![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 24, 1878 | ![]() |
June 24th 1878
At the annual meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Va. held this 24th day of June 1878. Present- Messrs
Bocock, Gilmore, Hart, Marye, Randolph & Whitehead.
In the absence of the Rector, on motion of Dr. Randolph
Mr. Bocock was chosen Rector pro.tem. who thereupon called the
Board to order.
On motion the Secretary was instructed to wait upon the
Chairman of the Faculty and inform him that the Board is in
session and request him to present before the Board such matters
as he may have for their consideration, which was done by the
Secretary and Prof. Harrison, Chairman of the Faculty appeared
before the Board and submitted with his annual communication the
following reports:
1. Faculty Report.
2. Report of the Proctor & Superintendent.
3. Report of the Commr of Accounts.
4. Proctor's Report of Agrl Dept. for the Miller Board
5. Letter of Genl F. H. Smith of the Miller Institute.
6. Report of the Infirmary Board.
7. Report of the Librarian.
8. Report on Apparatus in School of Genl and App. Chemistry.
9. Letter of application of C. C. Holden.
10. Application of Adj. Prof. F. P. Dunnington for quarters.
11. Professors Reports of Classwork.
12. Application of the Proctor for leave of absence.
13. Application for additional room for Y. Mens Christian
Assoc. Reading Room.
Also a letter from the Rector stating that he was prevented
by sickness from attending the meeting of the Board at this time.
On motion, resolved that the application of G. Peyton, Esqr.
Proctor & Superintendent for leave of absence be referred to
Messrs Marye and Gilmore as a Committee for report thereon.
Ordered, That, in accordance with the recommendation of the
Faculty, Messrs Floyd, Hughes and H. E. Harris, be allowed special
examinations in German & Greek respectively at the beginning of
the next session.
Ordered, that those points of the Report of the Faculty
which relate to salaries and the general financial estimates for
the Session 1878-9 be referred to the Finance Committee. That
the application for Reading Room for Y. M. C. Association, and
other requests involving any change in the existing arrangements
of Rooms &c be referred to the Committee on grounds & buildings.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 8 A.M.
June 25th 1878
The Board met in pursuance of adjournment on yesterday.
Present the same members as on yesterday with the addition
of Mr. Conrad who arrived this morning.
On motion the following resolution was adopted: The Board
of Visitors having maturely considered the recommendation of the
Faculty for the appointment of a Committee of their body, with
whom the Board may confer in certain cases, doth Resolve
That this Board deems it very desirable that it should have
Faculty, without delay, on important recommendations contained
in their reports, and on any other subjects of difficulty that
may come before it, and doth therefore declare, that on the notification
of this Board, that such information and suggestions
are desired, the Faculty may be heard through a Committee of their
own selection, unless in any case a different mode may be deemed
On motion, Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed
to consider and report on the following subjects.
1. How much is given or surrendered to each student messing
by the University- Whether or not it is expedient to return to
the plan formerly followed of assigning to each Boarding House
certain dormitories for the year; the Mess being treated as a
Boarding House.
3. Whether the Board paid by each student should not be reduced
and how much?
Messrs Randolph, Whitehead and Hart were appointed Committee
under the foregoing resolution.
Mr. Stuart, the Rector, appeared and assumed his position
in the Board.
The following Reports &c were received through the Chairman
of the Faculty, viz-
Annl Report of the School of Anl. & Agl Chemistry.
Inventory of apparatus &c in charge of Mr. Dunnington Adj.
Prof. of Anl & Agl Chemistry.
Application of Mrs. S. E. Massie, widow of Henry Massie decd
for the Hotel lately kept by her husband.
Class Reports of such of the Schools as were not submitted
on yesterday all of which were referred to the appropriate
The Committee on the Conduct of Schools submitted the following
report, which upon being read and considered on motion
was approved and adopted.
June 25th 1878
Gentlemen- Your Committee on the "Conduct of the Schools"
beg leave to submit the following report.
1. To express their gratification at the full report furnished
by each professor.
2. To congratulate the Board of Visitors and the Faculty
on the orderly conduct and studious habits of the past session
and the number & high grade of graduates reported.
3. The mode of applying discipline to students absent from
class or neglecting class work is slow and cumbrous; and inefficient
because ending in leave to withdraw from College or
expulsion in incorrigible cases the punishment would not be
wisely inflicted where the fault was in one school only. We
recommend therefore that the Professor in whose class such
neglect has occurred should be empowered on consultation with
the Chairman, who should also decide whether to bring the
special case before the Faculty or not, and with his consent to
drop the offender from the Roll of his class. The student
having the right to appeal from the Professor and Chairman to
the Faculty.
4. The committee is fully aware of the numerous
difficulties surrounding the subject of the length of
examinations. In written examinations the tendency is
always too great length, it is to be feared in some instances
that they degenerate into physical rather than
mental tests.
Your Committee therefore urge upon Professors the
importance of making every effort to make their examinations
as short as is consistent with a fair and full
test of the candidates knowledge.
5. Your Committee have been much impressed with
the importance of the establishment of a School of English
in the Institution as urged by three of the Professors.
We quote the following extracts— Prof. Price says "If
the authorities of the University could so act by
establishing a professorship of the English language
here, as to encourage and require the study of the English
both at the University itself and in the Schools that
feed the University, immense impulse would be given to
the successful study of the Greek, to all other philological
studies of the University and to the general culture of our
undergraduates and graduates. The young men in the great
majority of cases, come up to us so grossly ignorant of
their own language as to be wantonly unfit to learn the
other languages that they try to study", Prof. Schele in
compared with previous years says—"Inferior in the
whole, an inferiority especially perceptible in the want
of a thorough English education". This subject is beginning
to much agitate the educational world and the
necessity of a more careful and scientific study of the
English language both with regard to its effective use
and with respect to its relations to other studies is
generally recognized. In many other institutions chairs
of the English language have been established and courses
of instruction are now offered their students much
superior to anything the University now offers. We are
not willing that the University of Va. shall be behind
in this matter and we greatly lament that our financial
condition seems to render the immediate erection of such
a Chair perilous if not impossible.
6. The Professor of Modern languages requests
than an additional hour should be given time for his
senior classes of French and German each week. The Catalogue
shows only two hours during the week assigned him for
Senior French; if practicable we would suggest to the
Faculty that an additional hour should be assigned Prof.
Schele for his Senior French Class. The Senior German
time could not be assigned.
We regret to be obliged to disapprove of the Professor's
request to be allowed to decline to form a class
in any one of the Modern Languages when there is not at
least three students in that class as also the request
that students be prohibited from studying more than two
modern languages in one session. While we may regret
the labor imposed on the Professor we do not think it
right that the Institution should fail to afford instruction
in any study embraced in her recognized schools that a
student may select.
7. The Professor of Natural Philosophy urgently
requests an appropriation in addition to his annual
appropriation to enable him to purchase certain articles
necessary for his School. He states that his school has
no good Air Pump, nor Spectroscope, nor modern electroscope
of any kind nor a gramme machine.
Thes[e] articles seem to us of such prime importance
that notwithstanding the urgent need of the greatest economy
we recommand if possible n appropriation of two hundred
dollars for that purpose.
8. Your Committee hope that at their next meeting
the Faculty will be ready to report a plan for modifying
the Degrees to improve the present requirements of the
Institution on that subject. In our opinion it is a
matter of great importance to the institution.
9. Your Committee ask that the Board of Visitors
will request the Faculty to prepare a printed form for
their reports as being more convenient for them and also
for the Committee.
Your Committee asks leave to make a special report
on the subject of the School of applied Mathematics &
Anal. Chem. They have not as yet such information as
they may obtain by consultation with the Professor.
For the same reason we ask leave to be allowed to
make a similar report on the School of Analytical and
Agricultural Chemistry.
The Rector laid before the Board the letter of Prof. H. A. Ward,
addressed to him and conveying the information of the proposed
donation by the Brook's heirs of the sum of $4000 to the Botanical
Department of the Brooks Museum of Natural History.
On motion the same was referred to the Finance Committee.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 A.M.
Jas D. Jones,
June 26th 1878
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday. The
Rector in the Chair. Present the same members as on yesterday.
The Committee to whom was referred the application of the
Proctor for leave of absence reported the following resolution
which on motion was adopted: viz
Resolved- That the Board accede to the request of the
Proctor that he may be absent from the University from about the
10th of July until the first week in September, it being understood
that the Proctor will see to it that all matters needing
his attention during that period shall be cared for by a competent
The Chairman of the Faculty presented to the Board the
Applications respectively of Messrs Henry E. Harris and T. W.
Harrison, (with his remarks appended to each), to be allowed
to stand special examinations which being read and considered-on
motion- Ordered- That the applications of T. W. Harrison and
subjects, be recommitted to the Faculty with the recommendation
that the applications be granted, if in the opinion of the
Faculty the circumstances of each case make it proper and the
interests of the University will not suffer thereby.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 A.M.
June 27th 1878
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday. Present
the same members as on yesterday.
Ordered- That the scheme proposed by the Miller Board for
the distribution of the sum of $3585.63 appropriated by that
Board for the Miller Fund of the University be adopted by this
Board & that this resolution be communicated to the Miller Board.
The scheme referred to in the foregoing resolution is as
Net amount for appropriation | $3,778.65 | |
$110.63 | Deficiency called for by Prof. Page | |
1600.00 | Towards Prof. Page's Salary | |
320.00 | Towards Prof. Mallet's Salary | |
180.00 | Towards Prof. Thornton's Salary | |
75.00 | Publication | |
1000.00 | Experimental Farm | |
50.00 | Wood to burn tiles & Erect Kiln | |
150.00 | Barn | |
100.00 | To utilize sewage | $3583.63 |
3585.63 | ||
Reserved to meet contingencies | $ 193.02 |
The joint Committee of this and the Miller Board upon the present
condition of the Agricultural School having been submitted and
read- on motion
Ordered- That the report of the joint Committee of Messrs
Randolph & McBryde be laid over until the next meeting of the
Board for consideration.
Ordered- That the Rector be requested to apply to the
General Assembly at its next session for appropriate legislation,
confirming and ratifying the deed of trust heretofore executed
by this Board on the personal property of the University to
secure the bonds for $10,000 delivered to the Miller Board.
Resolved- That section 3 of the Report of the Committee on
the Conduct of Schools, empowering a Professor under certain
circumstances, in concert with the Chairman of the Faculty to
drop the name of a student from his Class Book, be hereby suspended
from operation and that the whole subject be referred to
the Faculty with the request that they present their views on it
to this Board at its next annual meeting.
A letter was received from Mr. Goode stating that he was
prevented from attending the present meeting of the Board by
engagements in Court.
Whereas this Board desires to preserve in permanent form
some record of the public opening of the Brooks Museum both
in grateful appreciation of the munificence of Mr. Brooks, and
to give enduring form to the addresses delivered on the occasion-
Therefore Resolved-
1. That we hereby request of Hon. A. H. H. Stuart and Dr.
James C. Southall copies of the addresses delivered by them
this day.
2. That the Executive Committee cause to be printed 1000
copies of said addresses with such other matter as they may
judge suitable, of which 200 copies shall be bound.
3. That 10 copies of said publication as bound shall be
deposited in the University Library, and the others disposed
of as the Executive Committee may deem best.
4. That the Executive Committee be authorized to draw on
the Proctor for the cost of publication.
5. That Mr. Hart be requested to ask of Dr. Southall a
copy of his address.
The Com. on Grounds & Buildings submitted their report
which upon being read and considered on motion was received
approved & adopted, and is as follows.
To the Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia.
The Committee on Grounds & Buildings beg to report that
they have made a careful examination of both and are gratified
to be able to state that there is a manifest improvement in the
appearance of both since your last annual meeting.
They have considered the application of Prof. Dunnington &
recommend that the pavilion next to the old boarding house be
assigned to him as he requests. They have also considered the
application of Prof. Davis asking for a change in the sewer &
recommend that said sewer be removed from the lands of Prof.
Davis & be constructed through the grounds of the University
lawn. Said change can be made at an estimated cost not exceeding
two hundred dollars. Your Committee have also considered
the application of Mrs. Massie & recommend her appointment
as boarding house keeper. They have also considered the application
of the Young Mens Christian Association & beg to recommend
that the present lecture room of Prof. Schele be assigned
to said association upon the same terms as the rooms now occupied
by the Washington & Jefferson Societies, are assigned to
them. They recommend that the Old Chemical Lecture Room be
assigned to Prof. Schele for a lecture room.
Your Committee recommend that the lecture room in the
Natural History building be assigned to Prof. Page & that the
lecture room now occupied by Prof. Page be assigned to Prof.
Smith for his uses.
Your Committee recommend that the Proctor be ordered to
select two dormitories and have a door made in the partition
between them so that said dormitories can be used as rooms for
the Secretary of this Board, the Secretary of the Faculty and
the Secretary of the Miller Board- and that said rooms hen
selected be assigned to said officers for that purpose. They
recommend that the manner of using the appropriation of $100
made by the Miller Board for utilizing sewage be referred to
the Health Committee of the Faculty.
The Committee on the Conduct of Schools submitted the
following supplementary report, which upon being read and considered
on motion was received, approved & adopted and reads
as follows:
The Committee to which was referred the Reports from the
several schools submit the following supplementary report and
We find that some modifications of the courses of Study
and requisitions for Degrees in the School of Applied Mathematics,
are made in the Report of Adjunct Professor Thornton
with the approbation of Prof. Venable. We have also considered
the question whether, under all the circumstances, the
Salary of Prof. Thornton ought not to be reduced, and that of
Adjunct Prof. Dunnington increased. And further whether it is
expedient to continue the appointment of a Drawing Master in
the School of Applied Mathematics, we present our conclusions
in the following recommendations.
1. That the Scheme presented by Adjunct Prof. Thornton
for Courses of Study and Requisitions for Degrees in the School
of Applied Mathematics is hereby ordered as follows:
Courses of Study:
1. Civil Engineering
Junior - Engineering Geodesy: Theory of Parallel Projections;
Construction and Setting out of Roads and Railways.
Senior - Theory of Central Projections; Resistance of Materials
and Stability of Constructions; Hydraulics
2. Mining Engineering
Junior: Theory of Underground Surveying and Setting out
Underground works; Theory of Parallel Projections.
Senior:- Theoretical and Constructive Mechanism; Mechanics of
Machines; Theory of Prime Movers; Construction and Use of
Mining Machinery.
Requisitions for Degrees
1. Degree of Civil Engineer: Graduation in Schools of N. P.,
Ch. or Ind. Ch., proficiency in M. & G. and in Maths. Satisfactory
attainments in a prescribed course on Infinitessimal
Calculus, Graduation in the School of Ap. Math. Course of Civil
2. Degree of Mining Engineer: Graduation in schools of Ch.
& Ind. Ch., An. Ch., Proficiency in Physics in Min. & Geol.
and in Math., Satisfactory attainments in a prescribed course
on Infinitesimal Calculus, Graduation in School of Ap. Math.
Course of Mining Engineering.
2. That the services of a Drawing Master be dispensed
with in the School of Applied Math. and that the Professor of
that School do the work heretofore done by the Drawing Master.
3. That the Salary of Adjunct Professor Thornton, for the
ensuing session shall be two thousand dollars ($2000) with
provision for quarters as heretofore.
4.That the Salary of Adjunct Professor Dunnington in the
School of Chemistry for the next session shall be two thousand
dollars ($2000) with provision for quarters as recommended by
the Com. of Grounds & Buildings.
5. That the Secretary address to Mr. Santos, the Teacher
of Drawing, a letter imforming him of this action of the Board
so far as it concerns him, with the assurance that it is dictated
only by financial reasons.
6. That Prof. Venable be authorized to employ, without
expense to the University, an assistant in the School of Mathematics,
to be confirmed by the Executive Committee.
W. C. N. Randolph
Paul Whitehead
John Hart
Whereas it is the opinion of some of the members of this
Board that the interests of the University might be promoted
by making a radical change in the matter of Boarding Houses for
Students so as to leave Boarding House Keepers, either within
or without the University, free to fix their own rates, and
Students free to select their Boarding places, only requiring
them to occupy the Dormitories of the University.
And whereas there is doubt the expediency of such change
at present.
Resolved, that the Faculty be requested to consider carefully
this whole question and report their views to this Board
at its next annual meeting.
The following report was submitted by the Committee to
which the subjects therein mentioned were referred, which upon
being read & considered on motion the same was received, approved
& adopted, and is as follows:
The Committee instructed to report on the subjects indicated
below, beg leave to report as follows:
The amount surrendered to each member of the mess clubs by the
University is the amount paid by each hotel keeper and not paid by
the student in the mess - seven dollars and fifty cents The
proportion of rent of the Mess Hall (not paid to the institution)
three dollars, in all ten dollars and fifty-cents
They recommended the adoption of the following
1 That the chairman of the faculty and the Proctor shall assign
the dormitories in the University of each hotel and the mess
club and equal number in such way seem to them most equitable
and convenient provided however that should the mess not need
all the rooms assigned, the vacant rooms shall be divided
between the hotels2 That a student occupying a room assigned to one of the hotels
shall board at that hotel as long as he occupies said room3 That at the expiration of the first or second quarter (January
1st and April 1st) any student may change from one hotel to the
other or from either to the mess club or from the mess club to
either if he so desires4 The hotel keeper and the manager of the mess shall promptly
report to the Chairman of the Faculty any disorderly conduct on
the part of the boarders or members of the mess, and the
failures to make such reports may be punished by a fine of not
more than five dollars to be assessed by the Chairman of the
That hereafter hotelkeepers shall not be required to furnish
or have washed towels for their boarders
They think that the board at the University is too high and
recommend that it be fixed at Eighteen Dollars per month
W. C. N. Randolph
Paul Whitehead
John Hart
On motion the following was adopted:
The Resolution of the Faculty allowing special examinations
to T. W. Harrison of Leesburg, Va., Henry E. Harris of Albemarle
Co. and George S. Thomas of Richmond, who failed in the final
examinations on German in the first case and in the other two
on History was reviewed and considered by the Board and on motion-
Ordered- That the resolution be approved and adopted, and
the said examinations be allowed and the privilege be granted
the applicants without the usual matriculation fees.
The Finance Committee submitted the following report which
on being read and considered on motion was approved & adopted-
To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
Your Committee to whom was referred for consideration and
report so much of the Report of the Faculty as relates to the
Finances of the University respectfully report-
That the course pursued by the Board with regard to many
of the subjects that have heretofore engaged the attention of
this Committee has proven so far successful as to relieve us
from further consideration of them at this time.
The debt due to the Va. Mil. Institute is again brought
to our attention by a letter from the Superintendent, Genl Smith,
urging with fervent importunity its immediate payment. This
by the Board and of active correspondence with Genl Smith,
was made a conspicuous feature in the Annual Report made by
the Visitors through the Rector to the last General Assembly,
and was then referred to that body for its action. It is of
interest however to know that of the principal debt of $20,000
$4000 has been funded or converted into the new 8% bonds, and
a reasonable hope is entertained that the residuum of $16000
will be taken up with the proceeds of sale of other of the 8%
bonds to be taken by the Miller Board with funds to be paid
them on amount of certain Va. Central R. R. Bonds held by
that Board and soon to be paid. The only course your Committee
can now recommend is the communication of this hope to Genl
Smith with the renewed assurance of our hearty desire to discharge
the debt.
As to the application of Mr. Charles C. Holden to have
refunded to him so much of the fee paid by him for tuition in
Mathematics as is not due to the University. Your Committee
in view of the circumstances stated by the Chairman of the
Faculty recommend that the application be granted.
Your Committee recommend that the following appropriations
be made for the fiscal year ending the 1st of June 1879.
1. Salaries of Profs | 14 @ | $3000 | $42,000 |
2. Adj. Profs | 2 @ | $2000 | 4,000 |
3. Demonstrator of Anatomy | 800 | 800 | |
4. Demonstrator of Officers - Chairman Proctor $2000 Librarian $700 Assistant Librarian $400 Secy Board $100 Com. of Accounts $200. Janitor $480 |
500 | ||
$4,380 | |||
Advertising | 600 | ||
Catalogue | 500 | ||
Printing | 140 | ||
Repairs & Improvements (to be itemized as far as practicable by Proctor & S.G.& B.) |
3,000 | ||
Labor | 1,200 | ||
Contingent Acct. (to be itemized as far practicable by P. & S.G. & B.) |
1,250 | ||
Interest on Debt | 7,500 | ||
Sinking Fund (invest. to be stated by Proctor) | 1,000 | ||
Library | 300 | ||
Fuel | 500 | ||
Gas | 500 | ||
Insurance (including Nat. His. Building) | 650 | ||
Diplomas | 350 | ||
Apparatus (Chem. $150. Nat. Phil. 150. Eng. $50 | 350 | ||
Commutation of rents | 900 | ||
Fitting up house for Prof. Dunnington (not to exceed) | 150 | ||
Addition to Mess Hall (not to exceed) | 125 | ||
Special Miller Approp. Deficiency | 110.63 | ||
Publication | 75 | ||
Farm | 1,000 | ||
Wood to burn tiles | 50 | ||
Barn | 150 | ||
To utilize Sewage | 100 | ||
Special appropriation for Ass. Prof. Smith | 200 | ||
Total | $71,880.63 |
It will be observed that we have exceeded the Faculty
Estimate by some two hundred dollars and this in the face of
the fact that we have added only one additional appropriation
of two hundred dollars, viz. the special approp. to the School
of Nat. Philosophy to their appropriation and had not increased
their specific appropriations on the contrary have reduced the
appropriations of the two schools of Applied Math. & Analyt.
& Agricul. Chem. by a net reduction of $900: The deficit notwithstanding
this reduction is due to the increased specific
appropriations of the Miller Trustees.
To enlarge the Pavillion occupied by Prof. Minor- not to
exceed $2000. It is recommended that the Proctor be authorized
to insure the University property for a term of five years.
Provided that the insurance can be effected on the terms of
payment in cash of a sum equal in amount to the aggregate of
three annual premiums, and in Companies of unquestionable solvency
and soundness.
It is recommended that the sum of $35.00 be appropriated
for the payment of clerk hire for the Committee on the codification
of the bye laws. That the sum of $200 be appropriated
for the purchase of additional apparatus for the School of
Nat. Philosophy.
That a sum be appropriated sufficient for the publication
of the addresses delivered by Dr. J. C. Southall and Hon. A.
H. H. Stuart at the dedication of the Brooks Museum.
That a sum not exceeding $2000 be appropriated for the
improvement of the Pavilion occupied by Prof. Minor.
Holmes Conrad.
On motion
Resolved, that the Faculty be requested to report at our
next meeting whether or not it is best to charge in lieu of the
present charges for matriculation, Library, diplomas infirmary
fees and room rent the sum of sixty dollars as a matriculation
fee. This sum to be paid by all students except students residing
with their parents or guardians who shall pay a matriculation
fee of forty dollars in lieu of such fees.
Dr. James F. Harrison was reellected Chairman of the Faculty
for the sensuing year.
The following resolutions were adopted:
The Rector laid before the Board the letter addressed to
him by Prof. Henry A. Ward informing the Rector that Rev.
Lemuel Brooks, Mr. Gary Brooks and Royal C. Knopp, relatives
of the late Lewis Brooks had authorized Mr. Ward to state that
they had determined to donate to the University a complete
Botanical Cabinet to be placed in the Lewis Brooks Museum, and
that Mr. Ward, at their request, had agreed to undertake the
work of preparing and placing the Cabinet in the Museum.
Whereupon, it was resolved,
1st That the Board, in behalf of the University accept,
with grateful sensibility, this generous offer; and hereby
record their sense of the enlightened liberality displayed by
of the splendid Museum founded by their honored Kinsman.
2d That the Secretary of the Board transmit four copies
of this minute to Prof. Ward with the request that he deliver
a copy to each of these three gentlemen.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning
at 9 o'clock.
Jas. D. Jones,
Alex. H. H. Stuart
June 28th 1878
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday.
Present the same members as on yesterday, with the exception
of Mr. Gilmore, absent.
The Com. on Apparatus submitted the following report
which upon being read and considered, on motion was approved
and adopted, and is as follows.
The Committee on Apparatus beg leave to report that they
have made the usual inspection, which has been necessarily
brief. They regret the brevity and superficial nature of their
examination less than they otherwise would, because of the fact
that the two Professors in charge (Profs. Mallet & Smith) are
men who take every possible precaution for the preservation of
the property of the University in their hands.
Your Committee are pleased to report a few additions to
the apparatus in the School of Natural Philosophy, specially
a valuable Reflecting Telescope, with silvered glass Speculum-which
very inferior instruments which were the only telescopes in
our possession.
The Finance Committee having already reported a recommendation
that a special appropriation in addition to the Customary
annual appropriation be made for the purchase of some very
necessary articles in the School of Nat. Phy. Your Committee
deem it needless to say more of those articles named in the
report of Prof. Smith of the Conduct of the School. Everything
in the departments of both Chemistry and Natural Philosophy
is arranged with the greatest system and preserved with scrupulous
neatness and care.
On motion, resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars
be appropriated from the funds of the University to aid the
Y.M.C.Asso. in fitting up their new Hall provided the income
of the Institution should exceed the amount previously
The Report of the Library Com. was presented and ordered
to be filed.
On motion, Resolved, that the Action of the Executive
Committee in regard to the temporary management of the Brooks
Natl History Museum is hereby sanctioned and it is ordered
that it shall continue for the ensuing year.
On motion the Executive Committee as constituted for
the past year was continued for the ensuing year.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the Monday before
the last Thursday next preceding the 4th of July next.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 24, 1878 | ![]() |