University of Virginia Library


A special meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held
on this date at 8 p.m., with Messrs. Walker, Hull, Williams,
Mrs. Munford and President Alderman present.

The minutes of the previous meeting which had been
copied and sent to the members were approved.

The President made the following announcements:

Enrollment for the present session 2154.


  • From certain New York legal alumni, through Mr.
    Joseph M. Hartfield, $1,000, to tide the Virginia
    Law Review over its present financial difficulties.

  • From the will of the late Judge Shepard Barclay bequest
    of $500.

  • 192

  • From Mr. C. T. Edgar of New York City, "Deborah"
    a Carrara marble life-size statue, purchased in Rome,
    at a cost of $5,000.

  • From Mr. Lewis C. Williams, of Richmond, Virginia,
    six copied of "What Price Progress".

  • From Mr. A. F. Robertson, Acting Superintendent of
    School of Albemarle County, to the Heck Memorial
    Library, a twelve volume set of "The New Schaff-Herzog
    Encyclopedia of religious Knowledge".

  • From Hon. John Bassett Moore, to the Law Library
    93 volumes on International Law.

  • From Mr. A. B. Cocke, of Richmond, Virginia, to
    the Library, about 200 volumes, chiefly German
    and French Classics in the original.

  • From Mr. F. C. Blandy, check for $5,000 promised last
    July, for use in connection with Blandy Experimental
    Farm. (He wishes no publicity given to this matter).

  • From Mr. Edwin DeT. Bechtel a lithograph of President
    Eliot based upon the study and drawing of Mr. Boardman
    Robinson, the artist.

The President presented the following resignations
which were accepted and adopted, the resolutions shown

RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the
University accept with regret the resignation of
Mr. Harold H. Neff, Professor of Law. Mr. Neff
has carried forward his work with devotion, high
purpose, and good results at this University, and the
Rector and Visitors wish him continued success in his
new field.

RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the University
accept with regret the resignation of Dr. W. S.
A. Pott, Associate Professor of Philosophy. Dr.
Pott has carried forward his work with devotion and
skill at this University, and the Rector and Visitors
wish him continued success in his new field.

RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the
University accept with regret the resignation of Dr.
Robert N. Pease, Associate Professor of Chemistry.
Dr. Pease has carried forward his work with ability
and energy at this University, and the Rector and


Visitors wish him continued success in his new

Upon the recommendation of the President the following
members of the teaching staff were elected:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That Dr. Raphael Semmes
be and is hereby elected Associate Research Professor
of History for a five-year period, in the University
of Virginia, at a salary of $3,500, incumbency to
begin mid-September, 1927.

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That Mr. Wyllie Kilpatrick
be and is hereby elected Research Associate Professor
in the Institute of Social Sciences, in the University
of Virginia, for a period of two years, at a
salary of $3,600, incumbency to begin September 1,

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That Mr. Charles P. Nash, Jr.,
be and is hereby elected elected Assistant Professor
of Law in the University of Virginia, from January
to June 14, 1927, at a salary of $2,000, to fill
the unexpired term of Mr. Harold H. Neff, Professor
of Law, resigned.

The following Special Appropriations were made:

For purchase of car for Department of Education  $ 200 
For inter-collegiate debating  100 
For addressograph for Quarterly Review  870 
For additional salary of Dr. W. H. Stouffer,
Research Assistant in Economics 

The President announced the establishment of the D. J.
Hennessy Scholarship available to residents of Silver Bow
County, Montana, and upon motion the following action was

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That the D. J. Hennessy
Scholarship, stipend $500.00, be established in the
University under conditions acceptable to the academic
and professional faculties.

The Rector stated that due to the absence of Messrs.
Rinehart and McIntire, the members of the Building Committee
on Medical Buildings, were absent from the University and


were not expected to return until some time in April; and
that as the plans for the said building are about completed
and it is desirable that they should be acted upon without
delay; and as Mr. Rinehart has requested that Mr. Hull
be appointed to serve on the committee in his place until
his return, and believing that Mr. McIntire would desire
similar action to be taken in his case, he had designated
Mr. Hull to act in the place of Mr. Rinehart until his
return and Mr. Lewis Williams to act in place of Mr. McIntire
until his return.

Resolutions adopted concerning the Medical Buildings:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That the employment of the
firm of Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott of
Boston, as the architects for the new medical group
be and hereby is ratified and approved, and that
the Committee of Medical Buildings is hereby authorized
and directed to enter into written contract on behalf
of this Board covering the terms of such employment.

Copy of a letter from Dr. Bean:

Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, President,
University, Virginia.
My dear Dr. Alderman:

Your committee on the New Medical Buildings
recommends to the President that the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia authorize
their Buildings Committee to enter into an agreement
to carry forward the construction of the Central
Heating Plant for the New Medical Building in accordance
with the proposals submitted by Mr. J. A. Almirall,
hereto attached. The proposals include one boiler
for the University and a building for the whole former
plant to inclose another boiler and electrical
equipment for lighting the University, therefor the
University is to pay $35,000 and the Medical Building
Fund is to pay $50,000. The Medical Building Fund
will loan $35,000 to the University to be repaid later.

R. Bennett Bean,
Chairman of Faculty Medical Committee.

RESOLVED, That the Board approves the location and
general plans of the New Medical School Building as
submitted by Messrs. Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and
Abbott, and gives it approval to the changes in the


Hospital and "Post Office" buildings necessitated
by the location and arrangement as well as to the
specific plans of the Medical School Building in
so far as they have developed at this time.

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That the committee on
Medical Buildings is hereby authorized to secure
bids and let contract for the erection of a new
laundry building according to location and plans
therefor submitted by Messrs. Coolidge, Shepley,
Bulfinch and Abbott. architects, at a cost not
exceeding $15,000.

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors, That
the Medical Buildings Committee be authorized to
enter into a contract with Messrs. Almirall and
Company for additions to power plant at the
approximate price of $85,000, upon terms and conditions
satisfactory to the Medical Buildings

The Rector and Visitors being of opinion that it
will be more economical and satisfactory to have provision
made for additional light, heat and power facilities for
the University at large, when additions are being made
to the Power Plant for the Medical unit as suggested
by report of Dr. Bean submitting the proposal of Almirall
& Co.

Therefore be it resolved that the entire
cost of the additions to the Power Plant be paid
out of the fund known as the Medical Buildings
Fund, with the understanding that as soon as an
appropriation for the power plant is available,
that the Medical Building Fund shall be reimbursed
for the amount expended in excess of $50,000.

RESOLVED, That the Committee on Medical
Buildings is authorized to secure bids for the erection
of a fire proof construction medical kitchen and
dining room building according to plans therefor prepared
by Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott,
architects, and submitted for the Board's inspection,
on the location south of the McIntire Wing, recommended
by said architects, and report to the next meeting
of the Board.

We, the undersigned Committee, after discussion
with Mr. J. A. Almirall desire to submit our approval
of his plan for the Central Power Plant to take care
of the needs of the New Medical Buildings as outlined
in his letter to Dr. R. Bennett Bean dated March


1, 1927, which letter is hereto attached.

R. Bennett Bean,
Chairman of Faculty Medical Building
Committee acting for the Committee.

W. A. Lambeth,
Sup't of Buildings and Grounds.

J. L. Newcomb,
Assistant to President.

March 1, 1927.

Dr. R. Bennett Bean,
Chairman, Building Committee,
University, Virginia.
Dear Sir:

At the meeting which the writer had with you
yesterday morning, relative to the installation of
new boiler at Central Power Plant, he left with you
the two letters dated February 9th and February 11th
which had previously been written concerning this

The writer went into further details with you
yesterday as to the practical impossibility of going
shead on the basis of installing at the present time
only one unit of water tube boilers.

Such boilers, different from horizontal bubular
boilers, must be thoroughly cleaned not less often
than every two months and preferably every month and
to do so there must always be one apare unit which
absolutely necessitates the installation at this
time of 300 horse power boiler units.

The writer also went into some further details
of the loss there would be in spending such a considerable
sum for temporary work which would have
to be thrown out and discarded as useless within the
next year or eighteen months.

Supplementing the letter which was handed you
yesterday setting forth a budget for the installation
of one 300 H. P. water tube boiler with various
temporary appurtenances, we are submitting herewith
a close approximate budget for the installation of
two such boiler units, with permanent brick stack,
completion of permanent Power House Building and sundry
other items detailed below.


Close approximate
300 H. P. Water Tube boilers set up
on foundations 
Smoke Breeching for the above  1,600.00 
Blow-off Tank  250.00 
Stokers (Double Retort) set up with
all connections 
150 ft. Radial Brick Chimney with
Boiler Feed Pumps  1,050.00 
Pipe, Fittings, Valve, Labor, Expenses
and Sundries 
Covering for Piping and Breeching  3,000.00 
Extension of Power House Building  20,000.00 
Engineering and Commission  8,400.00 
Total  $84,990.00 

Trusting that we may have your approval to proceed
along the above lines, we are,

Yours very truly,
Almirall & Company, Inc.
J. A. Almirall, President.

The President presented a memorandum of agreement
and gift by and between the New York Southern Society
and the University of Virginia establishing the Algernon
Sydney Sullivan Award.

day and year hereinafter set forth by and between the
NEW YORK SOUTHERN SOCIETY, of the City of New York,
party of the first part, hereinafter called the
"Society" and UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of the State
of Virginia party of the second part, hereinafter
called the "Institution" establishing the ALGERNON

When the New York Southern Society was formed,
its foundation and its success were chiefly due to
the action and influence of Algernon Sydney Sullivan.

The Society has no been in existence for many
years; it has become one of the institutions of New
York; it has been of service in countless ways to
Southern men in that city; it has formed a bond between
them; it has kept alive that spirit of companionship
and of love for and loyalty to their old
homes which without it might have lost much of its

The Society has not forgotten and can never forget


what it owed in its origin to him who, though he
was a Southerner by descent only, may properly be
called its Founder. Nor can those who were privileged
to know him and who still survive, forget what manner
of man he was, nor fail to remember with love and
admiration those high qualities of heart and mind which
gave him the almost unique position which he occupied
in the community in which he lived. It was those
qualities which led him to do what he did for Southern
men in New York; it was those qualities which won
for him a position which enabled him to do it.

Recognizing how much it especially owed to him
the Society is desirous of perpetuating the memory
of Algernon Sydney Sullivan's life in such form as
shall be most expressive of his character and shall,
so far as is possible, recognize and encourage
in others those same principles of love for and
service to men which were his dominant characteristics.

To this end the New York Southern Society has had Medallions
prepared which in design and vording suggest
the beautiful spiritual qualities which Mr. Sullivan
possessed. It has also had prepared a printed document
of Certificate of Award which contains explanations
and quotations and it contemplates having prepared
a Biographical Volume about Mr. Sullivan.

Said Society hereby presents to said Institution
seventy-five Medallions, seventy-five Frames for said
Certificates and two-hundred Certificates, with the
request and understanding that they be held, awarded
and presented in accordance with the provisions hereinafter
set forth, and further, that if at any time
or times hereafter the Society or other person or
persons renew the supply of any or all of said
articles, or make provision by a gift or money or
otherwise whereby any or all of said articles, including
said Biographical Volume, may be available for
the purposes named in this Agreement, then said Institution
shall continue to make such awards so long
as said articles, or satisfactory substitutes for
them, shall be available.

Furthermore, in consideration of the sum of
Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), paid by said Society
to said Institution, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Institution agrees to have the names
of the recipients engraved upon the Medallions when
awarded and frames put upon the accompanying Certificates
at the same time and to pay the cost thereof.

Details of this arrangement will be found
in the Memorandum of Information hereto attached.

It is further agreed and understood that:


FIRST: The name of the Award shall be the
Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award.

SECOND: The Award may be made to three persons
in each year but not more than three, that is to
say, to not more than one man and one woman of the
graduating class of the Institution for that year,
and one other person who is not a student of the
Institution, who need not be a graduate of any
College or University, but who shall have some interest
in, association with or relation to said
Institution, official or otherwise, of a nature to
make this form of recognition by said Institution
obviously appropriate and insure his or her proper
appreciation of the same.

The award shall consist of a Medallion, measuring
approximately eight inches wide and fourteen inches
high, and similar in design to that shown in the illustration
attached hereto, together with a framed
Certificate of Award containing an explanation and
quotations, an unframed copy of which is hereto attached,
and such personal and private letter as the Institution
may wish to give. The Society regards the
framed Certificate as of an importance in effecting
the purpose of the Award equal to that of the Medallion
and hopes that it will always be given equal prominence
by the recipients.

The Award is to be accompanied by a copy of an
Algernon Sydney Sullivan Biographical Volume, when
such volumes are available.

The recipients of the Award shall be chosen by
the Faculty of the Institution with or without the
advice, co-operation or assistance of members of the
student body by such method as the Faculty shall deem
practical and suited to securing the best results.

In the selection of the recipients nothing shall
be considered except the possession of such characteristics
of heart, mind, and conduct as evince a spirit
of love for and helpfulness to other men and women.
If in any year the Faculty shall be of the opinion that
no member of the graduating class has displayed the
required qualities so conspicuously as to merit the
Award, no Award shall be made to students for that
year, for it is intended and desired that the Award
shall be a real distinction to be conferred only upon
those who conspicuously deserve it, not merely in comparison
with their fellow students but by the possession,
judged by an absolute standard, of those qualities before
mentioned. The same basis in judgment shall control
in the cases of other persons who are not students of
the Institution.


THIRD: The Institution shall keep a record of
the awards made, the names of the recipients, the
dates of Awards, and the grounds on which they are
in each instance made, and shall annually give to the
Society a copy of the record that year.

FOURTH: The Society and the Institution may by
agreement together modify any of the provisions of
this Agreement, provided that:

  • (a) the name of Algernon Sydney Sullivan be retained.

  • (b) the spiritual value of a strong and beautiful
    character such as Mr. Sullivan's be clearly

  • (c) the general purpose of the Award which is
    to recognize and encourage qualities which
    produce such a character, be preserved.

FIFTH: The Institution is in entire accord with
the spirit and purpose of the Society, as hereinbefore
expressed, and is interested in the method proposed
for making them effective, and the Institution accepts
the Medallions, other articles, and money hereby donated
in accordance with the foregoing provisions, and covenants
and agrees that it will faithfully administer
the same and endeavor to carry out the spirit of this
Agreement in accordance with the stipulations hereinbefore
set forth.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Society and the Institution
have respectively, each for itself, caused
these presents to be signed by its officers thereunto
duly authorized and its corporate seal to be hereto
affixed, as of the eighth day of April, 1927.


By Robert Adamson


Unlon Cashon


By Edwin A. Alderman,


E. I. Carruthers,


The Bursar presented the following matters in
connection with the Arthur W. Austin Bequest:

A history of the Bequest from the date of
Arthur W. Austin's death to the present time:

Under the will of Arthur W. Austin, of Milton,
State of Massachusetts, who died in 1884 the University
of Virginia was made residuary legatee of his
entire estate, with the exception of several small
individual legacies, with his daughter Mary Austin
as life annuitant to receive the income from the
said estate. The estate at that time consisted of
stocks, bonds and mortgages, and several pieces of
real estate, with an estimated value of $470,000,
as reported to the Board of Visitors by Colonel Duke
at a meeting September 12, 1884, but no schedule of
the items was attached.

In 1894 the trustee, James W. Warren, submitted
a schedule of the estate showing stocks and bonds of
the value of 
Real Estate  26,300.00 
Claims against estate of orority  7,000.00 
Deposits with Hospital Life Insurance
Cash on hand  4,225.00 
Total value of  $441,458.00 

In January, 1896 William Endicott and Bentley
W. Warren were appointed substitute trustees for
James W. Austin, since which date annual reports
in great detail have been made and which are on
file in my office. Upon the death of Mr. Endicott
in 1917 Mr. Irvin McD. Garfield was substituted
in his stead.

During the years of the trust the real estate
has been disposed of, some of which proved of much
less value than it was inventoried at. There were
two or three pieces consisting of residential properties
located in the business section of Boston
which had to be disposed of at best prives obtainable
The estate appears to have been well managed throughout
the forty-three years of its trust.

The estate has a present value of approximately
$445,000, all in stocks, bonds and cash.

In the early years of the devise the Rector
and Visitors made an effort to have the estate
commuted, but after several attempts to do so without
result, it was abandoned.

In 1901 Mrs. Mary Austin Carroll, the life
annuitant, agreed of her own volition, to surrender


to the University the entire income annually from
the estate with the exception of $5,000 annually
which she reserved to herself. This agreement became
effective April 1, 1902, since which date the University
has received over $275,000 as income.

Mr. Carroll died in 1901, and a few years later
the widow married Timothy J. McLaughlin. Mrs.
McLuaghlin died December 18, 1926, ending the life
tenancy of the agreement entered into with the

The trustees have been shaping up the securities,
having the stocks registered in the name of the
Rector and Visitors to facilitate delivery, and I
have been advised that they are now ready to make
delivery of the corpus of the estate, to the University.

However, there are three matters requiring
action by this Board.

  • 1. Question of income accrued on the deposit
    with the Hospital Life Insurance Company
    for the benefit of Mrs. McLaughlin from
    July 1, 1926 to December 18, 1926.

  • 2. Release of some portion of the estate, or
    income to the husband, Timothy J. McLaughlin
    in response to the request made by Mrs.
    McLaughlin to meet a mortgage of $18,000
    on her home property.

  • 3. Transfer of the estate

I beg to present the following resolutions
which have been prepared either by the trustees
or myself in dealing with the matters.

Respectfully submitted,
E. I. Carruthers,

The Board adopted the following resolution releasing
to the executor of the will of Mrs. Mary A. McLaughlin the
accrued income on the Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance
Company Contract:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That C. Harding Walker, Rector,
be and hereby he is authorized and directed to execute
and deliver, in the name and on behalf of The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia, a communication
in the following form to Bentley W. Warren and
Irvin McD. Garfield, Trustees u/w Arthur W. Austin,
late of Milton, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, viz.:

To Bentley W. Warren and Irvin McD. Garfield,
Trustees u/w Arthur W. Austin, late of


Milton, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The undersigned, The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, as residuary legatee under the
will of said Arthur W. Austin, hereby requests and authorizes
you to pay to the Executor of the will of Mary Austin
McLaughlin (born Mary Austin) all income, which we understand
to be approximately $1442.47, accrued for the year
1926 upon contract No. 4812 (G.) between the Massachusetts
Hospital Life Insurance Company and said Arthur W. Austin
with respect to the principal sum of $30,000., dated
February 15, 1879, to the extent that such income may
come into your hands or possession as such Trustees
from Howard Stockton, Jr. or any successor to him as
Administrator, d.b.n. c.t.a. of said Arthur W. Austin,
said Mary Austin McLaughlin being prior to her death
on December 18, 1926 the beneficiary of said trust fund and
the person who would, had she lived until January first,
have been entitled to said accrued income.

A request had come to the Board from Mrs. Mary
A. McLaughlin that the University make a contribution
of $18,000 to pay off a mortgage on her property. The
Bursar was requested to get all the information he could
concerning the financial condition of her husband and
report to the next meeting of the Board

A resolution was adopted authorizing the Bursar to
receive from Bentley W. Warren and Irvin McD. Garfield,
present trustees under the will of Arthur W. Austin,
the securities and cash belonging to the corpus of the
estate, together with any cash income thereon remaining in
their hands, sign and deliver to them a receipt therefor
in the following form:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, That the Bursar of the
University be and he is herebyauthorized to receive
from Bentley W. Warren and Irvin McD. Garfield;
present trustees under the will of Arthur W. Austin,
late of Milton, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
deceased, the securities and cash belonging to the
corpus of the estate, together with any cash income
thereon remaining in their hands, sign and deliver
to them a receipt therefor in the following form:

hereby acknowledge the receipt from Bentley W. Warren and
Irvin McD. Garfield, present Trustees under the will of
Arthur W. Austin, late of Milton, in the Commonwealth of


Massachusetts, deceased, of a certified copy of said will
and of the codicils thereto as proved and allowed in the
Probate Court for the County of Norfolk in said Commonwealth,
and the receipt of the certificates of stock set forth
in the list hereto annexed marked Appendix A, and the
receipt of the bonds and other evidences of indebtedness
(together will all unmatured coupons) set forth in the
list hereto annexed marked Appendix B, both said appendices
being hereby referred to as a part of this receipt.
Said certificates and the shares of stock or beneficial
interest evidenced thereby in the corporations, associations
and trusts therein named and said bonds and other evidences
of indebtedness of the governmental agencies and corporations
named in said Appendix B are received by said
University of Virginia as residuary legatee of said Arthur
W. Austin in accordance with the second codicil dated
May 14, 1883 to his said will dated December 10, 1880, and
constitute, as shown by the Ninth Account of said Trustees,
the entire residuary estate, with the exception of
cash, now held by them. Said University also hereby
acknowledges the receipt from said Trustees of their
cheque on the State Street Trust Company for $      
bring the balance of uninvested cash on account of
principal in their hands, appearing in said Trustees'
Ninth Account as Item of Schedule B., and cheque of said
Trustees on the State Street Trust Company for $      , being
the balance of cash on account of net income in their
hands, appearing in said Trustees' Ninth Account as Item
      of Schedule E.

In consideration of the delivery of said stocks, bonds
and other evidences of indebtedness, and payment of said
balance at this time and prior to the final audit and
assessment of said Trustees' returns to the Government
of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
with respect to taxes upon income or capital assets, and
prior to the settlement of any taxes claimed by either
Government or by any State of the United States to be due
from said Trustees in consequence of such audits and assessments,
said University of Virginia agrees, from the property
and money now received from said Trustees, to indemnify
and save them and each of them harmless against personal
liability for the payment of any such taxes or for penalties
for the non-payment thereof, and all expenses properly incurred
in connection therewith, provided that they promptly
and seasonably notify said University of the assessment or
levy of such taxes.

RESOLVED, Further, That the securities and uninvested cash
received from the trustees of the Arthur W. Austin bequest
be deposited with the Trust Department of the Peoples


National Bank of Charlottesville, and a schedule of the
same be reported to the Finance Committee for its use in
making sales of such of the securities as may be deemed
advisable and reinvesting of the proceeds of same together
with any cash that may be received as part of said estate,
and that a schedule of the securities with their present
market values, and the cash belonging to said estate be
reported to this Board at its next meeting for recording
on the minutes.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

[signed] C. Harding Walker
[signed] E. I. Carruthers