![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 27, 1957 | ![]() |
The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia held its regular
meeting at 10.00 A.M. on this date in the Office of the Chancellor of Mary
Washington College, at Fredericksburg, with the following present. The Rector,
Frank Talbott, Jr.; President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.; Chancellor Grellet C.
Simpson, and Visitors Berkeley, Bryan, Coxe, Emmett, Gravatt, Gray, Greear,
Hartfield, Jones, McWane, Martin, Pollock, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith, and Wheeler.
Mr. Edgar E. Woodward, Bursar of Mary Washington College, was present during the
discussion of the College budget.
The minutes of the meeting of 9 March 1957, previously distributed, were
The Rector informed the Board that he had appointed Mr. McWane to succeed
the late Mr. Howard as a member of the Committee on Mary Washington College.
On behalf of the special committee appointed on March 9th, Judge Smith
presented the following resolution
RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, that in
the passing of Dowell Jennings Howard on 23 February 1957, the University and
the public schools of Virginia have suffered a deep and permanent loss.
A devoted servant of public education in Virginia since 1919, and for the
past seven years a member of this Board, Dowell Howard won and held the respect
of those who shared his generous labors, we here record our warm affection for
him and the sorrow which his death has brought to us.
As a soldier in time of war, and an unselfish leader in the affairs of his
Church and city, as in his unstinting services to the schools and colleges of
Virginia, Dowell Howard worked with the same unvarying integrity and sincerity
which made him a natural leader in his profession. The crisis in public
education that developed during his administration of Virginia's educational
system was met by him with a firm resolve to maintain and strengthen the public
schools. His devotion to his state and country and his buoyant confidence in
the Jeffersonian ideal of education as their democratic bulwark were never
shaken. We shall hold him in grateful memory.
The Board approved and adopted the foregoing resolution, and the Secretary
was directed to have copies put into suitable form and presented to Mrs. Howard
and her children.
President Darden announced to the Board the death on April 26th of Dr.
Bruce Dodson Reynolds, Chairman of the Department of Biology and former Director
of the University's Mountain Lake Biological Station in Gile's County. Mr.
Reynolds had served as a member of the Biology faculty since 1923.
There were expressions of the affection and esteem in which Professor
Reynolds was held, and the Secretary was directed to record in the permanent
minutes the deep sense of loss felt by the Board, and the gratitude of the
Visitors for his devoted and valuable services to the University.
The President announced the following gifts and grants
From St. Anthony Educational Foundation Inc., to be added to the University Scholarship Fund |
$100.00 |
From an anonymous donor, for the James Southall Wilson Fellowship for the 1957-58 session |
1,000.00 |
From Mrs. Helen C. Mott, to the Hospital to be used for cancer research |
700.00 |
From Miss Elizabeth Robertson, for a scholarship for a student of medicine or medical technology |
300.00 |
From Dr. J. E. Vaughan, to be added to the Medical Alumni Fund | 100.00 |
From an anonymous donor, to the Department of Foreign Affairs to pay the honorarium for the Michalowski Lectures |
300.00 |
From Mr. Charles Barham, Jr., 94 books valued at | 135.75 |
From Mr. Philip K. Crowe, books valued at | 190.00 |
From the Ford Foundation, an increase in research fellowship in Economic Development and Administration |
611.00 |
From Mrs. T. Woodruff George, to be added to the University scholarship fund |
550.00 |
From an anonymous donor, for a scholarship in the School of Architecture |
5,285.00 |
From the estate of the late Juliet Garber Stringham, 90 books valued at |
240.00 |
From Mr. and Mrs. William H. White, Jr., to be added to the Mary Stamps Suhling Cancer Fund, securities valued at |
21,843.52 |
From various sources, to be added to the D. C. Smith Memorial Fund | 485.00 |
From Alice B. Warner, to be added to the Hematology Research Fund | 100.00 |
From Mr. C. J. Fraser, to be used for the Hospital | 100.00 |
From the University of Virginia Hospital Auxiliary, to be used for the Hospital |
1,250.00 |
From Mr. Frederick C. Robertson, to be added to the University scholarship fund |
$100.00 |
From the Seven Society, for the purchase of a carillon for the University Chapel |
9,777.00 |
From the Damon Runyon Memorial Fund, for continued research under the direction of Dr. Vincent Hollander |
9,100.00 |
From Acme Visible Records, Inc., for continued research under the direction of Prof. O. R. Harris, of the School of Engineering |
15,000.00 |
From the Music Research Foundation, for research under the direction of Dr. Evan Pattishall, of the Division of Educational Research |
3,800.00 |
From the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America, for continued research under the direction of Dr. C. L. Gemmill, of the School of Medicine |
6,912.00 |
From the Department of the Army, for continued research under the direction of Dr. F. L. Hereford, of the Department of Physics |
14,542.80 |
From the Department of the Navy, for continued research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau, of the Department of Physics |
20,000.00 |
From the Department of the Navy, for continued research under the direction of Prof. O. R. Harris, of the School of Engineering |
19,474.34 |
From the U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the following members of the faculty: |
Prof. O. R. Rodig | 5,445.00 |
Dr. W. H. Muller | 23,779.00 |
Dr. W. H. Muller | 8,222.00 |
Dr. Vincent Hollander | 10,695.00 |
Dr. Vincent Hollander | 23,800.00 |
Dr. Vincent Hollander | 10,000.00 |
Dr. J. Rappaport | 2,300.00 |
Dr. W. H. Muller | 12,858.00 |
In discussing the gifts, President Darden noted that acceptance of the
Seven Society's gift would require specific action by the Board, and that he
would not be in a position to propose such action until a later Board meeting.
The Board adopted the following resolution, subject to the reservation in
the case of Mr. Kownacki that the President obtain a security check
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby
elected to the faculty
Mr. Bartholomeus van't Riet as Instructor in Chemistry for the session of
1957-58, at a salary of $5,000.
Mr. Robert T. Ives as Instructor in Mathematics for the session of 1957-58,
at a salary of $5,000.
Dr. Gerald Williams as Instructor in Internal Medicine, as of July 1, 1957,
at a salary of $600 per month.
Dr. William N. Reingold as Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, as of
July 1, 1957, at a yearly salary of $7,500, to be paid from departmental
Dr. David Strider as Clinical Instructor in Orthopedics, as of April 1,
1957, at no salary from the University.
Dr. Paul S. Derian as Instructor in Orthopedics, effective July 1, 1957, at
a salary of $7,500 per year, to be paid from departmental earnings.
Mr. John Bartow Rees, Jr., as Instructor in Law for the session of 1957-58,
at a salary of $4,500.
Mr. David Alan Williams as Instructor in History for the session of 1957-58,
at a salary of $4,750.
Mr. Gary Seamans Dunbar as Visiting Assistant Professor of Geography for
the session of 1957-58, at a salary of $6,000.
Mr. Arthur Philips Stabler as Instructor in French for the session of
1957-58, at a salary of $5,000.
Mr. Alfred Charles Proulx as Instructor in French for the session of 195758,
at a salary of $5,000.
Dr. Allen W. Moger as Part-time Professor of History for the session of
1957-58, at a salary of $2,500.
Mr. Robert Leland Kellogg as Instructor in English for the session of
1957-58, at a salary of $5,000.
Dr. Emery P. Bliesmer as Assistant Professor of Education, as of September,
1957, for three years, at a session salary of $6,600.
Mr. George John Edberg as Instructor in Spanish for the session of 1957-58,
at a salary of $5,000.
Mr. Harry Cranbrook Allen as Visiting Research Professor of History for the
first semester of the session of 1957-58, at no salary from the University.
Mr. Stanislaw Kownacki as Acting Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering for the session of 1957-58, at a salary of $7,500.
The Board adopted the following resolution.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the election of Mr. Jack Philip Greene as Instructor
in History at the March 9, 1957, meeting of the Board, be and it is hereby
cancelled. Mr. Greene cannot come because he is to be drafted into the armed
The following resolution was adopted by the Board
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that Mr. John F. Scott, Jr., Acting Associate Professor
of Aeronautical Engineering, be and he is hereby promoted to Associate
Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, as of February 1, 1957.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that Mr. Hiram Gordon Larew, Acting Associate Professor
of Civil Engineering, be and he is hereby promoted to Associate Professor of
Civil Engineering, as of February 1, 1957.
The Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following faculty members be and they are hereby
granted leave of absence without pay
Dr. Frank L. Hereford, Professor of Physics, for the session of 1957-58, to
accept a Fulbright grant for work in England at the University of Birmingham.
Dr. Paul M. Gross, Jr., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for the session
of 1957-58, to accept a National Science Foundation fellowship for study in
The following resolution was adopted by the Board:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the resignations of the following faculty members be
and they are hereby accepted.
Dr. Maurice K. Townsend, Assistant Professor of Political Science and
Research Assistant in the Bureau of Public Administration, as of June 15, 1957.
Dr. William C. Ellet, Jr., Assistant Professor of Political Science, as of
June 15, 1957, to take a position with the Babcock and Wilcox Company of
Dr. Raymond F. Mikesell, Professor of Economics, as of August 1, 1957, to
take a position at the University of Oregon.
We wish for them the highest success in their new undertakings.
The Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the following change in title be and it is hereby made
Dr. E. D. Vere Nicoll from Assistant Professor of Orthopedics to Clinical
Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, at no salary from the University, as of July
1, 1957.
In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia on July 14, 1945, authorizing
the President to give the proper professorial standing on the faculty to
officers of the armed services on duty at the University in the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps program, the following appointments were announced by the
Major William A. Jesse as Assistant Professor of Naval Science in the
summer of 1957, at no salary from the University.
Captain Albert W. Smarr, Jr., as Assistant Professor of Military Science
and Tactics, effective in the summer of 1957, at no salary from the University.
The following resolution was adopted by the Board
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following promotions be and they are hereby
Dr. Herbert Augustine Claiborne, Jr., Instructor in Obstetrics, to
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective July 1, 1957, for
three years, at a salary of $10,250 - $3,000 from State funds and the remainder
from departmental earnings.
Dr. Harry S. McGaughey, Jr., Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, to
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as of July 1, 1957, at an
annual salary of $9,500 from departmental earnings, for three years.
The Board adopted the following resolution.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following faculty members be and they are
hereby re-elected
Mr. Robert T. Barbee, Assistant Professor of Art, for three years, as of
June, 1957.
Dr. Kenneth E. Lloyd, Assistant Professor of Psychology, for three years,
as of June, 1957.
Dr. Bernard W. Busse, Assistant Professor of Music, for three years, as of
June, 1957.
Mr. Ernest C. Mead, Jr., Assistant Professor of Music, for three years, as
of June, 1957.
Mr. Stanley B. Shuman, Assistant Professor of Geography, for three years, as
of June, 1957.
Dr. Harrison J. Pemberton, Jr., Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for three
years, as of June, 1957.
Mr. Robert C. Jeffrey, Assistant Professor of Speech, for three years, as of
June, 1957.
Dr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Assistant Professor of English, for three years,
as of June, 1957.
Mr. John C. Coleman, Assistant Professor of English, for three years, as of
June, 1957.
Mr. Howard W. Nicholson, Assistant Professor of Economics, for three years,
as of June, 1957.
Dr. Loren G. Hepler, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for three years, as
of June, 1957.
Mr. David W. Weiss, Assistant Professor of Drama, for three years, as of
June, 1957.
Dr. Harry Lee Archer, Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, for three
years, as of July 1, 1957.
Dr. Arthur Morton Smith, Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, for three
years, as of July 1, 1957.
Dr. Vincent P. Hollander, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and
Coordinator of the Cancer Program, for three years, as of October 1, 1957.
Mr. Charles Weis, Assistant Professor of English, for one year, as of June,
The Board adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby
authorized to charge off as uncollectible accounts Schedules 666, 669, 670, 674,
677 and 678, aggregating $71,836.69, as recommended by it.
The President stated that American Telephone and Telegraph Company is
constructing an underground telephone system to be used for long distance
communications and as a part of that system had requested the University to grant
it an easement of right of way under a road right of way approximately 50 feet in
width owned by the University as a part of the Blandy Farm in Clarke County of
Virginia, the wires, etc of the Company to be buried beneath the road. The
Company was prepared to pay $50.00 for the grant of the right of way in question.
The matter had been referred to Mr. Minor, the University's special counsel, who
was of the opinion that under Section 23-77.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as
amended, The Rector and Visitors were authorized to grant such easement. He then
presented a draft of the instrument granting the easement in question, which draft,
he stated, had been approved by Mr. Minor.
After consideration of the instrument as presented, upon motion, duly
seconded and carried, it was,
RESOLVED, that it is deemed proper for The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia to grant to American Telephone and Telegraph Company, in
consideration of $50.00, the perpetual easement and right of way across the road
right of way connected with Blandy Farm, Clarke County, Virginia, described in
the instrument presented to this meeting, the grant of such easement to be in the
form of the instrument so presented,
RESOLVED, further, that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and he is
hereby authorized and empowered to execute said instrument in the name and on
behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and that Francis
L. Berkeley, Jr., Secretary, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to
affix the corporate seal of the University to such instrument and to attest the
The President then referred to the request of the City of Charlottesville
for a right of way for the enlargement of the intersection of West Main Street
and Jefferson Park Avenue and for the widening of Jefferson Park Avenue, which
request had been considered and tentatively approved by the Board at its meeting
on March 9, 1957. In accordance with the Board's instructions, the matter had
been referred to Mr. Minor, the University's special counsel, who had rendered an
opinion that under the provisions of Section 23-77.2, of the Code of Virginia,
1950, as amended, The Rector and Visitors were authorized to grant easements for
streets over any property owned by it, when in the discretion of The Rector and
Visitors it is deemed proper to grant such easement, and that it was not necessary
to obtain the Governor's approval of such grant.
He then presented to the Board the deed granting to the City of Charlottesville
said street easement, drafted by Mr. Minor, stating that it had been
approved in the form presented by the City Attorney on behalf of the City of
After consideration of this deed as presented, upon motion, duly seconded
and carried, it was,
RESOLVED, that it is deemed proper for The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia to grant to the City of Charlottesville, a perpetual
easement and right of way for street purposes over the portion of the lands of
the University of Virginia, described in the deed presented to this meeting, the
grant of such easement to be in the form of the deed so presented,
RESOLVED, further, that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President be and he is
hereby authorized and empowered to execute said deed in the name and on behalf
of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and that Francis L.
Berkeley, Jr., Secretary, be and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to affix
the corporate seal of the University to said deed and to attest the same.
President Darden reported that the staff of the Judge Advocate General's
School, having formed an officers' mess and desiring to issue beer to its
members, would require a license from the Virginia Alcoholic Beverages Control
Board. The ABC Board, Mr. Darden believed, would deny the license if the
University made any objection, and he hesitated to make such an objection in view
of the fact that the beer would be issued only in the officers' lounge of the
dormitory building, occupied exclusively by the J. A. G. School and removed from
other dormitory areas. The following letter from the University's Special
Counsel was read to the Board
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Court Square Building
Charlottesville, Va.
Telephone 2-5158
April 4, 1957
University of Virginia
Officers' Mess at J.A.G. School
I have your letter of March 28, 1957, requesting my opinion in
regard to the above captioned matter, and I have given careful
consideration to the correspondence enclosed therewith. It is my
understanding, however, that the University is not interested in the
arguments as to whether or not the J.A.G. School will have to obtain
and pay for a license to dispense beer, but is interested in whether
or not it can legally consent to the issuance of such license for
sale of beer on University property. My opinion will therefore be
confined to that point.
An exhaustive search of the Virginia statutes governing the sale
of alcoholic beverages has failed to disclose any statute forbidding
such sale. My examination of the statutes included not only the
provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, but also the
statutory provisions relating to Universities and Colleges, and to
educational institutions in general, as well as those relating to
State property. The closest approach to the problem is found in
Section 4-31 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, dealing with
the right of the ABC Board to refuse to grant a license. That
section (4-31(2)(d)), provides as follows
"The Board may refuse to grant any license
mentioned in this Chapter if it shall have reasonable
cause to believe.
That the place to be occupied by the applicant
Is so situated with respect to any church, synagogue,
hospital, public, private or parochial school, college or
university, public or private playground or other similar
recreational facilities, or any state, local or Federal
government operated facility, that the operation of such
place under such license will adversely affect or interfere
with the normal, orderly conduct of the affairs of such
facilities or institutions."
I am therefore of the opinion that there is nothing in the
statute law of Virginia which forbids the issuance of such license
for sale of beer on University property. As I do not have available
a copy of the lease between the University and the United States
Government as to the J.A.G. School dormitory, I cannot say whether
the subject matter is touched on therein.
The propriety of the University giving either express or tacit
permission for the sale of alcoholic beverages on University grounds
is a matter of policy upon which I express no opinion. I would
think, however, that if permission is to be granted, it should be
given by resolution of the Board of Visitors.
Special Counsel
University of Virginia
Members voiced the opinion that this matter might appropriately be left to
the President's discretion, but should be brought to the Board for decision if
any problem should arise in connection with it.
The President presented the following letter and enclosure from the
University Librarian
University of Virginia
23 April 1957
University of Virginia
Board of Visitors' action on the attached indenture is in order,
and I suggest that the Board consider a motion to instruct its
Secretary to communicate to Mr. Edward S. Handy, in care of Mr. Junius
Fishburne of the Peoples National Bank, Charlottesville, Virginia,
their satisfaction over, and acceptance of, the provisions of the deed.
For your own information, let me say that Mr. Venable Minor drew
this instrument, that Mr. Shea has vetted it, and that it is an
irrevocable deed to the University, funded at present with something
in the order of $1500. The wills of Mr. and Mrs. Handy are at present
so drawn that the trust fund set up in the deed becomes the eventual
beneficiary of an estate worth today approximately a quarter of a
million dollars.
The Handys are, of course, free at any time to change these wills,
leaving the deed worth only its present $1500 value, but it is my
impression that their present intention is the result of long and
careful deliberation, and is not likely to be changed except under
unlikely and unpredictable circumstances.
THIS TRUST INDENTURE made this 1st day of April, 1957, by and
between EDWARD S. HANDY, (hereinafter referred to as the "Settlor"), of
the first part, and PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, (hereinafter
referred to as the "Trustee"), of the second part
WHEREAS, the Settlor desires to create an irrevocable trust for
the purposes hereinafter mentioned,
That for good and valuable consideration passing from said Trustee
to said Settlor, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further
consideration of the agreement on the part of said Trustee hereinafter
expressed to incur the obligation and perform the duties imposed upon
it by this instrument in order that the purposes hereinafter expressed
may be carried out, and subject to all of the covenants and conditions
herein contained, said Settlor hereby GRANT, ASSIGNS, TRANSFERS AND
DELIVERS unto said Trustee certain funds and/or property as specifically
described in a separate receipt issued by said Trustee to said Settlor
and in said Settlor's possession, TO HAVE and TO HOLD, said funds
and/or property together with any additional property or monies
hereafter received, either by inter vivos gifts or by testamentary
disposition, unto said Trustee, its Successors and Assigns, IN TRUST,
for the uses and purposes hereinafter set out and with the powers
hereinafter defined and enumerated.
I(a) Said Trustee shall collect the rents, issues and profits
arising therefrom, and after deducting all proper charges and expenses,
shall pay over the net income therefrom to Settlor's wife, Elizabeth
Green Handy, in monthly, quarterly or semi-annual instalments as she
may desire, so long as she shall live,
(b) Said Trustee shall have the power, during the lifetime of
said Elizabeth Green Handy, to encroach upon the principal of said
trust, whenever, if ever, it is necessary so to do in order to provide
for her comfortable but conservative support and maintenance, including
medical and hospital care, but such encroachments, if any, shall in any
event be limited to such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to
maintain said Elizabeth Green Handy in as much comfort as she now
enjoys, but in so acting, said Trustee shall use its sole and
unfettered judgment in determining to what extent, if any, it may be
necessary to so encroach in order to accomplish these purposes, taking
into consideration such other income or estate as said Elizabeth Green
Handy may have or be entitled to from other sources.
II(a) Upon the death of said Elizabeth Green Handy, said
Trustee shall continue to hold the principal of said trust estate in
trust for a further period of ten (10) years, and after her death,
shall pay over three-fourths (3/4) of the net income derived therefrom
to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, a
corporation, to be expended for the perpetuation and activation of its
Far Places Collection as hereinafter defined. Said Trustee shall pay
over the remaining one-fourth (1/4) of said net income to the Trustees
of the Peabody Museum, Salem, Massachusetts, for the continuation of
Genethnics research in Salem and contiguous areas in New England, in
Oceania, East and Southeast Asia and India, and the publication of
Genethnics studies.
Said income payments may be made in monthly, quarterly, semiannual
or annual instalments as said Trustee may desire.
(b) Since all relationship immediately and ultimately rests
upon and resides in individuals as organic strands in webs of heredity
and heritage, within the matrix of the total environment, the study of
individuals as wholes is to be adhered to as the guiding principle in
recording and interpreting natural and human relations, whether of
individual to individual or of individuals in the aggregate, as groups,
communities or societies. In the study of individuals and their
relationships, in accordance with this focal principle, for which the
term "Genethnics" is compounded, techniques based upon recognized
scientific procedures are to be utilized and applied in natural history
and life history, in biography and family record, and in description
and analysis of persons, groups, communities and regions.
The area of interest of the Far Places Collection shall therefore
be the culture, languages and races of the world, particularly focussed
upon the life histories of significant persons, peoples, places, and
things, irrespective of time and place. The research materials of the
Far Places Collection consists of books, or other printed sources,
manuscripts, maps, and data of any sort significant with respect to
persons, peoples, times, conditions and places which have had prime
effectiveness in promoting beneficent achievement and progress of
(c) During the ten (10) year period of continuance of said
trust after the death of said Elizabeth Green Handy, the expenditure
of the three-fourths (3/4) of the annual income of said trust paid to
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, shall be
determined by a committee of five (5) members.
Said Committee shall be composed of the Librarian of the University
of Virginia, as chairman, and one person of high professional standing
from each of the following fields of endeavor
(1) Law, Government, or International Relations,
(2) Finance, or Commerce,
(3) Biology or Anthropology,
(4) History, Literature, Drama or Fine Arts.
With the exception of the chairman, the members of the Committee
shall be appointed each year by the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia, and the appointed members of the Committee need not
necessarily be members of the faculty of the University of Virginia.
No person who is a dean, chairman or head of a department of the
University of Virginia shall be eligible to serve as one of the
appointed members of the Committee. This limitation is placed on
membership in the hope of insuring that expenditures be always
calculated in terms of the development of the library of the University
of Virginia and of its Far Places Collection and not used to subsidize
the budget of any particular school or department of the University, it
being the hope of the Settlor that the Far Places Collection will
always serve the interests of general reference in liberal and applied
art without becoming departmentalized.
Said Committee shall meet once each year and at such annual meeting
the Committee shall determine the amount of income to be allocated for
different branches of research, such as library materials, consultants,
seminars, lectureships or fellowships, in the areas of interest defined
in paragraph (b) of this Article, and shall determine the objectives
and purposes of each branch of such research.
The decision of a majority of the Committee shall be final.
The members of the Committee, with the exception of the Chairman,
shall receive travel expenses incident to attendance at the annual
meeting and an honorarium, the amount of which shall be determined by
the chairman.
III(a) At the end of ten (10) years from the date of death of said
Elizabeth Green Handy, said trust shall terminate and said Trustee shall
pay, transfer and deliver to said The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, the entire principal of said trust estate, to
be held by it in trust for the perpetuation of the purposes and
activities of its Far Places Collection, as hereinabove set forth.
(b) If at the time the principal of said trust is received by
said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, the amount
thereof is sufficient for the purpose, and the Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia, in consultation with the Librarian of said
University, deem it practicable and advisable, a portion of said
principal shall be used to equip a room in the Library of said University
to be set aside specifically to house its Far Places Collection, or if
no proper room exists, to be used to erect a room as an addition to the
existing Library building and to equip the same for such purposes.
The room housing the Far Places Collection shall be one suitable
for research on the part of the faculty, guests with faculty privileges,
alumni, graduates, and undergraduates of the University, and for
lectures and seminars. It is distinctly not to be a "browsing room",
a reference room for general study or a mere alcove off any other room
in the Library.
If such a room is established there shall be placed therein a
bronze plaque reading as follows
"This room houses the Far Places Collection dedicated to those in
near and far places who see far, whose awareness transcends time and
The interest of the Settlor in a room devoted exclusively to
housing the Far Places Collection of the University of Virginia arises
out of a conviction that the collection will thus be more effective as
an instrumentality for strengthening and perpetuating the Jefferson
tradition of both liberal and applied arts at the University of
Virginia, and thus will more certainly guarantee the realization of
such purpose. By housing the collection in a room specifically
designed and equipped as a place for research and writing, conference,
informal lectures, and the like, a room in which the more important
documentary materials are at hand and easily available for immediate and
direct reference, the purpose for which this trust is established will
be better served than if these materials are dispersed in the general
collections of the University Library, or in departmental libraries of
the University at Charlottesville, or in branches of the University in
other localities in Virginia.
IV. The balance of the principal of said trust estate not expended
for the purposes hereinabove set out in Article III(b) of this
Indenture shall be held in trust by said The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, and the expenditure of the net income derived
therefrom shall be determined by the same Committee heretofore described
in Article II(c) of this Indenture, and in the manner and for the same
purposes therein set out.
V. The right is hereby reserved by the Settlor, for himself,
during his lifetime, or by will, or for anyone else, either before the
death of said Settlor or thereafter, either by will or deed or otherwise,
to add to said trust fund at such time or times and in such
amount or amounts as he or they may see fit, in cash, securities or
other property, real or personal, said additions to be held by said
Trustee as a part of the principal of said trust fund, under all of the
provisions and conditions of this Indenture.
VI. Said Trustee shall, without regard to any legal or statutory
restrictions otherwise applicable to fiduciaries (whether pertaining
to investments or other matters) have, with reference to said trust
estate, the following powers and discretions in addition to any conferred
by law
(1) To retain so long as it may deem advisable any property of
any kind and description, in the form of investment in which it receives
the same, or any property of any kind and description acquired by it in
the exercise of any power conferred upon said Trustee by general law or
by this Indenture, even if such property should be or become unproductive
of income, of a wasting nature, speculative in character or otherwise
hazardous, and even though said property constitutes a greater proportion
of said trust estate than would normally seem advisable,
(2) To sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of any such property,
(3) To invest and reinvest in any securities or other property,
real or personal, including corporate stocks of any classification,
interests in investment trusts, and common trust funds. Investments
need not be diversified and may be made or retained with a view to a
possible increase in value,
(4) To hold any portion of said property in cash or universted
for such period or periods as may seem to them advisable,
(5) To sell, mortgage or lease (even for a period extending
beyond the duration of the trust), alter, improve, erect buildings
upon, convey by their sole deed, or otherwise deal with or dispose of
real property, or any interest therein,
(6) To consent to, dissent from or otherwise participate in any
mergers, consolidations, reorganizations, or other changes affecting
securities, and delegate discretionary powers and pay any assessments
or other charges in connection therewith;
(7) To exercise any options or rights of subscription, available
in connection with any securities, and to make any payments required
(8) To resolve whatever doubt, if any may arise, in allocating as
between principal and income, any receipts or disbursements. And the
decision of said Trustee in this respect shall be binding upon all
interested parties,
(9) To vote in person or by proxy upon any such securities and to
delegate discretionary powers in relation thereto;
(10) To compromise, submit to arbitration, release or otherwise
adjust any claims in favor of or against any funds, securities,
properties, etc., estates or interests therein, held by said Trustee,
or to which said trust estate may be entitled, and to enter into any
contract or other undertaking that may seem to said Trustee to be in
the best interests of said trust estate, without incurring personal
liability upon any such undertaking;
(11) To hold the securities or other properties in the name of
said Trustee, in the name or names of its nominee or nominees, or in
bearer form,
(12) To employ agents, depositaries and attorneys, and to delegate
to them discretionary powers, if need be, and to compensate them for
their services.
Said Trustee shall not be liable for any loss resulting to said
trust fund from any actions of said Trustee other than actual malfeasance
or misfeasance.
VII. The Trustee shall be entitled to an annual fee of five
percent (5%) of the gross income collected, but not less than twenty
dollars ($20.00) annually, and, in addition, to a corpus fee of one
percent (1%) of the market value of the securities now transferred to
the Trustee and of further additions to said trust fund as above
provided, payable presently or when such additions may be made, as the
case may be, and one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) of all withdrawals
of corpus, or of the market value of said trust fund held at the
termination of said trust, payable at that time.
If the Trustee shall resign, the Trustee shall not be entitled to
any corpus fee.
VIII. If, at the date of termination of said trust, the market
value of the principal thereof amounts to less than five thousand
dollars ($5,000.00), the entire principal thereof may be expended by
said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, for its
Far Places Collection.
IX. This trust shall be irrevocable from the date of execution
of this Indenture by the Settlor and its delivery to and acceptance by
said Trustee.
X. This Indenture shall be construed and regulated by the laws of
the State of Virginia.
The Trustee unites herein as evidence of its acceptance of the
trust hereby created, and covenants that it will faithfully discharge
all of the duties herein imposed upon it as such Trustee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Indenture in triplicate, the day and year first above written.

By /s/ Junius R. Fishburne
Vice-President and Trust Officer
/s/ Paul C. Smith
Assistant Secretary
I, /s/ Peggy S. Tull, a notary public in and for the County
aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, hereby certify that Edward S.
Handy whose name is signed to the foregoing writing, dated April 1,
1957, has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid.
My commission expires August 16, 1958
Given under my hand this 3rd day of April, 1957.
Notary Public
I, /s/ Peggy S. Tull, a notary public in and for the County
aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, hereby certify that Junius R.
Fishburne as Vice-President and Trust Officer of Peoples National Bank
of Charlottesville, whose name is signed to the foregoing writing, dated
April 1, 1957, has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid.
My commission expires August 16, 1958
Given under my hand this 3rd day of April, 1957.
Notary Public
The Board resolved that the provisions of the foregoing instrument be
approved and accepted.
The President presented to the Board the following letter, together with a
plat of the property discussed therein.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Court Square Building
Charlottesville, Va.
Telephone 2-5158
April 25, 1957
University of Virginia
Equitable Realty Corporation
In further reference to our telephone conversation of a few days
ago in regard to the exchange of the University and Equitable Realty
Corporation, whereby Equitable Realty Corporation undertakes to convey
in fee simple to the University, a triangular piece of land lying along
the western boundary of the soccer field in exchange for a ninety-nine
(99) year lease from the University of another triangular parcel
adjoining the first, I am enclosing herewith a plat of the properties
to be exchanged, on which the property to be conveyed to the
University is designated as Parcel A and marked in blue, while the
parcel to be leased to Equitable Realty is designated Parcel B and
marked in red.
I have no doubt that you would like to have this plat with you at
the time you bring this matter before the board to obtain their
approval, in substance, to exchange subject, of course, to their giving
final approval of the necessary documents at a future meeting.
After the enclosed plat has served your purpose, I will appreciate
your returning it to me as I will need it in the preparation of the
documents in question.
Special Counsel
University of Virginia
The Board resolved after discussion that the proposed exchange be approved,
subject to final approval of the documents as drawn by Mr. Minor and presented to
a future meeting.
President Darden reported the acquisition at a cost of $60,000 of a tract
east of Jefferson Park Avenue as a means of alleviating the acute car-parking
problem in the University Hospital area. Half of the purchase price, the
President said, had been drawn from his contingent fund and the additional
$30,000 had been appropriated specifically for this purpose by the Alumni Board
of Trustees.
On motion of Mr. Hartfield, duly seconded, the Board adopted the following
RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University that the wise and
generous action of the Alumni Board of Trustees in assisting the President,
through the acquisition of land east of Jefferson Park Avenue, to solve the acute
parking problem in the University Hospital area, is accepted by this Board with
emphatic approval and lively appreciation.
Resolved further that the Secretary be instructed to convey to the Alumni
Board a copy of this resolution and the gratitude of the several Visitors.
Mrs. Smith reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee had received
from the President a letter from Mr. John Page Elliott proposing that the
University purchase the property adjacent to St. Paul's Church owned by the
Misses Betty and Louise Cocke, subject to a life tenancy by the owners.
After brief discussion the Board resolved that the Secretary request Mr.
Elliott to furnish additional information as to the owners' valuation and the
other proposed conditions of a sale.
Commenting on the problems encountered by the Finance Committee in handling
certain properties donated and bequeathed to the University, Mr. Gray said that
he and the Comptroller had been attempting to work out a suitable resolution
fixing authority for the transfer of securities. He then presented to the
Board a resolution, drawn by the University's Special Council, which, moved by
Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. Berkeley, was adopted as follows
WHEREAS, Section 23-69 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, provides
that "The board of visitors of the University of Virginia shall be
and remain a corporation under the style of `the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia', and shall have, in addition to its
other powers, all the corporate powers given to corporations by the
provisions of Title 13," and,
WHEREAS, Title 13 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, deals with
corporations and Section 13.1-3(g), a part thereof, grants to
corporations generally the following powers
"(g) To purchase, take, receive, subscribe for, or
otherwise acquire, own, hold, vote, use, employ, sell,
mortgage, lend, pledge, or otherwise dispose of, and
otherwise use and deal in and with, stock, securities or
other interests in, or obligations of, other domestic or
foreign corporations organized for any purpose, associations,
partnerships or individuals, or direct or indirect
obligations of the United States or of any other
government, state, territory, governmental district or
municipality or of any instrumentality thereof, and to
guarantee the payment of any bonds or other obligations of
any other domestic or foreign corporation organized for
any purpose,"
WHEREAS, Section 23-74 of said Code of Virginia, 1950, directs
the board of visitors of the University of Virginia to appoint from
their own body a rector, and,
WHEREAS, Section 23-76 of said Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended,
provides that the board of visitors shall appoint a president and may
appoint a comptroller and proctor, and employ any other agents or
servants, and, generally, in respect to the government and management
of the University, make such regulations as they may deem expedient,
not being contrary to law, and,
WHEREAS, under the powers granted to it as hereinabove set out,
the board of visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia has authority to make regulations concerning sale or
transfer of securities registered in the name of The Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia, and/or the University of
RESOLVED, that any one of the following officers,
namely, Frank Talbott, Jr., The Rector of the University
of Virginia, Colgate W. Darden, Jr., its President, or
Vincent Shea, its Comptroller, be and is hereby authorized
in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia to assign and transfer any and all
securities of any company, corporation or association now
or hereafter registered in the name of or belonging to The
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and/or
the University of Virginia,
And be it further —
RESOLVED, that the said companies, corporations and
associations, their transfer agent or agents, their
registrar or registrars and their respective administrators,
executors, sucessors and assigns, be and hereby are
authorized to treat Hamac and Company as holder in fact and
owner of said shares and certificates representing the same
for any and all purposes including but not limited to the
payment or issuing of dividends in money or stock to said
Hamac and Company,
And be it further —
RESOLVED, that the said companies, corporations and
associations, their transfer agent or agents, their registrar
or registrars and their respective administrators, executors,
successors, and assigns, be and hereby are absolved from any
and all responsibility in following the said shares as being
the property of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia and/or the University of Virginia.
Opening a general discussion of the problem of obtaining agreement upon a
site for the Northern Virginia College, the Rector summarized the developments up
to the present month. There was general agreement on the advantages to the
proposed college and to the state in having the college organized, subject to the
permissive legislation adopted by the General Assembly, as an integral part of
the University, providing that local support could be obtained without detracting
from the University's essential authority and responsibility for the project.
Judge Smith reported. (1) that he had been unable to set a date earlier than
Thursday, May 9th, that would suit the Northern Virginia legislators as a time
for a meeting with his special Committee, and (2) that, since the March 9th Board
meeting, a "Board of Control" had been organized consisting of two representatives
each from Arlington, Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax. On motion of Mr.
Greear, duly seconded, the Board adopted the following resolution
IN AS MUCH as the political subdivisions in the Washington area have
appointed representatives to act as a board for dealing with the question of
locating a branch of the University of Virginia in that territory,
BE IT RESOLVED that the question of the location and establishment of a
branch of the University of Virginia be deferred until the next meeting of the
Board of Visitors in order to afford an opportunity for a Committee of the Board
to meet with these representatives in an effort to reconcile existing differences
and difficulties.
Reminded that the Rector had on March 9th appointed Mr. Smith, Mr. Bryan,
and Mr. Darden as a special committee to meet with the legislators from the
Arlington-Alexandria-Falls Church-Fairfax area, the Board resolved, upon motion
of Dr. Emmett, seconded by Miss Wheeler, that the previous action be vacated,
but that the same three persons serve as a committee to meet with the "Board of
Control" as called for in Mr. Greear's resolution.
The Rector spoke of the pleasure given to him and to the other members of
the Board in receiving during recent weeks a series of heart-warming resolutions
from the University's faculties honoring Mr. Darden upon his tenth anniversary as
President, praising his policies and accomplishments, and urging him to postpone
his retirement as long as possible. In addition to the resolutions from the
several faculties, the Rector noted especially the resolution adopted by the
Assembly of Professors, an unofficial association that includes all of the
teachers in the University above the rank of instructor.
Upon motion of Mr. Gravatt, seconded by several members, the following
resolution was adopted
RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia has
received with pleasure and lively satisfaction the resolutions in honor of
President Darden upon his tenth anniversary adopted by the Assembly of Professors
and by the several Faculties, that the Visitors, heartily concurring in the
expressions of praise and of confidence contained in these resolutions, urge
President Darden to remain in office for as long as he may personally be disposed
to do so, that the texts of the Faculty resolutions be recorded in the minutes of
the Board, and that the Secretary be instructed to convey to the various faculties
the appreciation and concurrence of the Board
The Curry Memorial School of Education
Charlottesville, Virginia
March 25, 1957
University of Virginia
At the direction of the Assembly of Professors of the University
of Virginia I have the pleasure to transmit to you herewith a resolution
passed by this body at a recent meeting. As you doubtless know this
body is composed of all members of the University faculty of
professorial rank. I am confident that the sentiments expressed in
this resolution accurately express the feelings of the University
Assembly of Professors
University of Virginia
WHEREAS this is the tenth anniversary of the presidency of
Colgate W. Darden, Jr., it seems fitting that this body give some
official expression of its sentiments, and all the more fitting at
this time since rumors have recently become current that President
Darden intends to retire in the near future despite continued age
qualifications, apparent vigorous health and the high esteem in
which he is held,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by this Assembly of Professors of
the University of Virginia, conposed of the members of the
faculties of professorial rank of the College of Arts and Sciences,
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of
Business Administration, and the Schools of Architecture, Commerce,
Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and Nursing that
WE tender to President Darden our felicitations and
expressions of good-will on the occasion of his tenth year of
distinguished service to the University of Virginia, register our
sense of deep appreciation for the many services both he and Mrs
Darden have rendered the University, record our feeling of
sustained and continued confidence in his ability, understanding
and wisdom in administering the affairs of the University, and in
the interests alike of the University and the Commonwealth of
Virginia, express the hope that the rumors of his impending
retirement are without foundation
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be
spread upon the minutes of the Assembly of Professors and that
copies thereof be sent to President and Mrs. Darden and to the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
We, the Faculty of the Engineering School, respectfully urge the
Board of Visitors to take every reasonable step to dissuade Mr.
Colgate W. Darden, Jr. from resigning as President of the University
We furthermore urge that the Board provide such assistance as to
relieve him of the onerous details of the President's Office as now
We request that the Secretary of the Engineering Faculty transmit
copies of this action to the Rector and Board of Visitors, the
Secretary of the Board of Visitors, and President Darden
We, the Faculty of the School of Education, concur with the
Faculty of the Engineering School and, therefore, urge the Board of
Visitors to take every reasonable step to dissuade Mr. Colgate W.
Darden, Jr. from resigning as President of the University
"We further urge that the Board provide such assistance as to
relieve him of the onerous details of the President's Office as now
Monroe Hall Charlottesville Virginia
March 6, 1957
President of the University of Virginia
Word has reached the faculty of the Graduate School of Business
Administration that you have expressed the intention of resigning
from the presidency of the University within the next two years. At
a meeting of the faculty of the School held on February 27 it was
unanimously voted that I be instructed to write to you on behalf of
the faculty and respectfully ask you to reconsider such a decision
and remain in office for the full term of your office.
We want you to continue as chief executive of the University of
Virginia for the following principal reasons
1. We like you and Mrs. Darden as friends and neighbors and
would be sad to have you leave the University community.
2. We like the way you run the University
3. We think it improbably that a successor could be found who could
so effectively interpret the University to the State government in all
its branches and interpret the State government to the University.
4. We feel that the healthy growth of the Graduate School of
Business Administration will be greatly helped by your being in office
during its first formative years. It is your School. A change of
administrative climate at this early stage could be prejudicial to the
School's development
It is understood, of course, that this plea does not apply if your
rumored decision stems from any reason of health or family concern which
only you could determine.
Charles C. Abbott
WHEREAS we, the members of the Faculty of the School of Medicine,
have become aware of the expressed intention of Colgate W. Darden, Jr.,
to retire in the not-too-distant future as President of the University
of Virginia, and
WHEREAS we have noted the marked advances made by the School of
Medicine during the ten-year period of his wise administration, such
advances as are exemplified by the very substantial additions to the
physical plant, by the expansion of medical and health facilities, and
by the strengthening of the Faculty with the resultant improvement in
teaching and research, and
WHEREAS we have greatly enjoyed the cordial and friendly relations
between him and the Faculty of the School of Medicine,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we hereby express our deep
appreciation of his sympathetic understanding of the problems of the
School of Medicine, our profound regret at the prospective termination
of his tenure as President, and our heartfelt hope that the actual date
of his retirement may be postponed as long as possible
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread
upon the minutes of the Faculty of the School of Medicine and that
copies thereof be sent to President Darden and to the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia
The Law School
April 4, 1957
University of Virginia
We have just had a meeting of the law faculty at which concern
was again expressed about your consideration of resignation. I am
writing for myself and my colleagues, and at their direction, in saying
that this would be a great misfortune to the University and to us
personally. We heartily endorse the resolution of the Association of
Whereas It has come to the attention of the general public through
news stories that President Colgate W. Darden has expressed an
intention of retiring from the exacting duties of President of the
University sometime in the near future, and
Whereas The staff of the Extension Division is this day gathered
in regular meeting and is cognizant of the aforesaid news stories, and
Whereas The entire membership of this staff is unanimous in
recognizing the valuable contribution which President Darden has
made to the University of Virginia and to the entire field of public
education in Virginia during his tenure of office, and
Whereas It is the belief of the members of this staff that the
continued progress of the work of the University will be much
enhanced by the continued leadership of President Darden,
The membership of the staff of the Extension Division joins
unanimously in asking that this resolution be sent to President Darden
expressing the hope that he will withhold his plans for retirement in
the near future and pledges the continued cooperation of the staff
individually and collectively in continuing to work for his
objectives in bringing the services and influence of the University
to an even higher level of effectiveness for the people of the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
Be it further ordained that copies of this resolution be sent to
President Darden, to Mr. Frank Talbott, Jr., Rector of the Board of
Visitors, to Mr. Francis L. Berkeley, Jr., Secretary of the Board
of Visitors, and filed with the minutes of this meeting of the
Extension Division Staff
For the staff of the
Extension Division,
Howard R. Richardson,
Acting Secretary
The Chancellor reported (1) that the architects will deliver the plans and
specifications for the new science building some time during May, (2) that
preliminary estimates place the probable cost of this building at approximately
$900,000, exceeding by $175,000 the available appropriated funds of $725,000, and
(3) that the science faculties are opposed to a reduction of facilities in the
building to cover this difference
It was resolved by the Board, after discussion that the specifications be
put out promptly for bids, and that the Board be informed thereafter if the bids
indicate the necessity of a supplemental budget request.
A discussion of the new dormitory plans brought out the fact that the
available funds of $192,500 were appropriated prior to the decision to construct
this building to house 140 students instead of 100 students. In order to bring
the appropriation up to 55 per cent of the cost, so as to provide adequately for
maintenance and obtain a favorable interest rate on the bonds issued, it seemed
desirable to make an additional capital outlay request of $77,000
The Board resolved accordingly that an additional capital outlay request of
approximately $77,000 for this building be presented to the General Assembly
The Chancellor initiated a discussion of the future building program, which
will eliminate use of the outmoded, off-campus apartment house, Cornell Hall, now
used as a dormitory.
On motion of Mr. Gravatt, seconded by Miss Wheeler, the following
resolution was adopted
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that Mary
Washington College of the University be and is hereby authorized when funds are
available to locate a dormitory unit, consisting of two dormitories, on the
southeast corner of the Reichel property at the intersection of William Street
and Sunken Road
Two major items in the biennial budget, the Chancellor pointed out, are the
requests for $275,000 for a library stack addition and $750,000 for a gymnasium.
The proposed addition to the library (which must now store current book purchases
in temporary facilities) will furnish shelving for 120,000 volumes, or all new
books acquired over the next twenty years. A single addition at this time is
believed to be the most economical plan for expansion.
The proposed gymnasium would replace the hopelessly inadequate gymnasium
room built in 1910, concentrate health and physical education facilities in one
building, and release the old gymnasium area to student organizations in the
Student Activities Building
After further discussion of various items in the Annual Budget for the year
ending 30 June 1958 and in the Biennial Budget for 1958-1960, copies of which were
furnished to each Visitor, the following resolutions, moved by Mr. Gravatt and
duly seconded by Miss Wheeler, were adopted by the Board:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
Annual Budget for Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia for the
year ending 30 June 1958, as laid before the Board, be and it is hereby approved,
subject to final approval by the Board's Committee on Mary Washington College.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
Biennial Budget for Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia for the
biennium beginning on 1 July 1958 and ending on 30 June 1960 be and it is hereby
approved, as laid before the Board, subject to final approval by the Board's
Committee on Mary Washington College.
The Chancellor reported briefly on a tentative proposal from the Virginia
Museum of Fine Arts for transferring to the College the title to and responsibility
for Belmont, formerly the hone of Gari Melchers. This estate, located across the
river from the College, includes more than 100 paintings and other properties of
potential teaching value in the Art Department.
The Rector proposed that the Chancellor continue the conversations with the
Virginia Museum authorities unless any of the Visitors should have a contrary
opinion. No adverse opinions were voiced.
The Chancellor reported to the Board the fire which occurred in the Central
Storeroom on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 26th. The damage to contents is not
expected to exceed $10,000, and is fully covered by insurance of $18,000 on the
contents and $50,000 on the building.
On motion the meeting was then adjourned.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 27, 1957 | ![]() |