University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia was held on this date in the Office of the President of Mary
Washington College, at Fredericksburg, with the following present: The Rector, Barron
F. Black, Chancellor Darden, and Visitors Barksdale, Carrington, Coxe, Emmett, Gay, Gravatt,
Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith, Talbott, Wailes, and Wheeler. Absent: Visitors Howard and Mears

The minutes of the meeting of 8 January 1954, previously distributed, were approved


President Darden reported receipt of the following gifts and grants

From Mr. G.M. Alexander, first edition of Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights"
valued at 
$ 300.00 
From the following sources, to be added to the Samuel Forrest Hyde Scholarship Fund        
Lillia Babbitt Hyde Foundation  $5,000.00 
Charles E. & Joy C. Pettinos Fd  5,000.00 
Walter Guzzardi, Jr.  300.00 
Charles E. Harris  100.00  10,400.00 
From Mr. William H. White, III, to be added to the Hospital Sundry Gift Fund  500.00 
From the University Hospital Circle, to be added to the University Hospital
Circle Nursing Scholarship Fund 
From S. E. Massengill Company, to the Urology Research Fund, for fellowship grants  5,000.00 
From the Lynchburg Foundry Foundation, for support of the Woodrow Wilson Department
of Foreign Affairs 
From the Department of the Navy, for continued research under direction of Prof.
F. A. Geldard of the Department of Psychology 
From the Department of the Navy, for continued research under direction of Dr.
C. L. Gemmill, of the Department of Pharmacology 


From the U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the following members of the
Medical Faculty

Dr. W. P. Anslow, Jr.  $ 10,210.00 
Dr. Alfred Chanutin  12,842.00 
Dr. Preston Lowrance  8,046.00 
Dr. G. C. Pitts  5,496.00 
Dr. A. E. Feller  7,954.00 

From the following sources, to be added to the Adlerman Library:

Prof. T. Munford Boyd,  301 volumes. 
Prof. Ivey F. Lewis,  1171 items. 
Mr. Delavan Munson Baldwin,  710 items. 
Estate of the late Prof. Linwood Lehman,  623 items. 

Estate of Mrs. Emily Clark Balch, 3076 books, 1458 periodicals, 387 pamphlets,
and 91 miscellaneous items

Mr. Clifton Waller Barrett, the following valued at  19,400.00 

WASHINGTON IRVING. The Manuscript of a portion of the Knickerbocker History of
New York.
Bound volume, with two additional leaves.

WASHINGTON IRVING. The Manuscript of volume II of Bracebridge Hall. In two
volumes, parts 1 and 2

WASHINGTON IRVING. The Manuscript of the Journal of Washington Irving, 18231824,
with a copy of the published edition, edited by Stanley T. Williams, and
issued by the Harvard Press, Cambridge, 1931.

THOMAS JEFFERSON. ALS, 1821 June 27, 1 p. To Governor (Thomas Mann) Randolph
Franked. Discussing the University of Virginia and domestic affairs

THOMAS JEFFERSON. ALS, 1822 Feb. 20, 1 p. To a prospective professor (C. S.
Rafinesque) regarding the University of Virginia

JAMES MADISON. ALS, 1823 Mar. 21, 2 pp. To Thomas Jefferson and endorsed by him
Concerning the University of Virginia and the construction of its library

EDGAR ALLAN POE. ALS, 1844 June 3, 1 p. to L. J. Cist.

MARIA CLEMM. ALS, 1850 April 11, 1 p. to (John Neal).

MARIA CLEMM. AL signed "Muddie", 1865 Oct. 6, 1 p. to Gabriel Harrison


The President reminded the Board of the generous gift received from the Garden Club
of Virginia
of funds aggregating $77,601.99 for the restoration of the walls and gardens
between West Lawn and West Range. Mrs. Herbert McKelden Smith, Chairman of the Committee
on Buildings and Grounds, spoke briefly about the project, which was commemorated, upon its
completion in 1952, by a plaque on the garden wall of Pavilion I reading as follows

"These Garden Walls Originally designed and built by Thomas Jefferson, As a part of his
architectural plan for the University of Virginia, were restored and the Enclosed garden
planted by THE GARDEN CLUB OF VIRGINIA 1952. The garden designs were By Alden Hopkins,
Landscape Architect."

The Secretary was directed to convey to the President of the Garden Club of Virginia the
lively sense of gratitude of the Board for this constructive work, and the satisfaction of
its members in the enhanced beauty of the University, which has been conspicuous since the
completion of the project.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following resignations be accepted

Mr. V. Webster Johnson, Lecturer in Land Economics, as of February 8, 1954. His work with
the Ford Foundation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development makes this

Dr. Wilford A. Councill, Jr., Assistant Professor of Urology, as of January 1st, 1954.
He has accepted a position on the staff of Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Warren C. Gregory, Instructor in Pediatrics, as of March 1, 1954. Dr. Gregory is
leaving to enter private practice in Winchester, Virginia

Prof. Clinton Mochon, Assistant Prof. in Architecture, as of February 1st, 1954. Mr.
Mochon has accepted a position with the Kawneer Corp., Niles, Michigan, as Architectural
Research Consultant

We wish for them the highest success in their new undertakings



The following resolutions were adopted by the Board

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Orville R. Harris be and he is hereby elected Acting Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering in the Electronics Division for the session 1954-55 at a salary of $5,700 for the

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Buis T. Inman be and he is hereby elected Lecturer in Rural Economics beginning with the
second semester of the 1953-54 session at a salary of $800.00 for the work agreed upon

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Albert E. Dupuy be and he is hereby elected Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering
at a salary of $4,300 per session

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the title of Mr. A. H. Shuster be and it is hereby changed from Assistant Professor to
Lecturer in Education.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Dr. Wilford A. Councill, Jr. be and he is hereby appointed as Lecturer in Urology,
effective January 1, 1954, at no salary

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Joseph Norwood Bosserman be and he is hereby appointed Acting Assistant Professor
of Architecture for the second semester of the 1953-54 session at a salary of $1,900.00.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
accounts Schedules 417, 420, and 421, aggregating $26,150.06, recommended by them for cancellation.

The President reported that during the calendar year of 1953, the Hospital Accounts
Committee was authorized by resolution of the Board of Visitors to charge off uncollectible hospital
accounts totaling $322,372.82. The total charged off during the year 1952 was $176,873.00.


The President presented a recommendation from Mr. C. Venable Minor, Special Counsel for
the University, that approval be given to acceptance of an offer of $3,000.00 to the
Twentieth Street Bank of Huntington, West Virginia, as West Virginia Trustee, for ninety acres
of land in Wayne County, West Virginia, owned by the estate of the late William J. Humphreys
in which the University has an interest. Following discussion, it was resolved that the
President be authorized to investigate the matter further and decide it at his discretion


President Darden read a letter from Dr. John T. Bate, M.D. of Louisville, Kentucky, enclosing
a check for $500.00 for the Student Loan Funds of the University, the gift of this sum
and any future additions to the fund by Dr. Bate to be conditioned on agreement by the University
to make loans from his gift only to Kentucky students of the fourth generation in the United
States and of pure Caucasian stock, the term Caucasian to eliminate "certain races of people
from the near east" not recognized as pure Caucasians by Dr. Bate

After discussion it was resolved that the President be authorized to accept the gift
provided that he could reach a workable agreement with Dr. Bate to make it reasonably sure
that needy students from Kentucky would in practice be able to use the loan fund


The Rector presented a letter from The Rector of the Board of Visitors of Virginia
Polytechnic Institute, who is also President of the Association of Governing Boards of
Colleges and Universities, on behalf of the said Association, inviting The Rector and Visitors
to membership in the Association, dues to be set at approximately $70.00 a year

The Board resolved that the invitation be accepted


The Board discussed a request from the Mariner's Museum for the University's concurrence in
the proposed sale of a parcel of land in Huntington Park adjacent to the Museum. The Rector
explained that the request is presumably based on the fact that the original gift of the Museum
stipulated that the University should become the owner of its properties in the event that
the Museum's trustees should fail to carry out the terms of the bequest. Some doubts were
expressed as to the propriety of compliance with the request

The Board resolved that the request be referred to the University' Special Counsel for study.



Mr. Gay requested that attention be given by his successor as Chairman of the Finance
Committee to the handling of Bursar's Fund securities, chiefly fraternity real estate
loans, by the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville. Having noted from recent reports
by Mr. Turner that the Bank appeared to be assuming no responsibility for the collection
of delinquent payments, he had written to Mr. Homan Walsh to ask for the Bank's interpretation
of the agreement. No reply had yet been received, Mr. Gay said, but he felt that if the Bank were
only to receive payments, the arrangement might as well be terminated, if the Bursar's Office
received the payments directly, which it could do quite easily, the Bursar would have much more
prompt knowledge of delinquency in payments.


The Rector invited the attention of the Board to the statutory requirement which will
make necessary at the March meeting of the Board the election of a Rector, and, at the
same meeting, the election of a Secretary to the Board.

Mr. Black expressed his keen personal regret over the retirement from the Board as of
the close of today's meeting, of Mr. Richard A. Carrington, Jr., Mr. Thomas B. Gay, and
Mrs. Bertha Wailes. President Darden joined in the appreciation of the Board for their
unselfish service for the maximum terms permitted by statute

Mr. Gay, replying for the retiring members, assured The Rector of their readiness to
assist the Board at any time in an unofficial consultative capacity.



The Rector reviewed the recent progress of the enquiry into the administration of the
College begun on November 27th, read to the Board a resolution in support of Dr. Combs
signed by all but twenty members of the College faculty and staff, and laid before the Board,
for reading by members, additional letters on the subject received from individuals and
organizations, and acknowledged by The Rector

The Rector reported that he had been requested last Monday by Messrs. Jere M. H. Willis
and Alfred W. Garnett, attorneys for Dr. Combs to confer with them. At a conference in
Richmond on February 10th they had advised him that Dr. Combs would be willing to relinquish
the burden of administrative authority and responsibility at the College, providing he could
continue in charge of new construction, fund raising, and related matters, and could retain
the title of President. The Rector had stipulated that suitable letters be written by
Dr. Combs to the parents of the four young ladies he had interviewed on November 19th
and to the authors of letters received by the Board

After extensive discussion of the administrative problems noted during the investigation,
the Board resolved that the Rector, Mr. Gay, and Mr. Talbott should constitute a committee to
draft a resolution summarizing the conclusions of the inquiry, the necessity for relieving Dr.
Combs of duties beyond his present physical ability, and the assignment of future administrative
functions by Chancellor Darden. The Rector thereupon designated the same committee to confer
with Dr. Combs or his representative, and the committee retired to perform these tasks

Following a recess, the committee reported back to the Board the following resolution,
incorporating minor changes proposed by President Combs, and thereupon agreed to by him.

WHEREAS, for several months past, the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
has been engaged in a careful investigation of substantial complaints concerning the
administration of Mary Washington College by Dr. Morgan L. Combs in a manner adversely
affecting student discipline and morale and proper faculty relations, and,

WHEREAS, the Rector and Visitors is of opinion that a rearrangement of responsibilities
for the administration of Mary Washington College is both necessary and desirable, and,

WHEREAS, the Board's investigations have demonstrated the fact that administrative
responsibilities heretofore assigned to President Combs are presently more than he is
physically able to discharge in justice to himself and to the best interests of the College,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED (1) That in the discharge of his duties as the principal
administrative officer of Mary Washington College, the President of the University of Virginia
shall have and exercise in respect to Mary Washington College supreme administrative authority;

(2) That in pursuance of this authority the President of the University of Virginia be and
he hereby is authorized to delegate the performance of such duties in respect to construction
and development, solicitation of funds, and related matters as he in his discretion shall
determine, to Morgan L. Combs, who shall retain the title of President of Mary Washington
College until his retirement or so long as his performance of such duties is satisfactory to
the Rector and Visitors,

(3) That the President of the University of Virginia is further authorized to delegate
all other administrative functions of Mary Washington College, including faculty relations,
student relations, curriculum, internal budget, and control to such other administrative
official or officials as shall be designated by him with the approval of the Rector and Visitors

The resolution was adopted by the Board, and the Rector was authorized to issue copies of
it to the press, with the statement that it had been read by President Combs, who was satisfied
with its terms and resolved to cooperate fully in its execution


The Rector read to the Board a letter of this date addressed to the Rector and Visitors
and signed by Dr. Combs. In this letter Dr. Combs stated his approval of the resolution, and
promised his full cooperation in implementing it, assured the Board of his complete cooperation
with the administrative officer or officers chosen by Chancellor Darden to function in the manner
contemplated in the resolution, promised to write suitable letters, in form to be agreed
upon by his attorney, Jere Willis, and representatives of the Board, to (1) all persons
who have written to the Board about the investigation (a list of names and addresses
to be supplied by the Rector) and (2) the parents of the four students interviewed on
November 19th, agreed to relinquish the President's office spaces to the administrative
dean or other officer named by Chancellor Darden, and stated his understanding of the Board's
plan to pursue the matter of a suitable successor as President of the College at some time
in advance of his own retirement

It was further resolved as being the sense of the Board, subject to the State budget
and conditioned on the establishment of satisfactory relationships at the College, that
President Combs' salary be continued at its present rate

The Board resolved that the Rector and the Chairman of the Committee on Mary Washington
College be requested to file with the Secretary the Committee's Report and all other papers
relating to the investigation just concluded, and that the Secretary be directed to preserve
this material as a special file

Finally it was resolved by the Board that its hearty appreciation be expressed to the
Committee on Mary Washington College for the fair, painstaking, and thorough work of the
Committee in carying out the investigation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Barron F. Black
Francis L. Berkeley