Board of Visitors minutes May 11, 1951 | ||
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia was held on this date in the Office of the President of Mary Washington
College, Fredericksburg, Virginia, with the following present: President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.,
of the University of Virginia; Dr. M. L. Combs, President of Mary Washington College, Visitors
Garnett, Gay, Gravatt, Mears, Smith, Wailes and Willis. Absent: The Rector, Barron F. Black;
Visitors Anderson, Barksdale, Carrington, Emmett, Howard and Talbott.
Judge Garnett was elected Rector pro tem in the absence of Mr. Black.
The minutes of the meeting of April 13, 1951, which had been copied and mailed to the
members, were approved.
The President reported receipt of the following gifts.
From the United States Public Health Service, for research under Dr. Alfred Chanutin during the period from January, 1950, to September, 1951 |
$11,880.00 |
From the Atomic Energy Commission, for research under Dr. Alfred Chanutin during one year beginning March 1, 1951 |
23,220.00 |
From the National Research Council, a grant for research by Dr. Douglas E. Bragdon during a one-year period beginning July 1, 1951 |
2,200.00 |
The following resolutions were adopted.
RESOLVED that the resignation of Dr. Thomas N. Warren, Instructor in Clinical Pathology,
be and it is hereby accepted, effective June 30, 1951.
RESOLVED that the resignation of Dr. Armistead P. Booker, Instructor in Pediatrics, be
and it is hereby accepted, effective June 30, 1951.
RESOLVED that the resignation of Mrs. Ethelda S. Martin, Instructor in Nursing, be and
it is hereby accepted, effective April 1, 1951.
RESOLVED that the resignation of Dr. Albert A. Fisk, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry,
be and it is hereby accepted, effective June 15, 1951.
Upon recommendation of the President, the following elections were approved.
RESOLVED that Dr. Ralph Edward Thiers be and he is hereby elected Assistant Professor
of Chemistry, effective at the beginning of the session of 1951-52 at a session salary of $4,300,
twenty per cent of his salary to be paid by the University and the balance to come from the
Pratt Fund.
RESOLVED that Dr. Hans Hoch be and he is hereby elected Assistant Professor of Biochemistry,
effective September 1, 1951, at a salary of $4,900 per session. This is a replacement for
Dr. Fisk, who has submitted his resignation.
Upon recommendation of the President, the following appointment was approved.
Captain Balch B. Wilson, Jr., as Professor of Naval Science, effective in the summer of
1951, to replace Captain Scoggins, at no salary from the University.
The following resolution was adopted.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
accounts schedules 208, 209 and 210, aggregating $24,694.43, recommended by them for
The following report, prepared by W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University, was presented
to the Board.
By her will, which was admitted to probate in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of
Rockingham County, Virginia, on January 31, 1936, Miss Lizzie B. Miller, after giving to T. Ferdinand
Bowen all of her personal property, both tangible and intangible, made the following devise-
"I give and devise to said T. Ferdinand Bowen for life all of my real estate
which, after his death, I devise to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia."
The said Miss Lizzie B. Miller died seised and possessed of a tract of land situated in
Rockingham County, Virginia, and lying on both sides of State Highway No. 12 immediately north of the
Town of Elkton and containing by recent survey of A. R. Myers, S.R.C., 509.987 acres, more or less.
The said T. Ferdinand Bowen died on February 11, 1951, and upon termination of his life
estate said property passed under said will to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
And in the event of a sale by them of said real estate the proceeds therefrom shall be invested and
the income used for the benefit of charity patients at the University of Virginia Hospital
The Executive Committee of this Board, and the Attorney for the University were of opinion
that this farm should be sold as promptly as possible, and that such sale should be at public auction.
In accordance with this decision the place was widely advertised, in newspapers and by handbills, and on
Saturday, April 28, 1951, it was offered for sale in front of the Court House in Harrisonburg. This sale
was largely attended and many bids were submitted. The place was finally knocked out to Celdon Lee Kite
of Rockingham County at the price of $61,100.00 which was the last and highest bid received.
Mr. Kite has requested that conveyance be made to himself and to his wife, Mrs. Eula Florence
Kite "in equal interests".
The following resolution was thereupon unanimously adopted-
RESOLVED: That sale of the Lizzie B. Miller farm in Rockingham County, Virginia, consisting of
509.987 acres, more or less, to Celdon Lee Kite at the price of $61,100.00 cash be, and is hereby
approved and confirmed, and Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, is hereby authorized and directed to
execute a deed in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia by
which said tract of land is conveyed, with Special Warranty of Title, to the said Celdon Lee Kite and
Eula Florence Kite, his wife, "in equal interests", said Celdon Lee Kite having requested that conveyance
be made to himself and to his said wife "in equal interests" instead of to himself alone. And
Vincent Shea, Secretary of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal to
said deed, to attest the same and to deliver said deed to said purchasers upon payment to him as Bursar
of the purchase money in full.
President Darden reported to the Board that the executors of the estate of the late John
Bassett Moore have requested from the University a release for the law library which was bequeathed to
the University under paragraph Sixth of Judge Moore's will. Before his death Judge Moore personally
superintended the distribution of these books to the University of Virginia Law Library, and this
release simply states that the University has no further interest in the settlement of the estate.
Thereupon, the following resolution was adopted.
RESOLVED that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and is hereby authorized and directed
in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to execute a Release
and Waiver of Citation releasing and discharging the executors of the estate of the late John Bassett
Moore from any further claims which the University of Virginia might have against said estate by reason
of Judge Moore's will. And Vincent Shea, Secretary of this Board, is hereby authorized and directed to
affix the corporate seal to said Release and Waiver of Citation and to attest the same.
The President presented a letter from Mr. E. R. Porter, who owns land just across Jefferson
Park Avenue south of the new Academic Building. Mr. Porter stated that a group of property owners
planned to present a petition to the City Council asking the re-zoning to a B business zone of the area
on the south side of Jefferson Park Avenue and running back 200 feet from Brandon Avenue on the east,
Oakhurst Circle on the west. Mr. Porter plans to erect on his property a drugstore harmonizing with
University architecture. He requested that the Board approve the re-zoning of this area to a B business
The Board voted not to oppose the re-zoning of this area to a B business zone.
The following resolution was defeated.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that $25,000 of accumulated income of the Bayly-Tiffany Scholarship Fund, which is surplus to the
current needs of the fund, be reinvested as principal.
By action of the State Legislature in 1948, the maximum amount which may be loaned to a
student during one academic session from the State Student Loan Fund was raised from $200 to $300.
The Board of Visitors took the following action in order to have the provisions for administering
other student loan funds conform to those for the State Loan Fund:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the maximum amount which may be loaned to any student during an academic session be raised from
$200 to $300, unless the donor of the fund has specified otherwise.
The Board approved a proposal of the Department of Education, which had previously been
approved by the University Senate, for developing a cooperative program of graduate work in education
with the other institutions of higher learning in the State. The proposal read as follows.
The sub-committee of the Senate of the University of Virginia charged with the study of
the request submitted by the Department of Education for approval for its participation in a
cooperative program of graduate work in education recommends:
1. That approval be granted for the Department of Education to enter into voluntary
cooperation with other institutions in Virginia which now offer work in education. The objectives
of such cooperation are seen to be:
a. To improve the standards for graduate work in education in the several
institutions which now grant graduate degrees in education.b. To eliminate, through voluntary action, undesirable duplication of courses,
curricula and graduate degree programs in education that now exist and to
avoid unnecessary duplication in the future.c. To utilize more economically and efficiently the resources for graduate
study in education that now exist in institutions of higher learning
in Virginia.
2. That in granting permission for the Department of Education to cooperate with other
institutions in the state in this program the University of Virginia in no way abrogates its prerogatives
for administering its own program of graduate work in education. Recommendations for
changes in the graduate program of the Department of Education which may conceivably grow out of
the cooperative study by representatives of the participating institutions are to be referred to
the faculty of the Department of Education and the University Senate in accordance with normal
3. That, in instances in which the Department of Education desires to send a graduate
student to another institution which offers graduate work in education for the purpose of obtaining
certain courses available in that institution, authorization be granted for the transfer of a
maximum of twelve semester-hours of such work to a Master of Education degree program at the
University of Virginia provided that the action is approved in advance by the Dean of the Department
of Education. In Instances where students working toward the Master of Education degree
transfer from another institution after having completed graduate courses in that institution, a
maximum of six semester-hours of work will be transferable subject to the approval of the Dean of
the Department of Education as provided in the existing regulations of the Department. The Dean
will be assisted by a committee, one member of which will be chosen from the appropriate school
in the University when the transfer concerns work done in an academic field.
4. That resources for graduate work in education that may be found to exist in colleges
in Virginia which do not now offer graduate work in education be utilized whenever practicable
through the program of graduate extension work carried on by the Department of Education in
cooperation with the University Extension Division.
The President requested that a decision be made on boxing at the June meeting. It is
his feeling that we should recede from intercollegiate boxing.
A resolution was adopted that boxing be made a special order of business at the June
meeting and the Board further requested that the special Athletic Committee make a report to the
Board at the June meeting.
William and Mary Football Game
Captain Pritchett has asked President Darden to present to the Board a proposal by
William and Mary that one day be set aside for an annual football game between the University of
Virginia and William and Mary. Action on this matter was deferred until the June meeting.
President Darden reported that the Old Dominion Foundation has offered the University
$15,000 for two years to bring Stringfellow Barr back to the University in an effort to develop
a course in the background of American institutions.
Judge Garnett stated that the assignment of several University houses was coming up and
he asked the Board to be considering the possibility of changing the present seniority rule which
had been followed by the present Buildings and Grounds Committee.
Mrs. Willis asked if additional information could not be supplied in the semester grade
reports. She would like to know: the number of students failing one, two, three or four courses;
the number dismissed because of academic failure.
The Committee appointed to select a name for the Women's Dormitory made a report.
The Alumnae Association has sent a petition to Miss Hollingsworth, Dean of Women, requesting
that the Women's Dormitory be named Mary Munford Hall. Mrs. Willis stated that the
Committee felt that, since no building at the University was named for Thomas Jefferson's favorite
daughter, Martha, this name should be considered.
The Committee further stated that they had been advised that no building at the University
had been named without a faculty committee first suggesting to the Board certain names for
consideration. The Committee of the Board felt that such a faculty committee should be created.
Whereupon a resolution was adopted requesting the President to appoint such a committee.
The Board agreed to hear the charges of Mr. Homer Richey, Assistant Professor of Foreign
Affairs, against his colleagues in the Woodrow Wilson School of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Richey appeared
before the Board at this meeting, and several hearings on the petition took place during the succeeding
months, the record of which is made a part of these minutes by reference.
At a meeting of this Board which took place May 9, 1952, the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the record of the hearings on the petition of Homer Richey, which hearings took place on
May 11, June 7, July 12 and September 13, 1951, not be spread in full on the permanent Minute Book, but
that the record of these hearings be made a part of the minutes by reference.
The following matters, presented by Dr. Combs, were approved.
Miss Mildred Pruden Stewart, Associate Professor of Health and Physical Education, has resigned
in order to accept a position at the University of Florida, at a substantial increase in salary.
Mr. Jack W. Warfield, Assistant Professor of Dramatic Arts, has resigned to do graduate work
toward the Ph.D. degree at the University of Utah.
RESOLVED that Miss Anna Scott Hoye he and she is hereby elected Assistant Professor of Health,
Physical Education and Recreation, at a beginning salary of $3,780 for the session of nine months,
incumbency to begin September 17, 1951. Miss Hoye served as Assistant Professor of Physical Education
at Mary Washington from 1941 to 1944.
Dr. Combs reported that the enrollment for 1951-52 is fairly satisfactory. There are now fifty
more freshmen enrolled than at this time last year but approximately ninety less upper-classmen returning.
The total enrollment to date for next session is 1079.
On motion the meeting was then adjourned.
Rector pro tem.
Board of Visitors minutes May 11, 1951 | ||