![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 10, 1895 | ![]() |
June 10th 1895.
At the annual meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia commenced this 10th day of June 1895.
Present, W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Visitors, McCabe,
Watts, Patteson, McCormick, R. W. Martin, B. B. Gordon, Thomas
S. Martin and A. C. Gordon. A full Board.
The Chairman of the Faculty laid before the Board the following
Annual report of the Faculty, Report of the Medical Faculty,
Annual report of the Proctor, Report Spt of Gs & Buildings,
Annual report of the Librarian, Report Commr of Accounts.
The various school reports, including the report of Profr
Tuttle on his department.
There were also presented, several petitions of Profrs
and other persons.
The following was enacted:
Resolved, that the report of the Medical Faculty be referred
to a Special Committee consisting of the Rector and
Dr R. W. Martin.
Resolved, that the pavilion on the Lawn lately occupied
by Profr Schele be assigned to Profr Kent.
Resolved, that the communication of Mr Eugene C. Massie
be referred to the Committee on Health etc., with instructions
to ask the aid of the Supt of Grounds & Buildings, and to confer
with the authorities of the City of Charlottesville with
a view to a connection with the city sewerage system and report
such plan in the premises as to said Committee may seem
expedient and wise.
Resolved, that the sum of Five hundred dollars be appropriated
to secure the services of a cataloguer for the session
1895-96 to continue the "Card Catalogue" of the Library, the
said amount to be paid from the Fayerweather fund.
Resolved, that it is inexpedient in the judgment of the
Board, to comply with the request of Mrs Cocke to be allowed
to rent rooms on Monroe Hill for the use of her summer boarders,
and that Secretary notify Mrs Cocke of this action.
Resolved, that the summer Students be permitted to occupy
the rooms mentioned in section 144 of the Laws of the University,
required to board with the tenants of the University Hotels,
provided when they do not board with said hotel keepers they
shall be responsible for the dormitories so occupied without
cost to the University, such being the legal intendment and
effect of said section 144.
Resolved, that it would give the Board of Visitors very
sincere pleasure to accede to the request made by the distinguished
Profr of Common & Statute Law that his assistant, Raleigh
C. Minor be allowed to represent the School of Common &
Statute Law in the Faculty meetings, but that they are forbidden
to grant the request by the existing laws of the University.
The Rector presented a resolution of the Washington, D. C,
Society of the Alumni of the University and a letter of its
secretary accompanying the same in relation to Profr Schele,
which was read and considered and thereupon the following was
The Board acknowledges through the Rector the receipt of
the resolution of the Washington Association of the Alumni of
the University of Va of date April 15th 1895 and the reply of
the Rector thereto, which resolution and reply are in the following
words and figures, to wit:
At the regular annual meeting of the Washington Association
of Alumni of the University of Virginia held in the City
April 15th 1895, the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, that this Association learns with deep regret
that Profr Schele De Vere is now in great financial straits
and earnestly requests that the Board of Visitors adopt some
measures for his relief
April 24th 1895.
Dear Sir, I received on yesterday a copy of the resolution
of the Washington Association of the Alumni. Upon Profr
Schele De Vere's resignation and severance of his connection
with the University of Virginia, the Board of Visitors had no
further power to adopt any measure for his financial relief,
nor can they, without betraying their trust, expend the institutions
money, except for such purposes as are prescribed by
law. The resolution will be laid before the Board at its
meeting in June.
And the Visitors approve in every respect the reply of of the
Rector and in doing so they put upon record that no further
evidence has been adduced or offered in refutation of the
charges made against Profr Schele De Vere and the Visitors
are therefore left no course other than to reaffirm their
action in accepting the resignation of said Profr Schele De
A communication was received and read from Messrs Steele
& others of Baltimore, Md in behalf of Dr Schele De Vere,
whereupon it was,
Resolved, that the Secretary forward to Messrs Steele
and others a copy of the resolution, (including a copy of the
Rector's reply) adopted to-day in respect to the resolution
express the regrets of the Board that it is not in their
power to make provision for Dr Schele.
The Committee appointed to consider the application of June 10, 1895
The Piedmont Construction & Improvement Company to locate
its Electric Street Car line on the grounds of the University
submitted their report, which on being read and considered it
Resolved, that the Board confirms and approves the action
of the said Committee as set out in said report which is in the
following words and figures to wit.
The Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Va appointed to consider the application of the Piedmont
Construction & Improvement Company to operate its electric
street car line on the University grounds agrees that said
line may be located and operated on the grounds of the University
on the location and on the terms and conditions hereinafter
specified, viz,
1st The line may enter the University grounds going west from
the City of Charlottesville as soon as may be desirable after
passing under the track of the C. & O. Railway at the point
known as the Lynchburg road under-grade crossing, provided
that the entrance is made at such a point as will not interfere
with the new coal bin just constructed at said point.
2nd From the point at which the line is brought on the University
grounds it shall be located substantially parallel
with the Lynchburg road, occupying a strip not exceeding
twenty feet in width along the boundary of the land of the
University adjacent to the said Lynchburg road.
3d The said strip of land twenty feet in width shall remain
the property of the University, only a right of way over the
same being given for the purpose of enabling said Company to
construct, maintain, and operate an electric street car line.
4th The location and construction of said line shall be made
under the direction of the Supt of Grounds and Buildings of
the University of Virginia, consistent with this paper, and
all future repairs and improvements shall be made in accordance
with such directions as may be given by the proper authorities
of the University consistent with this paper.
5th The said strip of land shall be and remain under the jurisdiction
of the authorities of the University and be subject
to such police rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary
for the welfare of the University.
6th The use of the said strip of land for the purposes aforesaid
shall be at the will and pleasure of the University of
Virginia, it being expressly provided and made a condition that
the operation of said street car line on said premises shall be
discontinued and the track shall be changed or removed in whole
or in part from the University grounds whenever the Board of
Visitors of the University of Virginia shall determine that the
interests of the University require such change or removal.
7th It shall be the duty of said Company, by proper posts to
be placed under the directions of the Supt of Grounds and Buildings,
to mark the boundary of the University ground next to the
public road along its track so as to prevent encroachment on the
premises of the University, and under like directions, it shall
its line and locate the same on the north side thereof, or in
lieu thereof the Company may construct a fence on the north
side of its track.
8th It shall be the duty of said Company to erect a suitable,
but not expensive, station on University grounds convenient to
said line for the accommodation of passengers to and from the
University, the same to be located as may be agreed upon with
the Supt of Grounds and Buildings.
9th If said Company accepts or uses the privileges here offered,
it is expressly stipulated that the same must be on the
conditions made and reserved by this paper.
The undersigned agree to the foregoing and respectfully
report the same to the Board.
W. C. N. Randolph,
Thomas S. Martin
Marshall McCormick
A. C. Gordon.
Resolved, that when Rooms or Dormitories have been or
shall hereafter be, assigned to any Professor or Assistant,
or Assistant Professor or Adjunct Professor or Instructor,
such assignment is intended for the personal use of such
profr or assistant or adjunct profr or Instructor as the case
may be and when the same is not so used, it shall be vacated
and at the disposal of the Proctor and subject to the use of
Students attending the University and is in no event, whether
Profr, Assistant or Adjunct Profr or Instructor to any other
Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty that
the building called Temperance Hall be taken charge of the
Supt of Grounds and Buildings be adopted.
On motion the Board went into the election of a professor
to the Chair of Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology
for the period of one year commencing with the close of
the present session.
Dr Augustus H. Buckmaster was placed in nomination for
the chair, and after a pause the Rector inquired if there was
any other nomination, and there being no other a voted was
ordered by a call of the roll by the Secretary, which was done
and resulted in the unanimous election of Dr Buckmaster.
Resolved, that the Pavilion lately occupied by Profr W. C.
Dabney decd be assigned to Dr Buckmaster.
Resolved, that Profr Lile be requested to continue during
the ensuing session the seres of lectures delivered by
him during the session now closing on the subject of Medical
Dr Wm G. Christian was reelected Profr of Anatomy & Surgery,
the chair he now fills, by a unanimous vote.
Dr John Staige Davis, was elected Adjunct Professor of
Pathology and Hygiene by a unanimous vote, which chair he at
present fills.
Resolved, that the Parsonage be taken charge of by the
Supt of Grounds & Buildings to be managed by him in the same
of all useless or dangerous additions and such other
buildings as in his judgment are unfit for use, and not worth
further repairs. No improvements or alterations in said building
are to be made except upon the approval and advice of the
Supt. If the Chaplain does not elect to occupy the parsonage,
he shall receive whatever rent is collected for it.
On motion paragraph No. 3 of the Faculty's report titled
"Hotel-Keepers," is referred to the Committee on Grounds &
Buildings with instructions to meet as early as possible, if
necessary, in vacation, and take into consideration the whole
subject of the Hotels.
On motion paragraph 5 of Faculty's report, titled "Additional
Dormitories", is referred to the Committee on Grounds
& Buildings with instructions to enquire into and report upon
the necessity of building additional Dormitories and how the
same are to be paid for.
Resolved that a Committee of six, three of the Visitors
and three of the faculty, be appointed to cooperate with a
like Committee of the Alumni of three, to raise the funds necessary
to erect a memorial library building, with authority
to appoint an active agent to solicit contributions, he to be
paid a commission agreed on by the joint Committee, on the
sums collected by him. The said Committee will publish in
the Alumni Bulletin what progress it makes.
Resolved that the Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings
cause to be repainted the exterior woodwork of the University
be paid out of the appropriation for repairs & improvements.
This fund will be reimbursed out of the income for 1895-1896,
but if the latter is not sufficient for its return, then it
shall be paid out of the Fayerweather fund; provided the cost
of painting shall not exceed two thousand dollars and the repairs
of the electric wires Six hundred dollars over and above
the $300.00 now in the Proctor's hands.
Resolved that the request of the Faculty, that the Board
allow Dr Barringer to give a brief course on the Surgery of
the Eye & Ear, and that the subject of Embryology, previously
given in the course of Physiology, be transferred to the School
of Medical Biology, be granted.
Resolved that Five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated
to be expended under the direction of Dr Buckmaster in equipping
the Department of Obstetrics with manikins and their appurtenances
of modern construction, and $300.00 be added to
the salary of Dr Luck, Demonstrator of Medical Biology &
Pathology, but these sums are to be paid out of surplus of
increase of 1895-1896, if any.
On motion, Paragraph 11, pages 8-9 & part of 10 of the
Faculty's report is referred to the Committee on Schools for
report and recommendation.
On motion, Paragraph 12, pages 10-11 of the Faculty's
report is referred to the Rector and Dr R. W. Martin for report
& recommendation.
Resolved that out of the surplus estimated income, is
appropriated the sum of $500.00 for fitting up the physical
Modern Language Lecture room is set aside for this use. The
Faculty is authorized to assign the Old Chapel or such other
rooms as may be available for the use of classes in Modern
Resolved that the salary of the Janitor & Plumber be increased
from $50.00 a month, as at present, to $60. per month.
Resolved that the sum of $50. asked for by Profr Kent for
current expenses in the School of English Literature be and is
hereby appropriated for the purposes aforesaid.
Resolved that the recommendation of the Faculty that any
student in the Academic Department who has passed in two classes
and reached 65 per cent in any other class in the studies of any
one session, shall have a second examination in this last class
in the autumn of the next session, provided he matriculates in
that class, be granted.
Resolved that an addition of $200.00 be made to the present
salary of the Librarian, to come out of any money not otherwise
On motion the Board adjourned till to-morrow morning.
Jas D. Jones,
W. C. N. Randolph
June 11th 1895.
The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.
Present the Rector and all of the Visitors.
The question of the reorganization of the School of Modern
Languages was called up for consideration and on motion it
and continuing order until disposed of
Resolved that Mr Wm D. Cabell be and he is hereby authorized
to represent the University of Va and its interests at
the Atlanta exposition, but without expense to the University
provided, however this authority to Mr Cabell shall not preclude
the Visitors from having other representation at the
said Exposition.
Messrs Patteson and Gordon, the Astronomical Committee
made their report to the Board on consideration of which the
following was adopted:
From the report of the Astronomical Committee it appears
to the Visitors that the Astronomical work is not satisfactory,
and it is the opinion of the Visitors that this work should be
reorganized. It is therefore,
Resolved that the Rector notify Profr Stone of the purpose
of the Visitors to reorganize his Department and to change the
personel of his department, and that the Visitors will accept
the fesignation of the said Profr Stone to take effect June 1st
1896 or sooner, if he should prefer it.
The hour of 12 M. having arrived the question of the reorganization
of the Modern Languages department was called up.
The Committee appointed by the Board at the meeting held on
the 29th of March 1895 submitted its report which reads as follows:
The Committee appointed by the Board of Visitors at the
meeting (held March 29th 1895), to examine into the fitness
of Candidates for the Chair of Modern Languages, in connection
& Kent has the honor to report that, after examining the testimonials
of all applicants, it submits the following names as
those of scholars who seem to us best fitted for successfully
undertaking the important duties of this school.
The applications of these scholars are classified according
to merit and special fitness, as known to us from personal
knowledge or information from their high testimonials=
A. W. H. Perkinson.
J. A. Harrison.
B. W. Wells.
B. W. H. Hulme.
Adolph Gubir.
G. T. Wippol.
Camillo Von Kluge. [?]
Leo Weimer.
A. Rambeam.
The other names classified unde C. & D. will be found in
the report of the Committee of the Faculty herewith presented
with this report.
As will be seen both Committees agree in submitting the
above names as worthiest of consideration.
As regards the scheme of intrusting the work of this
School to a full Professor & to an Adjunct or Assistant, confiding
the teaching of French & German to a full Professor &
the teaching of Spanish and Italian to an Adjunct or Assistant,
a question which Your Committee was charged to examine into &
to make no recommendation in the matter, but to leave the
proper division of the School, & its duties to the consideration
& decision of the full Board.
W. Gordon McCabe
Basil B. Gordon.
The report was read & considered, and on motion it was,
Resolved that in the opinion of the Board there should
be a thorough reorganization of the Department of Modern Languages
and far as practicable to combine with it the Chair of
English now occupied by Profr Garnett. This seems to the
Visitors to be wise because in the line of economy and because
it is believed that the work of instruction can be more efficiently
conducted under one responsible head with a cultivated
scholar and teacher in charge of it. This plan of reorganization
will be put into operation as soon as possible and it will
be acted upon at the meeting to be held on July 2d 1895.
Resolved that Morton W. Baker be appointed to the Mason
The Sewerage Committee made its report as follows:
Your Committee to whom was referred the matter
of sewage beg leave to report that after a conference with the
Committee of the town Council of Charlottesville they are of
opinion that a special Committee should be appointed from this
Board with Profr Echols from the Faculty to further consider
the matter and report to the July meeting of the Board.
R. W. Martin Committee
Marshall McCormick Committee
Camm Patteson Committee
The report was read and considered, and on motion the
same was approved and adopted together with its recommendations.
The special Committee on Sewerage for the duties under
the foregoing report consists of the Committee on Health,
Sewerage, etc., and Profr Echols of the Faculty.
Resolved that it is inexpedient at this time to add to
the Medical Curriculum the subject of Analytical Chemistry.
Resolved that Geo. E. Cato is hereby relieved from any
further payment on account of his matriculation as a member
of the Medical class, it appearing that he entered the class
with the expectation of remaining to the end of the session
but had to resign because of the death of his father.
Resolved that leave be given Profr Garnett to attend
the Genl Council of the Episcopal Church to be held at Minneapolis
in October 1895.
Resolved that R. W. Martin & W. C. N. Randolph be appointed
a special Committee to prepare and submit to the
Board at its meeting to be held on the 2d of July a plan and
specifications for the establishment of a hospital, with a
wing to be used as an infirmary for students, and showing the
cost of erection, equipment and maintenance. Said Committee
may take into consideration the advisability of utilizing the
present Dispensary building, and the cost of connecting it
with a hospital and also any other unoccupied building of the
University including the building called Temperance Hall.
Resolved that the Rector be authorized, after examination
to approve the reports of the settlements of the Austin
Estate made by Thos R. Proctor, Trustee and by said Proctor
and William Endicott 3d Trustees, and he is hereby authorized
hereafter to examine future accounts of said trustees and approve
the same if his judgment concurs in their approval.
Mr R. F. Nixon a student of the present session having
been requested by the Faculty to withdraw from the University,
appealed from the action of the Faculty to the Board, the Board
after reading the appeal and hearing the statement of the Chairman
of the Faculty in regard to the matter, it was resolved,
That without reflection of any kind upon the character of
Mr R. F. Nixon, in furtherance of the proper discipline of the
University, the action of the Faculty in requesting Mr Nixon's
withdrawal from the University, be sustained.
A communication having been received from Profr Garnett
expressing a desire to be heard on the subject of the proposed
reorganization of the School of Modern Languages,
Resolved that the Secretary be requested to inform Mr
Garnett that the Board will be pleased to hear him on the 2nd
day of July to which date the Board will adjourn, it being
impossible to hear him in the few remaining hours now at the
disposal of the Board at its present meeting.
On motion Profr Wm M. Thornton was reelected Chairman
of the Faculty.
The Rector and Visitors, T. S. Martin, A. C. Gordon,
W. Gordon McCabe and Leigh R. Watts were elected as the Executive
In consideration of the press of other business of the
session, which interfered with the preperation of the annual
report of the Finance Committee, further time was given the
Committee at their request, to the adjourned meeting on the
2d of July next to prepare and submit their report.
On motion the Board adjourned to the 2d of July 1895.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 10, 1895 | ![]() |