![]() | Board of Visitors minutes December 12, 1959 | ![]() |
The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met on this date at 10:00 A.M. in
the Office of the President of the University, at Charlottesville, with the following present.
The Rector, Frank Talbott, Jr., President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., and Visitors Berkeley, Bryan,
Coxe, Fenwick, Greear, Hartfield, Jones, Lantor, Martin, McWane, Montague, Pollock, Smith,
and Wheeler. Absent: Visitors Blanton and Paschall. Chancellor Grellet C. Simpson and
Bursar Edgar E. Woodward of Mary Washington College were also present.
The minutes of the meeting of 7 October 1959, previously distributed, were approved.
The President presented a proposed meeting schedule for 1960 which, he explained, would
depart from the regular "second Saturday" dates in February and June. The meeting date of
20 February 1960, rather than 13 February 1960, was suggested in order to permit President
Shannon and Chancellor Simpson to attend the meeting on 13 February 1960 of the Association
of Virginia Colleges of which Mr. Simpson is President. The recommendation to change the Annual
Meeting date in June from Saturday, 11 June, to Friday, 10 June, was made in order to permit
the President to carry out his annual assignments on the Saturday of Finals to speak to the
Alumni Association and to preside over the meeting of the General Faculty at noon at which
time all degrees are approved.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the dates for the regular meetings of the Board of Visitors during 1960 shall be as follows
(1) 20 February 1960, (2) 9 April 1960 (Fredericksburg), (3) 10 June 1960 (Annual Meeting),
(4) 8 October 1960, and (5) 10 December 1960.
The Rector proposed, and the Board unanimously approved, the extension of an invitation to
the three new members of the Board, whose appointments were recently announced by the Governor,
to attend the next meeting of the Board on 20 February 1960. The Secretary was instructed to
extend such an invitation to the three new members, Messrs. William M. Camp, Hunter Faulconer,
and Lawrence Lewis, Jr.
The President read a letter from Visitor Blanton who explained that he had been ill and would
therefore be unable to attend the meeting of the Board. He stated that he was improving, however,
and hoped to be able to attend the next meeting of the Board. There was a unanimous expression
of hope that Mr. Blanton would be able to attend.
The President read a letter from Mrs. Horace A. Gray, expressing her gratification for the
resolution adopted by the Board on 14 February 1959 expressing the Board's thanks for the many
services to the Board of her late son and former Board member, Mr. Horace A. Gray, Jr.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty
Dr. Meade C. Edmunds as Clinical Instructor in Surgery, for one year, as of 15 December 1959,
at no salary from the University.
Mr. Hayford O. Enwall as Visiting Professor of Law, for the second semester of the session
of 1959-1960
Dr. John A. Owen, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective
1 February 1960, at a salary of $13,000 ($7,800 from the Commonwealth Fund, $2,200 from the
National Fund for Medical Education, and $3,000 from departmental earnings).
Dr. William A. Scoggin as Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, for one year, as of 1
January 1960, at a salary of $10,000 (of which $5,000 is to be paid from private practice
earnings and the remainder from the Departmental Research Fund).
Dr. Arthur W. Wyker, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Urology, for three years, as of 1 July
1960, at a salary of $12,000 (of which $3,000 is to be paid by the State and the remainder from
departmental earnings).
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty
Miss Carrie E. Boyle as Assistant Professor of Nursing, for three years, as of 1 October 1959.
Mr. Eugene Brand as Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, for three years, as of 1 September
Mr. Leo Hall as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, for three years, as of 1 September 1959
Dr. Cornelia Hoch-Ligeti as Assistant Professor of Pathology, for three years, as of 1 September
Dr. Ying Tang Hsu as Assistant Professor of Pathology, for three years, as of 1 September 1959.
Mr. Donald Kupke as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, for three years, as of 1 September
Mr. Preston Lowrance as Assistant Professor of Physiology, for three years, as of 1 September
Mr. Frederick S. Morton as Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Graduate
School of Business Administration, as of 1 February 1960.
Mr. Harry Tucker as Assistant Professor of German, for three years, as of 1 September 1959.
Dr. W. Dean Warren as Assistant Professor of Surgery, for three years, as of 1 September 1959.
In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia on 14 July 1945, the President announced the following apointment
Captain Joe C. Eliot as Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, as of 1 December 1959, at no
salary from the University.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following promotion be and it is hereby made
Mr. Arthur B. Moss, Associate Professor of Business Administration, to Professor of Business
Administration in the Graduate School of Business Administration, as of 1 September 1960
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leaves of absence without pay
Mr. J. Norwood Bosserman, Assistant Professor of Architecture, for the session of 1960-1961,
to teach in the Architectural Department of the Kingston School of Art in Surrey, England
Dr. T. R. Johns, Associate Professor of Neurology, for the period 15 January 1960 to 15
November 1960, to work in the laboratory of Dr. Stephen Thesleff in Lund, Sweden.
Mr. Charles P. Nash, Professor of Law, for the second semester of the session of 1959-1960, to
serve as Visiting Professor of Law in the Law School of the University of Florida
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members shall receive the salaries indicated
Mr. Hayford O. Enwall, Visiting Professor of Law, at a salary of $6,750, for the second semester
of the session of 1959-1960.
Mr. John J. Kennedy, Acting Associate Professor of Foreign Affairs, at an annual salary of
$8,800, as of 1 February 1960.
Mr. Frederick S. Morton, Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Graduate
School of Business Administration, at an annual salary of $10,500, as of 1 February 1960
Mr. Arthur B. Moss, Professor of Business Administration in the Graduate School of Business
Administration, at an annual salary of $10,500, as of 1 September 1960.
Mr. John Stacey, Director of the University Hospital, and Mr. Vincent Shea, Comptroller,
appeared before the Board and reported on the status of the uncollectible accounts at the University
Hospital and the measures that have been and are being taken to assure maximum collection. It was
many of the patients, while medically indigent, are not on the public welfare rolls and therefore
do not have outside funds available for payment. Also, those persons available for
assistance under the State-Local Hospitalization Program receive services for which, in many
cases, compensation is not obtained because of the unwillingness of the counties and cities,
or at least many of them, to match State funds. This arises out of the reluctance of a number
of cities and counties to assume the full burden of the localities part of the State-Local
Hospitalization Program. The discussion concluded with the note that the University as a major
medical center needs teaching material which the indigent cases provide
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
accounts Schedules 879, 880, 883, 884, 886, 889, and 890, aggregating $72,952.50, as recommended
by it, consisting of the following
Bad debts, etc | $21,121.30 |
Free service to Counties and Cities | 51,831.20 |
$72,952.50 |
Mr. Vincent Shea, Comptroller, reported on the status of all projects under construction
at the University and the branch colleges as of 11 December 1959. His report covered the
aero-mechanical engineering building, atomic reactor, multi-story hospital, medical research
building, Garrett Hall, President's House, Life Science Building, Clinch Valley College Gymnasium,
George Mason College, and the addition to Clark Hall. Mr. Shea's detailed report
was ordered to be filed with the Secretary
The President reported on the action of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
on 28 October 1959 denying an academic degree to Mr. Peter H. Salmon. He explained that Mr.
Salmon had admitted last Spring that he had obtained University stationery carrying the imprint
of the Housing Director and had signed the Housing Director's name to a letter to the parents
of a student asking that a certain debt be paid. The case had been referred to the Honor
Committee which, although taking action to clear Mr. Salmon of any violation of the Honor Code,
had explained by letter that it did not believe that its action precluded further action by
the faculty
Mr. Vincent Shea, Comptroller, reported on the program of Federal research contracts and
grants and the methods by which they were handled. He explained that Federal grants carried
a standard 15 per cent of the total cost for overhead charges but that the overhead for Federal
contracts was determined by a formula which in the case of the University amounted to approximately
39 per cent of the payments for salaries and wages. He explained further that colleges
and Universities participating in this Program were incurring overhead costs greater than that
allowed under either Federal grants or contracts. Mr. Shea's report was ordered to be filed
with the Secretary.
The President reported that he had underway a thorough study of the whole admissions program
including the organizational structure at the University for the handling of admissions. He
added that he hoped to be able to give the Board a full report at its next meeting in February
The President reported on the current stage of the negotiations with the Garden Club of
Virginia for their participation in the restoration of the East Lawn Gardens. He stated that
restoring the Gardens according to the original Maverick Plan would make it necessary to relocate
the road now running through the middle of the Gardens. He was pleased to be able to report
that Governor Almond, in a letter from the Director of the Budget dated 1 December 1959, had
approved the expenditure of the necessary amount of money to relocate the road. The sum required,
the President explained, would come from the Governor's funds and would not be taken from the
capital outlay funds of the University. He concluded his report by stating that the project
could now be presented for approval to the appropriate authorities and work could then get underway
on the restoration which would result in an expenditure of approximately $125,000 by the
Garden Club of Virginia.
The President reported that he had been approached by Remington-Rand Univac, a division of
Sperry-Rand Corporation, with a proposal to establish at the University a computer center and
training school to serve the Southern Region of Remington-Rand Univac. This would be one of
four regional training centers with the others serving the Eastern, Midwestern, and Western
Regions. The basic proposal included the installation of a Univac solid-state tape 80 or 90
computing system, together with a complete complement of additional equipment. In return for
a minimum period of 176 daytime hours per month on the computer. In addition to the 1,500 square feet
necessary to house the equipment, Remington-Rand Univac would require three large classrooms to accommodate
a class of 25 on a 12-hour per day, 6-day a week basis, and office space for 4 instructors
and a regional manager. In addition, rooms and meals for approximately 40 male employees, to be paid
for by Remington-Rand Univac, would be necessary.
The President explained that the University's efforts to obtain a scientific calculator from
the National Science Foundation had been unsuccessful primarily because of lack of experience in
computer operation. While the use of the solid-state computer proposed by Remington-Rand Univac
would be limited so far as scientific work was concerned, the President stated that some scientific
research could be conducted and that, in addition, the computer could be used for training purposes
by the Graduate School of Business Administration and the School of Commerce. It could also be employed,
he concluded, by the staff of the Comptroller in carrying on accounting work and other types
of punch card operations which would lessen the cost of renting equipment from another company.
After considerable discussion, the following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the President be and he is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Remington-Rand Univac
for the establishment at the University of a computer center and training school, subject to final
review by the Executive Committee and the General Counsel of the University and the approval of
the Governor
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the occupant of the endowed professorship in Biology, which endowment was provided by a distinguished
alumnus of this University, shall carry the title of Lewis and Clark Professor of Biology.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the building heretofore referred to as the naval armory is hereby named Halsey Hall in honor
of the late Fleet Admiral, William F. Halsey
The President noted that the Comptroller in his report earlier in the meeting had announced
that the Bursar and the Registrar would shortly move into the building now known as the Commons
and that it was therefore necessary to select a new name for the building. He proposed that the
building should be called Garrett Hall as a tribute to Alexander Garrett, the first person to
hold the office of Bursar of the University, an office which he occupied from 1825 to 1850.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the building heretofore referred to as the Commons is hereby named Garrett Hall in honor of
the first Bursar of the University, Mr. Alexander Garrett.
The President reported on past practice with respect to the naming of the University buildings
for living persons. He noted that, of a total of 50 buildings, 6 were named for living persons.
Of these six buildings, only one was named for a living person who was not its donor. Some of the
six buildings, however, were named for an ancestor who carried the same name as his descendant.
The President concluded his report by noting that there was precedent for naming a building after
a living person
The President reported that the Madison Hall Lease had been signed by him on 28 November 1959
in accordance with the instructions of the Board given at its meeting on 7 October 1959.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Miss June Gentry, Instructor in Physical Education, effective as of 1
February 1960, be and it is hereby accepted
The Chancellor recalled to the attention of the Board the adoption of a
resolution on 14 February 1959 authorizing the College to accept the permanent trusteeship of
the Gari Melchers Memorial located on the Belmont property from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
by Mr. Fielding L. Williams, Attorney for the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. The proposed bill
had also been reviewed by Mr. C. Venable Minor, General Counsel of the University, who had
made certain suggestions for revision which had been adopted. Arrangements were now being
made to have the bill introduced in the Legislature. In addition, it will be necessary to
file an action in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond to secure the approval of the transfer
after the General Assembly has acted
The bill and the proposed procedure were approved by the Board.
The Rector reported that he and Visitors Blanton and Fenwick, in accordance with the
instructions of the Board at its meeting on 7 October 1959, had called on the Governor with
respect to the contract with the Natural Gas Service Company of Fredericksburg and had secured
satisfactory action. In the meantime, however, certain difficulties had arisen with respect
to the provision of service by the Natural Gas Service Company. Because of these difficulties,
the Rector reported that he had asked the Chancellor of Mary Washington College to defer entering
into a contract until the situation had been stabilized
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to charge off the account of
Camille Merriman Lloyd as uncollectible in the amount of $155
The Chancellor proposed that the new dormitory which was occupied in September 1959 be
named after Mrs. Nina Gookin Bushnell who served as Dean of Women from September 1921 to September
1950. He stated that the naming of the dormitory for Mrs. Bushnell would be a tribute
to a person who had contributed immeasureably to the growth and development of the College
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the new dormitory at Mary Washington College, occupied in September 1959, be and it is
hereby named Nina Gookin Bushnell Hall
The President announced the receipt of a letter from Mr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr., dated 7
December 1959, stating that he and Mrs. Darden had deeded to The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia the Bolling property, approximately 80 acres in size, which lies northeast
of the existing property at Clinch Valley College.
With the unanimous approval and the grateful thanks of the Visitors present, the following
resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the unrestricted gift to The Rector and Visitors of the Bolling property adjacent to
Clinch Valley College by Mr. and Mrs. Colgate W. Darden, Jr. is hereby accepted, subject to
the approval of the Governor.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Northern Virginia Branch College, heretofore established on a site adjacent to the Town
of Fairfax, is hereby named George Mason College of the University of Virginia.
The following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Joseph H. Harrison be and he is hereby re-elected Associate Professor of History, for
one year, as of 1 September 1959
The President reported that the architects for the Academic building, Joseph H. Saunders, Jr.
and Associates, had informed him that an undeveloped tract of approximately 100 acres adjacent to
the George Mason College site was available. The tract might be developed in an undesirable
manner if not obtained. Mr. Fenwick stated that he had talked with the officials of the Town of
Fairfax about this matter and that the conversations would continue
The President reported the following gifts and grants
From Mr. & Mrs. William H. White, Jr., to be added to the fund established for the treatment of cancer patients, securities valued at |
$ 20,361.75 |
From Mrs. Helen C. Mott, to be added to the Mott Cancer Fund | 1,000.00 |
From Dr. Francis H. McGovern, to the Medical School to be added to the Library Fund | 250.00 |
From Mr. John D. Gordon, to be added to the Mary Stamps Suhling Fund | 100.00 |
From Mr. E. F. Conger, to be added to the Hematology Research Fund | 500.00 |
From an anonymous donor, in support of the Bibliographical Society | 500.00 |
From Dr. Gordon W. Jones, to Alderman Library, 310 volumes, valued at | 1,275.00 |
From Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Chamberlain, to Alderman Library, 400 books valued at | 370.00 |
From Mrs. Doris K. Neale, for the Doris Kellogg Neale Fellowship in Foreign Affairs for 1959-1960 |
500.00 |
From Mr. Coolie Verner, to Alderman Library, books and manuscripts valued at | 280.00 |
From Dr. Russell Buxton, to the Medical School to be added to the National Fund for Medical Education |
200.00 |
From Dr. E. W. Shearburn, to the Medical School to be added to the Lehman Lectureship Fund |
250.00 |
From Mr. Forrest Hyde, for the Samuel Baker Woods Scholarship | 250.00 |
From Mr. Leander McCormick-Goodhart, for the McCormick Observatory | 450.00 |
From American Clan Gregor Society, to be added to the Dr. Edward May Magruder Medical Scholarship Fund |
1,000.00 |
From the Student Aid Foundation, balance due on athletic grants-in-aid for the 19581959 session |
15,974.42 |
From Charlottesville and Albemarle Cerebral Palsy Association, for the cerebral palsy clinic |
600.00 |
From Western Electric Company, for a scholarship in the Engineering School for the 1959-1960 session |
500.00 |
From Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation, to the Woodrow Wilson Department of Foreign Affairs |
7,500.00 |
From the Virginia Engineering Foundation, for the Engineering School | 3,403.52 |
From General Electric Company, two synchrotron coils for use on a 75 Mev Synchrotron, valued at |
4,000.00 |
From Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, in support of a post-doctoral fellow in chemistry for a period of one year beginning in October 1959 |
7,000.00 |
From Wyeth Laboratories, to the Medical School in support of research in Behavioral Pharmacology |
500.00 |
From Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, to the Medical School for research under the direction of Dr. A. J. Bachrach |
3,000.00 |
From Fund for Adult Education, for research under the direction of Mr. J. N. G. Finley, Extension Center for Northern Virginia |
2,700.00 |
From Embree Electronic Corporation, for research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences |
10,323.00 |
From Thiokol Chemical Corporation, for research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences |
8,369.00 |
From Applied Physics Laboratory, for continued research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences |
30,839.00 |
From Atomic Energy Commission, for continued research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences |
19,604.00 |
From the Department of the Navy, for research in physics | 31,657.00 |
From the Department of the Navy, for research under the direction of Dr. F. W. Banghart, School of Education |
7,681.00 |
From the Department of the Army, for continued research under the direction of Dr. Alfred Chanutin, School of Medicine |
30,711.00 |
From the Department of the Army, for research under the direction of Dr. W. S. Jordan, School of Medicine |
1,795.00 |
From the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, for research under the direction of Dr. W. F. Battig, Department of Psychology |
$ 14,433.00 |
From the U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the following members of the faculty: |
Drs. R. F. Shaw and C. Houghie | 16,708.00 |
Dr. A. K. Brown | 26,500.00 |
Dr. A. J. Bollet | 25,505.00 |
Dr. J. I. Kitay | 15,124.00 |
Dr. Vincent Hollander | 17,140.00 |
Dr. D. W. Kupke | 11,070.00 |
Dr. H. S. McGaughey | 9,775.00 |
Dr. R. G. Kindred | 8,050.00 |
Dr. E. D. Brand | 8,625.00 |
Dr. W. A. Volk | 7,360.00 |
Dr. B. E. Frye | 5,647.00 |
Dr. Robert Brunish | 18,613.00 |
On motion the meeting was then adjourned.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes December 12, 1959 | ![]() |