Board of Visitors minutes November 11, 1913 | ||
November 11th, 1913.
At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors on
above date, in the office of the President, East Lawn,
Present: Rector Gordon, and Visitors Craddock,
Flood, Norton, Michie, Oliver, Irvine and Drewry; also
legal counsel, John B. Moon,
The Rector having called the Board to order at
10:30 A.M.,
Mr. Geo. R. B. Michie, a member of the Committee
from this Board appointed at the last meeting to confer
appropriation from that body for the Professor of Biology
and Agriculture,—the said Board having declined to pay
over to the University the usual appropriation, on the
grounds that there does not now exist a Professor of
said Chair, properly appointed,—reported that a conference
had been held, and submitted the following as a report
of said conference:
Whereas, on the resignation of Professor Albert
H. Tuttle as Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture
in the University of Virginia the Board of Visitors of
the University failed to notify the Miller Board that a
vacancy had occurred in the said Professorship:
And whereas, the Miller Board in consequence made no
arrangement for carrying forward the work of the Miller
School of Biology and Agriculture of the University for the
current session;
And whereas, the Board of Visitors of the University,
in ignorance of the fact that the Miller Board should
initiate the arrangement for carrying forward the work of
the School for the current session, made the necessary
arrangements themselves;
Be it therefore Resolved, that the Miller Board
hereby approve of the arrangements made temporarily
by the Board of Visitors and only for the current session,
seventy-five (5775.00) to pay for the said work, which
amount includes six hundred and twenty-five (625.00)
principal balance paid Professor Tuttle's salary up to
September, 1913.
On motion of Mr. John B. Moon, it was
Resolved, the Board of Visitors, concurring that
the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and the President
of the University of Virginia proceed at once to advertise
that at the June meeting 1914, that Trustees of the Miller
Fund will proceed to nominate, if they so elect, and the Board
of Visitors to appoint, if they so elect, a Professor of
Agriculture (who shall be a scientific biologist) in
the School of Scientific and Practical Agriculture in
the Department of Agriculture of the University of Virginia,
which School has now been named the School of Biology
and Agriculture in the University of Virginia.
Resolved: That the Board of Visitors having received
and duly considered the Resolution of the Miller Board
passed at its meeting on November 8th, 1913, and in pursuance
of the suggestions contained therein, will in conformity with
the established usage of this Board instruct the President
of the University to invite by publication applications
and Biology:
Mr. A. C. Gordon, Chairman of the joint committee
composed of a committee from the Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia and a like committee from the
Board of the Medical College of Virginia, to consider
the advisability of consolidating the two medical schools
of the state under the control of the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, submitted the following
report of the meeting of said committee. Same was read,
received and ordered spread upon the minutes of this
Board, viz:
November 3, 1913.
Joint meeting of the Committees from the Board of
Visitors of the University of Virginia, and the Medical
College of Virginia.
Present: Messrs. A. C. Gordon, J. W. Craddock, Geo.
R. B. Michie, Dr. W. F. Drewry, and Dr. R. H. Whitehead
from the University of Virginia, and
Messrs. L. Z. Morris, Eppa Hunton, Jr., E. L. Bemis,
J. W. Williams, and Dr. S. C. Mitchell from the Medical
College of Virginia. Also Dr. George Ben Johnston by
On motion, Mr. A. C. Gordon was unanimously elected
Chairman, and immediately assumed the duties of that office.
On motion, J. R. McCauley was appointed Secretary
and also assumed the duties of that position.
The Chairman stated that the object of the meeting
was to consider the advisability of consolidating the two
medical schools of this state under the control of the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
After full discussion of the matter, a Sub-Committee
composed of Messrs. Gordon, Hunton and Michie, was appointed
to draw up a plan of consolidation to be presented to the
Joint Committee for consideration. The Committee presented
the following resolution, which was adopted:
"Being convinced that the unification of the medical
educational interests of the State of Virginia would result
in a great medical school in this State, in order to accomplish
this result the Committees of the University of Virginia
and of the Medical College of Virginia, subject to the
approval of their respective governing boards, agree to
recommend to the General Assembly of Virginia the passage
of an act to enable the Medical College of Virginia to be
merged into and to become a part of the University of Virginia
upon the following terms:-
1. The Board of Visitors of the Medical College of
Virginia will make an unconditional transfer of the property
of the Medical College of Virginia, to the Rector and
of a Department of Medicine of the University of Virginia
in Richmond.
2. The task of organizing this new Medical School
in all its details shall be entrusted to the authorities
of the University of Virginia.
3. The proposed school shall be a bona fide department
of the University of Virginia, having the same
academic and legal relationship to the University as that
borne by the present Department of Medicine.
4. The University of Virginia will discontinue
either in whole or in part, the teaching of medicine at
5. The Board of Visitors shall designate and appoint
from its members a Special Committee on the Medical
Department consisting of three, who shall have especial
charge, subject to the Board of Visitors of the details
of conduct, affecting said Department, and the Board shall
also appoint an Executive Officer of said Medical Department,
who shall not teach, but shall be the local executive
officer of the Department, subject to the authority and
direction of the President of the University, and to the final
control of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
6. The above agreement is conditioned upon the
assurance of securing sufficient funds to guarantee the
establishment, organization and maintenance of the proposed
school upon a thorough University basis in accordance
with the best modern ideals.
University of Virginia for the
Committee of the University Board.
College of Virginia, for the
Committee of the Board of Visitors
of the Medical College of Virginia.
It was moved and carried that a Committee of four,
consisting of the Rector and one member from the Committee
of the University of Virginia and Drs. Mitchell and
Johnston from the Medical College of Virginia be appointed
to confer with friends of medical education as to the
above action, with a view to securing endowment.
This committee was also empowered, when the proper
time arrives, to give a statement to the press.
No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned,
subject to the call of the Chairman.
Armistead C. Gordon,
J. R. McCauley,
The report was then taken up and discussed at length
by the members, with the result that sections 1, 4, 5
and 6 were amended to read as follows:
"Section #1. The Board of Visitors of the Medical
College of Virginia will make an unconditional transfer of
the property of the Medical College of Virginia, subject
to the existing liabilities of said Medical College,
which shall be assumed by the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia as the nucleus of a Department of
Medicine of the University of Virginia in Richmond."
"Section #4. The University of Virginia will discontinue
the teaching of Medicine at Charlottesville,
except that instruction in the subjects of the first year
of the curriculum may be offered there; but the entire
medical course will be maintained in Richmond, and the
first year of the course may be taken either in Richmond
or in Charlottesville. And this provision shall become
effective as soon as the transfer from Charlottesville
to Richmond shall be completed."
"Section #5. The Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia shall, unless and until otherwise determined by
said Board, designate and appoint from its members a special
committee on the new department consisting of the President,
"ex officio," and three members of the Board
Visitors, of the details of administration affecting said
The executive management of the proposed school
shall, unless and until otherwise determined by said
Board of Visitors, be entrusted to a Dean of the Medical
Department of the University of Virginia who shall reside
in Richmond, subject to the direction of the Rector and
Visitors of the University."
"Section #6. The above agreement is conditioned
upon the assurance satisfactory to the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, of securing sufficient
funds to guarantee the establishment, organization and
maintenance of the proposed school upon thorough University
basis in accordance with the best modern ideals."
The resolution was then redrawn to contain the sections
as amended, and placed upon its passage in the following
A recorded vote being asked for, same was taken with
the following result,- Ayes: Messrs. Craddock, Drewry,
Flood, Gordon, Irvine, Michie and Norton; Noes, Oliver.
"Being convinced that the unification of the medical
educational interests of the State of Virginia would result
this result the committees of the University of Virginia
and of the Medical College of Virginia, subject to the approval
of their respective governing boards, agree to recommend
to the General Assembly of Virginia, the passage of an act
to enable the Medical College of Virginia to be merged
into and to become a part of the University of Virginia
upon the following terms:-
1. The Board of Visitors of the Medical College of
Virginia will make an unconditional transfer of the property
of the Medical College of Virginia, subject to the existing
liabilities of said Medical College, which shall be
assumed by the Rector and Visitors of the University, to
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia as
the nucleus of a Department of Medicine of the University
of Virginia in Richmond.
2. The task of orgainzing this new Medical School
in all its details shall be entrusted to the authorities
of the University of Virginia.
3. The proposed school shall be a bona fide department
of the University of Virginia having the same academic
and legal relationship to the University as that borne by
the present Department of Medicine.
4. The University of Virginia will discontinue the
teaching of medicine at Charlottesville, except that the
instruction in the subjects of the first year of the
curriculum may be offered there, but the entire medical
course will be maintained in Richmond, and the first year
of the course may be taken either in Richmond or in Charlottesville
And this provision shall become effective as soon as the transfer
from Charlottesville to Richmond shall be completed.
5. The Board of Visitors of the University of
Virginia shall, unless and until otherwise determined by
said Board, designate and appoint from its members a special
committee on the new department consisting of the President
of the University, "Ex officio," and three members of the
Board who shall have special charge, subject to the Board of
Visitors, of the details of administration affecting said
department. The executive management of the proposed school
shall, unless and until otherwise determined by said Board of
Visitors, be entrusted to a Dean of the Medical Department of the
University of Virginia who shall reside in Richmond, subject to
the direction of the Rector and Visitors of the University.
6. The above agreement is conditioned upon the assurance
satisfactory to the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, of securing sufficient funds to guarantee
proposed school upon a thorough University basis in accordance
with the best modern ideals."
The Rector was authorized and directed to transmit
a copy of the amended resolutions to Eppa Hunton, Jr.,for
transmission to the Medical College Board.
Resolved: That the Rector and Dr. Alderman constitute
a committee, with authority in the Rector to make
any additions to the committee, which to him may seem
proper, to visit New York with a view to obtaining the
endowment necessary for the consolidation of the Medical
College of Virginia with that of the Medical Department
of the University of Virginia, subject to the action
of the Medical College of Virginia, upon the amended
resolutions for consolidation this day adopted by
this Board.
The following letter from Dr. W. A. Lambeth, was
referred to the Executive Committee, with power to act:-
University of Virginia.
I respectfully ask that you permit me to use the
land between the Cemetery branch and Mrs. Towles' line,
it is swamp land grown up in rushes and brush. It
will be greatly improved by use; and of course, can be
surrendered immediately on demand of the University.
The petition of the "University Golf Club" to use
from the field on the left of McCormick Road, sufficient
space for three additional holes, was read and granted.
A proposition was received from the Charlottesville
and Albemarle Railway Co., to sell to the University,
electric current; and same was disposed of in the following
Resolved: That the communication from the Charlottesville
and Albemarle Railway Company, be referred to the Executive
Committee for report to the Board.
Agreement in the Matter of the Will
of Miss Mary Amelia Smith.
Whereas, certain questions were raised concerning
the probate and validity of the will of the late Miss Mary
Amelia Smith of Fauquier County which questions were
adjusted and settled among all the parties interested, by a
certain agreement entered into on the 20th day of November
1912, between the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia and Edwin A. Alderman, as President of said
brothers of the testatrix, all of which more fully
appears by the said agreement of Nov. 20th, 1912, which
will be found of record in the Clerk's Office of the
Circuit Court of Fauquier County.
And Whereas, it was at the time of the execution of
said agreement, the desire and purpose of the said Thomas
Smith to make in favor of the said Rector and Visitors
of the University such provision as would carry into
effect as hereinafter stated as far as possible the will
of the said Miss Mary Amelia Smith so far as it was in the
favor of the said University.
Now therefore, This agreement made this 24th day of
January, A.D., 1913, between the said Thomas Smith of the
one part and the said Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, herein sometimes styled the University, witnesseth:
That the said Thomas Smith in consideration of the
premises herebyagrees and covenants to and with the said
University that he will make a last will and testament by
which he will devise and bequeath to the University after
the death of his wife, such an amount of his individual estate
as may make up to the said University the sum of Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000) without any interest thereon
University would have received as a full beneficiary
from the estate of the said Miss Mary Amelia Smith under
the terms and provisions of her will had all of them
gone into effect and been fully carried out; but all
the property and funds which may pass to the said
University, under the will of the said Thomas Smith shall
be taken and held by the said University for the same
uses and purposes and upon the same conditions as are
mentioned and specified in that clause of the will of
the said Miss Mary Amelia Smith which makes a provision
in favor of the said University, so as to carry into effect
her wishes in regard to the same, but while the said will
of Miss Mary Amelia Smith is to control as to the uses
and purposes of said Thomas Smith's devise and bequest,
yet he suggests and requests that it be used to promote the
teaching and study of Virginia History by some professorship
or assistant professorship or fellowship or by some other
appropriate arrangement to be named for or in the memory
of the late Major-General and Ex-Governor William Smith.
And the said Rector and Visitors of the said
University, expressing their high appreciation of the
generous and disinterested motives which have prompted the
said Thomas Smith to enter into this agreement and
and unselfish course in the matter, hereby accepts the
provisions of this contract and agree to the carrying
of the same into effect by way of supplement to the aforesaid
contract of November 20th, 1912.
5 Witness the signature and seal of the said Thomas
Smith and the signature of the said Rector and Visitors
of the University by Armistead C. Gordon, the Rector,
with their corporate seal hereunto affixed and attested
by the Secretary.
(signed) Thomas Smith,
The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia,
By Armistead C. Gordon,
E. I. Carruthers, Secretary.
State of Virginia,
County of Albrmarle, to-wit:
I, L. W. Wood, a Notary Public for the County aforesaid
in the State of Virginia, do certify that Thomas Smith,
whose name is signed to the foregoing writing bearing date
on the 24th day of January, A. D., 1913, has acknowledged
the same before me in my County aforesaid.
Given under my hand this 31st day of October, A. D.,
(signed) L. W. Wood,
Notary Public
(My commission expires June 17, 1914.)
State of Virginia,
County of Augusta, to-wit:
I, James L. Gordan, a Notary Public for the County
aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do certify that
Armistead C. Gordon, the Rector of the University of
Virginia, whose name is signed to the foregoing writing
hearing date on the 24th day of January, A.D., 1913,
has acknowledged the same before me in my county aforesaid.
Given under my hand this 4th day of November, A.D.,
(signed) James L. Gordon, Notary Public
(My commission expires June 27, 1917)
The matter of the "Ryan Scholarships" was discussed
and a committee, composed of Hon. H. D. Flood, and Judge
J. K. M. Norton, was appointed to take up the matter
of arranging with Mr. Ryan for the appointment of
beneficiaries for said scholarships.
Resolved: That a meeting of the Board be held
Thursday, December 11th, at 10:00 A.M., to consider the
establishment of a Woman's Co-ordinate College, at or
near the University of Virginia, and to hear argument
by the advocates and opponents of the proposition, at
which time three hours shall be allotted to each side.
Resolved: Second, that the Secretary be directed
and Messrs. Henry Taylor and M. M. McGuire, all of
Richmond, Virginia.
There being no further business, on motion, the
Board adjourned.
Board of Visitors minutes November 11, 1913 | ||