Board of Visitors minutes September 12, 1947 | ||
The regular monthly meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia was held
on this date at 10 o'clock in the Office of the President of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Virginia, with the following present: The Rector, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.; President Colgate W. Darden,
Jr., of the University of Virginia, Dr. M. L. Combs, President of Mary Washington College; Mr. Edgar E.
Woodward, Treasurer of Mary Washington College; Visitors Barksdale, Black, Calcott, Carrington, Garnett,
Gay, Mears, Miller, Trout, Wailes, and Willis. Absent: Anderson and Bustard.
The minutes of the meeting of July 11, which had been copied and mailed to the members, were
Upon recommendation of the President, the following resignation, elections, changes in status,
and promotions were approved:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the resignation of Dr. Edward Purdy Ney, Associate Professor of Physics, be and the same is hereby accepted
with regret, effective September 1, 1947. We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking.
Mr. Thomas Munford Boyd as Professor of Law, beginning October 23, 147, the ss on salary
of $8,125.
Mr. Laurens H. Rhinelander as Associate Professor of Law at a session salary of $5,500, effective
February 1, 1948.
Lt. Col. F. W. Regnier as Associate Professor of Military Science, at no salary from the University,
to begin September 16, 1947. The Surgeon General has designated him to take charge of instruction
in military science and tactics in the R.O.T.C. Unit of the Medical School.
Dr. Frank J. Curran as Associate Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at an annual salary of
$10,000, beginning July 1, 1947. He is to act as Director of the Child Guidance Center and instructor in
psychiatry of childhood for medical students.
Commander William Beckwith Perkins, U. S. Navy, as Associate Professor of Naval Science, at no
salary from the University, effective July 26, 1947.
Lieut. Commander Luther Reese Johnson, U.S.N., as Associate Professor of Naval Science, at no
salary from the University, effective July 26, 1947.
Mr. John A. Walker as Assistant Professor of Drama at a session salary of $3,510, effective
September 16, 1947.
Dr. Vladimir Alexander Pertzoff as Acting Assistant Professor of Physiology for the session of
1947-48, at a session salary of $3,600, effective September 15, 1947. This is a replacement for Mr.
Raymond F. Kline, Instructor in Physiology, who is on leave of absence.
Mr. George T. Robertson as Instructor in Romance Languages at a session salary of $2,640,
effective September 16, 1947.
Miss Helen Williams as Instructor in Romance Languages, effective September 16, 1947, at a
session salary of $2,640.
Mr. Walter Bedford Moore, III, as Instructor in English it a session salary of $2,830, beginning
September 16, 1947.
Mr. Frank Lawrence Hoskins, Jr., as Instructor in English at a session salary of $2,830, beginning
September 16, 1947.
Mr. William Robert Gaines as part time Instructor in secondary education at a session salary of
$3,020, of which amount $2,070 will be paid by the University and the balance by the City of Charlottesville.
Mr. James M. Barr as Instructor in Accounting at a session salary of $2,640, effective
September 16, 1947.
Dr. Ullin W. Leavell, Professor of Education, to give full time to the University beginning
September 16, 1947, at a session salary of $6,550. The previous arrangement was that he received $3,300
from the University and $2,700 from the School Board of Albemarle County.
Mr. William Hubert Baughn from Assistant Professor to Instructor in Rural Economics, at a
salary of $3,400 for the session, so that he may spend part of the coming session completing graduate
work for the Ph.D. degree, which he may not do if he has professorial rank in the University.
Dr. William McSwain Breazeale from Associate Professor to Professor of Electrical Engineering
at a session salary of $5,600, effective September 16, 1947.
Dr. Raymond Frech Mikesell from Associate Professor of Economics to Professor of Economics,
effective September 16, 1947.
Appearing for discussion of this matter were Dr. H. E. Jordan, Dean of the Medical School, and
three representatives of the Veterans Administration. Dr. Jordan explained the problems arising as a result
of the new tuition rates in the Medical School, which work a hardship on G.I. students. The representatives
of the Veterans Administration explained the operation of the laws governing the education of
veterans. After an extended discussion the whole question was referred to President Darden, directing
him to devise a plan, through scholarships or otherwise, for the University to absorb fees of G.I.'s in
Mr. W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University, and Dr. H. E. Jordan, Dean of the Medical
School, were present for discussion of this matter. The following report was submitted by Dr. H. E.
Jordan, Chairman of a Committee appointed at the July 11, 1947 meeting of the Board to study the present
contract between the University of Virginia Hospital and the City of Charlottesville and County of
Albemarle regarding the hospitalization of indigent persons:
of the University of Virginia
At a meeting of the Board of Visitors held July 11, 1947, a committee composed of Dr. H. E.
Jordan, Dr. C. S. Lentz, and W. Allan Perkins, as Attorney for the University, was appointed for
the purpose of making a study and submitting a report to the Board upon the general subject of
the University's responsibility for the care and treatment in its hospital of indigent patients
under the terms of existing contracts with the City of Charlottesville and with the County of
This committee now begs to submit the following report-
We find that the only contract between the University and the City of Charlottesville
which provides for the general care and treatment of indigent patients from the City of Charlottesville
is dated October 7, 1915, is in many of its terms obsolete, and, as years have gone
by, many of its provisions have been radically changed in practice so that at the present time
that contract is not in form satisfactory either to the University or to the City. This contract
contains a provision that it may be terminated by either of the parties thereto upon sixty days
notice to the other party of the intention to terminate.
We therefore recommend that notice be at once given by the University to the City of
the University's intention to terminate this contract.
There have been four contracts entered into by the University, County of Albemarle, and
City of Charlottesville, the purpose of each of these being to provide for the creation and operation
of a joint Department of Health for the University, County and City. The first of these contracts
was dated November 19, 1930, the last was dated as of July 1, 1940, and as each of these
superseded the preceding one the contract of July 1, 1940 is the only of these contracts that is
now in operation. Your Committee feels that on the whole this contract fairly well serves the
purpose for which it was intended, but that in some of its particulars it should be amended so
as to more nearly meet conditions as they now exist.
The Council of the City of Charlottesville and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County have each recently appointed special committees for the purpose of formulating a new contract
under which the Joint Department of Health is to be operated, and your Committee feels that
it is important that the University should also have a committee appointed to confer with the
committees from the City and County so that a new Joint Health Department contract may be prepared
in form satisfactory to all three of the contracting parties.
We therefore recommend the appointment of a committee for that purpose.
We have found that the University and the County of Albemarle have never had any form of
contract providing for the care and treatment in the University Hospital of indigent patients from
the County. Our only contracts with the County dealing with the subject of health have been those
providing for the joint Department of Health, above referred to and the only provision in the contract
of July 1, 1940, under which we are now operating on this subject is the provision that"In
consideration of an annual appropriation of undetermined amount by the County to the University
Hospital said University agrees that its Hospital will give preference to the care and treatment
of all indigent patients from said County which the Health Officer may certify to be a menace to
public health."
Your Committee therefore also recommends that a committee be appointed whose duty it
shall be to consult with City and County authorities and to negotiate new contracts for the care
and treatment in the Hospital of indigent patients from each of these localities, such contracts
to be in the form promulgated by the State Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 197 of the Acts
of Assembly of 1946, as amended by Acts of Extra Session of 1947, Page 72.
Upon consideration whereof, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously -
RESOLVED that, pursuant to the recommendations of the Special Committee embodied in the foregoing
(1) The President is hereby instructed to give notice to the City of Charlottesville of the
University's intention to terminate the contract between the University and the City of Charlottesville,
dated October 7, 1915, referred to in said report, date of termination of said contract to be fixed as
of December 1, 1947;
(2) The President is hereby authorized to appoint a committee of not less than three nor more
than five members whose duty it shall be to confer with committees appointed by the Council of the City
of Charlottesville and by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County upon the subject of a new contract
for the maintenance and operation of a Joint Health Department to take the place of the existing contract
(3) That the President is hereby authorized to appoint another committee consisting of not
less than three nor more than five whose duty it shall be to consult with authorities of the City of
Charlottesville and County of Albemarle and to undertake to negotiate new contracts for the care and
treatment in the University Hospital of indigent patients in each of these localities, such contracts to
be in the form promulgated by the State Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 197 of the Acts of
Assembly of 1946 as amended by Acts of Extra Session of 1947, Page 72.
Visitor: Mr. Perkins
Mr. Perkins recommended continuance of this matter until a further study could be made.
Application was made to the Board by Xi Chapter Alumni Association of Theta Chi Fraternity for a
loan of $8,500.00 of which $4,431.99 is balance of principal due as of July 1, 1946, by said Association
on loan of $6,000.00 heretofore made to it by the University on May 28, 1940, and $4,068.01 is an additional
amount to be used by said Association, approximately $3,000.00 in paying off its secondary indebtedness
and the balance in making repairs to its Fraternity House.
It is proposed by said Association that said new loan shall be evidenced by its bond for
$8,500.00 dated as of July 1, 1946, and payable on amortization basis over a period of eighteen years in
nine monthly payments, during each year, with interest at 4% per annum, said nine monthly payments to be
in the sum of $73.81 each and to be made on the first days of January, February, March, April, May, June,
October, November and December of each year, the first of said payments to be made on the first day of
October, 1947, which bond shall be secured by a deed of trust on the Association's lease of the lot on
the northeast slope of Carr's Hill upon which its Chapter house is located, said deed to be in the same
general form as the existing deed of trust which is dated May 28, 1940 and recorded in the Clerk's Office
of Albemarle County in Deed Book 246, page 554.
Upon consideration of this application the question of whether the proposed loan shall be made,
and if made, how much should be lent to this Fraternity was referred to the Finance Committee with power
to act.
Visitor: Mr. Perkins
The proposal to purchase the Ritchie Property adjoining Piedmont was referred to the Buildings
and Grounds Committee.
A proposal by the Department of Psychiatry to make changes in the Hospital to accommodate the
Child Guidance Clinic was referred to the President with power to act.
In order to clarify the policy of the University concerning award of Beyly-Tiffany scholarships,
upon motion duly made and seconded, it was -
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
award of the Bayly-Tiffany Scholarships is to be made to women or men alike without discrimination.
Mr. Perkins reported the completion of the purchase of "Four Acres" at a price of $40,000.00.
Because of the inability of the Buildings and Grounds Department to repair "Four Acres" immediately, the
Rector urged that the President be authorized to employ a private contractor to complete the work as soon
as possible. Upon consideration of this suggestion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
Mr. Gay expressed the opinion that an instructor was a professor within the meaning of the
statute empowering the Board of Visitors to select and appoint the latter. Although no specific resolution
was passed, the majority of the Board felt that as a practical matter the President should be permitted
to function.
The President asked that this matter be deferred until a later date, and it was so moved.
The President suggested that the present regulation concerning the keepings of spirits on
University property and the mandatory expulsion of a University student convicted of drunkenness be
rescinded and that broader regulations be drawn dealing with the control of intoxicants. This matter
was referred to the President to prepare a report for the October meeting, and Mr. Gay was requested to
prepare a resolution to cover cases now pending.
The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
any student who transfers from another institution of higher learning to the University of Virginia with
at least one year's college credit be permitted to join a fraternity or sorority upon admission to the
University of Virginia.
The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED that it is the sense of the Board that the minutes of the Board are public information
and that the President is directed to prepare a summary of the minutes after each meeting for release to
the press.
The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the question of the advisability of establishing a School of Fine Arts be referred to the Dean
of the College, directing him to appoint a committee to study the question, having in view the establishment
of courses in art leading to a B.A. degree in Fine Arts.
The following report was submitted by the Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee respectfully reports as follows:
I. On July 11th, 1947, a resolution was adopted by the Poard authorizing the payment of maintenance
charges on the President's home up to the amount of $5,000 per year, and further authorizing that
these charges be paid out of the unrestricted income of the Consolidated Endowment Funds of the University,
provided that this course met with the approval of the Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee has, with the assistance of Mr. W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the
University, and Mr. Vincent Shea, the Bursar, carefully checked on the amount of unrestricted income
from the Consolidated Endowment Funds, and it has been ascertained that there is ample unrestricted
income to be used for the above purpose and that there is no legal obstacle to such use.
II. At the meeting of the Board of Visitors held on June 13th, 1947, the matter of the purchase
of a residence property located on Rugby Road and known as "Four Acres" for the use of Admiral
Halsey while heading the University drive for endowment funds, was referred to Rector Stettinius and
President Darden, with power to act. These gentlemen consulted the Finance Committee in regard to
this matter, and after considerable correspondence it was decided that the purchase of this residence
be made from the general income of the Consolidated Endowment Funds. The opinion of Mr. Allan Perkins
was sought as to the legality of this and he has written the Finance Committee to the effect that it
is within the power of the Board of Visitors to appropriate this income for the above stated purpose.
Inquiry was then made of Mr. Vincent Shea, the Bursar, as to whether the use of $40,000 of this income
would cramp the University in any of its other efforts, and the reply was received that this result
would not obtain. It was also ascertained that there was sufficient available unrestricted income for
this purpose.
On August 29, 1947 Mr. Allan Perkins reported to the Finance Committee that he had closed
the transaction for the purchase of "Four Acres."
III. There was referred to the Finance Committee the question of the handling of a certain
trust fund created by the will of Evelyn May Bayly Tiffany, by the trustee, the Safe Deposit & Trust
Company of Baltimore. Without going into any great detail in this matter, the trustee has proposed
that certain of the securities of the trust be sold at a profit and certain other securities be purchased
enabling the trust to have available a sufficient income so as to be able to pay the annuities
provided thereunder out of the income and thus preserve the principal of the trust which has been left
to the University upon the death of the annuitants. The members of the Finance Committee have now
studied this plan carefully and have come to the conclusion that the proposal of the trustee should
be adopted. The Committee respectfully requests that the Board pass a resolution approving the proposal
of the trustee.
IV. The State-Planters Bank & Trust Company which is acting as financial adviser for the
Board in the investment of funds under the control of the Board, has proposed that an agreement be
entered into between it and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. This agreement
is supplemental to the Agency Agreement dated December 13, 1946 now in effect between the Board and
the State-Planters Bank & Trust Company.
The State-Planters Bank & Trust Company points out that there are occasions when it is advisable
to join in the lease, mortgage, consolidation, merger, foreclosure or reorganization of some
corporation or other organization, the bonds, stocks or other securities of which are contained in
the Agency Agreement, or to pool the voting rights, or to deposit the securities with some protective
committee or some committee representing security holders, or to vote securities, whether they be
stocks or bonds, in favor of or against some such plan or reorganization, and to take and hold securities
or investments issued under such a plan or reorganization and to pay assessments involved therein.
There does not appear in the present Agency Agreement any specific authority granted to the
Finance Committee to give to the Bank instructions along these lines; nor is there in the agreement
any authority for the Bank, as agent of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, to accept
and act upon any such instructions. Of course, both of these powers might be implied, but the
trustee desires that they be specifically stated and this is the purpose of the proposed Memorandum
of Agreement. The Finance Committee has considered the matter and is of the opinion that the agreement
should be entered into. It respectfully requests that a resolution be passed authorizing and
directing the proper officers of the Board to sign, seal, attest and deliver the Memorandum of
Agreement, copy of which is attached to this report.
Upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED that the proposal of the Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Beltimore, Trustee
under the Sixth paragraph of the will of Evelyn May Bayly Tiffany, copy of which is attached hereto,
to sell certain securities constituting the trust estate, fully described on an office memorandum of
Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Baltimore attached hereto, and to buy certain securities likewise
described on said office memorandum, at the approximate prices thereon set out, thus resulting in the
production of sufficient income to pay the remaining annuities of the said trust without dimishing
the principal, which upon the death of the annuitants goes to the University of Virginia, all as set
Baltimore attached hereto, dated July 30, 1947, be and the same hereby is approved in every respect, and
the Trustee requested to take the proposed steps.
After consideration of the recommendation of the Finance Committee, upon motion duly made and
seconded, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, State-Planters Bank and Trust Company, which is acting as agent for the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia, a corporation, under a certain Agency Agreement, dated December
13th, 1946, has presented to the Finance Committee of this Board a certain Memorandum of Agreement, dated
September 11th, 1947, between the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and State-Planters
Bank and Trust Company, which agreement is supplemental to the Agency Agreement above referred to; and
WHEREAS, in the said Agency Agreement of December 13, 1946, no authority was specifically given
by this Board to the Finance Committee of this Board, to direct, ratify and approve certain acts of the
State-Planters Bank and Trust Company, such as uniting in or consenting to any lease, mortgage, consolidation,
merger, foreclosure or reorganization of any corporation, or other corporations, the bonds, stocks
or other securities of which are held by said Bank in the agency fund; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable to give to the Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors the power
to direct, ratify and approve the actions of the said Bank in regard to the matters and things which are
fully set out in the said Memorandum of Agreement; and
WHEREAS, it is further desired to give to the said Bank the power to perform these acts which,
as aforesaid, are fully set out in said Memorandum of Agreement, upon the request or with the approval of
the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors; and
WHEREAS, the said Memorandum of Agreement has been submitted to W. Allan Perkins, attorney for
the University of Virginia, and by him approved as to form; and
WHEREAS, the said Finance Committee has recommended the adoption of this Memorandum of Agreement
and this Board has carefully considered it,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Memorandum of Agreement is hereby adopted as the contract of
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President of that corporation,
is hereby authorized and directed to execute the same in the name of the corporation, and
Vincent Shea, Secretary of this corporation, is hereby authorized to affix the corporation's seal thereto
and attest the same, and to deliver the said Memorandum of Agreement to State-Planters Bank and Trust
Company for execution by that Bank.
Mr. Gay, Chairman of the Special Committee to prepare the Manual, reported that copies of the
Manual submitted by him in behalf of the Special Committee to the meeting of the Board of Visitors held
July 11, 1947, had been distributed to all members of the Board at that meeting, or immediately thereafter
by correspondence with those members not in attendance, with the request that they let him have the benefit
of their comments or suggestions, that he had received no criticisms but letters from several members of
the Board approving the Manual in the form submitted. As the members of the Board of Visitors had had two
months within which to consider the form of the Manual, Mr. Gay suggested that consideration now be given
to the adoption of a resolution formally approving it.
Upon consideration whereof, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously -
RESOLVED, that the form of Manual defining the duties of the Board of Visitors, the Rector, the
President, the Secretary, the Bursar, the Executive Committee and certain Standing Committees of the
Board, prepared and submitted to the Board by the Special Committee appointed for that purpose, as supplemented
by definition of the duties of the Standing Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and the Standing
Committee on the Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, this day submitted and read to the
Board, be and the same hereby is approved as and for a Manual of the University of Virginia Defining the
Powers and Governing the Duties of the Board of Visitors, the Rector, the President, the Secretary, the
Bursar, the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee and certain other Standing and Special Committees
of the Board; provided, however, that the said Manual or any part or parts thereof may from time to time
be amended, revised or rescinded, at any duly or especially called meeting, in a manner not inconsistent
with law, upon a vote of a majority of the Board of Visitors; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the President be and he hereby is authorized and requested to have a
suitable number of copies of the said Manual printed for distribution to Members of the Board of Visitors,
the Administrative Officers of the University and other persons interested therein, in such manner as he
may deem appropriate.
Action on this matter was postponed until the next meeting of the Board.
Motion having been duly made and seconded for its adoption, the following resolution was approved:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following officials be and they are empowered to sign leases for rooms and apartments in the name of
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
Dean J. N. G. Finley - leases for men's dormitories and for trailers and apartments.
Dean Roberta Hollingsworth - for women's dormitories.
The President reported the appointment of Mr. E. W. Saunders as Dean of the Department of
The following elections, resignations, and leaves of absence were approved by the Board.
Philip James Allen as Professor of Sociology at a salary of $4,000 for the session of nine
months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Gaetano Cecere as Assistant Professor of Sculpture at a salary of $3,400 for the session of
nine months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. Josiah Henry Combs as Professor of French at a salary of $4,500 for the session of nine
months, incumbency to begin September 14, 1947.
Julia Ellan Dietrich as Instructor in English at a salary of $2,500 for the session of nine
months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. Susanne C. Engelmann as Associate Professor of German at a salary of $3,600 for the session
of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. Matila Ghyka as Visiting Professor of Art at a salary of $4,100 for the session of nine
months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. Herbert Eugene Ketcham as Assistant Professor of French and Spanish at a salary of $3,450
for the session of nine months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. James Francis Mormile as Associate Professor of Spanish and Italian at a salary of $3,600
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. Michael Erdelyi as Professor of Psychology at a salary of $4,100 for the session of nine
months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.
Dr. Raleigh Drake, Professor of Psychology, who had been at the college for seven years, resigned
to accept a position as Head of the Department of Psychology at Kent University, Ohio. His
reason for leaving Mary Washington was that his wife could be employed at Kent as an Assistant Professor
of Music.
Miss Lillie Turman, who had been Dean of Freshmen for ten years, resigned to accept the position
as Dean of Harcum Junior College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Reginald Arthur Kenney who had been elected as Assistant Professor of English a few weeks
ago, resigned his position because he could not secure satisfactory living quarters in Fredericksburg.
Dr. William Harrison Faulkner, Professor of German, resigned because of ill health.
William Luther McDermott, Assistant Professor of Art, resigned to accept the position as
full Professor and Head of the Department of Art at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Dr. Lee W. Ryan, Assistant Professor of Spanish, resigned to accept a full Professorship at
Hampden-Sidney College.
Miss Sallie B. Harrison, Associate Professor of Home Economics, resigned to accept a position
in Arlington County because her work in Home Economics would be discontinued after this year.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the request of Dr. Richard M. Kirby, Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration,
for an extension of his Leave of Absence until September, 1948 be and the same is hereby granted.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the request of Miss Elizabeth Wysor, Assistant Professor of Voice, for a Leave of Absence until
September, 1948 be and the same is hereby granted.
The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that in view of the critical shortage of public school teachers that Mary Washington College be and is
hereby permitted to retain two elective courses in education so as to enable graduates to secure the
Collegiate Professional Certificate, provided the Attorney General agrees that such procedure is
The following resolution regarding salary increases for the faculty members of Mary Washington
College was adopted.
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following salary schedule be and is hereby approved, effective for the session 1948-49, subject
to approval by the Governor.
Instructor | |||
Minimum | $2,500.00 | $2,150.00 | |
2,650.00 | $150.00 | ||
2,800.00 | 150.00 | ||
2,950.00 | 150.00 | ||
Maximum | 3,100.00 | 150.00 | 2,650.00 |
Merit increases effective at 12 month intervals. | |||
Assistant Professor | |||
Minimum | 3,200.00 | 100.00 | 2,750.00 |
3,400.00 | 200.00 | ||
3,600.00 | 200.00 | ||
3,800.00 | 200.00 | ||
Maximum | 4,000.00 | 200.00 | 3,250.00 |
Merit increases effective at 24 month intervals. | |||
Associate Professor | |||
Minimum | 4,100.00 | 100.00 | 3,350.00 |
4,350.00 | 250.00 | ||
4,600.00 | 250.00 | ||
4,850.00 | 250.00 | ||
Maximum | 5,100.00 | 250.00 | 3,750.00 |
Merit increases effective at 24 month intervals. | |||
Professor | |||
Minimum | 5,200.00 | 100.00 | 3,850.00 |
5,500.00 | 300.00 | ||
5,800.00 | 300.00 | ||
6,100.00 | 300.00 | ||
Maximum | 6,400.00 | 300.00 | 5,150.00 |
Merit increases effective at 36 month intervals. |
The Bonus payable at the time this schedule was approved has been added to present a
more accurate comparison.
The Board went into Executive Session and adopted the following resolution
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the Internal Budget as submitted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, be and the same is hereby approved,
with the following modifications, which are subject to approval by the Governor and Director of
the Budget:
1. That the expense of the View Book be assumed by the College and included in expenditures
for printing, if possible.
2. That the budget submitted for the biennium 1948-50 be approved with the following annual
increases in salary:
President Morgan L. Combs from $8,370 to $9,000.
Dean Edward A. Alvey from $6,144 to $6,500.
Treasurer, Edgar E. Woodward, from $5,508 to $6,100.
Student Counselor, Mrs. N. Bushnell, from $3,638.40 to $4,200.
Librarian, Carrol H. Quenzel, from $4,444.80 (12 mo.) to $5,444.80.
Director of Admissions, A. A. Charles, be granted an increase of $400 for
administrative duties.
The biennial budget was submitted and approved, subject to approval by the State Budget Director
and the Governor.
The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the contract with the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company for the erection of a new metal elevated water
storage tank for the sum of $26,850 be and is hereby approved. The City of Fredericksburg has tentatively
agreed to assume half of the cost of the erection of this tank in view of the fact that the tank will be
used to supply water for a small section of the city west of College Avenue.
President Combs presented operating statements of the college for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1947, for the information of the Board.
The following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that a new lease for Betty Lewis Hall for a five-year period ending September 14, 1952, at an annual
rental of $7,143.75 be and hereby is approved.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was adjourned after a
motion to that effect had been made, seconded, and carried.
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
Board of Visitors minutes September 12, 1947 | ||