Board of Visitors minutes October 30, 1891 | ||
October 30th 1891.
At a meeting of the Rector & Visitors of the University
of Virginia held at the University on this day in pursuance
of a call by the Rector.
Present, the Rector, Dr Randolph, and Visitors, Gordon,
Kean, McCabe, McCormick, Parrish & Watts.
The Board was called to order by the Rector who stated
that the principal object of the call was to consider the
question of the improvement of the water supply to the University
and the matter of the Fayerweather bequest.
The following were among the communications laid before
the Board:
1 Communications from the Executors of D. B. Fayerweather
decd to the Rector, in reference to paying over a portion of
the legacy about this time.
2 Report of the Committee touching a new main from the Reservoir
to the University.
3 The Report of the Faculty.
4 Letter from Profr Perkinson asking to be allowed an assistant.
Refd to Comee on Conduct of Schools.
5 From Dr W. C. Dabney asking for enlargement of his Pavilion
6 From W. H. Cabell asking for modification in the degree
requirements in his behalf
7 From R. E. L. Farmer, a like request in his behalf.
8 From W. A. Lambeth asking for free tuition.
5 From G. M. Peek asking for dormitory & free tuition.
6 Recommendation of the University Board of Health.
7 From W. H. Wenger asking transfer from Med. to Pharmacy.
Refd to Comee on Conduct of Schools
8 Petition of a large number of students for a Gymnasium
9 Petition of E. W. Roby for a reduction of fees.
10 Remonstrance of M. A.s of the University against the
change in the M. A. degree etc as adopted by the Board.
11 Communication from Profr Tuttle in reference to salary
of his assistant Profr Sigerfoos.
The Committee on the water supply laid before the Board
a copy of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of
Charlottesville for the consideration of the Board & which
reads as follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council of Charlottesville
that the City by its Mayor enter into a contract with the
Rector & Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia to
the following effect, to wit: That in consideration of the
surrender to the City of Charlottesville by the said Rector
& Board of Visitors of the University of Va, of its entire
interest in the present main from the Reservoir to, and into
the City of Charlottesville, and in consideration of ($2,200.)
Twenty two hundred dollars to be paid to the University of
Virginia by the City of Charlottesville out of the levy for
1892, the said Rector & Board of Visitors shall have the
right to connect at its own expense its water supply system
from the point where its system now connects with the present
10 inch main by a 6 inch main to and into the Reservoir,
for the University of Virginia water supply: Provided such
connection can be made through the Dam tunnel without injury
to said Dam or gate-house.
The control and supervision of the Reservoir to remain
in the City control as it now exists under the original contract
between the University of Virginia and the City of
Charlottesville dated the 20th day of January 1885.
This agreement is in nowise to alter or change the proper
accounting between said city and University of Virginia for
any matter of liability existing prior to this date. The said
6 inch main not to be tapped.
The fire plugs now connecting on the 10 inch main within
the University of Virginia are to remain and to be used only
by the University for extinguishing fires.
After consideration of the subject Mr Parrish offered
the following resolutions which were approved and adopted
by a unanimous vote:
Resolved that the Rector on behalf of the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia be directed to enter
into a contract with the city of Charlottesville by which
the University shall release and convey to said city its entire
interest in the present ten inch water main leading
from the reservoir to said city, in consideration of the sum
of Twenty two hundred Dollars, with a provision in said contract
with the reservoir by a six inch main leading into and through
the University grounds, provided that no distributing pipe
shall exceed four inches in diameter, and provided further
that nothing in said contract shall be construed as to alter
the ration of ownership of the reservoir and water supply on
the part of the University and the City as it now exists, and
provided further that the fire plugs on said ten inch main
shall remain as they now stand for use in cases of fire only.
II That the contract provide that the six inch main be connected
with the reservoir in such manner as not to do permanent
injury to the Dam or Gate House, and that the supervision
and control of the Reservoir remain as it now exists.
III That no water shall be used outside of the University
property from said six inch main, and that all unsettled liabilities
growing out of the water supply plant shall be settled
under the existing contract, which shall be preserved
except as specially changed by the proposed contract.
The following resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote:
Resolved, that the sum of $14000.00, or so much thereof
as may be necessary be appropriated for the purpose of laying
an independent water main from the present reservoir to the
University, but that the laying of said main and the expenditure
of said appropriation be under the supervision of the
Executive Committee & the Proctor.
After consideration of the proposition of the Executors
of D. B. Faerweather decd to pay 25% of the legacy to the
following resolution was adopted:
Whereas it is proposed by the Executors of the late D.
B. Faerweather to pay 25 per cent of the legacy left the University
provided the state tax of $1000. is deducted therefrom
and the interest on said 25 per cent is deducted from the
time of payment to the end of the year, to wit, the 28th of
Feb. 1892 and whereas the Board is disinclined to accept said
proposal for the reason that at present it has no use for the
money and for the further reason that it does not understand
why it should be required to pay interest on money that is
shown to be in hand and therefore ready for distribution, but
if it is to the interest of the University to accept said proposal
and submit to the deduction of interest and tax aforesaid,
it feels bound to do so. Therefore it is
Resolved, that the Rector after advising with the New
York counsel, Mr R. C. Taylor, be directed to settle said
legacy on such terms as he may think to the best interest of
the University.
The communication from certain M. A.s of remonstrance
against change in the M. A. degree, on motion was referred to
the Conduct of Schools for report.
The following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, that the Proctor be requested to make a special
annual report to the Finance Committee of the securities
held by the University, together with the market value of said
securities, making such recommendations as to the changing of
the same as he may deem proper.
I That the Board is inclined to give a favorable consideration
to the recommendation of the Faculty and the Petition of
the students in respect to providing adequate facilities for
physical culture but at this time deems it best to wait until
the funds shall be in hand before making any appropriation.
II That the Proctor be instructed to obtain at a cost to be
authorized by the Executive Committee, proper plans and specifications
for a suitable Gymnasium with its equipment, and
baths for the use of the students, the whole not to exceed in
cost the sum of $15000.
Resolved, that the Rector take charge of and have presented
to the General Assembly a bill to authorize the commutation
into money of the legacy to the University under the
will of A. W. Austin & take such steps as may be necessary to
procure the passage of said bill.
Whereas sundry persons have, by will and otherwise, donated
large sums of money to the University, and whereas it
is the unanimous sense of the Board that all such gifts should
be kept inact as to the principal, in order to keep each doner's
name connected with his original gift, it is
Resolved, that in all cases in which the Board shall find
it necessary to use any part of the principal of any such gift,
the money so used shall be treated as a loan from the particular
fund from which it is derived, and that a sinking fund be
created from the interest accruing from such original fund,
which sinking fund shall be used to refund the money so borrowed
as aforesaid.
Resolved, that the salary of Mr Sigerfoos, assistant to
Profr Tuttle, be fixed at Eight hundred dollars for the present
session, and that the sum heretofore appropriated for the
equipment of Profr Tuttle's Department be reduced to seven
hundred dollars.
Resolved, that the application of Dr Dabney for an addition
to his Pavilion be referred to the Proctor, with instructions
to procure plans and specifications for such addition
as may be desired, together with an estimate of the cost of
same, and to report to the next meeting of the Board.
Resolved, that the gift of the "old bell" to the University
by Professors Tuttle, Stone & Towles be accepted with
the thanks of the Rector and Visitors for the same, and that
the Proctor be directed to place the bell in an appropriate
place in the Brooks Museum.
Resolved, that the resolution adopted at the last meeting
changing the time of the annual meeting of the Board be rescinded,
and that the Board hereafter hold their annual meetings
at the time fixed by the law prior to the passage of the
said resolution.
Resolved, that the application of Profr Tuttle to make
his a compulsory two years course, the consideration of which
was postponed at the last annual meeting be further postponed
until the next annual meeting.
The Committee on the Conduct of Schools & Examination of
Students submitted the following as its report which was read
and on motion the same was approved & its recommendations
adopted by a unanimous vote:
Your Committee on the Conduct of Schools begs leave to
report as follows on the petitions referred to it this day:
1. That the request of Profr Perkinson for an Assistant be
granted for the rest of the present session, said Assistant
to receive compensation at the rate of $400. per session.
2. That the Faculty be sustained in their disapproval of the
application of Mr Jas H. Corbitt to receive the M. A. degree
at the end of the present session upon terms not authorized
by the laws of the University.
3. That the Faculty be sustained in their disapproval of the
application of Mr R. E. L. Farmer to receive the M. A. degree
at the end of the present session upon terms not authorized
by the laws of the University.
4. That the petition of Mr W. A. Lambeth, Instructor in Physical
Culture, that he be allowed to attend without charge such
classes in the Medical Department as the Faculty Committee in
charge of the Gymnasium may approve, be granted.
5. That the petition of Mr George M. Peek, Instructor in Mechanical
Engineering for a dormitory free of rent & for free
tuition in the School of Applied Mathematics, be referred to
the Faculty with authority to grant the same or any part thereof,
as they may see proper.
6. That the application of Mr. W. H. Wenger to change from the
Medical Dept to that of Pharmacy & to have his fees (already
paid) transferred from the former to the latter department,
be granted.
7. That the petition of Mr E. W. Roby for a reduction of the
regular fees for tuition in the Law Department be disallowed.
8. That as this Committee has not sufficient time to consider
carefully at this called meeting the protest of certain
Masters of Arts against the change in the M. A. degree, the
Committee respectfully requests further time to report on the
same to the Board.
The report of the Health Committee of the Faculty was
read & considered and on motion the following resolution in
respect thereto was adopted:
Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to fix the ditch
above the ice pond, so as to prevent any drainage from the
geological Hall and any other pollution from entering said
pond, and that he shall have provided coolers for ice water
supplied the students in which the ice will be put in separate
compartments from that containing the water.
The recommendation of the Faculty in regard to a new
ice pond is postponed until the next meeting of the Board.
On motion the Board adjourned sine die.
Board of Visitors minutes October 30, 1891 | ||