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The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met on this date at 9:00
A.M. in the Office of the President of the University, at Charlottesville, with the
following present. The Rector, Frank Talbott, Jr., President Colgate W. Darden,
Jr., Chancellor Grellet C. Simpson, and Visitors Berkeley, Bryan, Coxe, Gravatt,
Gray, Greear, Hartfield, McWane, Martin, Paschall, Pollock, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith,
and Miss Wheeler. Absent: Visitors Emmett and Jones.

The minutes of the meeting of 7 June 1957, previously distributed, were


The Rector welcomed to the Board Dr. Davis Y. Paschall, who had succeeded Dr.
Dowell J. Howard as State Superintendent of Public Instruction (and to ex officio
membership on this Board) on 12 March 1957. Dr. Paschall commented briefly on his
satisfaction as an Alumnus in serving on the Board, and referred to the problems of
his dual role as a member of the Council on Higher Education and the conflicts of
duties affecting attendance at Board meetings.


The Board reelected to the Executive Committee Mr. Berkeley, Mr. Smith, and
Mr. Talbott, and the Rector re-appointed the other standing committees for 1957-58,
as follows

Executive Committee  Mr. Talbott, Chairman 
Mr. Berkeley 
Mr. Smith 
Finance Committee  Mr. Gray, Chairman 
Mr. Berkeley 
Mr. McWane 
Mary Washington College
Mr. Smith, Chairman 
Mrs. Jones 
Mr. McWane 
Mrs. Smith 
Miss Wheeler 
Athletics Committee  Mr. Berkeley, Chairman 
Mr. Coxe 
Mr. Gravatt 
Dr. Pollock 
Medical Committee  Dr. Emmett, Chairman 
Mr. Greear 
Dr. Martin 
Mr. McWane 
Mrs. Smith 
Buildings and Grounds
Mrs. Smith, Chairman 
Judge Bryan 
Col. Hartfield 
Mr. McWane 
Student Activities
Mr. Gravatt, Chairman 
Mr. Greear 
Col. Hartfield 


The Rector also announced the following special committees, which will remain
in being until their assigned tasks have been completed:

Committee on Outlying
Real Estate
Mr. Gray, Chairman 
Mr. Coxe 
Mrs. Jones 
Committee on a Site for the
Northern Virginia College
Judge Bryan, Chairman 
Mr. McWane 


President Darden announced to the Board the death on October 2nd of Dr. Albert
George Adam Balz, former Corcoran Professor of Philosophy, who served on the
University faculty from 1913 until June 1957, when he retired from active service
and was elected Professor Emeritus of Philosophy.

There were expressions of the affection and esteem in which Professor Balz was
held, and the Secretary was directed to record in the permanent minutes the deep
sense of loss felt by the Board, and the gratitude of the Visitors for his devoted
and valuable services to the University.


The President announced the following gifts and grants







From Mr. Langbourne M. Williams, to be added to the John
Langbourne Williams Memorial Fund, securities valued at 
From Mr. Harry L. Carter, to be added to the Harry Lee Carter
Scholarship Fund 
From Mr. G. T. Minnigerode, to be added to the Mary Stamps Suhling
Cancer Fund 
From Mrs. Nannie V. Howard, for the Estes Vaughan Howard Scholarship  250.00 
From the United Daughters of the Confederacy, for the Woodrow Wilson
From the estate of the late Dr. David M. R. Culbreth, for the
erection of a Fine Arts Building, securities valued at 
From various sources, to be added to the Frank Howard Lahey
Memorial Fund 
From an anonymous donor, for scholarships in the School of Nursing  9,000.00 
From the May T. Morrison Trust Estate, contribution to the Law School
in payment on account of travel expenses of Dean Ribble to and from
the meeting of the American Bar Association in London 
From the Virginia Engineering Foundation, to cover three scholarships
in the School of Engineering 
From the Tennessee Eastman Company, for the Eastman Kodak
Fellowship for 1957-58 
From the Cincinnati Council on World Affairs, for the Department
of Foreign Affairs 
From the Population Council, Inc., to be used toward the salary of
Dr. Richard F. Shaw, Assistant Professor of Genetics 
From the following sources, to be added to the Mott Cancer Fund 
Mrs. Russell Mott  500.00 
H. C. Mott  200.00 
From the University Hospital Auxiliary, to be used for the Hospital  605.00 
From the University Hospital Auxiliary, for scholarships in the
School of Nursing 
From the Civil Air Patrol of Virginia, for teacher scholarships
in aviation education 
From the U. S. Rubber Company, for a postgraduate fellowship in
physics for the session of 1957-58 
From various sources, to be added to the D. C. Smith Memorial Fund  580.00 
From the Virginia Society for Crippled Children, for a scholarship
for the 1957 summer session 
From the American Foundation for Allergic Diseases, for a fellowship
in the Medical School for the summer of 1957 
From the Student Aid Foundation, balance due for athletic grants-in-aid
for the 1956-57 session 
From the Charlottesville and Albemarle Cerebral Palsy Association,
for the Cerebral Palsy Clinic 
From the Virginia Cerebral Palsy Association, for the Cerebral
Palsy Clinic 
From the American Cyanamid Company, for medical research fellowships  1,200.00 
From the E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, for a postgraduate
fellowship in chemistry for the 1957-58 session 
From the E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, for a postgraduate
fellowship in physics for the 1957-58 session 
From the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, for the following
fellowships for the 1957-58 session 
Dr. Oscar Thorup  6,000.00 
Dr. Dean Warren  6,000.00 
Dr. T. R. Johns  6,000.00 
From the Institute of Life Insurance, to cover the cost of a
workshop in Family Finance Education during the 1957 summer session 
From the Ford Foundation, for a fellowship in economics  4,524.00 
From the Union Carbide Corporation, for a fellowship in physics
for the 1957-58 session 
From the National Fund for Infantile Paralysis, for a scholarship
in the Medical School for the summer of 1957 
From the English Speaking Union, Charlottesville Branch, for a
fellowship for the session of 1957-58 
From the Radio Corporation of America, an undesignated gift for
cooperating with RCA in the "Tuition and Refund Plan" for its
employees enrolled at the University 
From the Winthrop Laboratories, to the Medical School in support of a
clinical study under the direction of Dr. John B. Gorman 
From the California Research Corporation, in support of research
in the Department of Chemistry 
From the Virginia Heart Association, to the Medical School for
fellowships and grants-in-aid for cardiovascular research 
From the Hoffmann-La Roche Company, to the Medical School in support
of metabolic research 
From Engineering Alumni, in support of faculty salaries  2,546.29 
From the Atomic Energy Commission, to the Engineering School toward
the expenses of Prof. Iachetta to attend the Nuclear Program at
Brookhaven National Laboratory for the summer of 1957 
From the estate of the late Emily Clark Balch, to be added to
the endowment funds of the University 
From the A. P. Sloan Foundation, for research in chemistry under
the direction of Prof. Loren Hepler (NO PUBLICITY) 
From the A. P. Sloan Foundation, for research in physics under the
direction of Prof. Stephan Berko (NO PUBLICITY) 
From the Relm Foundation, for research under the direction of Prof.
J. M. Buchanan, Dept. of Economics (NO PUBLICITY) 
From the Virginia Heart Association, for research under the
direction of Dr. J. E. Wood, of the Medical School 
From the William Volker Fund, in support of the Thomas Jefferson
Center for Studies in Political Economy and Social Philosophy 
From the Council on Library Resources, to the Alderman Library for
a closed-circuit TV application 
From the American Chemical Society, for continued research in
chemistry under the direction of Dr. R. E. Cunningham 
From the American Cancer Society, for continued research in
chemistry under the direction of Dr. Alfred Burger (NO PUBLICITY) 
From the American Cancer Society, for continued research under the
direction of Dr. C. Hoch-Ligeti, of the School of Medicine (NO PUBLICITY) 
From the Common Cold Foundation, for continued research under the
direction of Dr. Catherine Russell, of the School of Medicine 
From the National Science Foundation, for the purchase of
equipment for the Department of Biology 
From the National Science Foundation, for work on the laboratory
at the Mountain Lake Biological Station 
From the National Science Foundation, for research in chemistry
under the direction of Prof. T. I. Crowell 
From the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, for continued research
under the direction of the following members of the faculty 
Dr. J. N. Dent  5,899.50 
Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau  160,914.21 
Dr. W. R. Singleton  10,843.00 
From the Department of the Air Force, for continued research under
the direction of Dr. J. W. Cole, of the Dept. of Chemistry 
From the Department of the Air Force, for continued research in
physics under the direction of Drs. G. H. Miller and R. A. Lowry 
From the Department of the Army, for continued research under the
directions of Dr. A. E. Feller, of the School of Medicine 
From the Department of the Army, for research under the direction
of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau 
From the U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction
of the following members of the faculty 
Dr. Thomas H. Hunter  25,000.00 
Dr. Fugene Brand  15,500.00 
Dr. Vincent Hollander  25,000.00 
Dr. Chalmers Gemmill  $8,280.00 
Dr. William Parson  11,500.00 
Dr. William Parson  9,085.00 
Dr. W. A. Volk  7,130.00 
Dr. Grover C. Pitts  4,364.00 
Dr. Oscar A. Thorup  6,982.00 
Dr. Quentin N. Myrvik  7,762.00 
Dr. W. Dean Warren  9,142.00 
Dr. Kenneth R. Crispell  11,500.00 
Dr. Oscar Swineford  6,957.00 
Dr. C. E. Wheeler, Jr.  8,518.00 
Dr. Alfred Burger  15,921.00 
Dr. C. Hoch-Ligeti  14,950.00 
Dr. Eugene Brand  8,797.00 
Dr. W. R. Sandusky  12,995.00 
Dr. J. L. Guerrant  4,715.00 
Dr. Carl C. Speidel  2,760.00 
Dr. R. W. McGilvery  16,928.00 


The following resolution was adopted by the Board

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby elected
to the faculty -

Mrs. H. A. Gurney as Assistant Professor of English at the Clinch Valley
College, for the session of 1957-58, at a salary of $4,600.

Mr. Richard D. McKinsey as Instructor in Biology as of September, 1957, at a
session salary of $5,000.

Dr. Walton E. Stevens as Instructor in Radiology, as of January 1, 1958, at a
salary of $10,000, to be paid from departmental earnings.

Dr. Gerald Goldstein as Instructor in Microbiology, without salary from the
University, as of September 1, 1957.

Mrs. Carol D. Lowicki as Instructor in Nursing as of August 1, 1957, at a
salary of $4,400 per year.

Mr. Valfrids Osvalds as Acting Assistant Professor of Astronomy for the
session of 1957-58, at a yearly salary of $6,000, beginning September 1

Dr. David Fairman as Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, as of
September 1, 1957, at an annual salary of $5,000, to be paid $3,000 from the
departmental reserve fund and $2,000 from departmental earnings, for a period of
three years.

Dr. William Kyle Smith, Jr., as Instructor in Internal Medicine, as of July
1, 1957, at a salary of $6,800 per year from the Commonwealth Fund Grant to the
O.P.D. clinic.

Dr. Pierre Brutsche Scott as Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology, effective
July 1, 1957, at no salary from the University.

Miss Elizabeth Parker as Instructor in Nursing as of June 12, 1957.

Mrs. Madeline Fuchs as Assistant Professor of Nursing for three years, as of
August 1, 1957.

Miss Nellie B. Carwile as Instructor in Nursing, as of August 1, 1957.

Mr. Charles J. Salisbury as Assistant Professor of Education for three years,
effective in September, 1957, at a salary of $6,000.

Dr. E. Louise Payne as Instructor in Anesthesiology, effective September 23,
1957, at a salary of $10,000 per year, $3,000 of which is to be paid from State
funds and $7,000 from departmental earnings.

Dr. Edward B. Stuart as Instructor in Pathology, effective September 1, 1957,
at a salary of $5,000 per year, $3,600 from State funds and $1,400 from
departmental funds.

Dr. Richard F. Shaw as Assistant Professor of Genetics in the Department of
Social and Environmental Medicine, as of August 1, 1957, at a salary of $7,500 per
year, to be paid from the Research and Development Fund.

Dr. Philip D. Bradley as Visiting Professor of Business Administration in the
Graduate School of Business Administration for the session of 1957-58, part-time,
at an annual salary of $1,000.

Dr. Miller Shannon Allen as Instructor in Pathology, as of September 1, 1957,
at a salary of $5,000 per year, to be paid from departmental funds.

Dr. Carl S. Lingamfelter as Lecturer in Dermatology, without compensation
from the University, as of September, 1957.

Mr. Harrison M. Robertson as Lecturer in Business Administration in the
Graduate School of Business Administration, as of February 1, 1958, at a salary
of $1,200


Mr. William H. Sager as Lecturer in Law, for the second semester of the
session of 1957-58, at a stipend of $500.

Mr. Herrick K. Lidstone as Lecturer in Law, for the second semester of the
session of 1957-58, at a stipend of $500.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following faculty members be and they are hereby

Mr. Everard W. Meade as Visiting Lecturer in the Graduate School of Business
Administration for the session of 1957-58, to be on leave during the first semester.

Mr. S. Walter Washington as Lecturer in Foreign Affairs for the session of

Mr. James Havens Bash as Instructor in Education for the session of 1957-58.

Mr. James Herbert Reilly, Jr., as Instructor in Education for the session of

Mr. Robert L. Allen as Associate Professor of Economics for the session of
1957-58, contingent upon the renewing of the grant under which he has been working.

Mr. Stanley J. Zyzniewski as Assistant Professor of History for the session of
1957-58, to work on the research staff of the "Soviet Bloc Foreign Economic
Relations Project".

Mrs. Celia Zyzniewski as Instructor in Nursing for one year, as of September
26, 1957.

Miss Carolyn Sloan as Assistant Instructor in Nursing for one year as of
August 1, 1957.

Mrs. Virginia Edwards as Assistant Instructor in Nursing for one year as of
May 16, 1957.

Mrs. Jane Davis as Instructor in Nursing for one year, as of September 1,

Miss Cynthia Graves as Assistant Instructor in Nursing for one year, as of
September 1, 1957.

Mr. Henry E. Garrett as Visiting Professor of Education for the session of

Mr. A. O. Gianinny as Acting Assistant Professor of English in the School of
Engineering for the session of 1957-58.


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following appointments be and they are hereby made

Mr. Frank H. Knight as Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence for the academic
session of 1957-58, at a salary of $10,000.

Mr. William Faulkner as Writer-in-Resident, part-time, for the second semester
of the session of 1957-58.


The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following promotions be and they are hereby made

Mr. John Lewis Longley, Jr., Acting Assistant Professor of English in the
School of Engineering, to Assistant Professor of English in the School of
Engineering for two years, as of September, 1957.

Dr. Robert L. Ramey, Acting Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, to
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, as of September, 1957.


The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following elections be and they are hereby cancelled -

Mr. William H. McFarlane as Acting Assistant Professor of English in the
School of Engineering for the session of 1957-58. This was acted on at the March
9, 1957, meeting of the Board. Mr. McFarlane has accepted another position

Mr. John Vincent Graham, Instructor in English, to accept a Fulbright grant.
He was elected at the June 7th meeting of the Board.



The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the resignations of the following faculty members be and they are
hereby accepted -

Dr. Jason McClellan, Instructor in Internal Medicine, as of July 1, 1957, in
order to enter private practice in Newport News, Virginia.

Dr. Philip Y. Paterson, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, as of July 15,
1957, to take a position at New York University.

Dr. Kenneth Grim, Instructor in Pathology, as of July 1, 1957.

Mrs. Ninalei Bader Poore, Instructor in Nursing, as of July 1, 1957.

Miss Mary Jane Morris, Instructor in Nursing, as of August 1, 1957.

Mr. John C. Sheffield, Jr., Assistant Professor of Education at Clinch Valley
College, as of August 17, 1957.

Dr. Cuthbert Tunstall, Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, as of
September 15, 1957, because he has moved to Fredericksburg.

Mr. Calvin Deam, Assistant Professor of Education, as of the end of the
session of 1956-57, to accept a position at the University of Colorado.

We wish for them the highest success in their new undertakings.


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leave
of absence without pay

Mr. Robert N. Hoskins, Associate Professor of Physical Education in the
College of Arts and Sciences, for the session of 1957-58.

Dr. Edward R. Dyer, Jr., Assistant Professor of Astronomy, for the session of

Mr. Chester Ward Bain, Associate Professor of Political Science, for the
session of 1957-58, to teach at West Virginia University.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the status of Mr. W. R. Franke, Acting Assistant Professor of
Mechanical Engineering, be and it is hereby changed to Lecturer in Aeronautical
Engineering, effective as of September, 1957.


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the title of Dr. Vincent P. Hollander, Assistant Professor of
Internal Medicine, be and it is hereby changed to Assistant Professor of Internal
Medicine and Biochemistry.


The Rector reported that the Executive Committee had authorized the President
to proceed during the summer with faculty appointments for the present session,
subject to final action by the Board at this meeting.


President Darden commented on the work of Professors Whyburn, McShane, Bowers,
and Stovall, who had been nominated by the Dean of the College and by the Dean of
the Graduate School for the honor of election to rank as Alumni Professors. On the
President's recommendation, the Board thereupon adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
following professors be and they are hereby elected to the special rank of Alumni
Professor, on the condition that all additional emoluments over and above the
established salary scale shall be paid in consideration of such services as may be
performed during the summer vacation period when the holders of these
professorships are not engaged in their regular required duties.

Dr. Gordon Thomas Whyburn, as Alumni Professor of Mathematics.

Dr. Edward James McShane, as Alumni Professor of Mathematics.

Dr. Fredson Thayer Bowers, as Alumni Professor of English.

Dr. Floyd Stovall, as Alumni Professor of English.



Reminding the Board of the provisional election of Professor Stanislaw
Kownacki on April 27th, confirmed on June 7th, President Darden informed the Board
that Dean Quarles had received on September 7th a letter dated the preceding day
from the Office of Naval Research confirming Mr. Kownacki's security clearance.


The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to
charge off as uncollectible accounts Schedules 694, 697, 698, 701, 704, 705, 708,
711 and 712, aggregating $88,869.58, as recommended by it.


President Darden presented the following letter from the Comptroller:

Office of the Comptroller
Dear Mr. Darden

With the last wage increase, the maintenance costs of our
dormitories will be greater than the revenue. I believe that we should
raise our charges $25 per student for all accomodations. This would make
the charge in the new dormitories $200 instead of the present $175.

Many of our students are well able to pay this and those who would
find it a hardship can be helped through University scholarship funds.

I am enclosing a schedule of room charges of thirty institutions,
including the University of Virginia. Of these thirty, only two charge
less than we do.

Very truly yours,
/s/ Vincent Shea
Vincent Shea, Comptroller
VS/lw Enclosure
Mr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia

After discussion, and on motion of Mr. Gray, duly seconded, the Board adopted
the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that all
dormitory rental charges now in effect be and they are hereby increased by the sum
of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per session, effective as of the opening of the
1958-59 session.


President Darden commented on the recent repairs and improvements in the
gymnasium that had been studied last spring by the Athletic Committee, and
recommended approval of a proposal from the Provost for an increase of $5.00 in the
student athletic fee

The following resolution was accordingly adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
present student athletic fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) be and it is hereby
increased to twenty dollars ($20.00) per session, effective as of the opening of
the 1958-1959 session.


In recommending an increase of $5.00 annually in the Student Health Service
fee, President Darden laid before the Board the following memorandum from Dr.
Andrew D. Hart, Director of Student Health, whose proposal for the increase had
been endorsed by the Provost and the Comptroller:


Entrance Building
University, Virginia
Memorandum to Mr. Vaughan

Basis for the request for an increase in the Student Health Service
medical fee from $20 to $25 beginning in the Session 1958-1959.

At the time of the organization of the Department of Student Health in
1938 the unit medical fee was tentatively placed at $15 per session. Due
to deficits based mainly on increased costs of hospitalization, the fee
was increased in 1950 to $20. Our request for a further fee increase in
1958 is based upon (I) increased costs of operation as reflected in (II)
current and estimated annual deficits.

I. Increased costs of operation

  • 1. Increased expenditures for personnel

    • a. Merit increases

    • b. Social Security contributions

    • c. Virginia Supplemental Retirement System contributions

    • d. Salaries for new personnel, needed to provide services
      for a larger student population.

  • 2. Initial expenditures for equipment due to expansion of Clinic
    space and facilities.

  • 3. Increased costs for medical supplies, medications, new
    vaccines, office maintenance.

  • 4. Increased expenditures for hospitalization and consultation

II. Current and estimated annual deficits

1.  Deficit, year ended June 30, 1957  $4,197.33 
2.  Estimated accumulative deficit, year ended June
30, 1958 

For specific details referable to these needs, please refer to data
itemized in our budget prepared for the biennium 1958-1959, 1959-1960,
submitted to the Comptroller of the University on June 28, 1957, copy

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Andrew D. Hart
Andrew D. Hart, M.D.
CC Mr. Vincent Shea

The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
present Student Health Service medical fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) be and it is
hereby increased to twenty-five dollars ($25.00), effective as of the opening of
the 1958-1959 session.


President Darden discussed the uses and needs of the University Airport at
Milton, laying before the Board the following memorandum of agreement for its
maintenance, recommending approval of the memorandum as requested by Dean Quarles

An agreement to be executed between the University of Virginia and James
W. Taylor of Shadwell, Virginia, wherein the University conveys certain
commercial privileges at the University of Virginia Airport in return for
certain services and obligatory duties assumed by Taylor for the benefit
of the University.

The manager shall have concessions and exclusive rights to certain usages
of the property to the extent that the exercise of any of them shall not
interfere with the University's use of the property and buildings for its
own purposes. These rights and/or concessions are:

  • a. Receipt of hangar rents from storage of privately owned

  • b. Profits from sale of aviation gasoline and oil.

  • c. Refreshment concession (limited to bottled drinks and
    packaged snacks).

  • d. Use of the repair shop.

  • e. Use of the caretaker dwelling.

  • f. Use of designated portions of the Administration Building
    for the conduct of business.


In consideration of the above privileges the Manager shall assume the
obligation of paying for expenses and performing duties as follows

  • a. Maintain classroom, office, waiting room, rest rooms, and
    shop with requisite heat, light, and janitorial service.

  • b. Pay all fuel, telephone, and electric bills for the

  • c. Handle University aircraft in and out of the hangar on
    request, also provide the same service for private aircraft

  • d. Make licensed aircraft and engine mechanic services
    available for work on University aircraft as needed at
    rates not in excess of those prevailing in the vicinity
    for similar work.

  • e. Keep premises in the vicinity of the following buildings
    neat and orderly, including grass mowing in season

    • Administration building

    • Shop

    • Hangar

    • Caretaker dwelling

  • f. Do any and all things required to maintain the status of
    the University Airport on an "open" basis, including
    enforcement of all pertinent state and federal aviation

  • g. Supervise runway mowing contracts. The runway mowing
    shall be done by contract let through competitive bids
    submitted to the University's supervisor and by him
    awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Cost of mowing
    shall be borne by the University.

  • h. The Manager shall at his expense maintain liability and
    property damage insurance protecting the University
    against liability arising out of accidents occurring from
    the use of the premises by the Manager, and shall submit
    evidence of insurance coverage to the Supervisor. The
    coverage shall be

    • (1) $15,000 covering each accident causing
      destruction of property.

    • (2) $25,000 per person with $50,000 maximum per
      accident, covering bodily injury resulting
      from a ground accident on that part of the
      premises used in aviation and by the Manager

The University reserves the right to all portions of the University
Airport not specifically mentioned in the above enumeration of rights and
privileges and not explicitly required for the conduct of aviation.

The runways shall be available to the public for landings with no fee
charged in the case of light aircraft. The runways shall not be
available for the conduct of commercial pilot instructions except as
authorized by the University's supervising official.

In the event the airport shall be used by a third party to give pilot
instructions in an educational program sponsored or recognized officially
by the University, an appropriate charge will be levied for partial use
of the Airport by said third party and the Manager shall be reimbursed
for heat, electricity, storage, etc., furnished in behalf of the
aforesaid program.

The University shall assume the cost of maintenance, repair, and
improvement of the property except insofar as certain maintenance has
been made the obligation of the Manager. The University's Supervisor
will direct this activity but the Manager shall be responsible for
reporting need for same to the Supervisor.

This agreement may be terminated by either party thereto

  • a. Upon sixty days' written notice if for cause,

  • b. At the end of any Commonwealth fiscal year (July 1) at the
    option of either party, and upon sixty days' written

This agreement shall be effective, retroactive to July 1, 1957, upon
signature by both parties thereto





Referring to the Board's Resolution of 7 June 1957 authorizing the Bursar to
sign checks and perform other delegated duties during the Comptroller's absence in
July and August, President Darden discussed the need for an additional University
officer authorized to sign checks disbursing University funds whenever a special
necessity might arise.

The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
Bursar as well as the Comptroller of the University be and he is hereby authorized
to sign checks disbursing funds of the University.


The attention of the Board was called to the resolution adopted at the meeting
of April 27, 1957, in which the proposed exchange was approved subject to final
approval of the documents to be drawn and presented to a future meeting

The President stated he had received from Mr. Minor a letter dated September
10, 1957, approving the form of the Deed to The Rector and Visitors from Equitable
Realty Corporation and the form of the Contract of Lease from The Rector and
Visitors to Equitable.

Copies of the Deed and Contract of Lease were presented to the meeting. The
President further stated he had been informed that the Deed to The Rector and
Visitors had been executed by all the parties and was ready for delivery, and that
the only things remaining to be done were the adoption of a resolution finally
approving the transaction and the execution of the Contract of Lease on behalf of
The Rector and Visitors.

After consideration of the copies of the Deed and Contract of Lease in the
form submitted, upon motion, duly seconded and carried, it was

RESOLVED, that it is deemed proper and for the benefit of the
University of Virginia for The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia to grant to Equitable Realty Corporation a 99 year lease on a
triangular strip of land containing 505 square feet belonging to the
University of Virginia in exchange for the conveyance by Equitable
Realty Corporation to The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia of the fee simple title to an adjoining triangular strip of
land containing 392 square feet, the purpose of the exchange being to
straighten the boundary line between the properties, said strips of land
to be exchanged being described in the Deed and Contract of Lease as
presented to this meeting and to be in the form of the instruments so

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and
he is hereby authorized and empowered to execute said Contract of Lease
in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, and that Francis L. Berkeley, Jr., Secretary, be and he is
hereby authorized and empowered to affix the corporate seal of the
University to such instrument and to attest the same,

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that upon delivery to him of a deed from
Equitable Realty Corporation, properly executed and acknowledged by all
necessary parties, conveying to The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, the fee simple title to the triangular strip of
land, heretofore mentioned, containing 392 square feet, with general
warranty, free of all encumbrances, C. Venable Minor, Special Counsel,
be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to deliver to said Equitable
Realty Corporation, said Contract of Lease for execution by that
corporation and recordation of the same


The President then brought to the attention of the Board the matter of the
University Police. He reminded the Board that several years ago it appeared
necessary and advisable for the University to establish its own police force to
protect the buildings and grounds of the University and to keep order. Such a
force was established, and its members were appointed by the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County under the provisions of Sections 15-562-64, 15-569-70 of the Code
of Virginia, 1950. However, these code sections required that the persons
appointed must be qualified voters and actual residents of Albemarle County.

The President reported that while the procedure above outlined had been fairly
satisfactory, he had found increasing difficulty in obtaining qualified men who
were residents of Albemarle County. In addition some question had been raised as
to the power of the University police to act inside the City limits of
Charlottesville. Unfortunately the power of appointment of such special police,
under the statutes above referred to, is confined to the Circuit Court and no such
power of appointment existed for the Corporation Court of a City.

The President reported the matter had been referred to Mr. Minor, the
University's special counsel, who had advised that, under the provisions of Section
18-17 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as recently amended, and under Section 18-19
thereof, both the Circuit and Corporation Courts, upon application by the Board of
Visitors, were empowered to appoint conservators of the peace and police to police
the grounds of the University of Virginia, who need not be qualified voters and
whose residence could be anywhere in the Commonwealth. A plan had been worked out
with the Judges of both courts whereby identical orders would be entered appointing


the same persons so that the persons so appointed would have jurisdiction in both
the City and County. The President explained, however, that in the opinion of the
University's special counsel, the Board should adopt a resolution authorizing him,
as such counsel, to apply on behalf of the Board to both Courts for the appointment
of the persons to act as conservators of the peace and police

A draft of the Court orders above referred to as prepared by Mr. Minor were
submitted to the meeting

After discussion, upon motion, duly seconded and adopted, it was

RESOLVED, that C. Venable Minor, Special Counsel of the University of
Virginia, be and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to apply to the
Circuit Court of Albemarle County and to the Corporation Court of the
City of Charlottesville, or to the judges thereof in vacation, in the
name and on behalf of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia
for appointment of conservators of the peace and police, for the
protection of the grounds and buildings of the University of Virginia
located in the County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville


The President announced that The Babcock & Wilcox Company, a New Jersey
corporation, with principal offices in New York City, had made a gift to the
University of certain drawings, designs, specifications and other technical data
pertaining to the construction and operation by the University of its proposed
swimming pool type nuclear energy research reactor, the gift having a reasonable
market value of $150,000.00. In connection with the gift The Babcock & Wilcox
Company had requested that a contract be entered into between that company and The
Rector and Visitors, under the main provisions of which the University would

(a) Agree to supply to the donor a statement of costs in connection with the
construction, erection etc., of, and materials for, the reactor,

(b) To make available to the donor data with respect to tests, experiments
and research work conducted in the reactor,

(c) Protect the donor from claims for patent infringements, arising in
connection with any equipment manufactured or produced for or by the University in
accordance with or by reference to designs, drawings specifications or other
technical data furnished under the contract,

(d) (1) Use its best efforts to provide the inclusion of the donor as
insured under any policies of insurance taken out covering personal injury and
property damage,

(2) Use its best efforts to require waiver in insurance policies of any
rights of recovery which the University by way of subrogation or otherwise, may
have against the donor,

(3) Take whatever action may be necessary to entitle the University and
the donor to the full protection afforded by Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, as amended

The President stated that acceptance of the gift and execution of the contract
above referred to would be subject to the Governor's approval but action, subject
to the Governor's approval, was desirable at this meeting to prevent delay.

After consideration and discussion, upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was

RESOLVED, that The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
subject to the approval of the Governor of Virginia, accepts with
grateful appreciation the gift of The Babcock & Wilcox Company of
drawings, designs, specifications and other technical data pertaining to
the construction and operation by the University of Virginia of its
proposed swimming pool type nuclear energy research reactor

RESOLVED, further, that upon the acceptance of the gift receiving the
Governor's approval and upon approval of the proposed contract between
The Babcock & Wilcox Company and The Rector and Visitors, by the
Governor, Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and he is hereby
authorized and empowered to execute such contract in the name and on
behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and that
Francis L. Berkeley, Jr., Secretary, be and he is hereby authorized and
empowered to affix the corporate seal thereto and attest the same, and to
deliver such contract to The Babcock & Wilcox Company, but that the
execution and delivery of the proposed contract, as aforesaid, are
authorized only after the said contract has been exhibited to and
approved by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors


In accordance with the Board's Resolution of 7 June 1957, the President
nominated for election to the honorary rank of Professor Emeritus the eighteen
living former full professors certified by Dean Hammond as having retired at the
age of sixty-five, or older, after fifteen or more years of service to the
University, as follows


Date of
Period of
Age at
Dr. William Edward Bray  1882  1915-1952  70 
Dr. Halstead Shipman Hedges  1867  1899-1939  70 
Dr. Harvey Ernest Jordan  1878  1907-1949  70 
Mr. William H. White, Jr.  1881  1936-1951  70 
Mr. Leslie H. Buckler  1890  1929-1956  66 
Dr. George Oscar Ferguson, Jr.  1885  1919-1955  70 
Dr. William R. Smithey  1881  1919-1952  70 
Dr. James Cook Bardin  1887  1910-1954  67 
Dr. Maximilian A. J. Barlow  1885  1921-1956  70 
Dr. Harry Clemons  1878  1927-1950  70 
Dr. Llewellyn Griffith Hoxton  1878  1906-1949  70 
Mr. Richard Chapin Jones  1885  1915-1955  70 
Dr. William Allison Kepner  1875  1904-1946  70 
Dr. Elbert Alvis Kincaid  1884  1922-1954  70 
Dr. Ivey Foreman Lewis  1882  1915-1953  70 
Dr. Samuel Alfred Mitchell  1874  1913-1944  70 
Dr. Orland Emile White  1885  1927-1955  70 
Dr. James Southall Wilson  1880  1919-1951  70 

Following a discussion of the distinguished services rendered to the
University by this notable group of scholars and teachers, eligible for emeritus
rank under the terms and conditions of the Resolution of 7 June 1957, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
following former professors, who have served on the University faculty for the
periods indicated, be and they are hereby elected to the rank of Professor
Emeritus, as follows

Active years
on faculty 
Elected Professor
Emeritus of 
Dr. William Edward Bray  1915-1952  Pathology 
Dr. Halstead Shipman Hedges  1899-1939  Ophthalmology 
Dr. Harvey Ernest Jordan  1907-1949  Anatomy 
Mr. William H. White, Jr.  1936-1951  Law 
Mr. Leslie H. Buckler  1929-1956  Law 
Dr. George Oscar Ferguson, Jr.  1919-1956  Psychology and Education 
Dr. William R. Smithey  1919-1952  Education 
Dr. James Cook Bardin  1910-1954  Romance Languages 
Dr. Maximilian A. J. Barlow  1921-1956  Commerce and Business
Dr. Harry Clemons  1927-1950  Librarian Emeritus 
Dr. Llewellyn Griffith Hoxton  1906-1949  Physics 
Mr. Richard Chapin Jones  1915-1955  Forestry 
Dr. William Allison Kepner  1904-1946  Biology 
Dr. Elbert Alvis Kincaid  1922-1954  Commerce and Business
Dr. Ivey Foreman Lewis  1915-1953  Biology 
Dr. Samuel Alfred Mitchell  1913-1944  Astronomy 
Dr. Orland Emile White  1927-1955  Biology 
Dr. James Southall Wilson  1919-1951  English 


President Darden presented to the Board copies of letters dated 23 September
1957 and 3 October 1957 from Mr. Henry H. Glassie, of Messrs. Weaver and Glassie,
attorneys for A. Smith Bowman and Sons, Inc., and Messrs. A. Smith Bowman, Jr., and
E. DeLong Bowman, renewing and extending the offer made on 14 May 1957 of a
permanent site at Sunset Hills, near Herndon, Virginia, for the University's
Northern Virginia College. The revised offer, Mr. Darden noted, was made at the
same time to the University and to the Board of Control for the Establishment of a
University in Northern Virginia, and includes the construction of a small lake on
the property and of a sewage disposal plant that has been approved by the Virginia
Department of Health and the State Water Control Board.

There was a discussion of the proposed permanent college in Northern Virginia
as a part of the University. Members noted that there appeared to be little
prospect of adequate development of a college in that area without a permanent site.
It was pointed out that a basic need, once a permanent site has been acquired, will
be capital outlay appropriations for construction of essential buildings, that
State appropriations for the 1958-1960 biennium are already under study, and will
be made by the Governor and General Assembly during the next three months, hence
that further delay in the choice of a site will jeopardize the possibility of
action by the University to develop a permanent new college in Northern Virginia as
a branch of the University.

The Secretary was directed to communicate with the Board of Control for the
Establishment of a University in Northern Virginia, and to inquire as to progress
made regarding possible sites, and to invite the views of the Board of Control as
to appropriate action that the University might take at this time toward attainment
of the common objective of the two boards.



Mr. Berkeley, as Chairman of the Athletics Committee, laid before the Board
copies of "Intercollegiate Athletics Report of Receipts and Disbursements for the
Period July 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957". Summarizing the contents of the Report,
Mr. Berkeley invited inspection by the several Visitors and requested the Secretary
to submit it in triplicate to the Director of the Budget and to hold one copy in
the files of the Board.


The Rector and the President commented briefly on the agitation regarding
seating at football games, and the Rector read to the Board the Provost's telegram
on the subject to the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy.


President Darden discussed the progress of plans for construction of the final
group of seven faculty houses at "Piedmont" for rental to lower ranking members of
University faculties. The President endorsed the Comptroller's recommendation that
the contract be awarded to the firm of R. E. Lee & Son, whose low bid of $115,152
was only slightly higher than Mr. O'Grince's estimate, and substantially lower than
the other bids, which had ranged from $122,939 to $132,000.

The Board resolved that the President be authorized to proceed to contract
with R. E. Lee & Son for this construction.


President Darden presented to the Board the following letter from the Dean of
the School of Architecture, together with its two enclosures, copies of which had
been distributed to each Visitor

President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Mr. Darden.

At a called meeting of the University Senate on October 3, 1957 the
following programs were presented for final review and were approved. I
should like now to recommend them to your office for submission to the
Board of Visitors for its approval.

Degree program in City Planning: The School of Architecture proposes to
establish a five-year program leading to the degree of Bachelor of City
Planning. The pattern of the program parallels the existing curriculum
in the School of Architecture and takes advantage of courses now being
taught in the School of Architecture, the College of Arts and Sciences,
and the School of Engineering. It will require the establishment of only
three courses not currently being taught. Students may enter this
program following completion of two years of a normal Bachelor of Arts
program similar to the program now existing in the College of Arts and
Sciences. This curriculum has been approved by the Virginia Council of
Higher Education

Degree program in Architectural History: The School of Architecture and
the Corcoran Department of History of the College of Arts and Sciences
propose to offer a program leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Architectural History and administered jointly by both departments.
This joint venture anticipates virtually no new course offerings but is
made up almost entirely of courses now existing in the separate curricula
of these two departments.

Attached are copies of both proposals.

Very truly yours,
/s/ Thos. K. Fitz Patrick
Thomas K. Fitz Patrick
TKF/g Encl. - 2

Dean Fitz Patrick's first enclosure concluded with the following paragraphs:



I. Required Courses for Admission (General subjects)

Semester hours 
English 1-2 Composition 
English 3-4 Literature 
Foreign Language A third year course in one of the
Languages (ancient or modern) listed below, or a second
year course in each of two: Greek, Latin, German,
Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese 
Mathematics 1-2. Mathematical Analysis 
Natural Science Biology 1-2, Chemistry 1-2, Geology
1-2, or Physics 1-2 
History 7-8 American History or an alternate course
approved by the faculty 
Physical Education Health Education and two semesters
of activity courses 

II. Required Courses Architecture, Planning, Political Science

Architecture 11 Graphics 
Architecture 2 History of Architecture and the Allied
Architecture 43-44 Urban and Regional Planning 
Political Science 1, 2 American Government, National
Government of the United States, American Constitutional
Political Science 7, 8: American Government, Form and
Structure of Municipal Government, Law and Practice of
Municipal Government 
Political Science 31-32 American Government, Public
[1] Planning 3-4 Planning Techniques 
[1] Planning 5-6 Planning and Design 
[1] Planning 7-8 Planning and Design 
27  27 

New courses

III. Electives

The remaining courses necessary to complete a total of at least 150
semester-hours may be elected by the candidate in conference with the
Dean. In general the elective courses chosen should provide a sequence
in Economics, Geography, History or Sociology, enriched by related
courses in the behavioral sciences or engineering as outlined below.

Typical Three-Year Program



Third Year 
Architecture 11 Graphics 
Architecture 2 History of Architecture and the
Allied Arts 
Economics 1-2 Principles of Economics 
Political Science 1, 2: American Government 
Geography 1-2 Elements of Geography 
History 103, 104 The American Nation from 1861
to 1900 
15  15 
Fourth Year 
Architecture 43-44 Urban and Regional Planning 
Political Science 7, 8 American Government 
Planning 3-4 Planning Techniques 
Planning 5-6 Planning and Design 
Geography 151 Field Methods 
Geography 152: Interpretation of Maps and
Aerial Photographs 
15  15 
Fifth Year 
Planning 7-8 Planning and Design 
Political Science 31-32 American Government 
Economics 101, 102 Public Finance 
History 105, 106 Industrial America in the
Twentieth Century 
15  15 

Civil Engineering 7.30, 7.31 Sanitary Engineering

Economics 1-2 Principles of Economics

Economics 5, 6 American Economic History Before 1783 European and
Colonial Background Since 1783 National Development

Economics 101, 102 Public Finance

Economics 127, 128 Economics of Public Utilities

Statistics 1, 2 Introduction to Statistical Analysis

Geography 1-2 Elements of Geography

Geography 3-4: Economic Geography

Geography 111 Geography of Virginia

Geography 151 Field Methods

Geography 152 Interpretation of Maps and Aerial Photographs

History 103, 104 The American Nation from 1861 to 1900

History 105, 106 Industrial America in the Twentieth Century

History 161, 162 American Political and Social History, 1776-1865

Sociology 3, 4 Introductory Sociology

Sociology 101 Sociological Methods

Sociology 106 Public Opinion and Political Progress

The Dean's second enclosure read as follows:


The School of Architecture and the Corcoran Department of History of
the College of Arts and Sciences propose to offer a program leading to a
degree of Bachelor of Architectural History in the School of Architecture
and administered jointly by the Corcoran Department of History and the
School of Architecture. This would provide one of the first such degrees
to be offered in this country. With the facilities of the School of
Architecture, the Corcoran Department of History, and the University
Library, training in the History of Architecture may be pursued with the
advantage to the student of obtaining a thorough grounding in the
principles of architecture, in historical methods, and in scholarly
research. With the architectural training which the School of
Architecture affords, the prospective Architectural History student will
have the necessary background to sustain his critical judgments and
amplify his historical research

The location of the University of Virginia is peculilarly fortunate
in not only having a wealth of existing architectural monuments, but also
in being within close proximity to such research centers as the Library
of Congress and Williamsburg


The degree of Bachelor of Architectural History will be conferred
upon successful candidates who have received the recommendation of the
faculties of the Corcoran Department of History and the School of
Architecture, and who have successfully completed the requirements of the

Proposed Curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Architectural History
in the School of Architecture and Administered jointly with the Corcoran
Department of History of the College of Arts and Sciences.

First Session  First
English 1-2 Composition 
Mathematics 1-2 Mathematical Analysis 
Natural Science (Physics preferred) 
Foreign Language (French preferred) 
History 7-8 American History 
History 9, 10 Ancient Near East and Greece,
Roman History 
Physical Education 
Total  17  17 
Second Session 
English 3-4 Literature 
Foreign Language (French preferred) 
History 3-4 Medieval 
Art 5, 6 Elementary Theory and Practice of
Architecture 11 Graphics 
Architecture 12 Derivation of Architectural
Architecture 3, 2 History of Architecture and
the Allied Arts 
Total  18  18 
Third Session 
Foreign Language (French preferred) 
History 5-6 Modern European History 1500 to
Architecture 29-30 Architectural Construction 
Architecture 7 Architectural History Seminar 
Architecture 4 History of Architecture and the
Allied Arts 
[2] Electives 
Total  15  17 
Fourth Session 
Architecture 9-10 Architectural History Seminar 
Architecture 13 Principles of Design Criticism 
Architecture 6: History of Architecture and the
Allied Arts 
[3] Electives (History) 
[2] Electives 
Total  18  18 

The Board adopted after discussion the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
degrees of Bachelor of City Planning, in the School of Architecture, and of
Bachelor of Architectural History, in the School of Architecture and the Corcoran
Department of History, under the programs submitted by the Dean of the School of
Architecture, as approved by the University Senate, be and they are hereby


General Electives may be chosen from courses for which the candidate has
adequate preparation.


History Electives may be chosen from History of England, Industrial
America, The Medieval Countryside - Civilization - Towns, History of
History, Republic of Mexico - Central America, The Renaissance and the
Reformation, American Political and Social History; The Colonial Period.


President Darden laid before the Board copies of a mimeographed "Digest of
Information About the Proposed use of the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test at
the University of Virginia", together with letters from Deans Duren, Cherry, and
Fitz Patrick, from Mr. Bryant, Director of Student Aid and Placement; and from Mr.
Raymond C. Bice, Director of Admissions for the College, recommending that the
Scholastic Aptitude Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board (which is
already an admissions requirement for non-Virginians) be used as a requirement for
admission of all students to the undergraduate schools of the University at


During the discussion that followed, it was explained that the testing service
at Princeton (of which the University is a member institution) has already set up
testing centers at fifteen communities throughout Virginia, that Mr. Bice's
planning for the administration of the tests provides for financial and other
assistance for those students for whom the $7.00 testing fee or extended travel
would cause hardship, and that the relative score made on the tests would be only
one of several criteria for admission. The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that all
students hereafter applying for admission to the undergraduate schools of the
University at Charlottesville shall be required to undergo the Scholastic Aptitude
Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board as one of the conditions for


The President commented on reports of Alumni discontent at the difficulty of
getting their sons admitted to the University. Mr. Darden spoke of the
University's desire to receive the sons of Alumni, and he quoted figures from a
study of the matter made by Professor Bice to show that Alumni may reasonably
expect the benefit of any doubt in all questions regarding admission of their sons.

Mr. Gravatt requested a copy of Mr. Bice's letter, and it was accordingly
ordered that the Secretary furnish a copy to each Visitor.



Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Rector's Committee on the College, reported that
his Committee had held a meeting on the evening of October 11th and had considered
in detail and approved the several matters which would now be presented to the
Board by the Chancellor.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the
faculty of Mary Washington College

Mrs. Jean Slater Appel as Assistant Professor of Music (2/5 time) for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $1840.

Dr. Rachel Jane Benton as Acting Professor and Chairman of the Department of
Physical Education for the session 1957-58, at a salary of $6200.

Mrs. Juliette Breffort Blessing as Instructor in French for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4000.

Miss Mary Gay Calcott as Instructor in English for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4000.

Mrs. Evelyn Mary Eaton as Visiting Professor in English (part-time) for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $1180. (Creative Writing).

Mrs. Anne Farquher Hamer as Assistant Professor of Music (2/5 time) for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $1840.

Dr. Milton Holmes Hodge, Jr., as Assistant Professor of Psychology for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $4600.

Mr. Eric Isenburger as Visiting Professor in Art for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $5900, substituting for Mr. Julien Binford, on leave of absence.

Dr. George F. Luntz as Acting Professor and Chairman of the Music Department
for the session 1957-58, at a salary of $6200.

Mr. William Edward Montague as Assistant Professor of Psychology for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $4600.

Mr. Dean Maxfield Mullavey as Instructor in Art for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4000, substituting for Mrs. Elena Krupenski, on leave of absence.

Miss Carol Marquerite Pitts as Instructor in English for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $4000.

Mrs. Vera Neely Ross as Associate Professor of Music (3/5 time) for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $3000.

Mrs. Lola Esther (Minich) Tompkins as Instructor in Economics and Business
Administration for the session 1957-58, at a salary of $4000

Miss Eula Douglas Turner as Instructor in Physical Education for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4000

Dr. Winifred Wood Updike as Assistant Professor in Chemistry for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4600, substituting for Mr. H. C. Shull, on leave of absence.

Dr. Herman Lynn Womack as Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Psychology for
the session 1957-58, at a salary of $4600.

Mr. Daniel Holt Woodward as Assistant Professor in English for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4600.



The following resolution was adopted by the Board

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following faculty members be and they are hereby re-elected to
the faculty of Mary Washington College

Mr. Jesse Bythwood Jackson as Visiting Professor in Mathematics for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $5900.

Dr. W. Schuyler Miller as Visiting Professor in Geology (part-time) for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $1475.

Miss Margery E. Arnold as Assistant Professor in Physical Education for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Zoe Wells Carroll Black as Assistant Professor in Biology for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Miriam E. Bowes as Assistant Professor in French for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $4800.

Dr. Stanley F. Bulley as Assistant Professor in Music for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $5200.

Mr. G. Preston Burns as Assistant Professor in Physics (part-time) for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $3466.

Dr. L. Clyde Carter as Assistant Professor in Sociology for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Robert F. Caverlee as Assistant Professor of Biblical Literature for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $2600 (part-time).

Dr. Herbert L. Cover as Assistant Professor in Chemistry for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Benjamin W. Early as Assistant Professor in English for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Miss Yvette Marie Fallandy as Assistant Professor in French for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4800

Mr. John T. Fauls as Assistant Professor in Psychology for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4800.

Dr. Marion A. Greene as Assistant Professor in Spanish for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Mrs. John P. Harris as Assistant Professor in Home Economics for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5000.

Mr. Levin Houston, III, as Assistant Professor in Piano for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200

Dr. Edwin H. Jones as Assistant Professor in French for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $5200.

Mrs. Walter B. Kelly as Assistant Professor in Psychology for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Walter B. Kelly as Assistant Professor in English for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Pauline G. King as Assistant Professor in Art for the session 1957-58, at
a salary of $5200

Mrs. John C. Russell as Assistant Professor in Home Economics for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Dr. Laura Voelkel Sumner as Assistant Professor in Greek and Latin for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $5200.

Mr. Mark R. Sumner as Assistant Professor in Dramatic Arts and Speech for the
session 1957-58, at a salary of $4800.

Miss Mildred Cates as Instructor in Home Economics for the session 1957-58, at
a salary of $4600

Miss Mildred Anne Droste as Instructor in Physical Education for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4400.

Mr. Albert G. Duke as Instructor in Radio and Speech for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $4600.

Miss Miriam J. Greenberg as Instructor in Physical Education for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4600

Miss Rosemary Herman as Instructor in Spanish for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4600


Mrs. Henry C. Irby as Instructor in History and Head Resident for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4200.

Mr. Michael Kirschner as Instructor in Physical Education for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4200.

Mr. Albert R. Klein as Instructor in Dramatic Arts for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $4600.

Mrs. Elena Krupenski as Instructor in Ceramics for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4600.

Mr. Sidney H. Mitchell as Instructor in English for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4400

Miss Mary Jo Parrish as Instructor in Biology for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4400. (Ph.D conferred June, 1957)

Mr. W. J. Pitman as Instructor in Biology for the session 1957-58, at a salary
of $4600.

Dr. Russell S. Ratcliffe as Instructor in Education for the session 1957-58,
at a salary of $4200.

Miss Carmen L. Rivera as Instructor in Spanish for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4200.

Miss Frances Beveridge Sydnor as Instructor in English for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4600.

Mr. Jack Bruce Thomas as Instructor in Sociology for the session 1957-58, at a
salary of $4200.

Miss Rebecca Woosley as Instructor in Physical Education for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4600.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the resignations and retirements, respectively, of the following
faculty members at Mary Washington College be and they are hereby accepted

Dr. George Earle Shankle, Professor and Chairman of the Department of English,
who was scheduled to retire June, 1957, but died in May.

Miss Eva Taylor Eppes, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Music
Department - Retiring as of June, 1957.

Miss Ruth E. Leonard, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of
Physical Education - Resigning as of June, 1957, to be married.

Dr. J. Kenneth Roach, Associate Professor of Economics and Business
Administration - Resigning as of September 1, 1957, to accept another position

Dr. Robert G. Templeton, Assistant Professor in Education - Resigning as of
June, 1957.

We wish for them the highest success in their new undertakings.


The following resolution was adopted by the Board

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following faculty members at Mary Washington College be and
they are hereby granted leaves of absence without pay

Mr. Julien Binford, Professor in Art, for the session 1957-58, in order to
work in his own studio.

Mr. H. C. Shull, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, for the session 1957-58,
due to health.

Mrs. Elena Krupenski, Instructor in Ceramics, for the session 1957-58, due to


The Chancellor reported that the following teachers are resuming their posts
this session after leaves of absence

Dr. Kurt F. Leidecker, as Associate Professor of Philosophy for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $5250.

Mr. William C. Pinschmidt, Jr., as Instructor in Biology for the session
1957-58, at a salary of $4600



The Chancellor reported the following staff changes

Mrs. Inez F. Matthews, Assistant Bursar - Resigning as of July 1, 1957.
(Replaced by Mrs. Emily A. Holloway, Cashier, Office of the Bursar)

Mrs. Helen T. Shackleford, Head Resident - Retiring as of June, 1957.

Miss Elizabeth Trible, College Nurse - Retiring as of June, 1957.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following promotions of members of the faculty of Mary
Washington College be and they are hereby made, effective as of September 1, 1957

Dr. James Henry Croushore, Associate Professor of English to Professor of
English and Chairman of the Department of English, at an annual salary of $6200.

Dr. Zoe Wells Black, Assistant Professor of Biology to Associate Professor of
Biology, at an annual salary of $5250.

Dr. Luther Clyde Carter, Assistant Professor of Sociology to Associate
Professor of Sociology, at an annual salary of $5250.

Dr. Herbert Lee Cover, Assistant Professor of Chemistry to Associate Professor
of Chemistry, at an annual salary of $5250.

Dr. Benjamin W. Early, Assistant Professor of English to Associate Professor
of English, at an annual salary of $5250.

Dr. Marion A. Greene, Assistant Professor of Spanish to Associate Professor of
Spanish, at an annual salary of $5250.

Mr. Levin Houston, III, Assistant Professor of Music to Associate Professor of
Music, at an annual salary of $5250.

Dr. Walter Butler Kelly, Assistant Professor of English to Associate Professor
of English, at an annual salary of $5250.

Dr. Pauline Grace King, Assistant Professor of Art to Associate Professor of
Art, at an annual salary of $5250

Dr. Laura Voelkel Sumner, Assistant Professor of Classics to Associate
Professor of Classics, at an annual salary of $5250.

Mr. Albert R. Klein, Instructor in Dramatic Arts to Assistant Professor of
Dramatic Arts, at an annual salary of $4800.

Miss Rebecca T. Woosley, Instructor in Physical Education to Assistant
Professor of Physical Education, at an annual salary of $4800.


Referring to the minutes of the April 27th Board meeting, the Chancellor
discussed the terms and conditions of a proposed lease by the College of Belmont,
the home of the late Gari Melchers.

The Board adopted the following resolution.

RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia that Mary Washington College be and is hereby authorized to enter into
an agreement with the trustees of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts for the
operation of the Belmont Property, the former home of Gari Melchers, for a period
from approximately November 1, 1957, to June 30, 1960, as a public shrine, and for
use by the college for instructional purposes


Chancellor Simpson led a brief discussion of the progress toward construction
of the new science building, and reported on the highly favorable bids received.

The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the Chancellor of Mary Washington College be and is hereby
authorized to enter into a contract with the John W. Daniels Company, Inc., of
Danville, Virginia, for the construction of a Science Building in accordance with
the plans and specifications prepared by Walford and Wright, Architects, and as
proposed in a written proposal by the John W. Daniels Company at a bid opening on
September 24, 1957.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chancellor of Mary Washington College be and is
hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Southern Desk Company of
Hickory, North Carolina, for supplying laboratory and science equipment as set
forth in the plans and specifications prepared by Walford and Wright, per their
written proposal submitted at a formal bid opening on September 24, 1957



The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the Rector, the President of the University of Virginia, the
Chancellor of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, and the Bursar
of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia be, and each of said
officers is hereby given full and complete authority to execute, in the name and on
behalf of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, any instrument
pertaining to said Mary Washington College or its affairs, which may hereafter
require the name of this corporation to be signed thereto, except that the Bursar
of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia shall not have the
authority to execute any instrument pertaining to land or to the construction of
buildings, and the Secretary of this corporation is hereby authorized to affix the
seal of this corporation to any and all such instruments upon which such seal is or
may be required, and to deliver such instrument or instruments to the party or
parties entitled to receive the same.

On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Frank Talbott, Jr.
Francis L. Berkeley