and General Studies, Mr. James W. Cole, Jr., proposing on behalf of the staff of the Division that
the West Room in the new quarters of the Division at Madison Hall be named in honor of the late
George Baskerville Zehmer, for many years Dean of the Division of Extension and General Studies. The
President noted that Mr. Zehmer was the first Director (the title was later changed to Dean) and had
served in that position for 38 years.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the West Room of Madison Hall be named "The George Baskerville Zehmer Room" to honor and to
reflect the contributions of the late Dean George Baskerville Zehmer to the Division of Extension
and General Studies, to the University of Virginia, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and to the
The President reported that he and the Dean of the Division of Extension and General Studies,
Mr. James W. Cole, Jr., had been considering a change in the name of the Division. A change was
needed, the President stated, to recognize more fully the role of the Division in the general
educational program of the University through the offering of work for college credit at the
several Extension Centers. The President reminded the Board of his statement at the meeting of
the Board on 14 October 1961 concerning the use of off-campus branches in the Extension Centers
of the University to determine whether a community college was needed. He and the Dean had
decided that the most appropriate name was that of "School of General Studies" which, he noted,
was one in general use in other universities in the country.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 July 1962, the name of the Division of Extension and General Studies shall be
changed to School of General Studies.
The President reported in detail on the recent disturbances resulting from the actions of
some students on two occasions and on the conduct of several fraternities on Bid Sunday. He stated
that, as a result of these disturbances, certain actions had been taken to prevent future disturbances
of a mass nature. The two specific actions were (1) a ban on open parties at fraternities
in the future, and (2) the imposition of the penalty of suspension for any student found
guilty of participation in a riot or unlawful assembly. The President noted, however, that the
student leaders had shown great maturity and were unanimously behind the move to ban disturbances
of this kind and deserved high praise for their conduct.
Moreover, he stated that the Dean of the University, Mr. B. F. D. Runk, had imposed the
penalty of social probation on several fraternities for their disgraceful conduct on Bid Sunday.
He noted that Dean Runk throughout the whole period had performed in a manner far above and beyond
the call of duty. On the whole, he believed that the disturbances, while very regrettable, did
permit action to be taken which would be very helpful in the future.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
accounts Schedules 1031, 1032, 1035, and 1036, aggregating $36,993.09 as recommended by it, consisting
of the following
Bad debts, etc. | $14,428.55 |
Free service to Counties and Cities | 22,564.54 |
TOTAL | $36,993.09 |
The President laid before the Board a copy of the annual financial report of the Department
of Athletics for the fiscal year ending on 30 June 1961. He reminded the Board that a copy of
this report was required by law to be deposited with the State Director of the Budget prior to
31 December of each year.
The President stated that he had received a request from the City Manager of the City of
Charlottesville for some easements on certain University property for use in expanding the present
two-lane street from the C & O underpass north to a four-lane divided street. He informed the
Board that certain problems relating to the traffic flow into this street from University Gardens
had not yet been worked out in detail and stated that the matter could not wait for action by the
full Board at its meeting in February and hence his recommendation on the matter would have to be
submitted to the Executive Committee.
The President announced the following gifts and grants
From Mr. Ralph P. Johnson, an unrestricted gift, securities valued at | $ 1,200 |
From Dr. John T. Bate, to the Medical School to be added to the Bate Audio Visual Fund |
150 |
From Lorena G. Robertson, to be added to the Harrison M. Robertson Fund | 100 |
From Mr. Nelson R. Ruffin, to the hospital to be used for cancer research | $ 100 |
From Mary Mather, to the hospital to be used for cancer research | 100 |
From Mr. John D. Gordon, to the hospital to be added to the Mary Stamps Suhling Fund |
100 |
From United Cerebral Palsy of Virginia, Inc. to the Children's Rehabilitation Center, in support of the Cerebral Palsy Clinic |
5,000 |
From Tuesday Afternoon Club, Fairfax County, to be added to the George Mason College scholarship funds |
100 |
From General Electric Foundation, a graduate research and study grant in physics | 10,000 |
From American Machine and Foundry Company, a fellowship in physics $2,000, for equipment, travel, etc. in connection with project of fellow $500 |
2,500 |
From Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, to the Graduate School of Business for research under the direction of Dr. C. Stewart Sheppard |
25,000 |
From General Motors, Inc., for a fellowship in chemistry for the 1961-1962 session | 3,200 |
From Law School Foundation, scholarships in the Law School for the 1961-1962 session | 7,500 |
From Tidewater Cancer Society, for research under the direction of Dr. A. J. Paquin, Department of Urology |
8,000 |
From Smith, Kline & French Laboratories, a post-doctoral fellowship in chemistry under the direction of Dr. Alfred Burger |
7,000 |
From Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study, an unrestricted gift | 400 |
From General Motors Corporation, five scholarships for the 1961-1962 session | 5,400 |
From Lederle Laboratories, for research under the direction of Dr. C. M. Kunin, Department of Preventive Medicine |
4,500 |
From Neutron Products, Inc., for experiments at the Reactor under the direction of Dr. J. L. Meem |
10,000 |
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, for research under the direction of Mr. John W. Boring, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences |
29,812 |
From U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the following members of the faculty |
Dr. Alfred Burger, Dept. of Chemistry | 22,681 |
Dr. R. B. Martin, Dept. of Chemistry | 13,685 |
Dr. R. T. Major, Dept. of Chemistry | 11,500 |
Dr. R. F. Shaw, Dept. of Preventive Meeicine | 15,410 |
Dr. Charles Kaut, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology | 14,050 |
Dr. H. S. McGaughey, Jr., Dept. of Obstetrics | 15,257 |
Dr. G. M. Gerken, Dept. of Psychology | 3,964 |
Mr. D. R. H. Gourley, Dept. of Pharmacology | 9,545 |
Dr. Alfred Chanutin, Dept. of Biochemistry | 14,337 |
Dr. Q. N. Myrvik, Dept. of Microbiology | 17,963 |
Dr. C. M. Kunin, Dept. of Preventive Medicine | 21,245 |
The Chancellor reported on the bids received and the awards made for the construction of the
addition to the E. Lee Trinkle Library at Mary Washington College. He stated that work would begin
shortly and that the scheduled completion date was 15 September 1962.
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the library fee at George Mason College be increased from $3.00 to $5.00 per semester for all students,
effective 1 September 1962
The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
all students at George Mason College shall pay a student activities fee as follows: (1) a fee of $3.00
for the second semester of the 1961-1962 session, and (2) a fee of $5.00 per semester, effective
1 September 1962.
On motion the meeting was then adjourned at 12:20 p.m.
Board of Visitors minutes December 14, 1961 | ||