University of Virginia Library


At the annual meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the
University held at the time and place above written, the following
members were present:

Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, Rector and Messrs Conrad, Martin,
Payne, Randolph, Stuart (W. C.) & Venable.

The Rector called the Board to order. The Executive
Committee submitted its report which was read and ordered
to be filed.


The resignation of Dr Jas F. Harrison as Professor,
was read, together with his written request to be allowed
to appear before the Board and make a statement in connection
with his resignation, whereupon, it was

Resolved, that in accordance with the request of Dr
J.F. Harrison, he be allowed to appear before this Board
at 4 P.M. to-day to make a statement in connection with
the resignation of his professorship.

Resolved, that so much of the Report of the Executive
Committee as recommends, that the Finance and Executive
Committee of the Board shall each consist of four
members, two of whom shall constitute a quorum.

That the regular Standing Committees of the Board be
rearranged and consolidated as follows, viz:

  • 1. Comm: Finance, Miller Board & Observatory Fund.

  • 2. Grounds & Buildings & Boarding Houses

  • 3. Library & Apparatus

  • 4. Conduct of Schools & Examination of students

  • 5. Infirmary, Health, Sewers & Drainage, be adopted.

Resolved, that so much of the Report of the Executive
Committee as indicates the several Committees of the Board, to
which the various reports, papers and subjects therein mentioned
should be referred - is adopted and the reference there
suggested is ordered - and the communication of Mr. Catlett
to the Chairman of the Faculty since received, is referred
to the Committee on conduct of Schools.

Resolved, that the subject of old indebtedness of
Students mentioned in the Report of the Executive Committee -
be referred to the Committee on finance.


Dr Harrison leaving requested that instead of his
appearing before the Board this evening at 4 o'clock he
be allowed to appear to-morrow at the same hour. On
motion Dr Harrison's request was granted.

Resolved, that the Board go into the election of
Professor of Anatomy to-morrow at 10 A. M. and immediately
thereafter into the election of the Proctor,
Librarian, Commissioner of Accounts and any other officers
to be elected.

The Annual Report of the Faculty to the Board
having been submitted by the Chairman of the Faculty
with papers and documents accompanying same, on motion
the same was read to the Board by the Secretary, whereupon
the report was referred to the several Standing
Committees of the Board, the different subjects presented
by the report to be considered and reported on
by the appropriate Committees.

On motion the following resolution in reference
to Dr Jas L. Cabell was adopted.

In view of his long and eminent services to the
University of Va it is ordered by its Board of Visitors
that Dr Jas L. Cabell shall henceforth be relieved of
all outdoor practice upon students of the Institution
whether requiring medical treatment in the Infirmary
or in their rooms. Dr Cabell however is designated
and shall be regarded by the other members of the Medical
Faculty whose duty it will be to render general
medical services to the students of the Institution
as their Consulting Physician.


As the Board considers that the duties of Dr Cabell
in his relation of consulting Physician and President of
the Board of health will be as onerous and responsible
and his services in this capacity as valuable as under
the existing arrangement, it is for these reasons ordered
that his proportional interest to which he is entitled
as at present determined, in the Infirmary fees
shall not be impaired.

Messrs A. R. Blakey and H. L. Lyman a Committee in
behalf of the Albemarle Fruit & Grape Growers Association
called and requested to have an interview with the Board
which was accorded, and the gentlemen appeared and stated
the objects of their desired interview. Whereupon it was

Resolved, that the Board of Visitors will be glad to
confer with the Committee of the Albemarle Grape & Fruit
growers Association and designate 4 P. M. on Wednesday as
the hour. That we request that the Committee will also
put their proposition in writing and that the Professor
of Agriculture be requested to meet the Committee with
the Board of Visitors.

The Proctor's Report (annual) to the Board was taken
up, read by the Secretary to the Board & thereupon on motion
it was ordered that the same be received and filed,
and the various subjects treated of by the report be referred
for consideration & report to the proper Committees.

The Rector designated the following as the Standing
Committees under the resolution on page 27 [23] of
this Book reconstituting the Committees, viz


Finance, Miller & Observatory Fund Comm.

Messrs Conrad, W. A. Stuart, Venable & Randolph

Grounds & Buildings & Boarding Houses.

Messrs W. A. Stuart, Payne & Walker

Library & Apparatus

Messrs Marye, Walker & Martin

Conduct of Schools & Examination of Students

Messrs Randolph, Venable & Marye

Infirmary, Health, Sewers & Drainage

Messrs Martin, Payne & Conrad.

The Report of the Proctor supplementary & explanatory
of his principal report was read and on motion the
same was ordered to be received & filed and referred
along with the principal report to the appropriate Committees
having charge of the subjects submitted by the
said supplemental report, for their consideration & report.

On motion the Board adjourned to to-morrow at 10 A. M.

Alex' H. H. Stuart
Jas D. Jones,


The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.

Present - The Rector and the same members as on
yesterday with the addition of Hon. J. L. Marye.

The first order of business being the election of
a Professor of Anatomy and Materia Medica, the Board
proceeded with having read before it the names of the
several applicants, their written applications and the
testimonials accompanying the same.

The following are the names of the applicants:

Dr Archer Atkinson -  Baltimore, Md 
Dr E. C. Carter -  Columbus, Ohio 
Dr C. B. Nuncrede -  Phila, Pa 
Dr W. B. Towles -  University of Va 
Dr Edward Warren -  Paris, France 
Dr Thomas K. Cruse -  Wappinger's Falls, N. Y.  
Dr C. A. Bryce -  Richmond, Va 

Upon a vote being had Dr Wm B. Towles was unanimously
elected as Professor of Anatomy and Materia Medica
in the University of Va.

A vote was next had for Librarian which resulted
in the election of Mr James B. Baker of Abingdon, Va.

Then followed a vote for Proctor of the University
which resulted in the election of Major Green Peyton,
of Albemarle County, Va.

Resolved, that the resignation of Dr James F. Harrison
as Professor of Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics,


and Medical Jurisprudence be accepted, to take effect
July 1st 1886.

Resolved that permission be given Dr James F. Harrison
to continue to occupy the house in which he now resides
until the 1st of September 1886.

On motion Mr. Samuel B. Woods was elected Commissioner
of Accounts.

Resolved that the compensation of the Commissioner
of Accounts be reduced from one hundred & fifty dollars
per annum to $100 per annum.

Whereas: Mr. L. D. Wishard, College Secretary of
the International Committee of the Y. M. C. Association
(N. Y. city), has said. "I am confident that at least
$25,000. can be secured for a Y. M. C. A. building at
the University of Virginia provided certain conditions
be complied with in the way of guarantees that the
building will always be used for the purpose contemplated
in the Constitution of the College Young Men's
Christian Association," and that: "The confidence with
which I speak concerning a building is fully shared by
the Committee whose counsel I sought", therefore

Resolved: That we, the Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia, will heartily furnish all
the guarantees in our power, so far as they shall seem
to us right and reasonable, that a suitable building
donated to the University for purpose indicated above,
shall always be used according to the intent of the


Resolved: That Professor Davis together with two students,
Messrs H. G. Smith and E. M. Stires, members of the
Y. M. C. Association of the University are hereby authorized
to present this statement to the International Committee.

Resolved, that a sum not exceeding $100. be and is hereby
appropriated to defray the expenses of Messrs Smith and Stires
to visit New York to attend the meeting of the International
Committee for the purpose set forth above, and that the Proctor
pay said sum to Messrs Smith & Stires or to Prof. Davis for
them, upon their or his application therefor.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow at 10
A. M.

Alex' H. H. Stuart
Jas D. Jones,

The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.

Present - the Rector and same Visitors as on yesterday.

The Committee of the Albemarle Fruit and Grape Growers
Association, accompanied by the Prof. of Agriculture, Dr.
Page, came before the Board and had an interview as was arranged
by a resolution entered on the 28th inst, to which
meeting the Miller Board were invited by this Board to be
present, which was accepted and the members of that Board
attended accordingly.

Mr H. L. Lyman one of the Committee on behalf of the
Fruit & Grape Growers Association presented and read a paper


setting forth the objects of their interview with this Board,
which paper after consideration was received by the Board and
ordered to be filed and the following resolution adopted.

Resolved, that this Board receive the propositions of the
Grape & Fruit Growers Association that they will consider the
same at their present meeting and will refer their action to
the Committee through their Executive Committee for confirmation.
The Executive Committee will refer back to this Board
at its next meeting the action taken, for their consideration.

Resolved, that the election to fill the chair of Medicine,
Obstetrics & Medical Jurisprudence be fixed for the 4th day of
August next and that notice thereof be published in the Richmond
Dispatch, Richmond Whig and Richmond State and the Virginia
Medical Monthly twice a week until the time of election.

The Committee on the Conduct of School submitted the following
report, which was read and adopted:

Your Committee on conduct of Schools advise that the
modifications in Courses of Instruction in Agriculture and
Engineering and to the conditions of appointment to the Miller
Scholarships as recommended by the Faculty should be adopted,
to wit, as follows.

1. The course of instruction in the school of Agriculture
should be expanded into a two years course.

2. In the school of Engineering a special course of lectures
Agricultural Engineering should be established.

3. The remaining courses of the Agricultural Department will
we understand be modified courses then will stand as follows.


Junior Class: 
1.  Zoology, lectures & Laboratory work  3 weekly
3 months
2.  Botany, lectures & Laboratory work 
Senior Class. 
1.  Scientific & Practical Agriculture  3 weekly through
the year 
2.  School of Engineering 
Class of Agricultural Engineering 
a.  Agricultural Engineering 
b.  Agricultural Structures 
c.  Agricultural Hydraulics 
d.  Agricultural Machines 

The following are the modifications in conditions of
appointment to Miller Scholarships.

The subjects of instruction shall be divided under two
heads as follows.

I.  Introductory Course 
1.  Zoology & Botany  Prof. Page 
2.  Mineralogy & Geology  Prof. Fontaine 
3.  General Chemistry  Prof. Mallet 
4.  Junior Physics  Prof. Smith 
II.  Advanced Course 
1.  Scientific & Practical Agriculture  Prof. Page 
2.  Industrial Chemistry  Prof. Mallet 
3.  Analytical & Agricultural Chemistry  Prof. Dunnington 
4.  Agricultural Engineering  Prof. Thornton 

1. Only students who in the year of candidacy shall have
attained distinction in all the studies of the Introductory


Course shall be eligible for appointment as Miller Scholars.

2. That the Scholarship be awarded to that one of the number
who shall have received the highest aggregate of marks on
these subjects.

3. That this Scholarship be tenable by him for two years with
all its emoluments subject to the following conditions.

1. Of good conduct and suitable progress in study as determined
by the Faculty.

2. Of pursuing during the first year of his scholarship
studies selected from the advanced course of which Agriculture
shall be one.

3. Of pursuing during the second year of his scholarship
the remaining studies of the advanced course to which may be
added under direction of the Faculty other University work
proportioned to his powers.

Signed W. C. N. Randolph,
Chairman etc.

Resolved, that the report of Committee of conduct of
schools on modification of courses of instruction in Agriculture
and Agricultural Engineering and modification in
condition of appointments of Miller Scholarships and the
establishment of a Scholarship to be awarded from the pupils
of the Miller School by the superintendent of that
school be accepted and put of record, that the sum of $250.
be appropriated as a scholarship to be awarded to that student
who shall be designated among the pupils of the Miller
Manual Labor School by the Principal of the same and who


shall comply with all the regulations of the University with
regard to the matriculation of Virginia students and who
shall pursue the following Introductory course of study.

  • Zoology & Botany

  • Mineralogy & Geology

  • General Chemistry

  • Junior Physics.

Resolved, that the Faculty be requested to prepare a
form of report to be used by the Professor of each school in
making an annual report to this Board of the work done in his
school during the year. Such a report as will without going
too much into detail give to the Board the fullest information
as to the efficiency of such school. The most careful
attention of the Faculty is called to the preparation of this
form. And the Board further orders that the form prescribed
by the Faculty shall be used in making the Report of such
Professor at its next annual meeting.

Resolved, that the Proctor do refund to Mr Francis J.
Thomas the sum of twenty dollars deposited with the Proctor
by Mr J. H. P. Leigh about January 1, 1885, it appearing that
this sum of $20. was so deposited for the rent of Dormitory
No 27 on West Lawn, the rent of which had been already paid
by Mr Thomas.

Resolved, that the present occupants of Boarding Houses
be allowed to retain the same on the present terms for the
ensuing year, and that they be allowed to take boarders in
vacation, only when such boarders are attending one or more
of the schools at the University.


Resolved, that the indebtedness from students to the
University amounting now to something over $8200. be put in
process of collection by the Proctor immediately.

Ordered, that such of the Astronomical books and publications
now in the Library, or hereafter obtained, as may be
selected by the Professor & Director of the Observatory be
removed to the Observatory, and that said Professor deliver
to the Librarian a Receipt for such works so removed.

Resolved, that the Board disapprove of the use of the
Library Room for dancing and requests the Chairman of the
Faculty to prohibit the same, but this resolution is not intended
to deny the use of the room for the Final Ball under
such regulations as to that privilege as the Chairman shall

Resolved, that hereafter, in no case, shall a student
be allowed to matriculate in the University, without the
actual payment of the "General Charges" prescribed by the
regulations and credit shall not be extended for "Tuition
Fees" except where the amount of such fees be secured by
bond with good security to be taken by the Proctor, in such
cases as the Faculty may think proper for the allowance of

Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to settle with
Mr Charles Catlett allowing him a credit of two hundred &
fifty dollars the amount of the Miller Scholarship due him.
It being plain that under the advertisement of the late
Board he is justly entitled to that amount.


Resolved, that the Board heartily approves of the original
work and publications of several members of the Faculty
and earnestly hope that such work may be continued and that
it may be participated in by other members of the Faculty.

A communication was recd from Mrs M. Burthe tenant of
Boarding House (B) asking allowance to her for certain repairs
to the property. On motion the same was referred to
the Proctor for his opinion.

The Finance Committee submitted its report which was
read and approved and its recommendations adopted, and reads
as follows.

The Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors respectfully
submit the following report.

We recommend

1st That the fee for matriculation and use of Library shall
be $25.

2nd That the third section of regulations respecting rents
of dormitories found on page 61 of Catalogue be amended so as
that such rents shall be graduated according to actual value
of the dormitories and determined by location, size & condition
of each dormitory and that the chairman of the faculty
together with the Proctor be empowered to ascertain and determine
the amount of rent to be received for each dormitory,
provided that the aggregate amount of rent shall not be less
than $5000. per annum.

3rd That the sum of $250. be appropriated as a scholarship
to be awarded to that student who shall be designated among


the pupils of the Miller Manual Labor School by the Principal
of same & who shall comply with all the regulations of
the University with regard to the matriculation of Virginia
Students and who shall follow the following course of study.

  • 1. Zoology & Botany

  • 2. Mineralogy & Geology

  • 3. General Chemistry

  • 4. Junior Physics

4th That the sum of $250. be appropriated as a Miller scholarship
to that student who in the year of his candidacy shall
have attained distinction in Zoology, Mineralogy & Geology,
General Chemistry and Junior Physics and who shall have attained
in the course of his studies and examinations in said
schools the highest marks among those competing for the scholarship.

5th We recommend that the charge now made against students
for postage on reports sent to their parents or guardians be

6th That the balance, $1893.40 balance ascertained to be
due to     Bowditch be appropriated and paid to him.

7th That an amount not to exceed $700. be appropriated for
the purchase of water hose and other apparatus such as may
be necessary to secure the buildings against loss by fire.

8th That a sum not exceeding $125. be appropriated to be
expended under the direction of Professor Towles & the Proctor
in the erection of a water tight compartment for the
preservation of material for use in the School of Anatomy.


9th That the Proctor be directed to refund to Prof.'s Minor,
Cabell and Harrison the amounts respectively advanced by them
for the improvement of the University Cemetery, the amount not
to exceed in the aggregate $230.

10th That the profits from the sale of ice now represented to
be about $500. be put into the general funds of the University.

11th That the following appropriations be made, viz
a sum not to exceed $400. for printing decennial catalogue; a
sum not to exceed $250. for the purchase of a polariscope for
use in the school of general and industrial chemistry.

12th That a sum not to exceed $100. be appropriated to be expended
in advertising for a professor in the school of Practice
of Medicine, Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence.

The Committee further report that the estimated receipts
for the year extending from July 1, 1886 to July 1, 1887 will
be $88,836.

Signed Respcy submitted

Holmes Conrad

Edward C. Venable

Resolved, that the following appropriations be made for
the ensuing year.





Salaries of Instructors 
19 Professors at $3000. each  $57,000. 
1 Assistant in Latin & Greek  800. 
1 Assistant in Math. & Natl Phil.  800. 
1 Assistant in Modern Languages  600. 
1 Demonstrator of Anatomy  500. 
Salaries of Officers 
Chairman of the Faculty  500. 
Proctor, Superintendent etc  1,600. 
Librarian & Secretary of the Faculty  750. 
Secretary of Board of Visitors  150. 
Commissioner of Accounts  100. 
Janitor  600.  
Current Expenses 
Observatory  1,780. 
Infirmary  2,000. 
Farm  1,000. 
Repairs & Improvements 
Debt to Bowditch  1893.40 
To be expended  2606.60  4,500. 
Commutation of Rents 
5 Professors $300. each  1,500. 
Current Expenses 
Interest on Debt & Sinking Fund  7,220. 
Balance unpaid last year on interest on Debt
& Sinking Fund 
Contingent Fund  (1700.)  1,700. 
General advertising  550. 
Annual Catalogue  250. 
Printing Blanks  150. 
Printing Diplomas  300. 
General Labour  1,500. 
Chairmans Messenger  180. 
Museum Janitor  180. 
Coal  550. 
Gas  500. 
Madison Fund Interest  156. 
Gordon Fund Interest  300. 
Additional Appropriation  44. 
Natural Philosophy  300. 
General Chemistry  300. 
Natural History  150.  
Applied Mathematics  50. 
Fire Apparatus etc.  700. 
Anatomical Fund  125. 
Debt on Cemetery  230. 
New Scholarships  500. 

Resolved, 2d, That out of any funds not otherwise appropriated
the following sums be paid pro-rata

1st  For printing the Decennial Catalogue  400. 
2nd  For purchase of Polariscope for Industrial
3d  For the equipment of School of Anatomy &
Materia M. 

The Committee on Grounds, Buildings & Boarding Houses
submited their Report which reads as follows:

To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

The Committee on Grounds, Buildings and Boarding houses
beg leave to report as follows.

The Committee have had very limited time in which to
investigate the subjects submitted to them. Fortunately the
report of the Proctor and the recommendations of the Faculty
touching Grounds & Buildings have saved your Committee much
laborious investigation.


Your Committee deem it best to bring to your attention
only such repairs and improvements as are necessary
for the preservation of the property, believing that the
cost of such repairs and improvements, will exhaust all
the available funds applicable to such purposes for the
ensuing year.

1. As a means of protecting the property from damage and
loss we recommend as first in importance a better distribution
of the water supply so as to embrace Dawson's Row
and Carr's Hill. There should also be inserted a sufficient
number of fire plugs to bring every important building
within 300 feet of a fire plug.

There should also be provided 500 feet of 3 inch hose
to be used in connection with these plugs, with necessary
reel and ladders.

It is believed that the cost of these improvements
will not exceed $700.

2. The supply of water to the Infirmary should be speedily
increased. This can be done by taking up and cleaning and
relaying, the present water pipe, or if necessary by laying
down pipe of larger calibre and connecting it then with the
nearest pipe of large calibre. A fire plug should be located
at or near the Infirmary. This improvement need not
cost over $100.

3. Carr's Hill. The buildings here are represented by the
Faculty and by the Proctor to be in very bad condition and
to require a thorough over-hauling. The roofs all leak,
the floors are in bad order, the windows fit badly and many
of the Dormitories are uninhabitable.For further details this


Committee refers to the report of the Committee of the Faculty
on the subject filed March 6th 1886.

In view of the dilapidation above described your Committee
recommend that immediate steps be taken by the Proctor,
to arrest it and to repair damages. Further improvements
at this point recommended by the Faculty such as brick
pavements, the extension of the gas pipes to that quarter,
repainting etc. etc. might follow if funds can be had from
the resources of the college applicable to such purposes. No
detailed estimate is furnished by the Faculty as to the probable
cost of these improvements, but it is believed they will
not cost over $1500.

4. Your Committee recommend that the Proctor proceed to manufacture
on or near the University grounds 100,000 bricks for
paving and other purposes. The expense of making these bricks
should not exceed $500.

5. That the painting of the wood work of Dr Mallet's house
with other smaller items of painting, and certain glazing all
recommended by the Committee of the Faculty and not to exceed
in cost $200, be allowed and provided for.

6. It is recommended by the Faculty and endorsed by this
Committee that the blacksmith's shop in the fork of the Staunton
& Lynchburg roads being an unsightly object on the principal
approach to the University be removed to some less conspicuous

7. It is further recommended that the Trustees of Temperance
Hall be authorized to cause the removal of a rear appendage
to the Hall, the same being unsightly and dangerous. And that


in future no structure shall be placed against or near said
Hall, without the consent of its Trustees, or the express
order of this Board.

8. The building of a new ice house is strongly recommended.
It will take the place of one destroyed last season, and the
expense of it can be met without any special appropriation,
in-as much as there is a special fund on hand of about $500.
net profits on sales of ice.

9. In regard to the Gymnasium occupying the South east building
we recommend that it shall hereafter be under the special
direction of the Faculty who shall fix the fee at not more
than five dollars. All fees shall be paid to the Proctor and
disbursed by him as the Faculty may direct.

10. As to boarding houses your Committee have heard no complaints
and make no recommendations. Respectfully submitted

Signed W. A. Stuart

William H. Payne.

Resolved, that the recommendations of the Committee on
Grounds, Buildings & Boarding houses, be adopted, except as
to the one numbered 8 in regard to which action is postponed.

The Committee on the Library submitted their report
which was read received and approved, ordered to be filed,
which report reads as follows.

The Committee on the Library respectfully report, that
the Library Room and the Books have been kept in good order
during the past year. It appears from the Report made by
the Library Committee of the Faculty to that Body that the
valuable books donated by A. A. Austin to the University Library


have not been placed in the Library because of lack of
room & shelving to receive them, and the lack of funds to
provide proper accomodations. This Committee suggests that
provision may be made for the donation as well as for future
additions to the Library, by transferring the Law Books to
the Law Lecture Room, the Chemical Works to the Laboratory,
and the Books on Engineering to the Room of Applied Mathematics
and by the sale of Books having now no general usefulness
or special value, and that, if necessary and expedient,
accomodations may be provided for books in the Upper
Gallery of the Rotunda. In the Report of the Faculty to the
Visitors the estimate cost of shelving necessary to place
the Austin Books in the Library is estimated at $150.00

No appropriation was made for the Library out of University
funds for the session just closed by the late Board
of Visitors. The yearly income from Investments of money
donated to the Library amounts to $456. of which $300. comes
from the Fund and $156. from the Madison Fund.

The Committee make no recommendation as to making any
appropriation for the Library, because of the great demands
upon the funds of the University to meet more exigent needs
than those of the Library.

Signed. Jno L. Marye

R. W. Martin.

On motion the Board adjourned to tomorrow at 10 A. M.

Alex' H. H. Stuart

Jas D. Jones,


The Board met pursuant to adjournment on Yesterday.

Present, the Rector and same members of the Board as
on Yesterday with the exception of Mr Venable who was excused
by the Board and left for home.

Resolved, That the Board looking with favor upon the
proposition of the Pomological Association refer the matter
to Dr W. C. N. Randolph, Chairman of the Executive Committee
with instructions to report such action as he may deem
proper to report to the Board at its meeting on August 4th

Resolved, That the Proctor be directed to provide a
suitable desk for the safe keeping of the records of this

To enable the Chairman of the Faculty to perform efficiently
the additional duties laid upon him in connection
with the External relations of the University, it shall be
the duty of the Assistant Instructor in Pure Mathematics
and Physics to perform the duties of Secretary to the Chairman
of the Faculty.

In view of the extended duties imposed upon R. D. Bohannon
Instructor in the Schools of Pure Mathematics and
Physics it is ordered that his salary be fixed at $1500.
per annum and that amount is hereby appropriated for that

Resolved, that the sum of $500. is hereby appropriated
for the purpose of improving the external relations of the


University and that amount will be held by the Proctor,
subject to the order of the Chairman of the Faculty and
Committee on External Relations.

The Report of the Committee on Infirmary, Health
Sewers & Drainage, was submitted, and read to the Board
and on motion the same was received and approved and the
following resolution in relation to the same was adopted.

Resolved, that the improvements recommended in the
report of the Committee on Infirmary, Health, Sewer &
Drainage, be made as the funds applicable to repairs and
improvements will justify, beginning with the surface
drainage of the lawn. (A copy of this report will appear

On motion the Board adjourned to meet August 4th

Alex' H. H. Stuart
Jas D. Jones,

Report of Com. on Infirmary, Health, Sewers & Drainage
refd to above.

Your Committee take pleasure in reporting the Sewerage
Works recently perfected in successful operation & that the
Board of Health is of the opinion that the sanitary condition
of the University is thereby greatly improved.

A defect however exists in the water pipes, some of
them, notable those supplying the Infirmary being too small,
some obstruction being already observable in the water flow.
This defect your Committee recommends be speedily remedied.


They also recommend that Carr's Hill be put in connection
with the water supply.

But while the sewerage system is perfected the surface
& subsoil Drainage is very imperfect. The lawn being a flat
smoothe plateau with no water conduits there is of necessity
constant soil saturation & the basements of nearly all of the
Professor's pavilions are damp. We therefore recommend that
piping be layed immediately in front of the Colonnade on both
the East & West sides of the lawn, with occasional French
Drains to carry off the rainfall from the roofs of the houses.

The water now supplied to the University is considered
unusually pure & free from contamination of any kind. All
wells are liable to contamination & particularly such as are
in use around the University because of their location: We
therefore recommend that the pumps & wells be closed & the
denizens of the University be required to use the water now
supplied from the hydrants connected with the new water supply.

For a particular account of the Sewers see report of
the Board of Health of the University.

We urgently recommend that a chimney stack be erected
near the centre of the Infirmary building, that four rooms
may be warmed by open fire places (which cannot now be done
by the furnace), & for ventilation, because open fire places
afford the readiest & most efficient mode of keeping the atmosphere
of a room pure & fresh.

Your Committee further recommend that Board of Health
be requested to see that water closets or other suitable


means of disposing of excreta be erected for the use of all
residents of the University.

Respectfully submitted,

Signed R. W. Martin

Wm H. Payne

Holmes Conrad