Board of Visitors minutes June 13, 1898 | ||
June 13th 1898.
At a regular annual meeting of the Board of Visitors of
the University of Virginia held at the University on the 13th
of June 1898.
Present, Charles P. Jones, Rector and Visitors Harmon,
Bryan, Miles, Glass, Irvine, and Downing.
The Chairman of the Faculty submitted the following annual
The Faculty's report, Proctor's report, Commr of Account's
report, Librarian's report and the several school reports.
The Rector made the following appointments of Standing
Messrs Harmon, Downing and Glass.
Library & Apparatus:
Messrs Bryan, McIlwaine & Miles.
Conduct of Schools and examination students:
Messrs Miles, Irvine & Chandler.
Buildings & Grounds:
Messrs Glass, Bryan & Downing.
Health, Infirmary, Sewerage & Drainage:
Messrs Irvine, McIlwaine & Chandler.
Miller Board:
Messrs McIlwaine, Harman & Glass.
The following was enacted:
The Executive Committee having reported that Ross F.
Tucker, Esq. Contractor has failed to lay before them any
evidence on which they could act on the three items of his
account referred to them, and the Board having maturely considered
said items; and the representation of Mr Tucker, he
having stated that the settlement proposed at the last meeting
of the Board is declined by him, on motion
Resolved: That the three items aforesaid, to wit, $745.-
45 claimed for concrete steps, $125.34 claimed for work on
Physical Building and $34.67 claimed for work on the Mechanical
Building, be rejected.
Resolved: That the appropriation for Mechanical Appara-
tus be increased by the sum of $350.00
Resolved: That Mr Joseph Bryan of the Board, be appointed
a Committee to investigate the condition of the investments made
by the trustees under the will of Arthur W. Austin of Milton,
Mass. decd, and report to the Board the character of said investments,
their value, solvency etc. Said Bryan is authorized,
if he shall deem it necessary to do so, to employ Counsel
to assist him in such investigation and to draw on the
Proctor for such expenses as he incurs in the premises.
The death of Mr R. G. H. Kean, a former member of the
Board of Visitors and for a time Rector, having been suggested,
On motion, Mr Glass was requested to prepare memorial resolutions
of Mr Kean for the action of the Board in regard thereto.
Resolved, that the Rector be authorized to execute the
authority to sell the tract of land of the Austin estate referred
to in the letter of Mr Bentley W. Warren to the Proctor,
which letter is in the following words and figures, to
Proctor University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Va.
You may recall that last summer a part of the piece of
real estate owned by the trustees under Mr Austin's will was
taken by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for park purposes.
This left a small piece of the estate, containing about 5000
square feet, with restrictions against building on a part of
it, thus rendering the lot really unavailable. We have now
received an offer of $800.00 for this piece of land, which we
We have therefore prepared a petition to the probate court
for leave to sell the remainder of the estate. If this meets
with your approval will you kindly sign the assent to the enclosed
petition, and as the purchaser is in something of a
hurry, I would ask you to return the petition at your earliest
self and co-trustee under the
will of Arthur W. Austin.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 9 1/2 A. M.
Charles P. Jones,
Jas D. Jones,
June 14th 1898.
The Board of Visitors met in pursuance of adjournment
on yesterday.
Present, the same members as on yesterday with the addition
of Mr Chandler.
The Rector submitted and had read to the Board a letter
from Mr C. Spi. Kanta of Colombo, Ceylon, addressed to him,
on consideration whereof it was
Resolved, that the Secretary be, and he is hereby directed
to advise Mr Spi-Kanta, that the only way to obtain a
degree at this institution is to take a prescribed course of
thereon, and this is the invariable rule.
Resolved, that the Health officers be requested to report
to the Board a statement of the investments made by them
of the infirmary fund required to be made by section 296 of
the University laws.
In response to the foregoing resolution Dr Barringer of
the Committee was before the Board and reported verbally that
no investment of the fund had been made, but that the amount
had been carried each year into the general fund.
Mr Glass reported the following resolutions with regard
to the death of Mr Kean, which were read and on motion they
were unanimously adopted. viz
1. Resolved, That the Board of Visitors of the University of
Virginia has learned with sorrow of the death on Monday June
13th 1898, at his home in Lynchburg, Va, of R. G. H. Kean,
Esq, who for eight years was a member of the Board, and about
half of which time, Rector of the institution. As a tribute
to the memory of the deceased, the Board desires to express
its high estimate of his character as a man and his influence
as a citizen of the Commonwealth, but especially its great appreciation
of his usefulness while a member of this Board and
for a portion of that time the official head of the University.
2nd Resolved: That this resolution be spread upon the records
of the Board and a copy of it forwarded by the Secretary to
the family of Mr Kean.
Resolved: That the Chairman of the Faculty nominate to
the Board by and with the advice and consent of the Faculty,
the organization of all elements, interests and influences
looking to the increase of the patronage of the University and
of its endowment and material wealth; that these Committees
shall consist of
1st A Committee to organize the good will of the University
in the State of Virginia and bring its schools and advantages
to the attention of the citizens of this Commonwealth.
2nd A Committee to secure Endowments and Benefactions.
3d A Committee on establishing and conducting a Literary and
Correspondence Bureau.
4th A Committee to put in the field Canvassers to bring the
University to the attention of prospective students and citizens
of the other states of the Union.
5th A Committee of local Alumni or Faculty to organize Alumni
Associations throughout the Union and to look after the Alumni
in every way possible, to keep them in touch with the University.
Resolved further: That to carry out the purposes of this
resolution the following sums be appropriated: 1st $1000.00
for the Committee on State organization. 2nd $1000.00 for canvassing
outside of the State. 3d $500 00 for the Committee on
Literature and correspondence. 4th $250 00 for the Committee
on Alumni and 5th $250 00 for the Committee on Endowments and
The Chairman of the Faculty in accordance with the above
resolution recommended the following Committees:
Committees of Faculty for Summer Advertising, etc.
Committee on Organization of the State of Virginia. | |
Prof. Perkinson, Chairman, Col Peters and Dr Mallet | $1000.00 |
Committee on Canvassing outside of Virginia | |
Dr Barringer Chairman, Profrs Tuttle and Page | $1000.00 |
Committee on Bureau of Correspondence and Literature: | |
Dr Kent Chairman, Profrs R. H. Dabney and Stone | $ 500.00 |
Committee on Endowment and Benefactions: | |
Profr Thornton Chairman, Profrs Lile and Barringer | $ 250.00 |
Committee on Alumni: | |
Col Thos H. Carter Chairman, Profs J. S. Davis and Minor | $ 250.00 |
On motion it was
Resolved: that the said Committees be appointed and requested
to report to this Board at its next meeting.
On motion the Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9 1/2
A. M.
June 15th 1898.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.
Present the same members as on yesterday, with the exception
of Mr Glass who was called home.
The Board elected as the Executive Committee for the ensuing
year Messrs Harmon, Chairman, Jones the Rector, Bryan,
Glass and Miles.
Dr P. B. Barringer was unanimously re-elected Chairman
of the Faculty for the ensuing year.
The following was enacted:
Whereas Prof. Wm M. Thornton of the Chair of Applied
Mathematics in this University is an applicant before the
President of the United States for the position of Assistant
Commissioner for special work in the Department of Engineering
at the Paris Exposition of 1900, therefore be it
Resolved: That the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia assure the President that such appointment would
be received with approval and appreciation by this Board and
by the people of Virginia; that we further assure the President
that Mr Thornton is preeminently equipped for work of
this kind and will reflect credit on such an occasion; that
the Secretary of this Board be directed to transmit this resolution
to the President of the United States.
Resolved: That the building formerly occupied by the
late Major Peyton be set aside for the use of the Alumni under
the direction of the Proctor & Superintendent of Grounds &
Buildings and that he be authorized to make such expenditure
as may be necessary to furnish and keep said building ready
for the use and occupancy by our Visiting Alumni.
Resolved: That the Rector and Visitors have learned with
gratification that there is a desire on the part of the Alumni
of the University to erect on these grounds an Alumni Memorial
Hall which shall be used not only for preserving memorials of
distinguished Alumni but as a place where visiting Alumni may
meet and for such other purposes as the Alumni may prescribe.
The Board will grant a suitable location for the building
and will appropriate $1000. towards its construction and
will give such other assistance as the resources of the University
will permit.
Resolved: That the Board tenders its thanks to Mr Samuel
Spencer of New York, for his kindness in furnishing a
special train to Mr James C. Carter and other friends and
Alumni of the University, and for other generous offers of
assistance in this and other directions on this commencement
Resolved: That the Board accepts with pleasure the offer
of Mr Charles Gould of New York, communicated to the Board, to
have printed an edition of Mr James C. Carter's Speech for the
University, and thanks him for his generous offer.
Resolved: That the Board tenders its thanks to the Hon.
James C. Carter of New York, for his able address on the occasion
of the dedication of the new buildings, and take this
occasion on behalf of the University, its Alumni and friends
to express their great appreciation of the value of his address
to the cause of education and good government.
Resolved: That the following recommendations of the Miller
Board be adopted: viz,
"Appropriation of the Miller Fund, recommended by the Miller
Two Fellowships $300. | $ 600.00 |
Three Scholarships 250. | 750.00 |
Prof. Tuttle's salary | 3000.00 |
Prof. Thornton's salary | 700.00 |
Prof. Dunnington's salary | 500.00 |
Contribution for advertising | 100.00 |
Equipment, books etc. | 350.00 |
$6000.00 |
The board has to its credit
on account of Scholarships in addition to the above and unappropriated,
$133 00 which was unexpended under one of the
last year's scholarships. The Miller Board earnestly recommends
that this sum be given to Mr J. N. Michie, a most worthy
Miller School boy who is unable to attend the University.
This sum to be donated provided his friends will raise any additional
sum necessary to his expenses at the University and the
Board of Visitors authority that he may enter upon same terms
as if he were appointed to a scholarship. This however is not
to be considered as the establishment of an additional scholarship,
but an arrangement for this one year only."
Resolved: That Mr H. C. Ford of Charlotte County be given
the Mason Fellowship for the session of 1898-99.
Resolved: That the Proctor, at the earliest practicable
moment, restore the sinking fund to its full amount by the purchase
of Virginia Century bonds.
Resolved: That the Proctor is hereby directed to deposit
with the Virginia Trust Company at Richmond, Va, or with some
other Trust Company which may be approved by the Finance Committee
of this Board, all the bonds, stocks or other securities
belonging to the University of Virginia, whether invested funds
of endowed chairs or scholarships, the securities of the Sinking
Fund or other special funds, and shall take the receipt of
the Depositary Company giving a list of the securities in detail.
The bonds and stocks shall, as far as it may be done, be
of Virginia, and may be transferred only upon the
authority of the Proctor and two of the members of the Finance
Committee. The Depositary shall collect all interest as the
same accrues upon any of the securities and shall deposit the
same to the credit of the Proctor of the University who shall
have the right to check for the same.
The Depositary shall collect any bond or other security
as it matures and shall deposit the same to a special investment
account to be drawn upon by the Proctor for the purchase
of such securities as may be approved by two of the Finance
Committee, and such securities when paid for shall be delivered
to the Depositary and be held for account of the same fund from
which the purchase money was derived.
A special account shall be kept of each Fund and the reinvestments
All purchases of securities for any fund herein provided
for shall be made by the Proctor, by and with the approval of
two members of the Finance Committee.
The compensation of the Depositary shall be such as may
be agreed upon between said Depositary and the Proctor, and
two members of the Finance Committee.
Mr Glass returned and resumed his seat in the session.
On motion the Board adjourned until 9 1/2 A. M. tomorrow.
University of Va,
June 16th 1898.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.
Present the same members as on yesterday with the exception
of Messrs Downing and Chandler.
The following was enacted:
Whereas it has been suggested that the salary of the instructor
of Physical Culture should be increased,
Resolved: That the Board desires to express its appreciation
of Dr Lambeth's work, but it cannot at this time grant
the increase.
Resolved: That the Proctor be instructed to pay the balance
of the account of $5148 14 due to Messrs McKim, Mead &
Resolved: That the resolution adopted yesterday, appointing
Mr Ford to the John Y. Mason Fellowship, be reconsidered,
and that matter of the bestowal of that Fellowship be referred
to the Executive Committee, for action.
Ordered, that the Proctor be authorized to make six dormitories
of the Temperance Hall upper floor at a cost not exceeding
The Proctor submitted to the Board a communication received
by him from Henry L. Higginson, Esq, Treasurer of J. W.
and Belinda Randall Charities Corporation, and papers accompanying,
which are in the following words and figures, to wit:-
44 State St, Boston, June 13th, 1898
Charlottesville, Va.
I enclose to you herewith cheque for $20,000.00
being a gift from the J. W. and Belinda Randall Charities
Corporation, which was voted to you by the trustees on June
10th, 1898. With this gift goes a copy of the vote under
which you must receive this gift or return it to me as trea-
The Trustees are very glad to be able to send you this
sum of money from this old lady (Miss Randall) both as a
proof of their high appreciation of the University of Virginia
and also as a mark of sentiment towards your great institution
of learning.
Charities Corporation.
On June 10th, 1898 it was
Voted that the sum of twenty thousand dollars be given
to the University of Virginia, on condition that it shall
either be used for the erection of a building to be known as
the "John W. and Belinda Randall Building", or be invested
by the said University and held as a permanent fund, to be
known as the "John W. and Belinda Randall Fund", the income
only to be used either for Randall scholarships or for other
needs of said University.
On June 10th, 1898 it was voted further that the gifts
to the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Massachusetts
of Technology shall be subject to the further conditions
that in case of assistance being called for by the Executors
or Administrators of said Belinda Randall for any of
the five contingent beneficiaries named in the second codicil
to her will, the same, but not to exceed in any one year
the income of the fund received (or in case of the investment
of the fund as permitted by the conditions of the gift in
building or the like, what would be the income of such fund
if invested at four per cent per annum) shall be furnished by
said institutions proportionately to the capital sum received
by them respectively, provided, however, that any further
amounts heretofore given from the Randall Fund to the same or
other institutions upon similar conditions shall bear their
like share. But in the event of the inability of any of these
donees to respond, the others shall, subject to the limitations
aforesaid, furnish the whole of such assistance.
Which being read and considered, the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted
Resolved, That the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia acknowledge the receipt of $20,000. from Henry L.
Higginson, Treasurer of J. W. and Belinda Randall Charities
Corporation subject to the stipulations and conditions contained
in the accompanying resolutions passed by the Trustees
of said Corporation the 10th day of June 1898 which are hereby
accepted by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
2d Resolved further: That the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia in acknowledging this benefaction desire
to express to the Trustees of the J. W. and Belinda Randall
Charities Corporation not only their gratitude for this
important contribution to the resources of the University
which is just rising from the ashes of a great disaster but
their cordial appreciation of the sentiments of good will
and encouragement with which the gift was conveyed. From
no source would such evidences of fraternal interest be more
acceptable to the University of Virginia than from the people
of a sister Commonwealth which was so conspicuously associated
with Virginia in establishing the Republic, and which has done
so much for the cause of education.
Resolved: That the Faculty be requested to report to
the next meeting of this Board to be held about Oct. 1st what
disposition they would recommend of the Randall donation.
Resolved: That the salary of Profr Echols be fixed at
$3000., and that Profr Page be elected an associate professor
in the School of Mathematics at a salary of $1600.
Resolved: That the salary of Profr Perkinson be fixed
at $3000.
Resolved: That the Proctor be authorized to remodel and
enlarge the former Hartsook building at a cost not exceeding
$1500.00 out of the Fayerweather money, for the purpose of
future rental, and furthermore that his clerk, I. K. Moran,
be allowed to occupy said building for the ensuing year free
of rent.
The Board having declined to renew the appropriation of
$500. for the expense of publishing the Annals of Mathematics,
Prof. Echols appeared before the Board and stated that if the
Board would permit the continuance of the publication for another
year it should be done without cost to the University
provided the Board would resume the cost of publication not
to exceed $500. next year, if the funds of the University
would, in the judgment of the Board permit the appropriation,
whereup it was
Resolved: that the Board accepts the proposition of Prof.
Echols and will renew the appropriation of $500. next year -
1898-99 for the Annals of Mathematics provided the funds of
the University will permit the appropriation.
"Mr Bryan submitted the following paper to the Board and
moved the adoption of the resolution: Mr Bryan stated that
at the request of Mr Samuel B. Woods he desired to call the
attention of the Board to the letter which was addressed to
the late Board by Profr James H. Gilmore to which Profr Gilmore
thinks he should have received a reply. Mr Woods also
requested the Board to examine sundry letters now in the possession
of Mr Miles which Prof. Gilmore received from a number
of his students testifying to his merit as a teacher.
This examination to be made with a view to some communication
from the Board to Profr Gilmore relieving him of the current
imputation that his instruction was inefficient."
"Mr Bryan moved that Profr Gilmore's letter and the other
letters be referred to a Committee composed of the Rector and
Messrs Chandler and Downing with the request that they examine
Board what action if any the Board should take in the premises."
Upon considering which the following resolution was
Resolved: That the communication of Mr Bryan with reference
to Mr James H. Gilmore be spread upon the records of the
Board, but this Board, as now constituted, does not deem it
desirable or proper to re-open the matter referred to or to
attempt to review the action of the Board as formerly constituted,
and in taking this action the Board does not think it
amiss to repeat to Mr Woods in behalf of Mr Gilmore the expression
of the greatest respect for Mr Gilmore personally and
for his attainments as a lawyer contained in the resolution of
the Board adopted June 17th 1896.
Resolved further, that the Secretary of the Board communicate
a copy of this action to Mr Woods for Mr Gilmore.
The Finance Committee submitted its report which is in
the following words and figures, to wit:-
The following being an estimate of the income for the
year 1898-99:
State annuity. | $ 43,750. |
Corcoran Fund. | 6,000. |
Miller Fund. | 6,000. |
Linden Kent Fund. | 3,000. |
Astronomical Fund. | 4,455. |
Madison Fund. $156. Gordon Fund $300. | 456. |
Brown Fund. | 120. |
Mason Fund. | 210. |
Sinking Fund. | ,660. |
Rent of Temperance Hall etc. | 1,056. |
Estimated fees from 520 students | 59,540. |
Total | $125,247. |
The following appropriations are recommended
for the year 1898-99:
20 Professors | 60,000. | ||
1 Associate | 1,600. | ||
2 Adjuncts | 3,000. | ||
Instructor in Physics | 600. | ||
Instructor in Latin | 600. | ||
Demonstrator of Anatomy | 600. | ||
Demonstrator of Path. & Biol. | 600. | ||
Instructor in English | 300. | ||
Instructor in Phys. Culture | 1,250. | ||
Instructor in Engineering | 600. | ||
69,150. | |||
Officers: | |||
Chairman. | 500. | ||
Proctor | 2 000. | ||
Secretary of Proctor | 600. | ||
Secretary of Faculty | 800. | ||
Secretary of Board | 300. | ||
Commr of accounts | 100. | ||
Librarian | 800. | 5,100. | |
Scholarships and Fellowships: | |||
3 Astronomical Fellowships: | 1,100. | ||
2 Biol. Fellowships: | 600. | ||
3 Miller Scholarships | 750. | ||
1 Temporary Scholarships (See Miller Board report) |
000. | ||
Brown Scholarships | 120. | ||
Mason Fellowship | 210. | ||
2 State Scholarships | 400. | 3,180. | |
Interest & Sinking Fund | |||
Sinking Fund (old debt) | 2,050. | ||
Sinking Fund (New debt) | 2,000. | ||
Interest Fund (old debt) | 5,170. | ||
Interest Fund (New debt) | 10,000. | ||
Interest on Sinking fund | 660. | 19,880. | |
Miscellaneous: | 97,310. | ||
Repairs & Improvements: | 5 000. | ||
Commutation of rents | 2 400. | ||
Contingent fund | 1 500. | 8.900. | |
Employes: | |||
Janitor & Plumber | 900. | ||
Day Policeman | 480. | ||
Night Policeman | 360. | ||
Janitor Rotunda | 300. | ||
Janitor Museum | 180. | ||
Janitor Chem. Laboratory | 135. | ||
Janitor Anatom Hall | 240. | ||
Janitor Gymnasium | 225. | ||
Janitor New Hall | 135. | ||
Janitor Dispensary | 100. | ||
Janitor New Buildings | 135. | ||
3 190. | |||
Engineer & fireman | 500. | ||
3,690. | |||
Laborers | 1,000. | ||
Chairman's Messenger | 120. | 4,810. | |
Working Expenses: | |||
Alumni Bulletin | 200. | ||
Observatory | 355. | ||
Agricult. & Biology | 350. | ||
Chemical Dept | 350. | ||
Physical Dept | 300. | ||
Engineering Dept | 200. | ||
Astronomical Material | 300. | ||
Histiological Dept | 350. | ||
2,405. | |||
Min. & Geol Dept | 25. | ||
Law Dept | 150. | ||
Dispensary | 400. | ||
Hospital | 600. | ||
Library | 456. | ||
Diplomas | 300. | ||
Printing blanks | 200. | ||
Catalogues & Postage | 1 000. | ||
Advertising | 600. | ||
Special Committees - Advertising | 3,000. | ||
Gymnasium | 450. | ||
Fuel | 1 500. | ||
Lights | 1 000. | ||
Pathological Laboratory | 250. | ||
Wash. & Jeff. Socs | 100. | 12,436. | |
Infirmary Expenses | 750. | ||
Other Expenses | 850. | 1,600. | $125,056 |
On motion it was
Resolved: That the report of the Finance Committee be
approved and adopted, together with its recommendations.
On motion the Board adjourned sine die.
Jas D. Jones,
Charles P. Jones
The following are copies of a correspondence between
the Virginia Trust Company and Col Thomas H. Carter, Proctor
in relation to caring for the securities and handling the
Sinking Fund accounts of the University by said Company, which
correspondence is copied in this book, upon the request of Col
Carter it having been suggested to him by Mr Daniel Harmon,
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board:
University of Virginia.
Referring to interview with you this A. M.
in relation to caring for securities and handling the Sinking
Fund Accounts of the University,- We beg to state our
construction of agreement arrived at and if correct will be
pleased to have you confirm same.
The arrangement as at present existing and charges made
for acting as Registrar and Transfer Agent to continue, but
it is understood that the University will forward to us the
153 bonds, say $76,500. for registration.
To receive $25 00 per annum for the following, viz:
Receive and hold such securities as may be sent us or purchased
for account of Sinking Fund Old Debt, Collect the income
thereon and invest such income or funds that may be sent
for that purpose under instruction of the Finance Committee
of the University.
The same as above to be carried out as to Sinking Fund
New Debt.
To care for the $76,500. University Bonds to be sent us
and registered.
If we have made this clear and it agrees with your idea,
please so advise.
Vice President.
July 20th 1898.
Vice President, Va Trust Co.,
Richmond, Va
I am in receipt of your letter of July 19th, I beg
to State that my understanding of our agreement concurs with
yours therein expressed,
and Superintendant.
University of Virginia.
We have your favor 22nd and are in receipt of
securities listed in same by Express. We register on our books
153 bonds $500. each, $76,500. in name of Rector and Board of
Visitors of University of Virginia, and hold the same for safe
keeping. We have changed Virginia Century Bonds, $28,000 from
Coupon to Registered. This cost us $3.00, the charge made by
Auditor of Virginia for the change. Please remit.
We have opened an account "University of Virginia - Sinking
Fund, Old Debt" and hold following securities for collection
of income:
Georgia Pacific R.R. Co 6% Bonds
#3,013 | $1,000. |
#3,026 | 1,000. |
Registered Virginia | 2 - 3 Bonds |
#439 | $10,000. |
440 | 10,000. |
381 | 5,000. |
842 | 1,000. |
913 | 100. |
914 | 100. |
Account of "University of Virginia - Sinking Fund, New Debt."
Registered Virginia 2 - 3 Bonds
#1,058/1,060 $1,000. each $3000.
University of Virginia.
We are in receipt of Virginia Century Bonds $20,800.,
advised as purchased in ours of yesterday, and have had
same registered in the name of the Rector and Board of Visitors
of the University of Virginia. We charge the respective
Sinking Funds as per statement below, and hold bonds for account
of same. You will notice this makes the Sinking Fund
Account Old Debt, show debit of $95. and to the Credit of Sinking
Fund Account New Debt $15.00
Vice President.
Statement. | ||
Sinking Fund Old Debt. | ||
Amount received of you | $13,970. | |
Bought $19,400. Va Cent. Bonds 72 1/4 & 1/4 com. | 14,065. | |
Debit— | $95. | |
Bonds registered and held for above: | ||
No. 442 | $10,000. | |
382 | 5,000. | |
1062/1065, $1000. each | 4,000. | |
1243/1246, $100. each | 400. | $19,400. |
Sinking Fund New Debt | ||
Amount received of you | $ 1,030. | |
Bought $1,400. Va Cent. Bonds 72 1/4 & 1/4 com. |
1,015. | |
Credit. | $15. | |
Bonds registered and held for above | ||
No. 1066 | $1,000. | |
1247/1250 $100. each | 400. | $ 1,400. |
Copies, Teste,
Board of Visitors minutes June 13, 1898 | ||