Board of Visitors minutes January 29, 1914 | ||
January 29th, 1914.
A called meeting of the Board of Visitors was
held on this date, with the following members present:
Rector Gordon, Judge Norton, John W. Craddock, Ceo. R. B.
Michie and R. C. Stearnes.
The meeting was called for 10:30 A.M., but a quorum was
not secured until the arrival of Mr. Stearnes at 6:10 P.M.
Pending the arrival of Mr. Stearnes, the members discussed
several matters, among which was the bill for the establishment
of a woman's college co-ordinate with the University, now
pending in the legistlature. It appeared to the members
present, that the bill now before the Legislature did not
meet the conditions as set forth in a resolution of the
Hoard at its meeting on January 5th, and therefore would not
prove satisfactory in its present shape. The question of
action by this meeting looking to the passage of another
resolution was considered and the Chair ruled that as this
meeting had not been called for that purpose, and that as
there were present only five members whereas there was a full
Board at the time the former action was had, he would entertain
no motion looking to further action at this meeting, but, if
the members saw fit, they could draw up a papger to meet their
views and sign it as individuals. Such paper was executed, but
did not constitute a part of the minutes.
The proposed merger of the Medical Department of
the University with the Medical College of Virginia,
which was the principal matter for consideration at this
meeting, was called up.
The Committee, consisting of Rector Gordon, Mr. Craddock
and Dr. Whitehead, appointed at the last meeting of the
Board to visit New York in conjunction with a similar Committee
from the Medical College of Virginia, together with Dr.
Alderman, with a view of determining whether or not the
contemplated endowment could be secured for the merged
school, made its report. After hearing from each of the
committee present, it was felt that the question of endowment
was extremely uncertain, and that it would be unwise to
proceed with the proposed enabling act under the circumstances.
The matter was disposed of in the following resolution
offered by Mr. Craddock and unanimously adopted:-
Resolved: That in view of the fact that the Rector
and Visitors of the University have diligently sought,
and have entirely failed to obtain assurances satisfactory
to said Rector and Visitors, of receiving such an endowment
fund from outside parties, as is contemplated by the
articles of agreement heretofore entered into between
and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
looking to the immediate consolidation of said Medical
College of Virginia and the Medical Department of the
University to be located at Richmond, as the Medical
Department of the University, it is the sense of this
Board, that it is inexpedient and unwise to proceed further
in the direction of such consolidation.
The question of creating temporarily, the office
of Alumni Recorder was brought up by Dr. Page, Acting
President, and the following offered by Judge Norton, was
Resolved: First, that for the six months, beginning
January 1st, 1914, an officer to be known as the Alumni
Recorder be employed by the University, and that it shall
be his duty to promote a reunion of alumni at the Finals of
1914, and to do such other work in connection with the alumni
as may be prescribed for him by the President of the University
and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of this Board.
Second, That the President of the University and the
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Visitors appoint the incumbent of the above mentioned office
and fix his salary at a sum not exceeding $150.00 a month,
beginning January 1, 1914, together with $75.00
for office expenses.
In accordance with the above resolutions, on
February 3rd, 1914, the Chairman of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Visitors, and the Dean (Acting
President) of the University, appointed Mr. Lewis D.
Crenshaw Alumni Recorder, for the six months, beginning
January 1, 1914. (It should be noted that the appointment
is made as of January 1, 1914, on account of the fact that
for some six months Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw did, at
odd times, work for the University for which he received
no remuneration.
The following letter was received from the Chairman
of the Library Committee, together with the accompanying
letters. Same were received, and ordered spread.
The University of Virginia.
Having learned through Dr. Booker of Balitmore
that Dr. W. P. Morgan was on the point of bestowing his
library upon some institution, Dr. Harry T. Marshall
conveyed to me, as Chairman of the Library Committee, this
information. After an exchange of letters with Dr. Morgan
Monument Street, Baltimore—with the result that he
presented to us his entire collection of books, claiming
the right to reserve some of the books for his own use
as long as he should live.
In order to put this gift in more tangible form,
there followed two letters, copies of which I am now
filing with you. I am not sure that this is in legal
shape, but I did not feel at liberty to push the matter
further, in view of Dr. Morgan's cordial beneficence.
Chairman Library Committee.
At the solicitation of Dr. William D. Booker of
Baltimore and Dr. Harry T. Marshall of the University of
Virginia, I offer my library to the University of Virginia,
according to the terms agreed upon by yourself and
Dec. 17th, 1913.
315 Monument Street
Baltimore, Md.
At the meeting of our Library Committee
yesterday afternoon I read them your letter of December
12, in which you state that at the solicitation of Dr.
William D. Booker, of Baltimore, and Dr. Harry T.
Marshall, of the University of Virginia, you offer your
library to the University of Virginia, according to the
terms agreed upon by yourself and me as Chairman of
the Library Committee.
The Committee was exceedingly gratified
at this generous offer, and authorized me to inform
you that it accepts with great delight your library,
and agrees heartily to the conditions that you be permitted
to retain such books as you desire, and have them
sent to us at your convenience.
The Secretary presented the following communication
from Herbert Noble, Trustee, in the Frances L. Wilson estate.
115 Broadway, New York, Jan. 21, 1914
Charlottesville, Va.
(re-Estate Frances L. Wilson, deceased.)
I have had submitted to me an offer of $1000,
for the unexpired term of the lease No. 44 West Fiftieth
Street, New York City, belonging to this Estate. I have
kept in constant touch with the real estate market concerning
leases like this one, and this offer is the best
one and in fact, the only one I have been able to obtain
during a period of over a year. I am advised by reliable
real estate agents who are familiar with the value of lease
holds in that neighborhood, that this offer is the
best I could possibly get under the circumstances, and
I am advised by them that it would be wise to accept
it. I have ascertained that a lease for the same unexpired
term as this one, to a house located on the same
street, with a frontage only one foot narrower and at
a yearly rental of only a few dollars less, was sold
not long ago for a price considerably less than one-half
the price now offered to me. I am therefore submitting
this matter to you, and will ask you to let me know if
you consent to this sale.
The lease in question is, as you know, for a
period to terminate November 1, 1931, at a rental of
$1811.00 a year, and the amount of taxes to be paid
yearly is over $900.00.
The houseremained unoccupied for over three years,
in spite of the fact that every effort was made to secure
a tenant. This inability to rent the house is attributable,
chiefly to the change in the character of the neighborhood,
it having changed from a purely residential section
to one where business is carried on, and for this reason,
at present, there is no demand for houses in this
neighborhood by the wealthy class of people. Moreover,
the house while tenantable would require considerable repairs
before it is acceptable, and the Estate is not
at present financially able to make this outlay.
The lease in question was offered at Auction sale
on May 28, 1912, but it had to be withdrawn as there
were no bidders.
In September, 1913, I leased the house for the
nominal rent of $1,800.00., a year, for a period of three
years, with a cancellation clause of sixty days which
can be exercised by me at any time. I did this in order
during all the time this house has remained unoccupied.
As the matter stands now, the house costs the Estate
in the neighborhood of $2800.00 a year to carry, and the
income derived from it is only $1800.00 a year, thereby
causing the Estate a loss of approximately $1100.00 a year.
After considering the foregoing facts, will you be
kind enough to let me know, at your earliest convenience,
if you consent to this sale; and I would urge you not
to delay this matter any more than it is absolutely
indispensable, as the person who has made the offer, while
he is willing to wait some time, I fear he may in the
meantime find another house that is satisfactory to him.
As Trustee of the Estate of
Frances L. Wilson, deceased.
The matter was disposed of in the following resolution
offered by Mr. Craddock, and adopted:
Resolved: That Herbert Noble, Trustee under the last
will and testament of Frances L. Wilson, deceased, duly
authorized to sell the lease-hold at 44 West Fiftieth
Street, New York City, belonging to said estate, and which
expires November 1, 1931, provided however, that not less
than the sum of $1000.00 is secured for the same."
The Bursur communicated to the Board the information
that he had received from the Rector, January 15th, the
following securities devised to the University by the
late Col. Js. H. Skinner of Staunton; the Rector having
been duly authorized to receipt to the Executors on behalf
of the University for same:
Skinner Securities. | January 15th, 1914. | ||
Par Value | Market | ||
16—$100, | Registered Va 3's | 1,600 | |
2— 500, | Registered Va 3's | 1,000 | 11,492 |
8—1000, | Registered Va 3's | 8,000 | |
6— 500, | Coupon Va | 3,000 | |
1—1000, | United States Registered 4's |
1,000 | 1,110 75 |
1—500, | United States Coupon 3's | 500 | 510 |
1— 100, | City of Staunton, 3 1/2's | 100 | 85 |
1— 500, | City of Staunton, 4's | 500 | 450 |
1— 500, | City of Staunton, 4 1/2's | 500 | 500 |
8 shares National Valley Bank, | 800 | 2,000 | |
11 shares Augusta National Bank, | 1,100 | 2,750 | |
Par | 18,100 | 18,897 75 |
The Bursar requested, that in view of the probability
of securing a better investment for the Skinner Scholarship
Fund than that now represented by the securities received
from the estate for that purpose, the Finance Committee be
authorized to make sale of said securities at such time
as it may see fit, and that the Rector be empowered to make
transfer of such registered Virginia and U. S. Bonds in
said fund as are now payable to the Rector and Visitors,
whereupon the following offered by Judge Norton was adopted:
Resolved: That the Finance Committee be authorized
in its descretion, and at such time as said Committee
shall deem advisable, make sale and transfer of the Virginia
bonds derived from the estate of Col. Js. H. Skinner,
under his will, and that the Rector be authorized in the
name of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, to execute and deliver, upon the request of
said Finance Committee, a proper power of attorney, authorizing
the Virginia Trust Company of Richmond, Virginia to
make transfer of said bonds.
Whereas, James H. Skinner, late of the City of
Staunton, Va., by his last will and testament devised
his property real and personal to Jos. A. Waddell and
Alex. F. Robertson, Trustees., upon trust that his sister
during her natural life, and at her death that said
Trustees should convey transfer and turn over said
property to the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia; and whereas said Fanny Skinner died on Nov.
8, 1913, and said Trustees by deed bearing date on January
17, 1914, conveyed to the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia all the real estate devised to them
as aforesaid, consisting of one office building, and an
undivided half interest in a store house, a residence
property and certain lots, all situated in the City of
Staunton, Va., and fully described in said deed: And
whereas, the other half of said property was owned by
Fanny Skinner at the time of her death, who by her will
authorized her Executors to sell any or all of her property
publicly or privately: And whereas, it is desirable that
the property conveyed to the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, and especially the undivided
interest, should be sold at the same time that the undivided
interest of Fanny Skinner, dec'd., is sold, therefore,
Resolved: That A. C. Gordon, Rector of the University
of Virginia be and he is hereby authorized to sell either
publicly or privately and upon such terms as to the payment
all of said real estate conveyed to The Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia, and to execute
and deliver a proper deed or deeds therefor, in the name
of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
(and) to which deeds the Secretary will affix the seal
of said Corporation. Any unpaid purchase money is to
be secured by a vendor's lien or a cotemporaneous deed of
trust upon the property sold.
Resolved, further, That Armisteed C. Gordon be
requested to act as attorney to represent the interests
of the University in any partition suit that it may be
necessary to bring, but without compensation for his
legal services from the University. This provision, however,
shall not be construed to prevent said Gordon from acting
as a joint commissioner of sale, and receiving such commissions
as the law allows its commissioners as officers of the court.
Prof. W. M. Thornton, Dean of the Engineering Department,
sent to the Board a request for the re-appropriation
of the unexpended surplus of the appropriation for his
department for the fiscal year ending July 1, 1913, said
appropriation being for special machinery, etc., all the
invoices for which were not received prior to closing the
books for the fiscal year.
Pursuant with the foregoing, the following by Mr.
Resolved: That the sum of $607.59 be and is hereby
re-appropriated for the Engineering Department for the
fiscal year ending July 1, 1914.
The Secretary stated to the Board that the Record
book now in use for the minutes of the Board was nearly
filled, and asked for permission to install a system
by which the minutes could be recorded by typewriter with
a black record ribbon, rendering them more legible and
requiring much less space to record them, thereby necessitating
use of fewer records and adding greatly to the
facility for preserving the valuable proceedings of the
body. The request, was considered and granted, and the
Secretary authorized to install such system when the
present book shall have been completed.
On motion, the Board adjourned, without date.
Board of Visitors minutes January 29, 1914 | ||