Board of Visitors minutes June 27, 1870 | ||
At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia held June 27th 1870
Present B. Johnson Barbour, Rector, and Samuel Watts,
Thomas L. Preston, J. R. Woods, R. W. Hughes and Thomas J.
The Board was called to order by the Rector and the
following Committees appointed.
Finance - Hughes & Woods
Grounds & Buildings - Watts & Preston
Apparatus - Woods and Pretlow
Library - Hughes and Pretlow.
The minutes of the last annual meeting nd of the called
meeting in September last were read approved & signed by the
The Annual Report of the Faculty was read and on motion
referred to the Executive Committee.
On motion of Mr. Watts
Resolved that the Rector is hereby authorized to dispose
of the remaining 8 per cent Bonds on the best possible terms.
On motion Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to
call the attention of the proper officers of the Washington
Society to the loan of $500 made by the Board at its last annual
meeting, and to enqire if any and what steps had been taken
by the Society to meet its obligation in paying back the amount.
Resolved that the Rector be instructed to memoralize the
Legislature asking that the Proctor may be Ex-officio a Peace
Officer with power of arrest within the limits of the University.
Communications were recieved from the Chairman in reference
to the debt of the University due to Mrs. Lewis M. Coleman
and asking for a payment of $500 on the 1st of October-also
in relation to the Bonds of the University for the purchase
of Carr's Hill held by C. W. Gill who asks payment of the bond
due July 1st and interest. On motion these Communications were
referred to the Finance Committee.
A communication was received from Dr. J. E. Chancellor
Demonstrator of Anatomy asking for an increase of compensation
On motion
Resolved that the Rector be requested to inform Dr.
Chancellor that the Board is compelled to decline granting
him an increase of salary by reason of the depressed condition
of the finances.
Resolved that the following words of Sec. 8 Ch. 5 page 57
of the Enactments "end of every session" be stricken out and
the following words inserted in lieu of them "Annual Meeting
of the Board of Visitors".
Resolved that the Board deem a strict compliance with
Sec. 8 Ch. V of the Enactments a matter of grave importance-and
the Librarian is instructed hereafter to enforce the
penalty against all those whether Professors or others who
shall hold books from the Library in violation of law.
The Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9
Rector of U. of Va.
Tuesday June 28th 1870
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same
members as on yesterday.
Resolved that the requisition for the Degree of "Bachelor
of Science" be so modified as to leave out Anatomy, Physiology,
Comparative Anatomy and Botany and that this take effect for
the present session.
Resolved that the Proctor be requested to report to this
one at this time can be executed.
Resolved that the Proctor furnish this Board with an
estimate of the expenditures necessary to meet the demands
upon the University between now and the 1st of October.
A communication having been received from Professor
McGuffey proposing to resume the responsibility of the instruction
of the classes in Rhetoric Political Economy.
Whereupon it was
Resolved that in the opinion of this Board, the proposed
change would be inexpedient at this time.
Resolved that the hearty thanks of the Board of Visitors
of the University of Virginia are hereby tendered,
Herr F. Krupp
for valuable specimens illustrating his celebrated manufacture
of steel.
Baboo Kanny Sall Dey
Assi: Chem: Examiner to Govt.
Medical College
British India
for the skill he has exhibited, and the trouble he has taken
in making for this University, a valuable collection of Gums,
Ressins, Oils Dye-Stuffs &c the products of British India.
F. K. Mullet Esq.
Assi in Geological Survey of India
and To
Dr S. Dana Hayes
State Assayer & Chemist
Boston, Massachusetts
for a valuable collection of specimens illustrating American
copper ores and copper smelting- and that Prof. J. W. Mallet
be requested to communicate to these several gentlemen this
expression of gratitude on the part of the Board.
Also Resolved That Prof. L. J. Boeck be designated to
assure the following gentlemen of the sincere gratitude with
which the Board of Visitors of this University has received
their valuable and interesting contributions to the cause
of Science- Viz
Count Von Bismark Chancellor of the North German Confederacy
for valuable collection from the Royal Polytechnic
Institute of Berlin of Drawings, Plans, Photographs &c.
To Messrs J. A. Griswold & Co of
Bessimer Steel Works
Troy, New York
for specimens of Bessimer Cast steel.
Mr. John Zimmerman
for an Album containing representations of Tool-Machines, and
samples showing the working of these machines.
Mr. Jno. Harrison Jr. of
Harrison Boiler Works
Phila. Pa.
for one Four-Ball unit Boiler.
To Mr. H. L. Nourse Supt of Pa. Steel Works
Harrisburg, Pa.
for samples of Bessimer Steel- steel Rails &c.
To Messrs John A. Raeblings & Sons
Trenton, New Jersey
for collection of Wire Ropes.
To Messrs Pool & Hunt
Engineers & Founders
Baltimore, Md.
for a highly finished and admirable model of Turbine Wheel-and
the Board would avail themselves of this opportunity to
offer to Prof. Boeck himself an assurance of their high appreciation
of his zeal and devotion in promoting & increasing
the resources of his valuable Department.
The Board then adjourned till tomorrow morning at 9 Oclock.
Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of U. of Va.
The Board met according to adjournment. Present the same
members as on yesterday and also W. E. M. Word.
Col Watts from the Committee on Grounds & Buildings submitted
the following report
The Committee on Grounds & Buildings have, according to
order, given their attention to the subject, and it affords them
pleasure to report that they find the property of the University
to which their arrention has been directed, in as good order,
in view of the condition of the finances as circumstances
would admit of- The Rotunda has been much improved by the
and by the addition of paint on those parts which were in immediate
want of it. Much remains yet to be done to put that
building and the Hall connected with it in good order, and
they recommend an appropriation for that purpose as soon as
the finances of the University will admit of it. The buildings
on the lawn are all in want of paint, and it would be advisable
in view of economy as well as comfort and ornament to have the
work done as speedily as possible especially the cornice of
the dormitories. The Laboratory under the charge of Prof. Mallet
is in perfect order. Owing to the want of money resources,
not much has yet been done with the proposed experimental farm.
But a beginning has been made. The ground has been selected
and fenced in, and a few experiments upon a small scale have
been commenced, Root cuttings of the Ramce plant have been procured
from Louisiana, and planted out with a view of ascertaining
the possibility of its culture in this vicinity & latitude-seed
saved from Sea Island cotton raised here last year have
been sown and the plants produced set out, in order to examine
their tendency to return to the upland type of Sea Island cotton
planted in the interior & at a distance from the hebredizing
influence of the ordinary replaced Cotton. A fresh planting of
very superior Sea Island cotton seed from Charleston has been
made with a view of pursuing further investigation. A remarkably
prolific replaced cotton from Venezuala has also been tried.
Some interesting experiments have also been made upon the influence
of various simple contituents of Manures on tobacco, in
examined at the Laboratory- Sundry specimens of Marl from
Westmoreland County have been examined, and the attention of
the Laboratory students has been in part given to Chemical analysis
as applied to agricultural purposes, and one of the students
has devoted himself exclusively to this line of study-Your
Committee believe that the Experimental Farm will be an
important Department in the University at an early day. Nothing
is required to give it success, but an improvement in our
money resources.
On motion Resolved that the foregoing report be approved
and adopted.
Ordered that the sum of $1000 be appropriated for outside
A conference between the Trustees of the "Miller Fund" and
the Board of Visitors resulted in the following agreement.
"The Board of Trustees of the Miller Fund and the Board
of Visitors of the University of Virginia, will meet in conference
on the 6th day of September next in reference to the Agricultural
Department of the University, when a Professor of
Practical & Scientific Agriculture may be appointed
Thos. J. Randolph
Ch: of Board of Trustees of the
Miller Fund.
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of U. of Va.
The Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 Oclock.
Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of U. of Va.
The Board met according to adjournment.
Present the same members as on yesterday.
Resolved that Professor Boeck be designated to communicate
the thanks of the Board of Visitors to Leander J. McCormick Esq.
for his very valuable present of a Mower to the Agricultural
Resolved that $750 be appropriated for Printing and
Ordered that the election of a Chairman of the Faculty
for next Session be postponed until the September meeting and
that the present Chairman continue to discharge the duties of
the Office until that time.
Resolved that in view of the fact that the abolition of
a maximum income for the Professors by Resolution in 1865 was
made under a total misapprehension of the state of affairs at
the University- and furthermore in consideration of the present
financial exigency, the Board is compelled to restore the principle
of a maximum salary as it existed prior to the war, and
to enact that hereafter and beginning with the next session,
no professor shall receive more than three thousand dollars,
and without guaranteeing that amount to any who shall fall below,
it is hereby ordered that whenever the salary and fees of
any professor shall exceed three thousand dollars, such excess
for general purposes.
Resolved in consequence of the adoption of the above
resolution the arrangement by which the Faculty contributed
two thousand dollars is necessarily abrogated- and the payment
of the salaries of Professors Mallet and Boeck is assumed
by the Board of Visitors.
Resolved that the Proctor be authorized to expend a sum
not exceeding $350 in increasing the height of the Reservoir
The Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Miller Fund
presented the following extracts from the minutes of their
proceedings which were ordered to be recorded.
"Resolved that the Trustees appropriate $1000 for next
year, for the rent of the laboratory, $1000 for the salary of
Prof. Mallet, $300 for the rent of Prof. Boeck's house and $200
towards the salary of Prof. Boeck."
"Resolved that the Board of the Visitors be informed that
the trustees of the Miller Fund estimate their fund for the
current year at about six thousand dollars, making it practicable
and advisable in their judgment with the concurrence
of the Visitors to appoint a Professor of Practical & Scientific
Agriculture, and under that impression they recommend the
Visitors to advertise for such appointment by the 6th day of
September 1870 when the trustees will meet them for conference
and nomination, and that in the meantime the Visitors be respectfully
requested to provide for the complete organization
of this School of Agriculture, under such plan as they deem
best for the execution of the declared trusts of Mr. Samuel Miller
The Committee on Apparatus submitted the following report
The undersigned recommend the following appropriations to
the Scientific Schools for the purchase of apparatus
Chemistry | 150 |
Physiology | 100 |
Anatomy | 100 |
Nat. Philosophy | 270 |
The Professor in the last named school having procured at his
own expense apparatus amounting to $170, finding it indispensably
necessary in view of illustrations required in the advancement
of Experimental Physics.
On motion
Resolved that the above report be adopted and that the
appropriations recommended be authorized.
Mr. T. B. Holcombe's letter was received & read and the
Secretary was ordered to advise him of the order adopted some
days in advance of the receipt of his letter forbidding any
book to be taken away- but kindly inviting Mr. Holcombe to consult
any books here.
Ordered that Mr. William Jeffries application for the use
and occupation of a certain lot be respectfully denied.
Resolved that the Proctor be authorized to accept drafts
to the amount of $150 for the purchase of Text Books & Books
of Reference in the School of Applied Mathematics.
Ordered that the further consideration of the report of
the Faculty be postponed till the meeting in September.
The Report of the Committee on Finance was received and
on motion laid on the table till the September meeting.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet again on the 6th
day of September.
Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of U. of Virginia
At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Visitors held
September 6th 1870
Present B. Johnson Barbour, Rector, and Samuel Watts,
Thomas J. Pretlow, Thomas L. Preston, W. E. M. Word, R. W.
The Board was called to order by the Rector, and after
spending the balance of the day in conference with the Board
of Trustees of the Miller Fund, adjourned till tomorrow morning
at 9 Oclock.
Rector of U. of Va.
Board of Visitors minutes June 27, 1870 | ||