Board of Visitors minutes June 28, 1880 | ||
June 28th 1880
Commissions were issued on the 5th day of May last by
Governor Holliday, to date from the 29th day of February last
appointing a Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia,
consisting of the following gentlemen, viz- Thomas S. Bocock,
Holmes Conrad, John Goode, Jr., James H. Gilmore, John F. Lay,
John L. Maryee, W. C. N. Randolph, A. H. H. Stuart and Paul
The Board met in annual session at the University on the
28th day of June 1880. Present, Messrs Goode, Gilmore, Lay,
Randolph, Stuart & Whitehead. A quorum being present, on motion
of Dr. Randolph Mr. Gilmore took the Chair and called the meeting
to order.
The first order of business being the election of Rector,
Mr. Stuart was placed in nomination for this position and
unanimously elected.
On motion, Jas. D. Jones was elected Secretary of the
The Standing Committees were appointed by the Rector, as
Finance - Messrs Bocock, Randolph & Conrad.
Apparatus - Lay, Whitehead & Gilmore.
Grounds & Buildings - Randolph, Maryee & Gilmore.
Library - Maryee, Goode & Lay.
Miller Fund - Conrad, Whitehead & Goode.
Conduct of Schools - Randolph, Whitehead & Lay.
Examination of Va. Students - Conrad, Whitehead & Goode.
On motion the Secretary was requested to notify the
Chairman of the Faculty that the Board were ready to receive
the annual reports of the Chairman, Faculty &c and request the
transmission of the same to the Board. The Chairman was notified
accordingly and appeared before the Board and presented his
Annual Report accompanied by the Report of the Faculty, School
reports &c which were received and laid on the table for future
consideration at the present session.
The Executive Committee of the Board appointed consisting
of the Rector and Messrs Randolph & Bocock, the Rector being a
member ex-officio.
On motion the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at
9 Oclock.
June 29th 1880.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.
Present all of the members of the Board, Messrs Bocock &
Conrad having arrived since the adjournment on yesterday.
The annual Report of the Faculty was on motion taken from
the table and read by the Secretary to the Board, whereupon
Resolved, that the General Report of the Faculty be distributed
among the several Committees of the Board according as the subjects
therein contained fall more appropriately within the province
of one or the other of said Committees, except that the
recommendations in said report on the subject of the establishment
of new degrees, and the modification of those now existing
be referred to a special Committee of three to be appointed by
the Rector, & that said special Committee be directed to make
their report to the Board on tomorrow not later than four Oclock.
The Rector appointed Messrs Goode, Whitehead & Conrad
as the Committee under the foregoing resolution.
Resolved, that in future the Committee on Boarding Houses
constitute one of the Standing Committees and that the Rector
now appoint said Committee. Whereupon the Rector appointed as
said Committee Messrs Randolph, Whitehead & Lay.
The Chairman of the Faculty forwarded to the Board the
petition of a number of students, boarders of Miss Ross' complaining
of their fare &c and asking relief, which was recd
and read and on motion the same was referred to the Committee
on Boarding Houses for its consideration and report thereon to
the Board.
Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to
confer with Prof. Fontaine and report to the Board of Visitors
a plan by which the Scheme of lectures in the School of Natural
History, Mineralogy & Geology shall be so modified as to
permit at least two months of field work and to get from him
any suggestions that he may have to make for the advancement
of the usefulness of his school. The Rector appointed Messrs
Bocock, Randolph & Whitehead as the Committee under the foregoing
Resolved, that the Chairman of the Faculty be requested
to forward at this and each subsequent meeting of the Board
of Visitors the Minutes Book of the Faculty meetings.
The Special Committee on Change of Degrees submitted their
Report, which on being read and considered on motion of Mr. Goode,
Resolved, that the Faculty be requested to appoint a
Committee of their body to confer with the Board at 12 M. tomorrow
in regard to the proposed scheme for a change of Degrees
to be conferred by the University.
On motion Major Green Peyton was unanimously elected
Proctor & Superintendent of Grounds & Buildings.
Resolved, that the Secretary forthwith notify Major Peyton
of his election and request him to execute his official bond
in the penalty of $20,000 with good security and have the bond
before the Board before its adjournment for its approval.
On motion the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at
9 Oclock.
The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.
Present, all the members of the Board.
The Committee on Boarding Houses, to whom was referred on
yesterday the Petition of Miss Ross' Boarders, submitted their
Report as follows:
The Committee to whom was referred the questions arising
under the Petition of Students with reference to a change of
Boarding Houses, without a change of rooms, as was required by
law- beg relave [sic, probably leave, to report that they have
given the subject careful advisement and consideration. They
are satisfied that an evil exists, needing redress—but the
mode of redress is surrounded with many difficulties. In the
past a similar change has been made and not attended with good
result. This Petition is too respectable in point of numbers
and in names to be deemed captious, or without foundation in
fact. The complete remedy seems to be to grant the prayer of
the Petition, but at the same time to guard against the one
evil, which also seems to be the difficulty. They recommend
the passage of the following resolutions, viz-
Resolved, That the petition of the Students applying for
leave to change their Boarding Houses, without change of Rooms
appearing to be just, & without reasonable objection- the request
of the same be accorded; and that the existing laws as
to Boarding Houses, be so far modified, as hereafter to permit
this change, without change of rooms. Provided, 1st That in
each Boarding House the Students themselves shall select a
it shall be to receive complaints, &, in their discretion,
notify the Boarding House Keeper; or forward the same to the
Faculty fully empowered to preserve order and decorum, & who
will obligate themselves, in cases of refusal to recognize
their authority, to report the offending parties to the
Authorities of the University, &
Resolved 2d That it be left in the discretion of the
Faculty, at any time during the Session, if satisfied that
this obligation of the Students is not carried out in good
faith, to take such action as they may deem advisable, to the
extent of reestablishing the present system.
Resolved, (3) As the opinion of this Board that the
Boarding House Keepers shall, themselves in person, or by some
proper representative, preside at each meal, & bring to the
notice of these selected officers of the Mess any infractions
or violations of order & decorum in their dining rooms. And
in this connection the Board do not hesitate to avow their
belief, & express the earnest hope, that no young Gentleman will
so far forget the courtesies & proprieties of the Table, as to
render the presence of a Lady at her Table, an unpleasant position,
to her dignity, or to her modesty.
Supplemental to above-Your Committee further report in favor
of the adoption of the recommendation of the Faculty authorizing
overlooking the private portion of her premises.
Jno. F. Lay.
The foregoing reports upon being read and considered by
the Board on motion the same were approved and adopted together
with the recommendations of the Committee.
The Committee on Grounds & Buildings submitted their Report
which is as follows:
The Committee of Buildings & Grounds recommend that
the Proctor be authorized to enlarge the Reservoir. That the
slatted walk on the terraces be removed and a close plank
walk put in its place.
The Buildings seem to be in good repair and the Grounds
well kept, we would advise that the Proctor be requested to
suggest some better and more sightly approach to the University
than the present one.
Which on being read and considered on motion, the same
was approved and adopted, together with the recommendation of
the Committee.
The Committee on Apparatus submitted their Report which
is as follows:
The Committee on Apparatus beg leave to report that they
have, with the Courteous assistance and attention of Profs.
Fontaine, Smith & Dunnington examined the Apparatus and appliances
for instruction in the several departments of science including
the Brooks Museum; & find everything in good condition
and preserved with great care and admirable system.
The only additions to the apparatus in the School of Natural
Philosophy have been constructed under the directions and
supervision of the Professor. In the School of Chemistry some
valuable purchases have been made as dedtailed in Professor's
report; and the Prof. of the Corcoran School of Nat. History
& Geology is commencing the formation of collections specially
illustrating the Geology and Mineralogy of the State of Virginia.
It is hoped that these may be made prominent in the
Museum Collections at a comparatively early day.
Respectively submitted,
Paul Whitehead, Chairman.
The Report was read & considered and on motion as approved
and adopted.
The Library Committee submitted their Report which is as
The Committee on the Library report that they find the
books well preserved, and the cases and furniture in good
The removal of the partition which cut off one of the alcoves
for an office, and the filling up of the space, has
inconvenience on the Librarian. No suggestions are made by the
Report of the Librarian or the Faculty calling for any action
of the Board at this time as to the Library. The lists furnished
of the annual additions made to the Library for each of
the four past years, through the means afforded by the Corcoran
fund, show how timely and wise was this special gift of Mr.
Corcoran among his other munificent provisions for the University
For two or three years past the young ladies & gentlemen
attending the commencement exercises have occupied the Library
during some hours of each day as a dancing hall. This use of
the Room, during the daytime of Commencement week, is disapproved
by many of the earnest and influential friends of the University,
as incongruous & unseemly, and in the opinion of your Committee
tends to create injurious misconceptions as to the judgment and
aims of the Authorities controlling the Institution. The Committee,
while making no suggestion of objection to the grant
of the use of the Room for the dance and festival on the night
of the final day of Commencement, deem it proper to ask the
attention of the Board as to the use of the room for dancing
or other social diversions at any other time.
Mr. Lay of the Committee, desired it to be stated that he
concurred in the Report, except as to the concluding statementas
to that he would suggest that a limitation be prescribed
of certain hours in which the room might be used for dancing.
The report was read & considered and on motion was approved
and adopted, and also the following resolution- viz
Resolved, That the Board disapprove of the use of the
Library Room for dancing during the daytime of Commencement
week, and request the Chairman of the Faculty to prohibit the
same but this resolution is not intended to deny the use of
the Room for the "Final Ball" under such regulations as to that
privilege as the Chairman shall prescribe.
The Committee on the Conduct of Schools made their report
which reads as follows.
The Committee on the Conduct of the Schools beg leave
to make the following report-
In the school of Latin we recommend the appointment of an
Assistant Instructor and approve the Professor's request to
be allowed to establish a class for graduates and recommend
that he be authorized to confer certificates on such students
as have satisfactorily accomplished such work. In the report
of the School of Modern Languages, Dr. Schele deplores the
utter insufficient preparation in English of the Students of
his class. The Prof. Hist. & Lit. says "The preparation of
Students, especially in the Elementary studies of grammar,
spelling, expression, geography & general information and capacity
for thought seems to become more every year."
Your Committee have urged the necessity of the establishing
a Chair of English in a previous report; they be leave to
of modern Languages & Hist. & Lit. as evidence of the
growing need of such a chair.
The Prof. of Natural Philosophy reports no students in
the Class of practical physics and states the cause to be probably
the makeshift character of the arrangements of room and
fixtures, the inconveniences of which he deems a great bar to
its usefulness and popularity. We recommend a thorough equipment
for this school as soon as the finances of the University
will permit.
We advise that in accordance with the recommendation of
the Faculty the Janitor be ordered to attend the Natural Philosophy
room on Tuesdays, thursdays & Saturdays from 10 to 11
The form of class report forwarded by the Faculty we
think should be adopted, as it furnishes fully the information
We advise that Mr. Charles I. Bonner whose application to
be authorized to stand his examination for his degree in the
Department of law be permitted to stand such examination after
the termination of the session.
We recommend that the fee in the class of Practical Physics
be fixed at $50 with a charge of $5 for outfit of apparatus.
As advised by the Faculty we recommend that the privilege be
extended to any student of the University of attending the
class of surveying under the Instruction of Prof. Thornton
(established by the Faculty during the last Session for Students
dollars for use of instruments, provided Prof. Thornton be not
required to form a class unless a sufficient number of applicants
present themselves to justify it.
We approve of the establishment of the Degree of Bachelor
of Scientific Agriculture and advise such action by the Board.
And also advise the establishment of the Degrees in the School
of Nat. Hist. & Geology proposed by the Faculty. Resolutions
confirming the expulsions of Messrs John S. Spencer of Gallipoli,
Ohio, and A. N. Towle of Mobile Ala. are herewith forwarded.
We advise the confirmation of the action of the Executive
Committee in approving the plan as adopted by the Faculty
of so arranging the curriculum for the Medical School as to
cover two full sessions. The Committee attach much importance
to the suggestion and recommendation of the Faculty referring
to the tendency to idleness extravigance and dissipation from
the unlimited supply of pocket money to Students & the failure
on the part of parents or guardians to note and act upon the
information given in the monthly reports and they authorize
the Faculty with the Express Sanction of this Board to issue
a Circular setting forth these Acts in emphatic terms & urging
the cooperation of parents & guardians in the effort to suppress
The report was read and considered and on motion the
same was approved and adopted together with the several specific
recommendations therein contained as the order of this Board.
The Committee appointed to confer with Prof. Fontaine
and report a plan for so modifying a plan of lectures as to
allow at least two months for field work to be performed by
him during each session and also to obtain from him any farther
suggestion he might have to make for promoting the usefulness
of his school- reported as follows:
Your Committee found Prof. Fontaine in full accord with
the Board in its earnest desire to extend and enlarge the
usefulness of his school and in the belief that two months of
Field work in each session would greatly tend to that end.
He thinks that it should and can be readily provided for
by certain provisions which we approve and embrace in the
following plan.
We recommend first that the course of Lectures in the
School of Nat. Hist. & Geology be so arranged as to be concluded
by the last of April. And that the Prof. employ the
remainder of the session with such portion of the vacation
as he may think in the field explorations in the line of his
duties- that in said field duties he take with him such members
of his Class as may choose to accompany him and also at
his discretion persons who are not connected with the University,
the latter class of persons pay for the advantage
so offorded them such reasonable sum as the Faculty may prescribe
2d In order that the foregoing provision may be carried
out we recommend that the subject of Botany be temporarily
transferred entirely to the School of Agriculture.
3d That the Executive Committee he authorized and empowered
to appropriate to the Contingent expenses of said
field work such sum of money as they may think proper not to
exceed $250.
4. Your Committee, in pursuance of the suggestion of
Professor Fontaine, further recommend that he be authorized
and empowered to take such steps as he may deem advisable to
procure specimens of ores & other mineral substances from
different parts of the state so as to provide at the University
as complete a view of the mineral wealth of the State as may
be practicable- the said Prof. offering as an inducement for
such specimens an analysis of them at the University.
5. As a farther means of promoting the usefulness of
the School of Nat. Hist. & Geology we recommend that proficiency
in said school have proper consideration in determining
the attainments necessary for the degree of Master of Arts.
Thos. L. Bocock
Chn Committee.
The foregoing report was read and considered & en motion,
the same, with its recommendations, were approved & adopted as
the order of the Board.
Resolved, that the action of the Faculty in the Expulsion
of John L. Spencer of Galliopolis, Ohio, and A. N. Towle of
Mobile, Alabama, be and the same is hereby confirmed.
Profs. Peters, Price & Fontaine appeared before the
Board as the Committee appointed by the Faculty from their
Body, in obedience to resolution of the Board on yesterday,
and conferred with the Board in regard to the proposed Scheme
for a change of Degrees to be conferred by the University-After
such conference the Board took up and resumed consideration
of the report of the Committee to which this subject
was referred, & which was submitted on yesterday, and after
the clear and lucid statement by Prof. Price of the views of
the Faculty in regard to the proposed scheme. On motion,
the report was approved and adopted, together with its recommendations,
as the order of the Board which report reads as
The Committee to whom was referred that portion of the
Report of the Faculty, which relates to abolishing the degrees
of "Bachelor of Arts", "Bachelor of Letters" and "Bachelor of
Science" heretofore conferred, and the establishing of new
degrees of "Bachelor of Arts" and "Doctor of Philosophy" upon
the successful completion of certain courses of study therein
detailed - beg leave to report that they have made special
inquiry as to the occasion and ground of the Faculty's action,
and having maturely considered the matter, recommend that
this part of the Faculty's report be approved and carried
out with the exceptions of changing the word "or" after
"Natural Philosophy" into "and" and striking out "and" before
the same so that the sentence shall read as follows: "First,
attained distinction on the whole course taught in the
the Faculty where no intermediate class exists) in the schools
of Pure Mathematics, of Latin, of Greek, of Natural Philosophy
and of Moral Philosophy".
The reasons, briefly, which sustain the proposed action
(1) That the degree of "A.B." heretofore existing has become
practically obsolete- Very few students take it, and
there are usually understood to be men who have failed in the
attempt to take the Masters degree.
(2) The new degree of A.B. will probably be sought and
gained by thirty or forty students every year.
(3) At the same time, it represents scholastic attainments
equal to those required for such a degree in all the English
speaking institutions of a University grade.
(4) It will form a foundation attained at a comparatively
early part of the University course, upon which a student may
stand and where he may advance in the several suggested lines
of special study for the Degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" in
one of the five specified "classes".
We deem it important to say that the Faculty were unanimous
in this recommendation; that is- there was no dissent
from its adoption as the result of many discussions and a
long continued consideration of the subject; it being believed
by all of the Professors that some modification was essential
to the prosperity of the University.
All of which is respectfully submitted
Paul Whitehead,
John Goode,
Holmes Conrad
Resolved, That the Executive Committee are hereby instructed
to hold meetings for the transaction of business confided to
them, at the University on the first week of October, January
and April respectively of each year.
The following communication was received from the Board
of Trustees of the Miller Fund, through their Secretary,
Col Duke, viz-
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Miller
Fund of the University of Va., the following resolution was
Resolved, That this Board feels itself constrained to
declare its conviction that, so far, the Agricultural School
of the University of Virginia has fallen far short of the
purposes of its beneficent Donor, and of the legitimate hopes
and expectations of its friends, and that without some marked
change, within the next twelve months, both in the material
results, and in the number of Students attending the said
School this Board will feel itself obliged (to the extent of
its legitimate authority) and in cooperation with the Board
of Visitors of the University of Va.) to make a radical change
in the whole management to the end that the original purpose
of the School may be accomplished.
Resolved, that the Secretary be instructed to send a
copy of the above Resolution to the Board of Visitors of the
University of Va.
On motion, resolved that the foregoing communication
be spread on the minutes of this Board.
The following communication was received from the Tiustees
of the Miller Fund through their Secretary, viz-
Resolved, That the Trustees of the Miller Fund appropriate
$1000 to the establishment of three Agricultural Scholarships
with $333 each.
2. That one of these scholarships shall be a post graduate
scholarship on the plan recommended by the Committee of
the Faculty to be awarded on competitive examination at the
close of the session.
3. That in order to induce young men to enter the School
of Agriculture the other two Scholarships shall be open to
general competition.
4. That Profs. Page, Mallet & Thornton be requested to
define the scope of the examinations mentioned in the 3d
Clause and further to hold the examinations and make the award
at their convenience before the beginning of the session.
Which on being read and considered by this Board, On motion
the following resolution was adopted, (Messrs Bocock & Randolph
only voting in the negative):
Resolved, that this Board hereby accept the action of
the Trustees of the "Miller Fund" in 1879, establishing three
Agricultural Scholarships; and that the Faculty are hereby
directed to give effect to the resolutions of the Miller Trustees
On motion, Resolved, That the present incumbent, Dr.
J. F. Harrison be reelected Chairman of the Faculty adopted
by unanimous vote.
The Finance Committee submitted the following report in
writing, viz
The Committee to whom was referred so much of the Report
of the Faculty as relates to the Finances of the University
beg leave to report.
1. That there have been no payments from the State Treasury
to the University, for the session of 1879-80, either
on account of the regular annuity, or of interest on the Corcoran
fund, and from this omission a deficit has resulted which
it is important now to supply, to meet the appropriations for
Professors Salaries due on 1 July and for other purposes.
The Committee recommend that temporary loan be effected,
and herewith report a resolution to that end.
2.That the Proctor should be required to furnish, in his
future Reports to the Board of Visitors, more detailed information,
as to the dates and amounts of his disbursements,
especially in the payment of the Salaries to Professors and
Officers of the University, and also as to the Securities in
which the sinking fund is invested.
3. Additional appropriations are recommended as follows-
To enlargement of Reservoir | $300.00 |
To Assist-Instructor in School of Latin | 400.00 |
To Plank Walk on Terraces | 150.00 |
To Mineralogical & Geological Specimens | 100.00 |
4. The following estimates of Expence for the ensuing
year are reported, and appropriations to meet the same
Salaries of 15 Professors (at $3000 each) | $45,000.00 |
($1920 of this sum is paid out of the Miller fund & $6000 by the Corcoran fund) |
Salaries of two adjunct Professors (Appld Chem. & Engineering) |
4,000.00 |
Salaries of Officers | 4,657.00 |
Advertising | 500.00 |
Printing | 140.00 |
Catalogues | 400.00 |
Repairs & Improvements (In addition to special) | 2,000.00 |
Labour | 1,200.00 |
Contingent account | 1,250.00 |
Library | 300.00 |
Interest on debts & sinking fund | 7,500.00 |
Demonstrator of Anatomy | 800.00 |
Fuel | 500.00 |
Gas | 500.00 |
Commutation of rents | 1,200.00 |
Apparatus & Material (School of Chem $150 Natl Philos. $150 Engineering $150) |
350.00 |
Library from Corcoran Donation | 1,000.00 |
Experimental Farm | 1,000.00 |
To Miller Scholarships (3 scholarships) | 1,000.00 |
Salary of Assist. Prof. Mod Languages | 600.00 |
Plates for degrees | 100.00 |
Additional appropriation for repairs and improvements, in case the payments from the state are actually made |
1,000.00 |
Thos. L. Bocock, Chmn
The foregoing report was read and considered and on
motion, Resolved, that the same be approved and adopted as
an order of the Board.
It appearing from the Reports of the Faculty and of the
Proctor, that there is now due from the State to the University,
on account of annuity for the year 1879-80. | $30,000.00 |
On account of interest | 3,075.00 |
And that the failure of the Treasurer to pay this amount has
occasioned a deficit which it is important to supply for the
payment of Professors salaries and for other purposes, it is
accordingly, Resolved,
That the Pr and is hereby authorized and empowered
to be credit of the University, an amount
not to exceed $30,000. to be applied by him to the payment,
first- of the Professors salaries, and then to the other purposes
indicated in the Report of the Proctor and to none other
and the Proctor is directed to repay the amount so borrowed,
out of any funds that may hereafter come into his hands-
On the recommendation of the Committee on the Miller
Fund, On motion,
Resolved, That the amount appropriated to the University
by the Miller Board be applied as follows, viz
To Scholarships | $1000.00 |
To Prof. Page | 1000.00 |
To Prof. Mallet | 320.00 |
To Prof. Thornton | 180.00 |
To Publication | 75.00 |
To Expl Farm | 1000.00 |
4175.00 |
On motion the Board adjourned till tomorrow morning at
10 Oclock.
Jas D. Jones
Alex. H. H. Stuart
July 1st 1880.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.
Present, all the members of the board, with the exception of
Mr. Gilmore who had left for home.
Whereas the Miller Board of Trustees have agreed to depart
from their own construction of the Scholarship rule in
the Agricultural School as laid down by them, and under the
peculiar circumstances attending the case of Mr. Frank Hampton
of the University of Va. who had applied for a Scholarship
and had successfully passed the required examination.
Resolved, That the Board of Visitors, without committing
themselves to the construction as claimed, but consenting that
this case shall not be used as a precedent, do order (that
Miller Board consenting as they have done) that Mr. Hampton
shall take the scholarship- he having passed the necessary
Resolved, that the Faculty be directed, in carrying out
the action of this Board respecting the "Miller Scholarship"
had on yesterday, to subject applicants to the ordinary examination
required of all students desiring to matriculate
in the Schools of the University, and that in advertising for
such competitive examination, the exact language of the
Resolved, that the Hon. T. L. Bocock be requested and
authorized to prepare and forward letters of thanks to Mr.
Corcoran, Mr. Vanderbilt & other persons, contributors. to
the University and to furnish copies of the same to the Secretary
of this Board for record.
Major Green Peyton laid before the Board his Official
Bond as Proctor &c, on motion Resolved, That the official
Bond tendered by Green Peyton with S. V. Southall as surety
be approved and accepted and spread upon the record which
Bond reads as follows:
Know all men by these presents that, we, Green Peyton
and S. V. Southall are held and firmly bound unto the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia and their successors
in office, in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, lawful
money of the United States, to be paid to the said Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia and their successors
in office; for the payment whereof well and truly to be made,
we bind ourselves jointly and severally, firmly by these
presents. Sealed with our seals and dated the 29th day of
June in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Eighty. The
condition of the above Obligation is such that, whereas the
above bound Green Peyton has been duly elected Proctor and
Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings of the University of
Virginia: Now therefore if the above bound Green Peyton shall
well and truly and faithfully discharge and perform all the
duties devolved upon him as such officer, then the foregoing
and virtue.
Resolved, that the Board of Visitors do hereby appropriate
Eight hundred dollars to improve the Road between the University
and Charlottesville, provided the county of Albemarle will appropriate
two thousand dollars and the town of Charlottesville
Eight hundred dollars for the same purpose. The Proctor is directed
to represent the Board of Visitors in the expenditure of
this sum and is charged with the duty of supervising the expenditure.
On motion W. J. Bingham Esqr. was unanimously elected Assistant
Instructor in the School of Latin.
On motion the Board adjourned Sine die.
Board of Visitors minutes June 28, 1880 | ||