University of Virginia Library


At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia held this 27th day of June 1890, the same having
been called by the Rector in advance of the stated annual

Present, W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Messrs Bolling,
Gordon, Kean, McCormick, Parrish and Patteson. Absent Messrs
McCabe & Watts.

The Rector called the Board to order.

The chairman of the Faculty having been informed of the
session appeared and submitted the annual reports of the Faculty,
the Proctor and the Commissioner of accounts, together
with other documents referred to and accompanying the Faculty's


On motion the said reports were read to the Board and
the various matters presented by the same were referred to
the appropriate Committees for their consideration and report
thereon to the Board.

A communication was received from Mr Chas T. Coleman,
President of the Washington Lit. Society asking an extension
of time within which to return the $125. lent the Society by
the Board at its last annual meeting which was read and on
motion the following resolution was adopted

Resolved, that the time of payment of the sum of $125.
loaned to the Washington Society is extended as follows.
The one half ($6250) be paid by or before the end of the session
of 1890-91, and the residue ($6250) be paid by or before
the end of the session of 1891-92.

Resolved, that a sum not exceeding $4500. be appropriated
to the renovation of pavements, and that the Proctor be instructed
to expend so much of said sum as may be necessary,
in renewing with artificial stone, the pavements on the lawn
which are estimated at 2000 yards.

A written request was received from Profr W. H. Perkinson
to be allowed to begin the work in his school as late as the
10th of October next.

On motion,

Resolved, that the request of Profr be granted.

The following communication was received from Miss Mattie
M. Minor, President of the Ladies Chapel Aid Society of the
University of Virginia


"At a meeting of the Ladies' Chapel Aid Society of the
University of Virginia, Monday, June 16th 1890, the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, that the ladies of the Chapel Aid Society, respectfully
notify the Honorable Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia of the completion and dedication to the
worship of Almighty God of the Chapel which they, aided by
the liberality of many friends of the cause, and acting as
an auxiliary to the Chapel Building Committee of the Faculty,
have lately had the privilege of erecting on the University

2d That as a society, they herewith transmit to you through
the building Committee, their surrender into your care of the
structure as it now stands, thus releasing themselves from
all future responsibility connected therewith."

"In presenting to you their congratulations on the achievements
of this enterprise, designed for the highest good of this
noble institution of learning, and, in making the surrender to
you of this pet object of their devotion which, for six years,
has never flagged in its zeal, the ladies beg to bespeak from
the Honorable Board, in behalf of this sanctuary erected to
the glory of God, the Eternal Father, and source of wisdom,
its beneficent care and protection now, and for all time to

"Mattie M. Minor,
President etc."

On motion the foregoing communication was referred to
the Committee on Grounds & Buildings to prepare and report a
suitable reply to the same.


The Committee reported the following reply, which on
motion was unanimously approved and adopted, and the Secretary
instructed to transmit a copy thereof to Miss Mattie M.
Minor, President etc.

Miss Mattie M. Minor, President of the Ladies Chapel
Aid Society of the University of Virginia.

The Committee on Grounds & Buildings, by the direction
of the Board of Visitors, have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of the letter of the ___ inst. in which the completion
of the Chapel is announced, and the completed Edifice
turned over to the care of the Board of Visitors.

Congratulating your society upon the auspicious end of
their labors, and the beautiful result, the Board of Visitors
accept the care and responsibility of the Chapel and the duty
of preserving it, for the holy uses to which it has been dedicated.

A communication was received from Mr R. P. Valentine,
President of the C. & A. Street R.way Co. asking permission
to enter & extend the railway through the grounds of the University
and a like request from Mr S. P. Maury in behalf of
his Belt Line R.way, which were read and considered and on
motion the following resolution in reply thereto was adopted.

Resolved, that the Secretary be directed to reply to the
communications of Messrs S. P. Maury and R. P. Valentine, that
it is the sense of this Board that it has no power to grant a
right of way to any Railway Company over the lands belonging
to the University and that it is without authority in the premises.


A communication was received from Messrs Lankford &
Pitcher asking permission of the Board to introduce their
telephone system into the grounds of the University. In
reply thereto the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, that the Lankford & Pitcher Telephone Co. be
and they are hereby authorized to build and extend their
Telephone Line through the grounds of the University of Virginia,
subject however to the authority & supervision of the
Proctor & Superintendent of Grounds & buildings & revocable
at any time by the Board of Visitors.

Communications were received from Mr M. W. Talbot,
Profr C. S. Venable and Micajah Woods Esq, respectively,
all three of which were on motion referred to the Committee
on Grounds & Buildings as was also done with the communication
received from Mr James S. Miller.

A communication was received from Messrs Robertson &
others, Committee of Students, asking permission to use the
Library for the "german" on Monday morning the 30th inst etc.,
which was considered and on motion the following resolution
was adopted.

Resolved, that the communication of Messrs J. B. Robertson,
R. W. Greenway & F. L. Taylor, Committee be referred to
the Faculty with the request that they reconsider their action
and grant the use of the Library to the students for the Germans
to be held on Monday morning the 30th inst. and on the
following Tuesday & Wednesday evenings and that said Committee
be advised to renew their application to the Faculty.


Resolved, that the new Chapel shall be devoted exclusively
to the uses and purposes of religious worship, and
that its care and supervision be remitted to the Faculty.

As suggested by the Faculty,

Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to make a careful
examination of the condition of the distributing pipes
for water within the University grounds and report what improvements
as to size or renewal of pipes may be needed and
what may be necessary to prevent waste and furnish a sufficient
supply of water.

Resolved that the Proctor be directed to purchase the
Halloway fire extinguisher to cost not exceeding $45.

On the recommendation of the Faculty report:

Resolved, that R. M. Searcy, Assistant professor of
Chemistry, be permitted to take, free of tuition fees, such
part of the Medical course, next Session, as the Professor,
whose assistant he is, may approve.

On motion the following references were made to committees:

Sections 4, 6 & 9 of the Faculty report to the Finance Committee,
the 9th Section to be considered by the Committee in
connection with the Faculty's report made to the Board in April
last The Committee to report by resolution or otherwise.

The question of professor's salaries being under consideration,
on motion.

Resolved, that the salaries of the Professors remain at
the present rate for the ensuing session and that the subject
of salaries be referred to the Committee on Finance who are


directed to make inquiry and report to the next regular meeting
of this Board, the systems which obtain in various sections
of the Country. Their report to be coupled with such recommendations
and suggestions as they may think proper.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow at 9 A. M.

W. C. N. Randolph Rector

Jas D. Jones,

The Board met this 28th of June 1890, in pursuance of
adjournment on yesterday.

Present the same members as on yesterday with the addition
of Mr McCabe.

The question submitted in the paper marked "Annex B"
accompanying the Faculty's report made to the called meeting
of the Board in April last being under consideration on motion,
the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, that in response to the paper marked "Faculty
report Annex B" the faculty is respectfully referred to sections
17 & 18 of Chapter 1st of the "Laws of the University"
with the expression that the Board concur in the view of the
Faculty that said sections should be strictly observed, and
that Professors should not devote time during the sessions of
the University to outside enterprises without the approval of
the Board, and with the further expression that the authority
granted by law to the Board in the premises should be exercised


only in exceptional cases, when in the judgment of the Board
its exercise is not detrimental to the University.

Resolved, that the request of Profr W. B. Towles to be
allowed to absent himself from the University from the 17th
of March next to the 10th of April next, be granted.

Resolved, that the action of the Executive Committee in
granting the privilege to S. P. Maury to tap the water main
at a point above the grounds of the University for the purpose
of conducting water for the use of a hotel he proposes
to build at Fry's Spring, be approved.

The appointment of an assistant to Profr John B. Minor
being under consideration, on motion the following resolutions
1 & 2 were unanimously adopted

The Board having in view the relief of Professor Minor in
the discharge of his arduous duties as well as the desire of
keeping the law school at the University abreast of the age,
are considering the propriety of establishing an additional
chair in the law department to which shall be assigned the
subject of Corporation Law and such other subjects as will
accomplish the purposes desired and with a view of further
consideration of the subject and to give opportunity for a
full conference with Profr Minor it is resolved, 1. that the
further consideration of the matter be postponed to a meeting
to be called by the Rector during the month of August.

2. Resolved, that a Committee of three, to be named by the
ector, be appointed to take into consideration and formulate
a plan for the contemplated creation of a chair in the


law school to which is to be assigned Corporation law and
such other subjects as will tend to give relief to Mr Minor
and also to confer with Mr Minor as contemplated by resolution
just adopted and said Committee will report to the next
meeting of the Board to be called by the Rector.

The Rector appointed as the Committee under the foregoing
resolution Messrs Parrish, Kean and McCormick.

Resolved, that Mr Z. W. Coombs be granted a salary of
not less than $700. per annum for the session of 1890-91 as
Instructor in Physical Culture.

Resolved, that a committee of three, consisting of the
Rector and Messrs Kean & Gordon be appointed to consider the
communication received from the Miller Board to-day in reference
to the $10,000 bond of the University held by that
Board, and report to the meeting to be held in August next.

It appearing to the Board from the communication of
Profr W. C. Dabney that owing to his restoration to health
he is fully able to discharge the clinical duties of his
school without further assistance, it is resolved that the
position of clinical instructor in the School of Obstetrics
and Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence be abolished.

It is further resolved, that the thanks of the Board
be tendered to Dr E. M. Magruder for the efficient services
rendered by him as clinical instructor in the said school.

The following communication was received from the Miller

At a meeting of the Miller Board of Trustees of the University
of Virginia held on the 28th of June 1890, it was resolved,


that Mr H. S. Hedges of Charlottesville be and he is
hereby nominated to the Board of Visitors as Assistant to
Profr A. H. Tuttle.

A copy from the minutes.

R. T. W. Duke, Jr
Asst Sec'y.

A vote was taken on the foregoing nomination and resulted
in the unanimous election of Mr. C. H. Hedges as assistant to
Profr A. H. Tuttle.

The Board next proceeded to elect a professor of Physiology
& Surgery in place of Dr Cabell decd, which chair is now
filled by Dr Paul B. Barringer as assistant professor.

Dr Paul B. Barringer was placed in nomination to fill
said vacancy and upon a vote thereon he was unanimously elected
professor of Physiology & Surgery, but for the period of one
year only, commencing with the close of the present session of
the University, the election for one year only, being in accordance
with the law of the Board of Visitors in case of the
election of a professor for the first time.

Messrs Gordon, Kean, Parrish, Randolph and McCabe were
elected to constitute the Executive Committee of the Board
for the ensuing year.

Profr Wm M. Thornton was nominated to succeed himself as
Chairman of the Faculty for the ensuing year and a vote thereon
resulted in his unanimous election.

A communication was received from the Faculty reiterating
their opposition to the use of the Library room for dancing,


before the end of the session, which was read and on motion
the same was ordered to be laid on the table.

Resolved, that the Executive Committee be empowered to
appropriate to the Cottage Hospital two hundred dollars, if
the number of students of the session of 1890-91 warrant
that addition to the appropriations.

Resolved, that so much of Dr Schele's school report as
relates to his request to be allowed to deliver a course of
lectures on Modern (European) Literature to the classes in
French, German, Spanish & Italian, be referred to the Faculty
for their recommendation, as such course of lectures may interfere
with the schedule of lectures in existing schools.

Whereas the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia
has heard with pleasure that the International Committee
of the Y. M. C. A., together with the University of Virginia
branch of the same Association, have conjointly contributed
for the purchase & construction of a "campus" to be devoted
to the athletic sports of the students of the University,

Therefore, be it

Resolved first, that the Board of Visitors tenders its
hearty thanks to the promoters of the enterprise for this
generous provision for the amusement of the students, a provision,
which cannot fail to contrubute materially to the
physical well-being of the young men here & ultimately advance
the interests of the University.

Resolved, second, that the Proctor, so far as he can do
so without detriment to any work he may have in hand, be requested


to aid the gentlemen in charge of said "Campus" by
lending them the carts, workmen etc. of the University, &
in any other way his judgment may suggest, said aid to be
rendered free of charge.

Resolved third, that a copy of these Resolutions be
sent to Profr Noah K. Davis.

On motion the following modication of the B. A. degree
was adopted by the Board of Visitors.

Present Plan.  Modified Plan. 
Latin.  Latin. 
Greek or Logic.  Greek or Logic. 
Math.  Math. or Astronomy 
French, Spanish or Italian.  French, Spanish or Italian. 
German or English.  German or English. 
History.  History. 
Chemistry.  any two. 
Chemistry.  Physics. 
Physics  Geology.  

The Committee on Grounds and Buildings submitted the
following report:

To the Rector and Board of Visitors.

Your Committee would respectfully report, that the suggestion
made by the Faculty that "Dormitories on the East
Range be assigned to assistant professors or instructors, and
the rooms on the lawn be assigned to students" be adopted, and
that no exception be made to this rule in favor of gentlemen
who are holding the dual relation to the University of student
& instructor.


2. That, the request of Profr Venable & of Mr __ Miller as
to their retention of room No. 12 on East Lawn be respectfully

3. That, it is inexpedient and inadvisable to incur at this
time the expense of putting letter boxes in the dormitories.

4. That, the Proctor be authorized and directed to add to
the Chemical Hall a room to be used by the Professor of Analytical
Chemistry as a private work room, and that he make
such expenditures as may be necessary to heat the Hall with
hot air, and to supply such assay furnaces as are necessary
for the use of the school.

5. That it is inadvisable to spend any money in inclosing
the piece of land near the coal yard and east of the C. & O.
R. R.

6. That the Proctor be requested to confer with Mr Talbot, or
the officers of the Beta Theta Pi Society and designate a site
upon which the society may erect a hall, under such restrictions
as may be imposed by the Board and report to the next regular
meeting of this Board.

7. That it is inexpedient at present to take any steps looking
to the sale of any of the lands of the University, and that the
Secretary be instructed to communicate this resolution to R. D.
Anderson and to the Charlottesville, Industrial, Land & Improvement

Respectfully submitted

W. H. Bolling

R. G. H. Kean

Marshall McCormick


The report was read and considered and on motion the
same, together with its recommendations, was approved and

The Finance Committee submitted its report and accompanied
the same with four resolutions, which report and resolutions
read as follows.

To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

The Committee on Finance respectfully report that the annual
report of the Proctor shows a balance in his hands for
the fiscal year ending June 30th 1890 of $1854.30

The Executors of Mrs Birely have during the past session
paid to the Proctor the residue of the legacy of $500.
bequeathed by her to the University, except the sum of $176.63
which balance is still due. The money received has been properly
invested and your Committee recommend that the Rector execute
the receipt requested by the Executors under the Corporate
Seal of the Board.

Your Committee further recommend that a scholar be named
for the ensuing session as contemplated by Mrs Birely's will,
with an allowance equal to the net income of the fund in hand
which will probably be about $224.00.

The estimated receipts for the ensuing year, on the basis
of 430 students are $107,374.30.

Your Committee recommend that said sum be appropriated as





Salaries of seventeen Professors $3000.  $51,000.00 
Salaries of two Professors $2000.  4 000.00 
Salaries of two adjunct professors $1500.  3000.00 
Assistant. Common & Statute Law postponed. 
Instructor of Ancient Languages  800.00 
Instructor in Mathematics  600.00 
Instructor in Nat. Philosophy  800.00 
Instructor in Engineering  500.00 
Instructor in Biology  500.00 
Instructor in Chemistry  800.00 
Demonstrator of Anatomy  800.00 
Asst Demonstrator of Anatomy  150 00 
Chairman of the Faculty  500.00 
Librarian & Secretary of the Faculty  1000.00 
Proctor & Superintendent  2000.00 
Secretary to Chairman  600.00 
Board of Visitors  225.00  
Commr of Accounts  150.00 
Janitor & Plumber  600.00 
Janitor of Museum  180.00 
Chairman's Messenger  120.00 
Janitor of Medical Hall  135.00 
Labor  1000.00 
Astronomical Department  1610.00 
Biological Department  1400.00 
Interest & Sinking Fund  7220.00 
Repairs & Improvements  5000.00 
Repairs of Side-walks  4500.00 
Library  950.00 
Catalogue & Advertising  1250.00 
Printing blank forms  150.00 
Diplomas  500.00 
Fuel & Lights  1000.00 
Commutation of rents of 6 Professors  1800.00 
Contingent Fund  1500.00 
Apparatus - Chemical  300.00 
Apparatus - Nat. Philosophy  300.00 
Apparatus - Geology  50.00 
Apparatus - Engineering  50.00 
Apparatus - Anatomical Material  125.00 
Medical & Surgical Supplies  150.00 
Microscopic supplies  25.00 
Microscopes for Dr Barringer  140.00 
Apparatus Special to Chemistry  100.00 
Fuel & Gas for Laboratories  104.00 
Students Reading Room  100.00 
Infirmary, all of estimated receipts)  2463.00 
Profr Dunnington's New room  1000.00 
Engineering Laboratory equipment  3000.00 
Furnace for Chemical Hall  400.00 
Assaying furnaces etc.  200.00 
Mailing expenses on Decennial Catalogue  75.00 
Halloway Fire Extinguisher  45.00 
For instruction in Microscopy, Histology & Pathology  300.00 

As to the further appropriations suggested by the Faculty, we
recommend that if there shall be funds in hand to justify it
the following additional appropriations be made, to wit=


Engineering Laboratory  $500.00 
Catalogues & Advertising  500.00 

Your Committee append to this report four resolutions
which they recommend shall be adopted.

R. L. Parrish

Camm Pattson

Mason Gordon.

The foregoing report and the resolutions above referred
to were read and considered and on motion the report and four
resolutions accompanying were approved and adopted—the resolutions
are as follows:

Resolved 1st That the Rector be authorized and instructed to
execute the receipt and release requested by the Executors
of Mrs Brierly, affixing thereto the corporate seal of the
Rector & Visitors of the University.

2d That R. S. B. Smith be appointed to the Birely scholarship
for the ensuing session and that the net income of the
Brierly fund be credited on his proper expense accounts or
delivered to him as in the judgment of the Proctor may be

3d That the Faculty be authorized to deduct from the charges
for higher diplomas the amounts paid by students respectively
for subordinate diplomas and certificates of proficiency.

4th That Mr R. M. Searcy, assistant to the Profr of Chemistry,
be permitted to take, free of tuition fees, such part of the
medical course next session as the Professor whose assistant
he is may approve.


On motion resolved, that the following appropriations
recommended by the Miller Board from its funds, for the fiscal
year 1890-91, be concurred in by this Board, viz

For salary of Profr Tuttle  $3000.00 
For salary of Profr Thornton  500.00 
For salary of Profr Dunnington  500.00 
For salary of Profr Tuttle's Assistant  500.00 
Equipment of the Department (including the cost of
a building for anatomical purposes) 
For the Library of the department  500.00 
For the two Scholarships ($250. each)  500.00 

Resolved, that when the Board adjourns it will adjourn
to meet on the 8th of August 1890, at 12 M., at the University.

On motion the Board adjourned to the 8th of August 1890
at 12 M.

W. C. N. Randolph
Jas D. Jones,