Board of Visitors minutes April 18, 1876 | ||
April 18th 1876
Thomas S. Bocock, Holmes Conrad, James H. Gilmore, John
Hart, W. C. N. Randolph and A. H. H. Stuart met this day as
Visitors of the University, under their several commissions
from his Excellency, James L. Kemper, Governor of the Commonwealth
of Virginia and organized the Board by the choice
unanimously of A. H. H. Stuart as Rector.
James D. Jones was elected Secretary of the Board.
On motion the Rector and Messrs Bowcock & Randolph were
elected as the Executive Committee.
R. G. H. Kean, Esq, the late Rector appeared and laid before
the Board, the correspondence between himself as the late
Rector and Gov. Kemper and Professor Henry A. Ward, in relation
to the University, of a cabinet of Natural History and Mineralogy;
and a communication from the Board of Trustees of the
Miller Fund informing this Board of the action in relation to
said proposed gift.
The Board being informed of the presence at the University
of Prof. Henry A. Ward of New York, the representative of the
gentleman proposing to make the gift referred to - On motion
he was invited to appear before the Board for an interview in
reference to the said proposed gift- which on being communicated
to him through Mr. Kean he appeared and had a conference with
the Board. After withdrawal of Prof. Ward, on motion the following
preamble and resolution were adopted, unanimously.
Whereas the Board has learned through an interview with
Prof. Henry A. Ward of Rochester, New York, that a gentleman
of that state generously proposes to make to the University
of Virginia a donation of 45 bonds of $1000 each of the Chicago
Burlington & Quincy R.R. Co. (now worth some $50,000) for the
purpose of supplying the Institution with a suitable Cabinet
of Specimens in Geology, Mineralogy & Natural History. On the
conditions that the avails of twenty-five of said bonds shall
be expended in obtaining through Prof. Ward said collection of
specimens packed & delivered at the Freight Depot, Rochester
N.Y.- and that the avails of twenty of said bonds shall be applied
to the erection of a Building suitable for the display
of said Cabinet,- And that the University shall provide the
money necessary to pay the cost of cases to contain said specimens,
and the cost of transportation from Rochester, and of
placed in the hands of the Rector of the Board said 45 bonds
duly transferred and made payable to the Rector & Visitors of
the University of Virginia,
Therefore resolved-
1. That this Board in the name of the University and of
the people of Virginia does hereby most gratefully accept, under
the conditions stated, the munificent gift of our unknown friend.
2. That the Rector, to whom alone the name of the donor
has been made known, be requested to write him a suitable letter
of acceptance & thanks and to invite him to visit the University
at such time as may suit his convenience as the honored guest
of the University.
3. That the thanks of the Board are due & are hereby tendered
Prof. Ward for the intelligent zeal which he has shown in
bringing this matter into its present attitude.
4. That the Executive Committee of the Board be authorized
and instructed to arrange all the details necessary to carry
into effect the intentions of the Donor- such as the selection
of the site & the adoption of the plans for the proposed building-
the letting of the same to some competent builder under
judicious conditions, and the contract with Prof. Ward for
furnishing, placing and mounting the specimens, including cases
for the same.
5. That the Chairman of the Faculty be requested to appoint
a Committee of the Faculty to consult with the Executive
Committee in respect to these details.
The following communication was received from the Miller
Board in relation to the donation above mentioned.
18th April 1876
I have the honor to enclose extracts from the
proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the Miller Fund, showing
their action in reference to the proposed donation of a
Cabinet of Natural History and Mineralogy to the University of
As you will perceive, one of the Resolutions makes it my
duty to negotiate with you "for some adequate security for the
ultimate payment" of the advances made by the Miller Board, "or
a fair equivalent therefor, in case the Miller Board should
hereafter decide on withdrawing its appropriations from the
University and severing its connection therewith".
Will you do me the favor to let me know at what time it
will suit your convenience for me to arrange the matter with
President of Board of Trustees of Miller Fund.
At a called meeeting of the Miller Board held by order of
the President at the law office of S. V. Southall, Esq. on
Tuesday the 11th of April 1876, it was resolved as follows:
1st. Under the belief that a Cabinet of Natural History
and Mineralogy will be an invaluable aid to the Chair of Agriculture
and Natural History instituted by this Board: and desirous
to contribute to the establishment of such a Cabinet,
the Miller Board doth pledge itself to an annual appropriation
of eight hundred dollars after 1st July next out of its yearly
revenues until the principal sum of $10,000 which it is deemed
necessary to borrow to secure to the University the gift of the
Cabinet and the erection of a building suitable for its reception
said —— to be conditioned on receiving the sum of $12,000
for the transportation and providing of cases for such specimens
shall have been discharged; And as soon as it can realize its
income from its Virginia Central Rail Road Company bonds, to the
creation of a sinking fund by the annual contribution thereto
of one thousand dollars for the extinguishment of the said ten
thousands dollars loan.
A copy from the Minutes
R. T. W. Duke
Secry & Treas.
At a called meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Miller
Fund of the University of Va. held at the law office of S. V.
Southall on Tuesday April 11th 1876 xxxx it was
Resolved, That this Board having determined to make an
annual appropriation of Eight hundred dollars after the 1st of
July next, out of its annual revenues until the principal sum
of $10,000 which it is deemed necessary to borrow to secure
to the University the gift of a Cabinet of Natural History and
Mineralogy, and to contribute annually a sinking fund of $1000
can realize its income from its Virginia Central Rail Road bonds
it is ordered that the President communicate with the Board
of Visitors of the University on their first assembling or as
soon thereafter as practicable and negotiate with them for some
adequate security for the ultimate payment of said advances, or
a fair equivalent therefor, in case the Miller Board should
hereafter decide on withdrawing its appropriations from the
University and severing its connection therewith.
A copy from the Minutes
Teste R. T. W. Duke, Secry & trea.
The communication from the Miller Board in relation to
the salary &c of Prof. Page was received and consideration
thereof deferred until the next meeting of the Board in June
A letter was received from the Faculty which on being read
on motion resolved that in response thereto the Secretary be
instructed to explain the Circumstances which made it impossible
for the Board to receive the Call today of the Faculty as was
proposed in said letter and to say that the Board will be glad
to have such an interview at any time tomorrow that may best
suit the members of the Faculty.
A communication was read from Prof. Minor in relation to
the House now occupied by Prof. Gildersleeve which on motion
was laid over until the next meeting of the Board in June and the
Secretary instructed to inform Mr. Minor of this action.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at
9 1/2 Oclock.
Jas. D. Jones, Secretary
Alex. H. H. Stuart, Rector.
Nineteenth of April 1876
The Board met pursuant to adjournment on yesterday. Present
the same members of the Board as on yesterday.
Resolved That the proposition of the Miller Fund Board
to guarantee the interest, 8 per cent on ten thousand dollars
and a sinking fund of one thousand dollars per annum for the
ultimate payment of such an amount the said amount to be used
to purchase cases &c for the Cabinet- & building donated through
Prof. ard be accepted.
2. That the Rector be requested to prepare, sign and have
delivered to the Miller Board such a bond as was issued to
the said Board to secure under conditions the money furnished
from the Miller Trust Fund to pay for the Pavilion of the
Prof. of Chemistry.
3. That the Rector e requested to confer with the President
of the Miller Fund Board and to request him to determine
in what manner his Board will guarantee interest & sinking fund
to be endorsed on the bond or bonds to be issued for the loan
to the University of said ten thousand dollars.
4. That the question of the mode &c of making this loan be
referred to the Executive Committee with the request that they
shall report at the next annual meeting of the Board.
Resolved, that
The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia have
pleasure in informing the Society of Alumni of the University
that a donation of $ has been made by a citizen
of New York to the University for the purpose of establishing
and for the erection of a building suitable for the display of
this Cabinet, upon the condition that the cost of providing
cases for said specimens, the transportation of them from Rochester
N. Y. and of placing & mounting them in the Cabinet shall
be borne by the University.
And the Board of Visitors experiencing some embarrassment
in providing the funds necessary for the performance of such
conditions, and being sensible of the profound interest entertained
by the Society of the Alumni in all that concerns the
welfare of the University do invite their cooperation and
aid in carrying out the benevolent design of its benefactor.
Resolved The Chairman of the Faculty being the Chief Executive
Officer of the University having either under his supervision
or control all other officers of the Institution in the
performance of their respective duties, be it ordered that with
a view of maintaining the requisite subordination and a due
responsibility of all, communications from them to this Board
and from the Board to them be in all cases transmitted through
the Chairman of the Faculty.
Resolved, That the Chairman of the Faculty be instructed
to advertize that a Prof. of Greek will be electd at the an-
nual meeting of the Board in July and to invite applications and
On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the 26th of June
Board of Visitors minutes April 18, 1876 | ||