University of Virginia Library


The Board of Visitors met in annual session in the
President's Office, University of Virginia, on above date,

Present: The Rector, and Visitors Harmon, White, Buchanan,
Craddock, Norton, and Flood.

The Board was called to order at 10:30 A. M., by the
Rector, and the following adopted:


The M. A. Degree shall be conferred upon the holder of
a satisfactory bachelor of arts degree who completes the work
in four fully organized graduate courses, of which at least
three must be cognate. The four courses shall be chosen from
at least three distinct subjects distributed among three different
schools, except by special order of the Academic Faculty;
and at least two of the four courses must be taken in
the year when the degree is conferred, if the preliminary baccalaureate
degree is taken at this University. Moreover, when
such candidate has received his baccalaureate degree from
another institution, he must take not only the four graduate
courses above mentioned, but also the precedent undergraduate
courses in the same subjects unless excused from any such
course by the Academic Faculty, upon the concurrent recommendation
of the professor and of the Committee on Academic Degrees;

such recommendation to be based upon a written communication
signed by the President of the institution at which
the candidate received his baccalaureate degree, and stating
the text-books used by the candidate, the amount of collateral
reading, laboratory work, etc., done by him, and the grades
which he attained in each of the subjects in which he desires
to be excused from doing undergraduate work at this University.

This resolution may apply to the present session.

The petition of Mr. Otis B. Sears, for additional compensation
on account of special work as Instructor in the School
of Greek, was granted.

Resolved: That a committee of five be appointed, consisting
of three members of the Visitors, and the President


of the University, and the Dean of the Department of Law, to
consider the question of the expansion of the Department of

Resolved: That Messrs. Flood, Norton, and Harmon be, and
are hereby appointed to serve on this Committee, on behalf of
the Board.

Resolved: That the President be authorized to appoint
from the present Law Faculty, a Dean of the Department to serve
during the absence of Prof. W. M. Lile.

Resolved: That Professor Raleigh C. Minor be, and he is
hereby appointed Dean of the Law Department to serve during
the absence of Prof. W. M. Lile.

Resolved: That the following appropriations be made,-

Completion of Physiological Laboratory Equipment β€”  $1,000.00 
Equipment of Surgical Laboratory β€”  $ 150.00 
Salary of Professor of Diseases of Eye, Ear, &c. β€”  $ 500.00 

Resolved: That Dr. H. S. Hedges be appointed Professor
of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, for one year, beginning September
12th, 1907β€”at a salary of $500.00

Resolved: That the central heating plant be operated
from October 18th until May 5th of each year.

Resolved: That the terms or rates for heating for the
above season be fixed at $20.00 per 100 square feet of radiation,
and that all radiation connected shall be reckoned as
used in service.

Resolved: That the sum of $900.00 be appropriated for
the purpose of heating the Old Infirmary, and that the rent


for said building be increased from the sum of $466.00 to
$600.00 per annum. That the occupants furnish coal, and
operate the heating system.

Resolved: That $3,100.00 be appropriated for the purpose
of installing steam heat in East Range.

Resolved: That beginning with 1908-'9 the sum of
$700.00 be appropriated for the services of an electrician.

The resignation of Dr. Barringer was presented by the
President, and the following adopted,-

The Board of Visitors in accepting the resignation of
Doctor Paul B. Barringer as Professor of Physiology and
Therapeutics, directs that the correspondence between Dr.
Barringer and the President of the University, be spread
upon the minutes; and further records its regret that he has
severed his relation with the University

During the seventeen years of his service, he has illustrated
not only his eminence in his particular school or department
of learning; but has by his contribution to the
general literature of the subjects taught by him, added to
the value and prominence of the Medical School of the University;
and by his unvarying zeal and loyalty to the University,
both as Professor and Chairman of the Faculty, he has done
much to promote its welfare.

In his new field of labor, it is the sincere hope of the
Board that Dr. Barringer will find his work congenial; and it
confidently predicts for the Institution over which he will
preside, a new era of prosperity.

Resolved, further,- That a copy of this resolution be
transmitted to Dr. Barringer.


The correspondence follows -

Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, President,
Dear Sir:-

I enclose herewith, for transmission to the Rector
and Board of Visitors, at their coming meeting, my resignation
as professor of Physiology and Therapeutics in the University
of Virginia.

In asking of you this service, I wish to express to you
again my sense of personal obligation for the many kindnesses
and courtesies shown to me at all times during the period of
my service with you.

Very sincerely yours,
(signed) P. B. Barringer.
The Rector and Board of Visitors,
University of Virginia.

After seventeen years of unbroken service
in the University of Virginia, I now tender to you my resignation
as professor of Physiology and Therapeutics, to take
effect at the end of this session. My reasons for this step
are that I have been offered, and have accepted, the Presidency
of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, at Blacksburg,

It is unnecessary for me to say to this Board, that this
act on my part is due to no change in my love and affection


for this old institution, my Alma Mater, but is the result
of a combination of circumstances, over which I have little

The call to a broader field of service, for which I
felt myself fitted, the opportunity presented for harmonizing
conflicting forces, and above all the necessity of making
better provision for those dependent upon me, left me little

In thus taking leave of this governing body, with many
of whose members I have been so long associated, I wish to
put upon record my appreciation of their unfailing sympathy
and forbearance during times, when I at least, have felt to
the full my shortcomings and seeming unfitness for the duties
called for.

Very respectfully,
(signed) P. B. Barringer.
Dr. Paul B. Barringer,
University of Virginia.
My dear Dr. Barringer,-

I beg to acknowledge with profound regret the receipt
of your communication to the Board of Visitors, tendering
your resignation as Professor of Physiology and Therapeutics
at this University, to take effect at the end of the
session. I shall transmit this communication to the Visitors
of the University to be acted upon by them at their
approaching meeting, on June 10th.


It is difficult for me to tell you how sincerely I regret
that you feel it to be your duty to sever your connection with
the University of Virginia. For seventeen years you have
served this Institution with devotion and distinction. For
seven years of that period you bore its executive burdens, and
evidences of your foresight and wisdom abound on every hand.
You will permit me to say that during my Presidency I have
gained much from your counsel and wisdom, and shall sorely
miss your helpfulness. While regretting profoundly the loss
of your services to this University, I congratulate you and
the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the State of Virginia
upon your accession to the Presidency of that great Institution.
In a large sense all of the educational institutions
of the Commonwealth are one in achievement and purpose, and
I shall count it a pleasure to work with you in your new office
in the educational service of the Commonwealth,

Very sincerely, your friend,

Resolved: That the B. A. Degree be conferred upon any
student who, after satisfying the entrance requirements, completes
(unless admitted to advanced standing) the work in

(1) English Literature 1 and Mathematics 1;

(2) Two subjects, (one of which must be Latin) from the first
of the groups given below, one from the second, two from the
third, one from the fourth, and one from the fifth;

(3) A varying number of electives-at-large, viz., three, in
case one ancient language is included; and two, in case both
ancient languages are included. These electives-at-large may


be either B. A. Courses, or M. A. courses in subjects of which
the precedent B. A. Courses have been completed, and may be
chosen from the above mentioned Groups, or from the following
miscellaneous list of courses, viz., Biology 2, Biology 3,
Analytical Chemistry 1, Education 2, Journalism, and Biblical
History and Literature.

It is provided, however, that any candidate may be excused
from as many as three of the electives-at-large, if in lieu
thereof, he takes the First-year Law course, the First-year
Medical course, or any three technical courses in Engineering

It is also recommended that every First-year College student
who contemplates the possibility of taking the B. A. Degree
shall be required (unless admitted to advanced standing)
to take English Literature 1, Mathematics 1, Latin 1, or some
other Foreign language, and one course in the third group, or
Greek. Students fulfilling this requirement shall be registered
in the catalogue under the general head of "The College."
and under the sub-head "Candidates for the B. A. Degree"; while
all college students declining to take this prescribed course
shall be registered under the sub-head "Not Candidates for the
B. A. Degree." Students admitted to the University as "Special
Students" (see catalogue p. 81) shall be separately registered
as such in the catalogue.

The Groups mentioned above are as follows



I.  II.  III. 
Languages.  Mathematical Sciences.  Natural Sciences. 
Latin 1 and 2.  Mathematics 2.  Chemistry 1. 
Greek 2 and 3.  Mechanics 1.  Physics 1. 
(2) French 2.  (1) Astonomy 1.  (2) Biology 1. 
German 2.  Electricity and  Geology 1. 
Spanish 2.  Magnetism. 
English 1 (Anglo-Saxon). 
IV.  V. 
History, Literature and Economics.  Philosophical Sciences. 
History 1,  Logic, 
(1) Economics 1,  (1) Psychology. 
English Literature 2 or 3.  Ethics. 

The petition of the "Monticello Branch of the Association
for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities," regarding
the serpentine walls was referred to a special committee consisting
of the President, and Messrs. Harmon and Craddock,
with instructions to investigate the matter, and make report
to the Board at later meeting.

Mr. John W. Craddock, Chairman of the Finance Committee,
presented the following statement of the Virginia Trust Company
in the matter of the sale and re-investment of the $76,500.00
Bonds of the Leander McCormick Observatory Endowment,
which was adopted as the report of the Finance Committee, and
ordered placed on record.

[1] [See Pages 239-240 for the report referred to above.]

On motion the Board adjourned.

I K. Moran
Armistead C. Gordon

The remainder of page 148 is on pages 239-240 of this