Board of Visitors minutes March 9, 1915 | ||
March 9, 1915.
Pursuant to call of the Rector, the Board met on this
date at three o'clock in the Administration Building.
There were present the Rector, the President, Mr.
White, Mr. Hatton, Mr. Craddock, Mr. Irvine, Mr. Michie,
and Dr. Drewry.
This being the first meeting at which Dr. Alderman
has been present since his departure from the University
in November, 1912, in search of renewed health, he took occasion
to thank the Board for its untiring labors in solving
the many weighty problems which had confronted them during
the past two years, and to express his deep appreciation of
the patience manifested by the Board during his fight for
restoration to health. He also wished to express his
appreciation of the services rendered by Dr. James M. Page,
Acting President, and to thank him for the splendid manner
in which the affairs of the University had been conducted
in his absence.
The Rector, on behalf of the Board, replied to the
remarks of the President and assured him that the labor
rendered had been a labor of love and of appreciation
of the great fight he was making for restored health, in
order that he might better serve the University, and that
in all the work of the Board during these two years, a determination
to take the burden from the shoulders of the
President during his illness, had been manifested.
The President then took up the regular order of business.
He read for the information of the Board, the registration
for the session of 1914-15 to date, as follows:
College | 441 |
Department of Graduate Studies | 45 |
Department of Law | 271 |
Department of Medicine | 109 |
Department of Engineering | 102 Total 968 |
less duplicates, 27, making individual registration, 941
The President read the following list of gifts to the
$10,000 creating Lee Loan Fund.
$ 2,012.33 from Mr. Thomas F. Ryan for hospital.
Bronze Statue of Thomas Jefferson by Mr. Charles R. Crane.
$300 Legacy of Oliveira Andrews, Baltimore, alumnus U. of Va.
$800 from Mr. Charles R. Crane.
$200 Sarah E. Wright Memorial from Miss M. L. Pennybacker.
Collection of Minerals for Museum by Mrs. Henry F. Ellinwood.
Gift of 100 books from Mr. W. D. Weaver to Engineering Dept.
Gift of books from Mr. R. L. Preston, Meadow Brook.
Portrait of Dr. P. B. Barringer by Medical Alumni of U. of Va
A letter of Jefferson's (1821) by Miss Mary Madison McGuire.
Portrait of Mr. John L. Williams. - - - -F. H. Smith.
Set of Ivory Chessmen by Mrs. D. E. Conklin.
Adams Fellowship in Astronomy ($1250) for one year. Dr.
It was deemed desirable that proper appreciation of
the several gifts should be shown; whereupon, the
following resolution, offered by Mr. Hatton, was adopted:
Resolved: That the Rector and Visitors of the
University instruct the President of the University to make
appropriate acknowledgement, on their behalf, of all gifts
reported at this meeting to the University, and to express
to each giver the thanks of the Visitors and the Institution.
The President stated that after much effort, a suitable
young man had been found for the head of the School of
Forestry, authorized to be established here by Act of
Legislature, and requested the adoption of the following
resolution, and it was unanimously adopted:
Resolved: That the sum of $2,500 be and is hereby
appropriated for the Forestry work, and $2,500 for the
salary of the State Forester of Virginia for the year
beginning March 20, 1915, under the conditions set forth
in the Legislative Act of March 21, 1914, creating the office
of State Forester.
Resolved, further: That Mr. R. Chapin Jones, now
State Forester of Virginia, and formerly Associate State
Forester of Maryland, be and is hereby elected Associate
Professor of Forestry in the University of Virginia without
other salary than that appropriated for the salary of State
Col. Eugene Massie and Mr. Geo. Perkins, constituting
a committee from the Miller Board of Trustees, appeared
before the Board of Visitors in the matter of filling
the existing vacancy in the Professorship of Biology,
and asked that a committee be appointed from the Board
of Visitors to confer with them on March 16th. This
was agreed to, and the Rector requested the President,
Dean Page and Mr. Michie to act as said Committee.
The President stated that at a meeting of the
Alumni Board of Trustees that the question of turning over
the gift of Mr. Chas. Steele to the University for the
purpose of erecting a wing to the hospital, was brought
up and favorably passed upon, as expressed in the
following resolution of said Alumni Board.
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the contribution
of Mr. Charles Steele, which originally consisted of
$20,000 in cash and $30,000 par value of Southern
Railway Company and General Mortgage 4% bonds, be held
by the Treasurer of this Board subject to the order
of the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia, to be applied by the Rector and Board of
Visitors, when received by them, to the purpose designated
by Mr. Steele in his letter herein referred to.
Be it further resolved: That, inasmuch as the
said Development and General Mortgage Bonds are now in
the hands of the Treasurer in kind and can be transferred
in kind to the Rector and Board of Visitors but the
$20,000 in cash having been invested by the Treasurer
in securities which are a part of the general endowment
fund, such securities being now depreciated in value
below the price at which they were bought, and it being
considered proper that such $20,000 contribution should bear
its fair proportion of such depreciation, the Treasurer
is directed to determine what is the fair proportion of
such depreciation by applying thereto its salable share
of the total depreciation of all the securities forming
a partof such fund, and he shall pay over to the Rector
and Board of Visitors, on their order, so much of said
$20,000 as may remain after charging against said fund
its proper part of such depreciation ascertained as above
provided, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to sell
so many securities belonging to said endowment fund as may
be necessary to provide the money to make such payment; it
being understood with the Rector and Visitors that the said
$30,000 par value of Southern Railway development and
General Mortgage bonds and the amount of money, ascertained
as aforesaid, shall be accepted by them in full of the
said contribution made
The President stated that, acting under direction of
the Rector and Visitors, he had requested a committee
consisting of Messrs. Michie, of the Board, Whitehead,
Watts, and Lambeth, of the Medical Faculty, to take
up the matter of an architect for the new wing of the
Hospital, and that their choice had fallen upon Mr. Walter
D. Blair, of New York, an alumnus of this University.
The President laid before the Board some correspondence
from the Trustees of the Roanoke Rapids School Board,
of North Carolina, asking for the gift and conveyance
of a certain lot located there, on which it was purposed
to erect a school building, said lot being one bequeathed
jointly to the University of Virginia and the University
of North Carolina under the will of John Armstrong
Chaloner of "Merrie Mills," virginia.
The question as to whether or not the University
of Virginia has the right to join in a deed conveying
its rights in this property, was discussed at length,
and owing to the uncertain position of the University
in the premises, the whole matter was referred to the
Rector to investigate.
The President stated that the Alumni Recorder,
L. D. Crenshaw, was doing a great deal of work for the
University in the matter of advertising and soliciting
new students, and that it had been found impossible
to finance his office with the income from the contributions
made for the purpose, and asked the Board
to supplement the amount by the sum of $1,500 for the
current fiscal year; whereupon, the following was adopted.
Resolved: That the sum of $1,500 be and is hereby
appropriated for thecurrent fiscal year, for the maintenance
of the Office of the Alumni Recorder, provided the
sum of $2,000 is appropriated from other sources for the
maintenance of said office.
At the request of the President, the following
appropriations were made:
$200 to provide microscopes for the Biological Laboratory.
$355 to cover the expenses of assembling and transmitting
to the Exposition grounds, a suitable educational
exhibit for the University of Virginia at the
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
The Executive Committee, to which was referred the
petition of the University Cemetery Association for enlargement
of the University Cemetery, presented the following
report thereon, which was adopted.
After consideration of the petition
of the University Cemetery Endowment Association, and the
estimate of the costs of the proposed addition, by the
Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings, the Executive
Committee recommends the passage of the following resolutions:
Resolved: That the University Cemetery be enlarged by
extending the side walls 100 feet to the north, and the
removal of the north wall to take in the proposed addition,
and also south, flush with the Confederate Cemetery, if it is
deemed advisable after conference between the Cemetery
Association Committee, and the Faculty Committee on
Resolved: That the desired survey, plat and blue-
prints be made.
Resolved: That the Superintendent of Grounds and
Buildings, be requested to superintend this work, and the
sum of $373.40, or so much thereof as may be necessary
be appropriated for this purpose.
March 9th, 1915.
Mr. Michie offered the following, which was adopted.
Resolved: The regulations suggested by the University
Cemetery Association, for the care of the cemetery
and the allotment of graves and sections, be and the same
are hereby approved, and ordered to be spread on the minutes
of the Rector and Visitors.
To the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia:
The University Cemetery Association respectfully
petitions the Visitors to enlarge the bounds of the present
cemetery on the North side, so as to take in sufficient
ground to accommodate the needs of the University community;
and to repair the walk leading to the cemetery.
For the bette regulation of this proposed addition
to the cemetery, we would respectfully make the following
1. That the north wall be moved by the University
authorities on hundred feet to the north, and the space
be enclosed with a wall on the east and west sides, (with
gate in north wall), with authority to cut out such trees
as may be deemed necessary; also that water be brought
conveniently near the addition.
2. That an accurate survey and plat be made of the
proposed addition, with walks in appropriate directions,
to suit applicants who may be permitted under the next
succeeding paragraph to acquire such lots.
3. That the following classes of persons may obtain
licenses for burial lots in the proposed addition:
(a) Professors and officials of the University
(b) Resident children of such professors or officials
4. That five by ten (5 x 10) square feet shall be
allotted to each grave.
5. That no license for a burial lot be granted, save
upon the cash payments of the full price; lots containing one gr
6. That the scale of prices be as
lots containing two gr
lots containing three
7. That all money obtained from
the granting os such licenses shall be
turned over to the Treasurer of the Cemetery Endowment Fund.
for each additional gr
8. That the licenses for all such lots contain the
following stipulations:
(a) That if the licenses remove from the neighborhood and
fail during twenty years to notify the Bursar of the University,
that the use of his lot is still desired, the right of so much
of the lot as has remained unused, shall be deemed to have been
(b) That no license shall be of any force or effect unless
and until the lot to which it pertains shall have been marked
off by stone markers at the corners, and not otherwise;
9. That suitable lots be set aside for the graves
of such individual students and alumni, as may be buried
10. That as licenses are granted for burial lots, it
shall be the duty of the official or committee authorized
to grant them, to delineate carefully and to number upon
the plat the lot thus assigned, and the lot shall be described
in the license by the same number it bears upon the
plat; and the said plat shall be kept in the Bursars' office,
or in some other convenient place where it may be open to
the inspection of the members of the faculty or others
11. The rules governing the assignments of lots already
made are to continue in force, and lots may be assigned
in the old cemetery as heretofore to the families of any
professors who have in the past made considerable payment
upon the keeping of the cemetery, and who have not as yet
made any burial there.
In marking off these lots (iron or wood) fences will
not be allowed.
Respectfully submitted,
University Cemetery Endowment Association
The matter of placing a tombstone at Dr. B. W. Greens'
grave, was referred to the President with power to act.
On recommendation of the President, the following was
Resolved: That Messrs. Jesse H. Green and J. H. Robertson
be and are hereby appointed to fill the place of an Instructor
in the Department of Chemistry, for the remainder of
the session 1914-'15, beginning January 1st.
The President presented the matter of preparing for the
centennial celebration in 1919, and requested that a committee
of the Board be appointed to confer with a similar committee
of the Faculty. A committee consisting of the Rector, and
Messrs. White and Michie was appointed.
Upon the recommendation of the President, the following
was adopted; Mr. Hatton voting in the negative,
Scholarships to Divisions of U. D. C.
Resolved: That the Rector and Visitors of the University
award a scholarship to each of the twenty two (22) divisions
of the "United Daughters of the Confederacy," including
the States of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, District
of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington,
West Virginia, and covering exemption from tuition in the Academy
The following was adopted:
Resolved: That the Education Building, recently
created from funds given largely by the Peabody Education
Fund, be named "Peabody Hall" in honor of George Peabody
the founder of that fund, and one of the earliest and
wisest of American Benefactors.
A Committee from the C. and A. Ry. Company appeared
before the meeting and requested that the action of the
Board at a former meeting in declining a permit to construct
a turn-round on the University's property near the C. and O.
Ry. be re-considered, and praying that said permit be granted.
After a full hearing and discussion of the matter, the Board
declined to reconsider.
A standing committee of the Board on Buildings and
Grounds was created; the same to consist of the Rector, and
Messrs. Michie and White.
The President stated that an Economic Survey of Albemarle
County had been projected, in which the University would
take a leading part; that there would be some expenses
attached to the undertaking and asked that an appropriation
of something like $200 be made to aid in meeting the expenses.
The matter was referred to the President, with power to act.
Pursuant with recommendation of Finance Committee,
the following was adopted:-
Resolved: That the Bursar is hereby directed to
deposit with The Norfolk Bank for Savings & Trusts
of Norfolk, Va., all the bonds, stocks, or other securities
of every kind, including cash, bequeathed to the University
of Virginia by the late Dr. Bennett Wood Green, and which
are now held by the said bank as Trustee under the will
of said Dr. Green, and a list of and receipt for said
securities and cash shall be furnished the Bursar of
the University of Virginia.
The bonds and stock shall, as far as may be done, be registered
in the name of the Rector and Visitors of the
University, and may be transferred only upon the authority
of the Bursar and Two members of the Finance Committee.
The Depository shall collect all interest as the
same accrues upon any of the securities, and shall make
remittance thereof to the Bursar semi-annually, January
1st, and July 1st of each year.
The Depository shall collect any bond or other security
as it matures and shall deposit the same to a special investment
account to be drawn upon by the Bursar for the
purchase of other securities as may be approved by him and
when they shall have been paid for, shall be delivered
to said depository and be held for the account of the same
fund from which the purchase money was derived.
The Depository shall give immediate notice of the
collection of any matured bond or other security in order
that proper investment of the fund may be had.
A special account shall be kept of each fund, and the
investment thereof.
The Compensation of the Depository shall be $50.00
per annum, payable January 1st, in each year.
The request of the National Bank of Charlottesville for
a part of the University's deposits was considered and
referred to the Finance Committee to report to future
meeting of the Board.
Report of Executive Committee with reference to salary
of Dean.
Some time after the return
of President Alderman, the Bursar, at the suggestion of the
President, consulted the Chairman of the Executive Committee,
as to what compensation the Dean of the University should
receive. Since July, Dr. Page had been receiving the
regular salary of a full professor, $3,300.00 and a house;
Dr. Alderman's absence,—a total of $5150.00 and a house.
After Dr. Alderman's return the Bursar was uncertain of his
authority to continue paying Dr. Page as acting president.
He asked advice of the President, who referred him to the
Chairman of the Executive Committee. The latter corresponded
with the other members of the committee, but it was decided
to defer action until the meeting of the Board of Visitors.
Since November the 1st, the payment of the salary of $1500.00
as acting president has been discontinued.
In view of the invaluable services rendered by Dr. Page
to the University during Dr. Alderman's absence, and in
consideration of the fact that on account of Dr. Page's multitudinous
duties as Dean, which continue throughout the
summer, his whole time and energies are so fully engrossed
that he is unable to avail himself of opportunities to add
to his income, the Executive Committee recommends that Dr.
Page's salary, as professor, as dean and acting president in
time of the President's absence, be fixed at $4,800.00 per
annum, and the use of the Dean's residence, as of November 1st,
March 9th, 1915.
Resolved: That the salary of Dr. Jas. M. Page, as
professor of mathematics, dean of the University, and acting
president in times of the absence of the President, be
fixed at $4,800.00 per annum and the use of the Deans'
Residence as of November 1st, 1914.
Dr. A. J. Morrison of Hampden-Sidney, Va., appeared
before the Board in interest of a course of lectures prepared
on Virginia History, etc., which he wished to deliver
at the University. After considering the matter, the following
was adopted:
Resolved: That the outline of a proposed series of
lectures on Virginia History by Dr. A. J. Morrison, as presented
by him to this Board, having been given due consideration,
the Board is of the opinion that the proposition
of Dr. Morrison is not practicable.
The following was adopted:
Resolved: That the Rector be and he is hereby authorized
to sign on behalf of the University, the release deed in the
matter of the National Savings and Trust Company, as trustee
under the will of Cumberland George Herndon.
The Board being apprised of the death of Hon. John
B. Moon, attorney for the University, proceeded to fill the
vacancy. Mr. Allan Perkins was elected to fill said vacancy
at a salary of $300. per annum.
Upon application of Prof. C. W. Paul, permission
was granted him to hold examination in B1 Public
Speaking on March 13th, instead of on the regular date
as scheduled. This change of date was made necessary
on account of conflict with other dates, as arranged.
Professor Charles W. Paul was granted permission to
erect a residence on University grounds, under usual terms
of leases granted to professors.
On motion, the Board adjourned until annual meeting
in June
Board of Visitors minutes March 9, 1915 | ||