Board of Visitors minutes October 2, 1896 | ||
Oct. 2nd 1896.
At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia called by the Rector and held in pursuance of notice
to its members by the Secretary of the Board, on the 2nd
day of October 1896.
The Rector and Visitors Gordon, Irvine, Harmon,
Bryan and McIlwaine.
Communications were received from the three absent members,
Messrs Patteson, McCormick and stating their inability
to be present.
The following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, that the Proctor be and he and he is hereby
instructed to sell the Richmond and Danville Railroad gold
Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railroad General Mortgage
Bonds, 7s of 1907, of the par value of $14,000.00, now held
for account of the Observatory Fund, and that he invest the
proceeds thereof in the bonds of the University of Virginia,
known as the Restoration Bonds, at par and accrued interest.
On motion a recorded vote was ordered on the foregoing
resolution and upon a call of the roll it was adopted by a
vote of 5 in favor to l against as follows:
Ayes - The Rector, Gordon, McIlwaine, Irvine & Bryan - | 5 |
Nos - Harmon. - | 1 |
Resolved, that the supervision of the sale of the Restoration
Bonds be put in the hands of the Proctor and that
the Finance Committee be relieved from further responsibility
for the sale of these bonds, provided that he shall not have
authority to sell the same at less than par and accrued interest
Resolved, that the Proctor be authorized to assign an
unoccupied room in the University for the uses of the Editors
of the University Magazine, preferably No. 50 East Range, and
that heat, light and servants attendance be furnished by the
Resolved, that the petition of the Students for Christmas
holiday be referred for action to the Faculty.
Resolved, that an additional appropriation of $3000.00
be made to the appropriation for repairs and improvements of
$5000.00 made at the annual meeting in June last. This additional
appropriation is made in view of the statements contained
& Buildings of this date, which is ordered to be filed.
Resolved, that the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings
is directed to report to the next meeting of the Board what
amount will be realized by charging the residents in the University
grounds (exclusive of students) for water on a schedule
similar to that charged by the City of Charlottesville
to its citizens.
Resolved, that the resolution of June 15th 1896 in relation
to requiring students who board in the University to prepay
to the Proctor three months board be and the same is hereby
repealed, but not to affect contracts and arrangements made
for the current month, and the Proctor is hereby authorized
and directed to return to those students who have made deposits
all sums beyond the board for the current month.
Resolved, that the University authorities shall exercise
only such general supervision over hotels as is implied
in licensing them, the prices of board to be arranged between
the hotel keepers and the students boarding with them and said
board to be collected by said hotel-keepers on such terms and
at such times as they may agree upon with said boarders.
Resolved, that the letter of Profr James A. Harrison in
regard to the grates and water closet in the pavilion assigned
to him be referred to the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings
for investigation and report to the Executive Committee.
Resolved that a rebate of one half of the matriculation
fee for the session of 1895-6 be granted to Mr Mann Page pursuant
to his application of Oct. 1st, the same so rebated to
be a credit on his fees for the current session.
Resolved, that James N. Baker, son of the Secretary of
the Faculty, be allowed to matriculate as a student in the
Medical classes of the University without payment of tuition
fees for the session of 1896-7.
Resolved, that the Office and pantry room connected with
the pavilion occupied by Profr Lile be exempt from the resolution
of the Board recently adopted with reference to the occupation
of dormitories by members of the Faculty, said rooms
constituting a portion of the professor's office and a pantry
room in connection with said pavilion, and that said rooms be
allowed to remain as heretofore in the occupancy of the professor.
Resolved, that the application of Mr Theodore Wong, dated
Septr 28th 1896, to be allowed an abatement of $44.00 from the
amount of fees required to be deposited by him be and the same
is hereby granted, provided that if Mr Wong continues at the
University after January 1st Next he shall deposit the said sum
of $44.00 pursuant to the regulations of the University.
Resolved, that the Rector be requested to see Professor
Holmes and ascertain from him if he will consent to accept a
salary of $1500.00 for his services as professor, and if Professor
Holmes consents, then his salary shall be fixed at that
Resolved, that the Communication of Mr John M. Campbell
this day presented relative to building a kitchen and storeroom
in connection with the Carr's Hill dining Hall, be and
the same is hereby referred to the Superintendent of Grounds
& Buildings for investigation and report to the Executive Committee,
Resolved, that the fire proof floor for the public building,
as suggested by the Architects, be constructed therein at
an additional cost to the contract price of said building not
to exceed Five Thousand Five hundred Dollars.
On motion the Board adjourned sine die.
Board of Visitors minutes October 2, 1896 | ||