Board of Visitors minutes May 6, 1910 | ||
May 6th, 1910.
At the annual meeting of the Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia, on May 6th, in the President's Office,
Present: The Rector, and Visitors White, Craddock, Harmon,
and Shackelford, and President Alderman,
The Rector having called the Board to order, the following
was adopted;-
Resolved: That the report of the Rector of the transfer
of securities to the "Alumni Board of Trustees of the University
Endowment Fund", under the resolution of the Board at its
June meeting, 1909, be received, approved and recorded upon the
minutes as follows:-
May 6th, 1910.
The undersigned respectfully reports that pursuant to the
resolution of the Visitors at the June meeting, 1909, providing
for the transfer to the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University
of Virginia Endowment Fund, as in said resolution set
forth, on March 30, 1910, after having had a previous meeting
with Mr. Eppa Hunton, Jr., the Treasurer of said Alumni Board
of Trustees in Richmond, in order to arrange the various details
for the proper transfer of those of said securities which
were registered, the undersigned receipted to the Virginia Trust
Company for the following named and described bonds, and turned
the same over to said Hunton as Treasurer of said Alumni Board
of Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund taking
his receipts therefor in the words and figures following: viz.-
List of Securities held by the Virginia Trust Company for
Account of the University of Virginia for the "Curry Memorial
School of Education.
Per Cent. | No. | Due. | Amount. | |
5 | Georgia Railway & Electric Co., | 1301-1304 | 1932 | 4,000 |
3029-3030 | 1932 | 2,000 | ||
3203 | 1932 | 1,000 | ||
4365-4367 | 1932 | 3,000 | ||
5 | Detroit | 4323-4332 | 1933 | 10,000 |
4 | United Railway Co. of St. Louis | 5208 | 1934 | 1,000 |
5612 | 1934 | 1,000 | ||
24,376-24,378 | 1934 | 3,000 |
Per Cent. | No. | Due. | Amount. | |
5 | Somersett Coal Company, | 1113-1117 | 1932 | 5,000 |
5 | Mexican Coal & Coke Company, | 2163-2172 | 1926 | 10,000 |
6 | American Tobacco Company, | 31,039 | 1944 | 1,000 |
31,040-31,042 | 1944 | 3,000 | ||
36,339-36,343 | 1944 | 5,000 | ||
53,274 | 1944 | 1,000 | ||
6 | Kings County Electric Light & Power Company, |
349 | 1997 | 1,000 |
391 | 1997 | 1,000 | ||
634-638 | 1997 | 5,000 | ||
1759-1760 | 1997 | 2,000 | ||
5171 | 1997 | 1,000 | ||
5 | Central Leather Company, | 17,463-17,471 | 1925 | 9,000 |
17,766 | 1925 | 1,000 | ||
4 | Rio Grande & Western R'y. Co., | 3181-3185 | 1949 | 5,000 |
5 | U. S. Steel Corporation, | 11,389 | 1963 | 1,000 |
12,611 | 1963 | 1,000 | ||
15,655 | 1963 | 1,000 | ||
15,656 | 1963 | 1,000 | ||
40,785-40,786 | 1963 | 2,000 | ||
77,210 | 1963 | 1,000 | ||
84,761 | 1963 | 1,000 | ||
103,871-103,872 | 1963 | 2,000 | ||
5 | Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., | 8851-8853 | 1923 | 3,000 |
8859-8860 | 1923 | 2,000 | ||
4 1/2 | Imperial Japanese Government, | 121,685-121,700 | 1925 | £1,600 |
Richmond, Va., March 30, 1910.
Received of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, through the Honorable Armistead C. Gordon, Rector,
all of the above listed securities with all of the unmatured
coupons thereto attached.
Treasurer of the Alumni Board
of Trustees of the University of
Virginia Endowment Fund.
List of Securities held by the Virginia Trust Company for Account
of the University of Virginia, for James C. Carter Bequest.
Number | Due | Amount | ||
6 A. W. Mosby and H. E. Dewitt |
Bond | 1 | 1913 | $10,000 |
Received of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia through the Honorable Armistead C. Gordon, Rector,
the bond with all unmatured coupons thereto attached.
Board of Trustees of the Univ. of Va. Endow't.
List of Securities held by the Virginia Trust Company for Account
of the University of Virginia for the "Endowment Fund"
being raised by President Alderman and General Alumni Association.
Name. | No. | Due | Amount. | |
5 | U. S. Steel | 4144-4148 | 1951 | 5,000. |
5 | Campania Metalurgica Mexicana |
450-460 | 1931 | 11,000 |
Received of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, through the Honorable Armistead C. Gordon, Rector
all of the above listed securities with all of the unmatured
coupons thereto attached.
Treasurer of the Alumni Board of
Trustees of the University of Virginia
Endowment Fund.
The undersigned returns herewith to the Visitors the original
receipts of said Hunton, Treasurer, to be filed and preserved
by the Bursar; and respectfully requests that this Report
may be received and spread upon the minutes of the Visitors.
(signed) Armistead C. Gordon,
Rector of the University of Virginia.
Resolved: That James E. Routh, Jr. be elected Adjunct
Professor in the Edgar Allen Poe School of English, for such
portion of the year 1910-1911, as may be necessary, at a salary
on the basis of $1,250 per annum.
Resolved: That Graham Edgar, Instructor in the Department
of Chemistry, be promoted to the rank of Adjunct Professor
in the same department, at a salary of $1,200.00
Resolved: That D. V. Guthrie, Instructor in the Department
of Physics, be promoted to the rank of Adjunct Professor,
at a salary of $1,200.00.
Resolved: That J. L. Newcomb, Associate Professor in the
Department of Engineering, be promoted to the rank of Full Professor
in that department, at a salary of $2,250.00
Resolved: That W. H. Faulkner, Associate Professor in
the Department of Germanic Languages, be promoted to the rank
of Full Professor in that department, at a salary of $2,500.00
Resolved: That the "Valentine Birely Scholarship" be
awarded to Mr. William M. Storm, for session 1910-1911.
Resolved: That the office of Commissioner of Accounts be
abolished after the 30th of June, 1910. This action is taken
on account of the creation by the Legislature of a Bureau of
Accountancy for State Institutions.
Resolved: That the additional sum of $50.00 be appropriated
and paid to "The Debating and Oratorical Union," to assist
in defraying the expenses of this organization for session 19091910.
Resolved: That the President and Superintendent of Grounds
& Buildings with the assistance of such other members of the
faculty as they may request to act with them are requested to
investigate the whole question relative to the sewer system of
the University, and make report to the next meeting of the Board
made, together with an estimate of the costs thereof.
Resolved: That the petition of certain citizens of the
University community with reference to re-opening the entrance
to the University grounds from the street-car line, be referred
to the Committee on Grounds & Buildings, and the President
for consideration and future report to the Board.
Whereas, by deed dated November 13th., 1905, and recorded
in the Clerk's Office of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed
Book 131, p. 341, A. N. Peyton conveyed to D. Harmon and John
S. White, Trustees, a certain lot of land, known as the Anderson
property, at the University to secure equally and ratably
the University of Virginia and the Trustees of the Miller
Board in the sums of $3,400.00 and $3,300.00 respectively;
And, whereas, the said Peyton now desires a release of a
portion on the lot in the rear of the Anderson house and beginning
at a point on the western line of the said property
about 210 feet from University Avenue, thence north 60 feet
and with a depth of 113 feet, in order that he may effect
another loan thereon for the sum of $ for the purpose
of erecting a house thereon;
And, whereas, it appears that the University will have
still a first lien with the Miller Board on a lot fronting
138 feet on University Avenue, and extending back on the west
side about 210 feet and on the east side about 240 feet, and
will have still a first lien on a small triangular lot in the
rear of the lot proposed to be released, as well as a second
lien of $ hereinbefore mentioned;
And, whereas, by reason of improvements placed by the
said Peyton on the lot upon which the first lien is still
retained, it appears that the security for the said loans by
the said University and the said Miller Board will be amply
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, that John B. Moon, as Attorney
for the said University of Virginia, be and is hereby
authorized and empowered to make such release, or postponement,
of the lien of the said University, jointly with the
said Miller Board, on the said lot 60 feet by 113 feet in the
rear of the said Anderson house, as may be needful in the premises.
Whereas, the Beta Iota Chapter of the Delta Tau Delta
Fraternity request that they be assigned site "A" in the "Fraternity
Court," instead of site "B", granted them by resolution
of March 6th, 1910; and in submitting such request, they
propose to erect ultimately a building to cost about $18,000.00,
Therefore, be it
Resolved: That site "A" be substituted for site "B" and
assigned to the said Fraternity, subject to the same conditions
as required in resolution of March 6th, 1910.
Resolved: That the following petition of the Phi Beta
Kappa Fraternity for a room on East Range, be granted;-
April 30, 1910.
The Executive Committee of the local chapter of Phi Beta
Kappa requests that, unless you yourself see some reason for
not doing so, you will submit to the Board of Visitors, their
request that the Chapter be granted the use of one of the rooms
of the University, and would suggest as suitable for the purpose,
the unoccupied room on East Range in the building in which
Dr. B. W. Green now resides. We desire this room to keep in it
the records, library, photographs, and other property of the
Chapter, and for the use of the officers of the Chapter in the
discharge of their duties.
Phi Beta Kappa exists solely to advance sound scholarship
at the University. It is in no sense a private fraternity, and
has no interest to serve except that of sound scholarship. We
feel that it would be a graceful recognition of the disinterested
work which our organization is endeavoring to do for the
University, if the Board of Visitors would thus provide a home
for the chapter in the University buildings. The income of the
Chapter is small, being limited to the initiation fees of its
members, and barely suffices to meet necessary expenses. Among
these expenses, it is proper to recall, is that connected with
one of the most important public celebrations of our Final Week,
an expense which is borne by the Chapter, although the public
exercises are strictly a University function.
If the University will give us the use of a room, the
Chapter will undertake to furnish it suitably, keep it in repair,
and meet all necessary expenses of heating, lighting,
and the like.
It appearing to the Board that the sum of $22,565.00
will be needed to finish the Law Building and equip the same;
and about $4,000.00 to make essential repairs on the buildings
known as "Dawson's Row;" and it further appearing that the
stock of the Norfolk National Bank, represented by certificate
#2053 for 105 shares of the National Bank of Commerce of Norfolk,
(represented by certificate #898 for 231 shares) being a part
of the James Fund, Can be sold to advantage,
Resolved: That the Finance Committee shall sell the
said stock, and that $26,500.00 of the proceeds of such sale,
shall be used for the purposes above set out, with the understanding,
and upon condition that the said sum shall be restored
to the said James Fund, out of the first funds coming into
the University, available for the purpose; and subject to the
further condition, that one-half of the interest on $26,500.00
at the rate of 5%, shall be paid to the "Lee Camp Soldiers'
Home," as provided by the will of the late E. W. James.
Whereas, at the last meeting of this Board, the following
resolution was adopted;-
Resolved: That the Finance Committee of this Board be and
is hereby authorized and requested to turn over to the Treasurer
of the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University Endowment
Fund, the securities now in the custody of the Virginia Trust
Company, and representing what was known as the "Alumni Hall
Fund", arising from sundry payments by Alumni and Friends to
the late Col. Thos. H. Carter, as temporary treasurer, amounting
him invested in 3% Virginia County Bonds in the name of the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
It is understood that, by re-investment of the interest
from time to time, the fund is now $3,600. par value in Century
And, whereas, it appears that the foregoing resolution
was adopted by inadvertence, therefore be it
Resolved That the above resolution be rescinded, and
that the Bursar be authorized and instructed to hold the said
bonds as custodian for the Trustees of the "General Athletic
Association", and "Alumni Hall Fund", and to pay the interest
accrued and to accrue to W. A. Lambeth and R. T. W. Duke, Jr.,
the Trustees for said fund for re-investment.
The following correspondence and accompanying contract
was directed to be placed on record:-
University of Virginia.
I enclose herewith a formal contract prepared by Messrs.
Moon and Fife, relative to the removal of the track, &c., by
the Street Car Company. It has been executed by the Company,
and I have signed it as Chairman of the Executive Committee.
When this Company began the work, I was under the impression
that the Committee, composed of yourself, Dr. Lambeth, and
myself, had power to act in the matter; but it seems that the
power was vested in you gentlemen and the Executive Committee.
at the meeting of the Board called for Saturday. I regret to
say it will be impossible for me to attend the meeting, as I
shall be out of town.
Messrs. E. A. Alderman, W. A. Lambeth, and D. Harmon,
Committee of Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia.
On the 10th day of April 1908, the Board of Visitors of
the University of Virginia adopted a resolution that the petition
of the Charlottesville and Albemarle Railway Company
for change of the location of its line be referred to you
gentlemen with authority to act.
The said Railway Company desires to make the following
changes in the present location of its line through the
grounds of the University of Virginia, namely:-
Remove the track further south to a point about half way
between its present location and the County turn-pike, and also
lower the grade and straighten said track from the C. & O. overhead
Bridge to what is known as "Buffum's Crossing." And also
to do away with the trestle south of the Electric Light Plant
of the University of Virginia, and make a small fill in its
place at or about the present location of the trestle.
These changes will necessitate the lowering of the present
grades in some places and the raising of it in others, and will
present track, and near the East Range road.
Of course, if the University should at any time in the
future, determine to open the East Range Road so as to connect
with the County Turnpike, the said C. & A. Railway will
change its tracks as to grades &c. to such an extent as may
be necessary to conform with the grade that the University
may determine upon.
The said Railway Company is very anxious to make these
changes as soon as possible, as it is very important that the
work should be done before the opening of the Spring season,
and it trusts that your Committee will permit it to go ahead
with the work as soon as possible.
Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention to
this matter, I am,
President of the C. & A. Railway Company.
University of Virginia.
I enclose herewith a paper from Mr. L. T. Hanckel, President
of the Street Railway Company, making application for
permission to change the location and grade of the street-car
track as it passes over the lands of the University.
I had a talk a few days ago with Dr. Lambeth and understood
him to approve of the general plan proposed by Mr. Hanckel.
of the committee, I will be glad to come up to the
University any time within the next few days. In the meantime,
I make the following suggestions:-
That the permission asked for be granted to the Street
Car Company upon the condition that the location and grade
of the road shall be approved by the Superintendent of Grounds
and Buildings, and that the banks of any cuts and fills made
necessary by this work shall be put in grass by the Railway
Company, and the sod be kept in proper condition and well
trimmed by them, and that in granting the permission, all
rights heretofore reserved by the University in reference
to use of their lands by the Street Car Company, are to be
applied to the changed location.
In order to preserve a complete record of the transaction,
I think that the formal draft of the action of the committee
should be accepted by the Street Car Company, so that the
same can be recorded upon the minute books of the Board of
I approve, with the conditions named in Mr. Harmon's
(signed) W. A. Lambeth, Sup't.
(signed) Edwin A. Alderman.
Whereas, it appears from a petition of the Charlottesville
& Albemarle Railway Company, dated April 10, 1908, and
filed with the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia, as follows:
University of Virginia."
The undersigned respectfully requests your honorable
body to permit it to change the location of its Street Car
Line running through the premises of the University of Virginia.
It is desired to change the location of its railway
line from its present one to a point lying north of the trestle
and south of the light and heating plant of the University
of Virginia,- the new line to be located at such point and
along such curves and grades as will be agreeable to and approved
by your body.
It is respectfully requested that this matter may be referred
by your body to your Committee on Grounds and Buildings,
and the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings of the University
of Virginia, will full power to act in the premises.
In the opinion of the undersigned the desired change of
location will in no way injure or impair the value or the
appearance of the grounds of the University of Virginia; but
on the contrary, will greatly add to it, by removing the present
unsightly trestle, and also enabling the undersigned to
locate a station nearer to "Cabell Hall" (if the same is desired)
than the present one.
by Louis T. Hanckel, Vice-President.
And, whereas, at a meeting of the said Board of Visitors
of the said University of Virginia, held April 10, 1908,
at which was present the Rector and a majority of the members,
the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved: That the petition of the Charlottesville and
Albemarle Railway Company, for a change of location of line,
be referred to the Executive Committee, with authority to act:
and that the President and Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings
act with said Executive Committee",
(signed) I. K. Moran, Secretary."
Now, Therefore,- In consideration of the premises, it is
covenanted, stipulated and agreed by and between the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia, acting through
Armistead C. Gordon, Rector, Daniel Harmon, H. D. Flood,
George S. Shackelford, and John W. Craddock, Executive Committee
of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia,
and Edwin A. Alderman, President, and W. A. Lambeth, Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds of the said University of
Virginia, hereinafter styled the Committee, party of the first
part, and the Charlottesville & Albemarle Railway Company, a
corporation organized under the laws of Virginia, and hereinafter
styled the Company, party of the second part, as follows:
1. That the said Company shall have the right and privilege
of changing and altering the present location of its said
Street-Car Line through the premises of the said University of
Virginia, said changes and alterations to extend and apply to
the lowering of its present grades from a point on the present
line of the said Company at the Overhead Bridge of the Chesapeake
line, known as "Buffum's Crossing;"
2. That the said Company shall have the privilege and
right to remove and abandon use of a certain wooden trestle
immediately south of the Electric Light Plant of the said
University of Virginia, and to make and erect a fill or embankment,
with proper and sufficient culverts for the outlet
of water thereunder, to be used in its place and stead;
3. That the said Company shall have the further right
to build and construct a siding on said altered line at a
point thereon known as the Old Infirmary of University Station,
for its use in the better accomodation of the public
attending public gatherings and functions at the said University
of Virginia;
4. That the banks or sides of any and all cuts and fills
made necessary by the aforesaid changes on the line of the
said Company, shall be put in grass or sodded at the expense
of the said Company, and the grass and sod shall be kept well
trimmed and in proper condition at the expense of the said
5. That all lowering or changing of grade or grades,
all changes or alterations of track or tracks, any and all
fills made and erected and any culvert constructed, and siding
built, as heretofore stipulated, in short, any and all
changes, alterations and variations whatever of the said present
line of said Railway Company shall be made with the consent
and subject to the acceptance and approval of the said
Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings of the said University
of said Railway Company and without cost to the said Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia;
6. That should the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia determine at any time in the future to open for
use the road now extending through its said grounds along the
front of East Range, so as to connect therewith the County
Turnpike, then, and in that event, the said Company shall
erect a proper crossing over its track or tracks, and a proper
grade to the said East Range Road.
7. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between
the parties to this stipulation and agreement, that any and
all rights of whatever nature and character heretofore and
prior to this agreement reserved by the said University of
Virginia in reference to the use of its said lands and property
by the said Charlottesville and Albemarle Railway Company
are to attach and apply to the changed location as hereinbefore
In Witness Whereof, the said Committee has hereunto affixed
their signatures and seals, and the said Company has
caused the signature of its corporate name to be made by the
President of the said Corporation, and its corporate seal to
be hereunto affixed and attested by its Secretary, this
day of 1910.
(signed) Armistead C. Gordon, Rector,
(signed) D. Harmon,
Chairman Executive Committee.
(signed) George S. Shackelford,
(signed) John W. Craddock,
Executive Committee of the Board of Visitors
of the University of Virginia.
(signed) President.
(signed) W. A. Lambeth,
Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds
of the University of Virginia.
Charlottesville & Albemarle Railway Co.,
(signed) By L. T. Hanckel, President.
(signed) Lew Wood, Secretary,
Charlottesville & Albemarle
Railway Company.
Resolved: That the following extract from the minutes
of the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University of Virginia
Endowment Fund, be entered upon the records of this Board, and
that the appropriations therein suggested be agreed to and approved,-
"Resolved: That the statement entitled "University of
Virginia Endowment Fund Budget" be adopted, recommended
to the Board of Visitors, and recorded as a part of the
minutes of this meeting, as follows:
[1] [See Pages 73 and 74 for the statement referred to above.]
Resolved: That the estimates of the Income and the appropriation
of the same as recommended in the report of the President,
be approved as follows:
[The report referred to above begins on Page 75.]
Board of Visitors minutes May 6, 1910 | ||