Board of Visitors minutes April 2, 1884 | ||
At a called meeting of the Board of
Visitors, April 2, 1884.
Present: Messrs Lamb, Ruffin, Bell, Barbee, and Judge
E.C. Burks, who takes the place of Genl:
Elliott, resigned, by the Governor's Commission.
Genl Elliott having resigned as rector, on motion, Colo
William Lamb is hereby declared to be unanimously elected
Rector pro tempore.
The minutes of the proceedings of this Board at its last
meeting not having been signed by the Rector, who, since
said meeting was had, has resigned his office as Visitor,
Resolved, That said minutes be signed by the Rector, pro
tempore, of this Board.
On motion of E.C.Burks, Resolved that the certificate of
his qualification as a Visitor of the University of Virginia,
and also his commission as such Visitor be received and filed
with the records of this Board.
Present: Genl Daniel Ruggles.
The certificate of the qualification of Messrs Lamb,
Ruffin, Bell, Barbee and Ruggles was this day filed with the
secretary of this Board.
Resolved, That the Faculty be authorized to confer the
Master's degree upon H.C. Ficklen and Wm P. Trent on condition
of graduation in Mathematics, and without a proficiency in
Botany, each of them having already graduated in eight schools,
one of which, Historical Science, is not required in the
new scheme of the M.A. degree, but is the full equivalent of
Resolved that, any student, who has graduated in the
School of Mineralogy and Geology, but who has failed to go
with Prof Fontaine in his summer excursions for practical
work in said school, may join such excursions in future without
payment of a fee.
Resolved, That the course in Botany shall be charged
$15 when taken separately from other studies in the School
of Natural History and Geology.
Resolved, That a proficiency be granted in the class of
Modern English, and that for graduation in the School of
English this proficiency be counted as an alternative of the
present proficiency in the English language.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to
and that said committee report at the next meeting of the
Committee: Messrs Ruffin, Burks and Bell.
Resolved, That the resolution passed September 6, 1882,
in regard to the printing and advertising for the University,
and also the resolution of June 28, 1883, amending the same,
be and are hereby repealed: and it is hereby enacted that
hereafter all printing and advertising be done by authority
of the Chairman of the Faculty.
Adjourned till tomorrow at 12 O.C.
Rector pro tem.
Wm A. Winston, Secy:
Thursday, April 3, 1884
Present: Colo William Lamb, Rector pro tem; and Messrs
Ruffin, Barbee, Burkes and Ruggles.
The following Report and Resolutions were adopted. The
Committee on Health, Sewerage, Drainage and Water Supply
respectfully report that a thorough system of sewerage with
incidental drainage for the University of Virginia after
plans furnished by Mr. Ernest W. Bowditch, C.E. can be constructed
for a sum not exceeding $20,000; and respectfully
recommend the passage of the following resolutions.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be and are hereby
authorized to have constructed under the supervision of the
Board of Health of the University of Virginia, associated with
Francis H. Smith, Professor of Natural Philosophy, the
Resolved, That the executive Committee be and are hereby
authorized to expend not more than $250 in having a survey
made for additional water-supply under the supervision of
Prof Thornton assisted by Mr Bowditch.
Resolved, That the Proctor be and he is hereby instructed
under the sanction and direction and with the concurrence of
the acting Rector of the University of Virginia to draw
from the treasury of the Commonwealth the forty thousand
dollars appropriated for sewerage, drainage and water-supply
by the recent act of the General assembly, and to cause the
same to be deposited on interest in such of the banks in
Charlottesville as shall satisfy the executive committee
that the deposits will be safe, and in as nearly equal proportions
as may be.
The Proctor shall draw the said sum of forty thousand
dollars in two instalments of twenty thousand dollars each,
the last of said instalments not to be drawn until the
certificates of deposit of the first instalment have been
filed as hereinafter directed.
The certificates of deposit for the first instalment of
twenty thousand dollars deposited shall be payable to the
order of the executive Committee of the Board of Visitors of
the University, and the certificates of the second instalment
of twenty thousand dollars shall be payable to the order of
the Rector and Visitors of the University.
The certificates shall be in sums not exceeding two
thousand dollars each, and shall be filed with the Chairman
of the Faculty, and such of them as are payable to the order
University may be withdrawn by said committee as needed for
the purposes of sewerage and drainage aforesaid.
Genl Ruggles voted against the aforegoing resolution,
and requested that the fact should be noted.
Resolved that, in order to meet the present extraordinary
demands upon the contingent fund of the University as
well as to provide for the remaining contingent expenses of the
present current year, and also for the expenses of the
annual meeting of the Board of Visitors on the 26th of next
June, the sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated
for that purpose.
Resolved, That 131 dormitories be rented at $30 each;
and that 40 dormitories be rented at $15 each for the benefit
of students who board in the mess; but each of said 40 dormitories,
must be occupied by two students.
Judge Jno W. Bell is hereby declared to be elected a
member of the executive committee, so that the Committee
now stands; Messrs Lamb, Ruffin and Bell.
Resolved, That the matriculation and library fee be
reduced from $30 to $20.
Resolved, That the infirmary fee be reduced from $7.50
to $7.
Resolved that, hereafter, the students of the Mess
shall have the privilege of electing their caterer, or
purveyor of supplies, subject to the approval of the Faculty;
Said Caterer or purveyor to be subject in all things to the
University Authorities.
Resolved, That the board of the students in the
University Hotels be reduced from $18 to $16 per month
to take effect October 1, 1884.
Resolved, That the Proctor be authorize to insure
the University property for $100,000, per printed schedule,
for one year from April 9, 1884.
Resolved, That Prof Jno B. Minor be requested to examine
and revise the existing enactments of the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia, with such recommendations
in regard to the same as may by him be deemed
judicious, and that he make report to this Board as soon as
the revision is completed.
Resolved, That this Board will hold its annual session
June 26, 1884.
Rector pro tem.
Board of Visitors minutes April 2, 1884 | ||