University of Virginia Library


On call of the Rector, a meeting of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
was held on this date at 10 o'clock in the Office of the President of the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, with the following present: The Rector, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.;
President Colgate W. Darden, Jr., of the University of Virginia; Dr. M. L. Combs, President of Mary
Washington College; Visitors Anderson, Black, Calcott, Carrington, Garnett, Gay, Mears, Miller,
Trout, Wailes and Willis. Absent: Barksdale.

The minutes of the meeting of June 11, which had been copied and mailed to the members,
were approved.

The President announced the following gifts:




From the estate of the late Alexander W. Weddell  $ 5,000.00 
From the Class of 1948, to be added to the sums heretofore contributed
for the purpose of placing a plaque on the north side of the Rotunda
bearing the names of those of the University who lost their lives in
World War II 
From the Interfraternity Council, to establish the Interfraternity
Council Scholarships in the amount of $250.00 each, to be awarded to
undergraduate students in any department of the University 
From the Class of 1948 (Medicine) to establish the "Tiffany J. Williams
Portrait Fund" 
From Dr. S. E. Chambers of Miami, Florida, to continue scholarships in the
Department of Medicine for the session of 1948-49 in honor of Dr. H. T.
Marshall, Dr. J. A. Waddell, Dr. W. E. Bray and Dr. H. E. Jordan 
From the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, a grant in support of Dr.
Preston B. Lowrance as a Scholar in Medical Science for the session 1948-49 
From the Sigma Nu Phi Fraternity, for the purchase of books by the Law
From John Lee Pratt, '05, for the establishment of a Trace Analysis Laboratory
under the direction of Dr. J. H. Yoe, 1,000 shares of Class A Stock of GM
Shares, Inc., with a market value of approximately 
From an anonymous donor, to be devoted to the furtherance of the educational
program of the Woodrow Wilson School of Foreign Affairs 

Upon recommendation of the President, the following resignation, promotions and appointments
were approved.


RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Dr. Thomas Henry Alphin, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, be and the same is
accepted as of July 1, 1948. We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking.


Dr. William Roberts Sandusky, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Surgery
and Gynecology, effective July 1, 1948, at a basic University salary of $4,000.

Dr. Byrd Stuart Leavell, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Medicine, effective
July 1, 1948, at a basic University salary of $4,000.

Dr. William Norman Thornton, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, effective July 1, 1948, at a basic University salary of $4,000.

Dr. Hugh Warren, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Urology, effective July 1,
1948, at a basic University salary of $4,000.

Dr. Juan de Dios Martinez-Galindo, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Neuro-Surgery,
effective July 1, 1948, at a basic University salary of $4,000.

Dr. Elton Meredith Alrich, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Surgery and Gynecology,
effective July 1, 1948, at a basic University salary of $3,000.

Dr. John McIntyre Nokes, from Associate Professor to Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, effective July 1, 1948, at a basic University salary of $5,000.

Mr. Gay voted in favor of all of the foregoing promotions but stated that in so doing he was
not to be construed as creating "life tenure" of office for any of such persons so promoted.


Dr. Thomas C. King, Jr. as Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology from July 1, 1948 to
January 1, 1949, compensation to be paid from departmental earnings.

Mr. Charles D. Hounshell as Instructor in Political Science for the session 1948-49, effective
September 16, 1948 at a session salary of $2,640.

Mr. Robert J. Morgan as Instructor in Political Science for the session 1948-49, effective
September 16, 1948, at a session salary of $2,640.

Mr. Dudley P. Osborn, Jr. as Instructor in Romance Languages for the session 1948-49, effective
September 16, 1948, at a session salary of $2,640.

Mr. J. Frank Toms as Instructor in Romance Languages for the session 1948-49, effective
September 16, 1948, at a session salary of $2,640.

Dr. Glenn Richmond as Instructor in Pharmacology, effective July 1, 1948, at a salary of
$3,000, on a ten months' basis.


Mr. W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University, stated to the Board that pursuant to instructions
given him by a resolution adopted by this Board at its meeting held June 11, 1948, he had
prepared a contract between the Misses Virginia E., Sarepta A. and Edna J. Moran and the University by
which these ladies agree not to sell the property known as "Montebello" without first giving the University
the refusal thereof; that this contract has been executed and acknowledged by Miss Virginia E.
Moran, Miss Sarepta A. Moran and Miss Edna J. Moran. Mr. Perkins presented the executed contract to
the meeting and fully explained its contents and it was thereupon -

RESOLVED THAT Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and is hereby authorized and instructed
to execute this contract in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, and Vincent Shea, Secretary, is hereby instructed to affix the corporate seal and to attest
the same and to see that a copy of said contract is properly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the
Corporation Court of the City of Charlottesville.

Mr. Perkins further reported that pursuant to instructions given him at the June 11 meeting
of this Board, he had advised Mr. Holliday that the prices quoted by him on lots adjoining the Moran
property were too high and that the University would not be interested in the purchase of these lots
at the prices submitted.


The following agreement was presented:

WHEREAS, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, generally known as the
"University of Virginia," a corporation created and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, and situated at Charlottesville, in the county of Albemarle, Virginia, is an institution of
learning at which one or more units of the Transportation Reserve Officers' Training Corps are established,
or about to be established; and,

WHEREAS, The Secretary of the Army, by virtue of the authority in him vested by Section 47
of the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916, as amended by the Act approved June 4, 1920, The
Secretary of the Army is about to furnish and will from time to time hereafter furnish, to said University


of Virginia, for the use of the unit or units of the Transportation Reserve Officers' Training
Corps established at said University, or hereafter to be established thereat, such public animals,
transportation, arms, ammunition, supplies, tentage, equipment, and uniforms as he may deem necessary,
and to forage at the expense of the United States public animals so issued, subject to the provision
that he shall require from the institution to which the property of the United States is issued under
this authority a bond in the value of the property issued for the care and safekeeping thereof except
for uniforms, expendable articles, and supplies expended in operation, maintenance, and instruction,
and for its return when required.

NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that said The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia is hereby held and firmly bound unto the United States of America, in the
just and full sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) lawful money of the United States,
for which payment, well and truly to be made, it binds itself, its successors and assigns, firmly by
these presents.

THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the above-bounden The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia shall take good care of the property covered by this bond and shall
when required by the Secretary of the Army, duly return the same in good order to him, or to such
persons as he may designate to receive the same within thirty (30) days from the receipt of notice
so to do, except uniforms, expendable articles, supplies expended in operation, maintenance and instruction,
such property as has been worn out in the service for which it was intended, and/or property
lost or destroyed without negligence of said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
or its agents, including students under its jurisdiction, then this obligation to be void and
of no effect; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
has executed this instrument under its seal this ninth day of July, A.D., 1948, by its undersigned
representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body.





It was, thereupon,

RESOLVED, that Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, be and he is hereby authorized and requested to execute said bond in the name and
on behalf of said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and that Vincent Shea, Secretary
of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, be and he is hereby authorized and
requested to affix the corporate seal of said Corporation to said bond, attesting the same and delivering
the said bond to the Judge Advocate General of the United States Army.


Pursuant to direction of the Board at its last meeting, Mr. Vincent Shea, Bursar, presented
a report on the provisions governing the use of revenues derived from the library fee imposed on each
student. The matter was referred to the Attorney for the University with the request that he investigate
the status of this fee under the act authorizing the bond issue.


A statement prepared at the request of the Board by Mr. Shea, Bursar, was distributed,
showing the cost to the University of annuities purchased from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity


President Darden reported that on authorization of the Board given at its meeting on
11 June 1948, and after consultation with Dr. Jordan and the Committee on a Salary Plan for the Clinical
Staff of the Department of Medicine, the following plan was agreed upon.


JULY 1, 1948

Head of the Department of Surgery and Gynecology: salary from the University $10,000,
plus $5,000 guaranteed from departmental earnings - total $15,000. Fees from limited
private practice credited to departmental earnings.

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine: salary from the University $10,000,
plus $5,000 guaranteed from departmental earnings - total $15,000. Fees from
limited private practice credited to departmental earnings.

Salary scale of other faculty members, exclusive of those in the Departments of
Clinical Pathology, Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, where special arrangements
obtain, is shown below.


Limit from
Basic salary not to exceed $3,000. 
$3,000  $ 5,000  $ 8,000  12  $ 750 
3,000  5,750  8,750  12  750 
3,000  6,500  9,500  12  750 
3,000  7,250  10,250  12  750 
3,000  8,000  11,000  --  --- 
4,000  8,000  12,000  18  1,000 
4,000  9,000  13,000  18  1,000 
4,000  10,000  14,000  18  1,000 
4,000  11,000  15,000  18  1,000 
4,000  12,000  16,000  --  ----- 
5,000  15,000  20,000  --  ----- 

The University does not guarantee any of the income over and above the basic salary.

All professors of grades Full, Associate, and Assistant are required to contribute
20 per cent of current earnings from private practice for running expenses of their
respective departments, including support of research.

Fifty per cent of the annual surpluses above ceilings from private practice earnings
after all departmental expenses for operation and research, as approved by the Dean,
have been paid, is to be allowed to accumulate and remain intact, to be placed in a
common fund from which to draw for the improvement and development of the Medical School
as a whole.

The budgets of all departments must be approved by the Dean of the Medical School. All
financial transactions must clear through the Office of the Bursar and be subject to

The salaries of all employees of medical departments other than doctors are to be brought
in line with the State Classification Plan for such employees.


Mr. Perkins, Attorney for the University, presented a request from Mrs. W. A. Lambeth to
purchase a strip of land which adjoins a lot owned by her, and which strip is a part of certain property
bequeathed to the University by the late Dr. Lambeth.

Mr. Perkins stated that the Board of Visitors has no authority to return any of the property.
The matter was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the President was directed
to act on the authorization of said Committee.


An offer by Mrs. A. E. Walker to sell the University certain property near the South Gate
was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for recommendation.


The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS, the Honorable William M. Tuck, Governor of Virginia, in a letter dated June 23,
1948, addressed to each member of this Board, called attention to the provisions of Section 22, 39
and 40 of the General Appropriations Act of 1948 (Acts 1948, pp. 1123 et seq.), imposing personal
liability upon the members of the governing board of any state institution for deficit spending not
previously authorized in writing by the Governor; and

WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Rector and Visitors held June 11, 1948, the General Budget
of the University for the session year 1948-1949 was approved, in which expenditures in excess of
estimated revenue in the amount of $56,048.00, were approved, and the Budget for the Hospital Division
of the University for the same period was likewise approved, in which estimated expenditures in
the amount of $97,514.00 over estimated income were included; and

WHEREAS, the President has this day advised the Board that the increase in student fees for
the 1948-49 session, likewise approved at the June 11, 1948, meeting of the Board would more than
offset the estimated deficit in the General Budget of the University for the same period, but, in
view of the uncertainty of operating conditions in the University Hospital no accurate forecast can
now be made whether, or to what extent, the deficit of $97,514.00 will actually arise from the operation
of this Department for such session year;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President, the Bursar and all other administrative
and accounting officers of the University are hereby instructed and directed to confine actual disbursements
in the operation of the University, and in the operation of the University Hospital, to
the amounts actually appropriated for those purposes in the General Appropriation Act of 1948, and
that they shall in no way, manner or amount exceed such appropriations without prior knowledge of
and approval from this Board; and


RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Bursar be and he hereby is requested and directed to submit to
the Board monthly a statement of Income and Disbursements from all sources arising, together with a
statement showing by Departments and/or Principal Accounts the amounts appropriated therefor and
expended therein under the General University and the University Hospital Budgets.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the Board wishes
to go on record that its recommendations of applicants for admission be given no greater consideration
than those of any other alumnus.


The report of the Finance Committee on the disposition of the Randall-MacIver Trust Funds
was presented by Mr. Black, Chairman, and was approved by the Board with thanks.


The Finance Committee respectfully reports to the Board of Visitors as follows:

At the May meeting of the Board this Committee was requested to report on the disposition
of two certain trust funds known as the "Joanna Davidge Randall-MacIver Fund" and the "Virginia
Mason Davidge Fund."

Each of these funds yields annually a total income of about $2,500.00.

The trust instrument which created the funds provides that the income shall be applied by
the authorities of the University "to the foundation of two or more scholarships or fellowships, or
similar benefactions, of such amounts and for such purposes as the governing Board of said University
may determine."

The Committee had the benefit of a memorandum prepared by the donor, David Randall-MacIver
at a conference with Dr. John L. Newcomb held some years ago. The Committee also consulted Dr. James
Southall Wilson, Chairman of the Faculty Committee on Fellowships, and Dean Ivey Lewis, Chairman of
the Scholarship Committee. Mr. Vincent Shea also gave us the benefit of his views. The memorandum
provided that a student loan fund should be established with a portion of the trust income, and that
the balance of the trust income should be used for fellowships and scholarships. However, it has
developed that there is no longer a need of student loan funds. Apparently the memorandum, written
in 1932, contemplated that the need of this loan fund would be a temporary one, since it proceeded
to provide that when the need ceased, that the income should be used for fellowships.

The Committee has endeavored to follew as far as possible the suggestions of the donor
made in the memorandum; however, this report, in some respects, does not follow the exact dictates
of the memorandum. Where there has been a departure from the memorandum, it is the opinion of the
Committee that there was, in each instance, a good reason for the departure.

Specifically, the Committee recommends that the Board establish two separate foundations,
the first to be known as "Virginia Mason Davidge Foundation" consisting of five fellowships or scholarships,
each of $500.00 annually, to be offered both to men and women, for graduate courses, or, in
the discretion of the President, for under-graduate courses.

The second fund is to be known as the "Joanna Davidge Randall-MacIver Foundation." It will
offer five fellowships or scholarships to male students in any school of the University, the allocation
to be in the discretion of the President. However, in the distribution of these fellowships or
scholarships, students in the fine arts, music, drama, art and architecture, are to be preferred.

The donor's memorandum provided as to this fund that - "half shall be definitely assigned
to the Fine Arts Section; the remainder of them shall be assigned to any section that the President
may determine."

It was the understanding of the Committee that the reference to "Fine Arts Section" meant
the literal definition of the Fine Arts, that is, architecture, drama, music and art, and similar

The Committee, however, did not think it wise to allocate one-half of these fellowships
or scholarships to the music, art and drama sections because of the doubt as to whether there would
be a sufficient demand for these fellowships or scholarships if limited to courses in these subjects
only. It has, therefore, recommended that preference be given to students in these courses, but
that if no demand exists in these courses, students in other schools may avail themselves of these
scholarships and fellowships.

In the distribution of the fellowships and scholarships under each foundation, the beneficiaries
are to be selected upon the basis of their ability, scholarship, character and need.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Benjamin W. Mears
/s/ Thomas B. Gay
/s/ Barron F. Black
Finance Committee


Mr. Anderson presented the budget of the Development Fund for the period June 6 to October
2, 1948 in the amount of $12,258.76, which was approved as submitted.


Dr. Trout stated that the President was doing everything possible to secure a new Dean
for the Department of Medicine, to succeed Dr. Jordan who reaches the retirement age during the
fiscal year 1948-49.



Mr. Carrington, Chairman of a committee to study the National Collegiate Athletic Association
regulations, reported that Captain Pritchett, upon his return from the NCAA meeting, had
informed his coaches that no athletic scholarships could be offered for the session 1948-49. The
coaches then wrote various prospects that the NCAA Code was being adhered to by the University.

Mr. Gay stated that at a meeting of the Special Committee on Athletics held at the
Monticello Hotel on the night of May 20, it was agreed to recommend to the Board of Visitors that
the University continue its policy of offering athletic scholarships through the Alumni Association.
On May 21 at its meeting the Board of Visitors accepted the recommendations of the Special
Committee on Athletics.

After discussion of the matter the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the President be
requested to send a letter to the Department of Athletics, stating the policy of the Board with respect
to the NCAA Code, and that the Special Committee on Athletics of the Board be requested to
consult with the President in the drafting of this letter.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the President be
authorized to take steps toward the creation of the office of Administrative Assistant, and that
upon the creation of this office, Mr. Vincent Shea be asked to take over the duties which the President
may see fit to refer to him in that capacity, and to continue in his position of Bursar, discharging
the duties of that office also; and be it further -

RESOLVED that the President take steps to adjust the salary of Mr. Shea to compensate for
the additional duties assigned to him.


Upon recommendation of President Combs, the following elections were approved by the Board.


Dr. James Long Allison as Assistant Professor of English at a salary of $3,600 for the
session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Dr. Alice S. Brandenburg as Acting Assistant Professor of English at a salary of $3,200
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Mr. Stanley Frederick Down Bulley as Assistant Professor of Music at a salary of $3,450
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Mr. Grover Preston Burns as Assistant Professor of Physics at a salary of $3,200 for the
session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Mr. Luther Clyde Carter, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Sociology at a salary of $3,600 for
the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Miss Josephine Wert Hubbell as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $2,650 for
the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Dr. Kurt F. Leidecker as Acting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at a salary of $3,600
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Miss Charmenz Shirley Lenhart as Assistant Professor of English at a salary of $3,200 for
the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Miss Mary Ellen Stephenson as Acting Assistant Professor of Spanish at a salary of $3,500
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Dr. Raiford E. Sumner as Assistant Professor of History at a salary of $3,200 for the session
of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.

Dr. Laura Bennett Boelkel as Acting Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek at a salary of
$3,200 for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 13, 1948.


The Attorney for the University, Mr. Perkins, reported that before a proper resolution
could be drawn authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount necessary to complete the
dining hall and cold storage facilities at Mary Washington College, it would be necessary to determine
the exact amount of the bonds to be issued, the method of amortization, etc., and that to comply
with the law a special meeting of the Board would be necessary to approve such a bond issue. Mr.
Perkins further stated that he doubted the advisability of issuing revenue bonds without a firm
source of revenue. He suggested that a dining hall fee might have to be imposed, the income from
which would be earmarked for the amortization of the bonds.

Mr. Perkins stated that he was working with President Combs and Mr. Woodward, Treasurer
of Mary Washington College, to determine the amount of bonds necessary, and planned to consult the
Attorney General as to the legal requirements which must be met before such bonds could be issued.


Mrs. Wailes, Chairman of the Mary Washington Committee, reported that bids had been secured
for the furnishing of the lower floor, containing the public rooms, of "Brompton," as the official
residence of the President of Mary Washington College. The lowest bid received was approximately
$23,000, by Miss McClelland, using furniture supplied by Biggs Antique Company of Richmond.

Mr. Darden stated that he did not think it wise to approve the furnishing of this property
at the expense of the State. He suggested that the College be authorized to advance the money if the
Alumnae Association of the College would agree to raise the money by private subscription.


Mr. Gay suggested that it might be advisable to liquidate the investment on the property.
Mr. Darden stated that the land would be needed for future expansion of the College and that he did
not believe it advisable to dispose of it.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that no funds of Mary
Washington College be used in furnishing "Brompton"; and -

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that President Combs, if he takes up residence at "Brompton," be
requested to furnish such rooms as he may occupy at his own expense, and that the matter of furnishing
the public rooms at "Brompton" be left for future financing through the aid of Alumnae or other
memorial or philanthropical organizations.


The Board authorized the President of Mary Washington College to investigate the possibility
of refunding the balances due on two 1938 PWA Bond issues of $82,500 and $138,000, and directed
the Chancellor of Mary Washington College, if such an arrangement can be worked out with the
State authorities, to proceed with such refunding.

* * *

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was adjourned after
a motion to that effect had been made, seconded and carried.

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
by Barron F. Black
Vincent Shea