Board of Visitors minutes December 10, 1948 | ||
The regular monthly meeting of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia was
held on this date at 10 o'clock in the Office of the President of the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, with the following present: The Rector, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.;
President Colgate W. Darden, Jr., of the University of Virginia; Visitors Barksdale, Black, Garnett,
Gravatt, Mears, Wailes, and Willis. Absent: Dr. M. L. Combs, President of Mary Washington College,
Visitors Anderson, Calcott, Carrington, Gay, Miller, and Trout
The minutes of the meeting of November 12, which had been copied and mailed to the members,
were approved.
The President announced the following gifts:
From the estate of the late L. J. McCormick, to be used for the School of Astronomy |
$1,800.00 |
From the Robert Earll McConnell Foundation, for research in anti-tubercular drug synthesis being conducted by Dr. Alfred Burger |
3,000.00 |
From the Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., for a renewal of the grant held by Dr. Oscar Swineford, Jr., for research in bacterial allergy |
2,500.00 |
Upon recommendation of the President, the following leave of absence and elections were
Dr. Edward James McShane, Professor of Mathematics, granted leave of absence without pay for
the session of 1949-50 in order to work with the Institute for Advanced Study.
Dr. William Parson as Professor of Internal Medicine at an annual salary of $10,000 from the
University, plus $5,000 from private earnings or departmental funds, effective July 1, 1949.
Dr. Kenneth R. Crispell as Instructor in Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1949, at a
basic salary of $3,000 from the University, to be supplemented by other funds.
Mr. W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University, reported that the City Planning Commission
was to consider rezoning of certain property adjacent to the University, as follows:
1. Property situated across from the power plant on Jefferson Park Avenue
2. Elliewood Avenue and University Avenue west to Chancellor Street.
3. U. S. Highway 250, from the intersection with U. S. Highway 29 west to the City Limits.
Mr. Perkins stated that he did not believe the University's interests would be adversely
affected by the rezoning of these areas for business. It was the opinion of the Board that the
University should not protest these petitions for rezoning.
Visitor: Mr. Perkins.
Upon application of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, it was -
RESOLVED that the University expresses its consent to the assignment to Bologna Society of
the University of Virginia of the lease now held by said Committee of the lot owned by the University
and described as Site C on plat made by Warren H. Manning of the eastern slope of Carr's Hill, on
which is situated the Chapter House of Zeta Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, and E. R. Stettinius, Jr.,
Rector, is hereby authorized and requested to execute in the name of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, an agreement dated April 21, 1948, and presented to this meeting by which such
assignment is effected. And Vincent Shea, Secretary of the Board, is hereby instructed to affix the
corporate seal to said agreement, attest the same, and deliver the instrument to E. H. Copenhaver,
Attorney for said Supreme Executive Committee of Kappa Sigma Fraternity with the understanding that
the original of said agreement shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County.
A report to the President by the Student Council, which was presented to the Board at the
October meeting, was further discussed. After careful consideration, the proposals made by the
Student Council to permit women visitors in rooms on the Lawn and Ranges and in dormitory buildings,
and to abolish the rule requiring chaperones in fraternity houses when young ladies are present,
were rejected.
The Board approved a change in the wording of the procedure to be followed in charging off
uncollectible Hospital accounts, which procedure was approved by the Board on September 10, 1948.
The revised procedure is as follows:
The Accounts Committee, composed of the Bursar of the University, the Medical Director of
the Hospital, and the Comptroller of the Hospital, will review all accounts and take the following
a. Charge off delayed charges and small balances up to $10.00.
b. Charge off service allowances to hospital employees up to $10.00.
c. Recommend delinquent accounts to local Credit and Collections Bureau.
d. Charge off free service to indigents up to $10.00.
e. Refer to the Board of Visitors any amount over and above $10.00 recommended for cancellation,
whether free service to indigents, or delinquent patients' accounts, with a
brief history of each case.
In accordance with the foregoing procedure, the Board approved the charging off of accounts
listed on schedules 4 through 7 presented by the Hospital Accounts Committee.
The Board approved the continuation of the present policy, in effect for many years, of
handling charges against the house staff and hospital employees, pending the completion of a survey
of practices in other hospitals.
The President presented a proposal that the house now occupied by Dean George O. Ferguson,
Jr., which is to be vacated January 1 and which is located on Observatory Road near the Engineering
School, be converted to an Engineers Club. The Board approved this recommendation and left to the
President the details of establishing such a club.
The President stated that he had received a communication from Dr. Robert V. Funsten, Chairman
of the Department of Orthopedics, concerning the use of income from funds given the University by
the late William James Rucker and the late Mrs. Lillian T. Pratt. The President stated that he desired
to defer a decision on the use of these funds until the new Dean of the Medical School had had an
opportunity to study the situation and make recommendations
The Board approved preliminary drawings for the extension of Cabell Hall, and authorized the
President to proceed with detailed plans. The Rector requested that the specifications be drawn so
that the color and size of the brick to be used would conform to the Jeffersonian brick in other
University buildings. It was also suggested that the colonial columns at the entrance to the building
be enlarged and made a little more prominent than those shown on the drawing, and this suggestion was
President Darden stated that at a conference held in his office on December 1, at which
were present Messrs. Young, Baskervill, Newcomb, Hartman, and Campbell, plans for the extension of
Cabell Hall and for a Chemical Engineering Laboratory and a High Voltage Room were discussed. Mr.
Baskervill stated that his firm had so much architectural work on hand at the present time that it
would be impossible for them to prepare working drawings for these buildings within the time limit
suggested by President Darden. Mr. Baskervill suggested that Eggers and Higgins be authorized to prepare
these working drawings; Mr. Young of Eggers and Higgins stated that his firm was prepared to
make the working drawings expeditiously and would be glad to undertake the service for the University.
The present contract specifically provides that Eggers and Higgins shall be limited to preliminary
drawings and that Baskervill & Son shall make all working drawings. It was the judgment of the Committee
that the contract for architectural services should be amended in such a way as to permit
Eggers and Higgins to make working drawings for the extension of Cabell Hall and for a Chemical
Engineering Laboratory and a High Voltage Room.
The Board concurred in this recommendation and directed that the contract be so amended.
The President reported that he had met with a group of leading businessmen of the State who
are greatly interested in assisting the University in establishing a graduate school of business
The Rector recommended that the Development Fund be established as a permanent organization
under a full-time salaried director. This recommendation was approved and the Rector and President
were requested to look for a qualified person to fill this important post.
Mr. Darden then stated to the Board that due to the launching of the building program his
time was so occupied and would be so taken up for the next year or two that he would be compelled to
ask the Board to relieve him of any obligation in connection with the reorganization of the Development
Fund looking to putting it on a permanent basis. He further stated that he had obligated himself to
the Development Fund and to the Committee of Businessmen interested in the graduate school of business
administration and that he was prepared to fill the speaking engagements arranged by them and that he
would attend such other meetings held in the interest of the Development Fund for which he could make
The Board agreed that the President should be relieved of planning for the Development Fund
on a permanent basis and it was determined that the members of the Board who represent the University
on the Development Fund Board should take this matter in hand.
The President reported that pursuant to a resolution of the Board adopted at the September
meeting, he had further investigated the possibility of the University's entering into a joint program
of instruction in painting and sculpture with Mary Washington College. He stated that this arrangement
School of Art and Architecture here. He said that Professor Cambell was dubious about the number
of students who would enroll for courses in these subjects.
The Rector reported a gift of $25,000 from the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation,
Inc., to be used by the Woodrow Wilson School of Foreign Affairs to foster friendly relations
between the United States and other countries of the Western Hemisphere.
The Board approved an increase in student room rentals as shown in the schedule below. Not
listed are several rooms located in basements and attics on University property which have been made
habitable during the acute housing shortage. Rents for these rooms will be increased proportionately
with those shown in the schedule. The increases are to be effective in September 1949.
Per Occupant | ||
Present | Proposed | |
Lawns and Ranges | ||
Single | $115.00 | $135.00 |
Double | 85.00 | 110.00 |
The Halls | ||
3 occupants per suite | 100.00 | 125.00 |
2 occupants per suite | ---- | 145.00 |
Corner suites add to above | 10.00 | 10.00 |
Varsity Hall | ||
Double rooms | 55.00 | 75.00 |
3 occupant rooms | 48.00 | 65.00 |
Randall Building | ||
Double rooms | 55.00 and 75.00 | 75.00 and 95.00 |
Old Gym and Clubhouse | ||
Double | 55.00 | 75.00 |
Pending proper legal clearance, the Board approved a gift of $5,000 from the students of Mary
Washington College towards the drive to raise funds for a new hospital in the City of Fredericksburg.
The contribution has been voted by the student body and is to be made from their Student Activity Fund.
President Darden presented a letter from Dr. Clifton Brooke McIntosh, Associate Professor
of Spanish and Fertuguese at Mary Washington College, concerning the appointment of Professor Louis J.
Cabrera as Chairman of the Spanish Department. Dr. McIntosh is of the opinion that he should have
received this appointment. The President was requested to investigate the matter and report to the
Board at the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was adjourned after a
motion to that effect had been made, seconded, and carried.
Board of Visitors minutes December 10, 1948 | ||