![]() | Board of Visitors minutes September 15, 1904 | ![]() |
Thursday, Sept. 15th, 1904.
At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors held at
the University on above date.
Present: The Rector, and Visitors Harmon, Moore, Wallace,
White, and Hunton.
The Board having been called to order at 10:30 o'clock
A. M., the following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved: That Mr. I. K. Moran be elected Secretary of
the Board, at a salary of $100.00 per annum.
The official bond of the Proctor, Thomas H. Carter, with
the "Virginia Trust Company" of Richmond as his security, and
the renewals thereof up to the 23rd day of April, 1905, having
been delivered to the Board, it is ordered that the said bond
and renewals thereof be deposited with the President of the
University of Virginia for safe keeping, which is accordingly
The following resolutions, relative to the powers and
duties of the President, were adopted;
The President of the University shall be the executive
head of the University of Virginia, with the powers, duties,
and responsibilities ordinarily belonging to such officer in
the leading American Universities, and shall receive a salary
of five thousand dollars per annum and residence.
Such powers, duties, and responsibilities shall be defined
by the Board.
Now therefore, in order to define the powers, duties,
and responsibilities of the President;
Be it resolved as follows:-
1. The President of the University of Virginia shall be the
authorized means of communication between the Board of Visitors
and the various officers of instruction and administration
employed in the University.
2. He shall have the immediate care and government of the
students admitted into the institution for instruction and
3. The professors, assistant professors, and other members
of teaching staff and the proctor, shall aid the President
in the care and government of the institution.
4. The President shall be charged with the general supervision
of the interests of University, and shall have special
oversight of the several departments and schools of instruction
of the University. It shall be his duty to consult with
the professors with respect to the development of their various
departments, and the general interest of the University.
The professors shall have liberty in the development and administration
of their own departments, subject to the recommendations
of the faculty as a whole, and to the decisions of
the Board.
5. The President shall preside on all public occasions and
represent the University before the public. He shall fix and
announce the dates of meetings, both regular and called of the
general, and of each departmental faculty and he shall preside
over the meetings of the faculties. It shall be his duty to
determine the general nature of the duties and responsibilities
of each faculty.
6. It shall be the duty of the President of the University to
recommend to the Board all appointments for positions upon the
teaching staff of the University, and to exercise such superintendence
over the building properties, books and other properties
as will insure their protection and appropriate use.
7. The President is hereby constituted ex officio, a member
of the executive committee of the Board of Visitors, and also
a member ex officio, of the Board of Visitors without vote.
8. Purchases, alterations, repairs, expenditures, and other
incidental expenses must not be ordered by any of the officers
of the University without his previous assent or the expressed
authority of the Board.
9. It shall be the duty of the President to determine and define
the appropriate duties of all instructors, fellowship and
scholarship students.
10. The President shall have power to appoint for ratification
by the Board of Visitors, a Dean of each department, the powers
and duties of the Dean of the Academic Department to be determined
by the President in consultation with the professor appointed
to that office.
11. The President shall have the power to suspend or remove
from the University any student, for any cause deemed by the
former to be sufficient—reserving, however, to such student
the right to appeal from the decision of the President to the
Board of Visitors. And, if he deems it wise, he shall constitute
a Board of Deans of all the departments to assist him in
the exercise of these powers.
12. In case the President considers that he has just cause of
complaint against a professor on account of inefficient conduct
of his school, or any other reason, he shall in writing
notify the professor of the grounds of complaint, coupled with
an intimation that his case will be brought to the attention
of the Board of Visitors for their decision and action.
13. All the laws of the University inconsistent with the
foregoing are hereby repealed.
Resolved: That the foregoing resolutions relative to the
powers and duties of the President be announced and published
in such manner as the President may think fit.
The President recommended the following as Deans of the
various departments for the current session;-
Dr. James M. Page of the Academic Department,
Dr. W. G. Christian of the Medical Department,
Prof. W. M. Lile of the Law Department,
Prof. W. M. Thornton of the Engineering Department,
and such recommendations were approved by the Board, and the
nominations confirmed.
Whereas, the duties of the Dean of the Academic Department
will be largely in excess of those attaching to the other
Departments, it is hereby resolved that the salary of two hundred
dollars per annum be and the same is hereby voted to that
Resolved: That suggestions presented to the Board respecting
Alumni scholarships, be referred to the Executive Committee,
with power to act.
Pursuant to the recommendation of the President, on motion,The
President is hereby authorized to adopt such measures as he
may deem proper to inaugurate and maintain the Mess Hall on Carr's
Hill, to be hereafter known as the "Commons."
Resolved: That the recommendation of Mr. Patton in his
letter to the President, relating to additional shelving and the
location of the Poe bust, in the Library, and his recommendation
in the Library, be referred to the Executive Committee
to take such action as may be thought advisable, limiting the
expenditure as far as possible.
Resolved: That the compensation of Miss Tuttle for the
work she is doing in the Library be increased from $30.00 to
$40.00 per month.
It being represented to the Board that the appropriation
of $31,000.00 heretofore made for building a wing to the Hospital,
in consequence of a mistake in the estimates, is insufficient
to complete and equip the structure, and that unless
the appropriation is enlarged, loss will ensue, it is resolved
that those entrusted with the expenditure of said amount, be
authorized to spend an additional amount, not exceeding the
sum of $2,300.00.
Resolved: That the thirteenth day of April, 1905, is selected
as the date for the formal inauguration of Dr. Alderman
as President of the University; that it is advisable there
should be committees representing the Board, the Faculty, and
the Alumni, to arrange for the ceremonies for that occasion,
and that the entire matter be referred to the Executive Committee
for consideration of details, with power to take such
steps as may be deemed proper.
Resolved: That, in consideration of his services as Assistant
Demonstrator of Anatomy, last year, and on condition
that he serves in the same capacity during the current session,
the indebtedness of Dr. Norford to the University be
The President having submitted to the Board, the resignation
of Mr. Fitz-Hugh as Professor of Latin, and Mr. FitzHugh
having at the request of the Board appeared before it,
the Board hereby testifies its confidence in Prof. Fitz-Hugh,
and requests that he withdraw his resignation.
On motion, the Board adjourned, subject to the call of the
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes September 15, 1904 | ![]() |