![]() | Board of Visitors minutes January 12, 1893 | ![]() |
January 12th 1893.
At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia, called by the Rector and held at the University,
in pursuance of notice on the 12th day of January 1893.
Present. W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Visitors, Messrs
Kean, Parrish, McCabe, McCormick and Thomas S. Martin.
The Rector in calling the Board to order stated that the
meeting had been called, specially to consider matters relating
to the establishment of the chair known as the Linden Kent Memorial
Chair of English Literature.
On motion the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, that all matters in connection with the establishment
of the "Linden Kent Memorial Chair of English Literature",
be referred to a Committee of three to be appointed by
the Rector with instructions to report as soon as possible to
the present meeting of the Board.
The Rector appointed as said Committee, Visitors, R. G. H.
Kean, R. L. Parrish and T. S. Martin, who retired, and in a
short time returned and submitted their report, which was read,
and on motion the same, together with its recommendations, was
adopted by a unanimous vote, which report is in the following
words and figures, to wit:
University of Virginia.
The undersigned special Committee to whom was referred
all matters relating to the establishment of a Chair in the University
Literature, beg leave to report that they have examined
the bond of Mrs Leita M. Kent which was this day presented to
the Board by Mr H. T. Kent in behalf of Mrs Kent, which bond
is in the words and figures following, to wit:
Know all men by these presents, that I, Leita M. Kent,
am held and firmly bound to the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia in the just and full sum of sixty Thousand
dollars well and truly to be paid to the said obligee,
Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of January 1893.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas
I have caused to be communicated to the said Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia my desire and purpose to
endow a Chair of English Literature in the said University to
be known as the "Linden Kent Memorial Chair of English Literature",
as a memorial to my late husband, and to that end to
pay to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
the sum of Three Thousand dollars annually, the said payments
to begin in the month of February 1893, and to continue to be
made in the same month of each succeeding year, during my life,
or until the sum of Sixty Thousand dollars for the permanent
endowment of said Chair shall be paid as hereinafter provided,
and I have provided by my will, that at my death said sum of
Sixty Thousand dollars shall be paid out of my Estate to said
object, for the permanent endowment of the Chair so to be established
and named, And whereas the purpose and object of
this obligation is more fully to secure and make certain against
all contingencies, the continuance of said annuity and the ultimate
and endowment are to be used exclusively for the maintenance
and support of said Chair.
Now Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such,
that if the said Chair shall be established and named as aforesaid,
and that having been done, if the said annuity shall be
fully and punctually paid as aforesaid, until such time as I
may see fit to pay over the said sum of Sixty Thousand dollars
in satisfaction of said intended legacy and permanent endowment;
(The right to so satisfy and adeem which whenever I may
see fit to do so, I reserve to myself), or until the said endowment
be paid out of my estate; and if I shall in my life
time pay over said sum of Sixty Thousand dollars, for said
purpose, or after my death the same be promptly paid out of
my estate, which I hereby charge for that purpose whether the
said testamentary provision shall take effect or not, (provided
however that there shall not be but one satisfaction of said
sum of Sixty Thousand dollars), then this obligation shall be
void, but otherwise shall remain in full force and effect.

District of Columbia, s.s.
City of Washington. s.s.
I, A. S. Taylor a Notary public in and for the said city,
do certify that Leita M. Kent, whose name is signed to the
foregoing obligation dated the ninth day of January, 1893, has
this day acknowledged the same before me in said city.
Given under my hand and seal this ninth day of January,
[Description: A. S. Taylor,
District of Columbia]
A. S. Taylor,
Notary Public.
And the Committee beg leave to recommend that the proposition
of Mrs Kent be accepted and that for the purpose of
making a more formal acceptance thereof the following resolutions
be adopted:
I. That a Chair in the Department of English be, and the same
is hereby established in the University, instruction therein
to begin with next session, which Chair shall be called and
known as the "Linden Kent Memorial Chair of English Literature",
in which shall be taught, English Literature, Rhetoric and
Belles-Lettres, and to the perpetual maintenance and support
of which the annuity and ultimate endowment fund of Sixty Thousand
dollars donated and secured by the bond of Mrs Kent are
hereby dedicated.
II. That the particular division of the separate subjects to
be taught in the two chairs of English be dealt with at the
annual meeting of the Board in June next.
III.That the Board proceed at once to the election of a Professor
to fill the "Linden Kent Memorial Chair of English Literature".
IV. That the Board tender to Mrs Kent their thanks and the
thanks of the University for her generous donation for the purposes
above mentioned, and the Rector is requested to cause a
copy of this report and the proceedings thereon to be made and
communicated to her in evidence of their appreciation.
R. G. H. Kean
R. L. Parrish
Thomas S. Martin.
The bond of Mrs Kent reported as above was turned over
to the Board by Mr H. T. Kent, who was present in person, as
her agent.
The Board then proceeded to the election of the professor
to fill the new chair.
Professor Charles W. Kent of the University of Tennessee,
was placed in nomination, and a vote was had, which resulted
unanimously in favor of Professor Kent and he was declared
The Chairman of the Faculty laid before the Board a Report
of the Faculty dated Jan'y 12th 1893, made to the Board,
containing sundry recommendations, which on motion were referred
to the appropriate committees.
The following preamble and resolutions were reported by
the Committee on the Conduct of Schools etc. which were approved
and adopted by a unanimous vote:
Whereas, some doubt exits in the minds of some of the
Faculty as to whether a candidate for M. A. must in all cases
be a graduate in the B. A. courses of the subjects elected for
his M. A. degree, it is hereby
1. resolved and ordered that an applicant for M. A., whether
a B. A. of this institution or of any other chartered institution
of learning, shall in all cases be also a graduate in
the B. A. courses of the four subjects elected for the M. A.
2. And it is further resolved and ordered that graduation in
the B. A. courses of any subject shall be a prerequisite to
graduation in the M. A. courses of said subject. But, if upon
examination the student in any subject shall evidence ability
to pursue both the B. A. course and the M. A. course of said
subject simultaneously, he shall be allowed to do so.
3. Resolved, that by the proper construction of the recent
action of the Board in reference to the General degrees any
student not an applicant for any of the general degrees, may
be awarded a diploma as a graduate in any separate school,
when he shall have satisfactorily passed in both the B. A. and
the M. A. course in such school.
The Proctor laid before the Board a letter from Mr Walter
D. Dabney in regard to printing and indexing the laws of the
University, inclosing bids for the printing, which correspondence
satisfied the Board that the appropriation of $200. made
at the last meeting for the work is inadequate, which was considered,
and on motion the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, that the appropriation of $200. made at the
last meeting of the Board for the indexing and printing of the
Laws of the University be increased to the sum of $500. and
the Proctor is instructed to cause the work to be done, on the
best terms he can obtain, not exceeding the sum so appropriated.
The following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved that, on recommendation of the Faculty, the sum
of one hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the purchase
of jars by Dr Dabney for the purpose of preserving pathological
Resolved, That the appropriation of $3000.00 out of surplus
revenue for the renewal or construction of pavements on
the University grounds, which was made at the last annual meeting,
be and the same is hereby revoked and the matter is left
open for consideration at the next annual meeting of the Board.
Resolved, That the Proctor be instructed to pay to the
School of Biology $5.00 for each regular medical student in
the Class in Histology for the present year.
Resolved, that until further ordered the Miller Scholarships
awarded upon competitive examinations shall be given
each year to the candidate who shall pass the highest examinations
upon B. A. courses in Chemistry, Physics and Biology,
and that each person holding a scholarship shall during his
tenure of two years elect each year one third of his work in
one of the following schools: Biology and Agriculture and
Agricultural Chemistry, and Applied Mathematics. The scholarships
shall be subject in all respects to conditions heretofore
On motion the Board adjourned sine die.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes January 12, 1893 | ![]() |