University of Virginia Library



At the Annual Meeting of the Board of Visitors held,
June 26th 1867

Present B. J. Barbour, Rector, Samuel Watts, Thomas L.
Preston, John R. Woods and Robert W. Hughes.

The Rector appointed the following committees.

Finance, Preston & Woods

Grounds & Buildings, Watts & Hughes

Apparatus - Pretlow & Johnson

Library - Hughes & Preston.

On motion

Resolved That for reasons stated in a Resolution of the
Faculty passed June 10th a special examination for Graduation
in Law, be granted Chandler W. Hill next session without
requiring him to matriculate.

Resolved That the Proctor be requested to report to the
Board of Visitors the incomes respectively received by the



several Professors of the University with specification of
the sources thereof.

The Rector laid before the Board a letter from Professor
G. F. Holmes. Whereupon

Resolved, that the School of History & Literature be
hereafter designated as the School of History Literature &

Resolved, That the extension of the boundary by the side
of Prof. Holmes' house, made by the Proctor be approved.

The use of the Chapel (from the commencement of the next
session) is hereby granted to the Washington Society for the
purpose of holding their meetings. Upon the express conditions
that the Society at its own expense shall furnish the room
suitably - keep it at all times in proper condition for
publick worship or morning prayer meetings, and surrender it
upon due notice from the Board of Visitors. Leave is granted
the Society to make any changes or improvements it may wish
during the vacation.

The Board then adjourned till tomorrow morning at 9

Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of Univ. of Virg.

The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same
members as on yesterday.

The Rector laid before the Board a Resolution of the
Faculty recommending for reasons therein stated that the



Degree of A. M. be conferred on Jourdan W. Roper without requiring
him to graduate in the School of History & Literature.

On motion

Resolved that the Board concede to Mr. Roper the Degree
of A. M. as requested by the Faculty - but do so with reluctance,
looking to the circumstances of the case, and with
the distinct understanding that it shall not be held as a

The Rector laid before the Board a letter from R. R.
Prentis agent for Wm. H. Young formerly a student of the
University, proposing to sell to the University the Dormitory
built by said Young in 1859. On motion

Resolved That the finances of the institution will not
admit of the purchase of said Dormitory and therefore, that
the letter be laid on the table.

Resolved, That the Proctor be instructed to fit up the
Hall about to be vacated by the Washington Society, as a
Lecture room for the Professor of History & Literature.

On motion

Resolved, that the application of Professor Peters to
form a class of Sanskrit in connection with the Chair of
Latin be granted.

Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to inform
Mr. John Wood Jr. that the Proctor is very confident that
the two car-loads of coal in dispute were never delivered,
and that consequently the Board is unwilling to order payment
until further and more conclusive proof is presented.



Fifteen hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for Printing
and Advertising if so much be necessary to fulfill the
desired objects - but the Chairman is requested to make full
enquiry in all the large cities so as to have the printing
executed at the lowest rates consistent with a thorough execution
of the work.

Resolved, that Miss Ross' letter together with Mr. Fords
estimate be referred to the Proctor with instructions to have
a Porch put up at a cost not exceeding in the aggregate $250

Resolved, that when the Commissioner of Accounts has concluded
his labors the Proctor be instructed to pay him $100
for his services.

Resolved That the Proctor be instructed to make a prompt
and efficient alteration in the sky-light of the Rotunda so
as to secure it against leaks.

Resolved that under existing circumstances it is inexpedlent
to make any reduction in the price of Board for students.

Resolved, that it is not advisable to make any change in
the fees for matriculation or Professional Degrees - and that
the Charge for a Certificate of Proficiency be fixed at $2.50

Resolved that the Proctor be instructed to turn over to
the Librarian all fines collected, for binding such books as
may require it.

The Board of Visitors after considering the questions of
jurisdiction and subordination which have arisen between the
Superintendent and Chairman have reached the following conclusions.



I. That the Chairman was undoubtedly correct in his construction
of the laws - but to prevent further collision and difficulty
it is deemed best for the present without touching the
subordination of the Proctor, and still leaving the Chairman
Chief executive officer in all things else, to place the
Superintendent of Public Grounds & Buildings under the more
immediate control of the Executive Committee- and it is accordingly
ordered that the Executive Committee shall meet at least
once a month to confer with the Superintendent in reference
to repairs, alterations and general improvements, and that in
all things their decision shall be final.

It is further understood that as far as possible all
appropriations shall be specific, and in no instance shall
either the Executive Committee or the Superintendent transcend
the amount appropriated by the Board of Visitors - and it is
further ordered that in all matters of importance the Executive
Committee shall confer with the Chairman & Faculty.

On motion, the Board adjourned to meet again tomorrow
morning at 9 oclock.

Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of Univ. of Virg.

June 28th 1867

The Board met pursuant to adjournment- present the same
members as on yesterday and also Thomas J. Pretlow & Marmaduke

Resolved that the Thursday before the 4th day of July
be fixed on as the Public Day.



Resolved that the Trustee of J. E. D'Alfonce have authority
to remove the Bath house erected by him on the University

Resolved That the Superintendent be instructed to make
out estimates for constructing a Dam in the Ravine of the
Observatory mountain at the highest advisable level, and for
extending the present main to said Dam.

The Rector laid before the Board a letter from Dr. J. E.
Chancellor Demonstrator of Anatomy asking for an increase of

On motion

Resolved that the letter be laid on the table.

Resolved that the sum of $100 be appropriated in compensation
of William Wertenbaker for services rendered the Proctor
in the opening of the Session of 1866-67 with the distinct
understanding that this appropriation is special and will not
be renewed.

Resolved, That the arrearages of the Salaries claimed by
the Professors is a claim upon the State and not upon the
Board of Visitors, and that it is not expedient to make this
demand under the present State of Affairs.

The Rector laid before the Board the following letter
from Professor Henry Howard.

B. Johnson Barbour Esq.
Rector of the Board of Visitors
Dear Sir -

I hereby resign the Professorship of Medicine



in this Institution to take effect on the first of October

Very respectfully yours,
H. Howard

Whereupon the following resolution was unanimously adopted

Resolved, that the Rector and Board of Visitors have received
and hereby accept with profound sensibility the resignation
of the Chair of Medicine in the Medical Department of
the University by Dr. Henry Howard—Whilst they acquiesce in
the necessity which impels it, they cannot allow an unbroken
service of nearly thirty years, marked as it has been by the
highest social and professional virtues to pass unnoticed and

Resolved That the purchase of Carr's Hill as concluded by
the Rector is hereby ratified—and Prof. J. B. Minor is requested
to draw the proper papers in fulfilment of said

Resolved That the sum of $600 is hereby appropriated to
the Schools of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Anatomy and
Physiology and Mathematics, to be distributed as the Professors
of these Departments may agree amongst themselves.

Resolved that the Professor of Latin is hereby authorised
to appoint an Assistant Instructor (subject to the approval
of the Executive Committee) with the privilege of occupying
a Dormitory rent free—at a salary not exceeding $700 to be
paid out of the fees of that school.

Resolved that the Proctor be instructed to enforce the
enactment prohibiting the keeping or introduction of



cattle, horses or hogs within the walls of the University.

Resolved that in accordance with the suggestion of the
Faculty two additional Departments are hereby created, the
one to be entitled "the School of Technology and Agricultural
Science" and the other "Applied Mathematics" the latter to be
placed for the time in charge of an Assistant Professor of
Mathematics who after his election shall be under the dirrection
of the Professor of Mathematics, and shall assist him
in his duties. The Board also assents to the proposal of the
Faculty to contribute the annual sum of two thousand dollars
for five years to which for the present the existence of
these two schools is limited unless otherwise ordered.—the
Board reserving to itself the privilege of terminating them
sooner if deemed advisable.

The Professor of Technology & Agricultural Science will
stand on the same footing with the other Professors in reference
to fees from students attending his School—but the
Assistant Professor of Mathematics shall only receive a fee
of $25 from each student whom he may instruct in the special
department of Engineering, except that in this respect the
Faculty may make such modifications as time and experience
may suggest.

Resolved that the sum of $2000 be appropriated for supplying
the wants of the Library, and also that the further
sum of $500 be specially appropriated for the purchase of
books for the Law Library.

Resolved, that the Proctor be instructed to issue a bond



(on the part of the University) for $1250 with interest from
the 1st of Dec. 1866 in accordance with a resolution adopted
by the Board of Visitors in July 1866, stipulating to advance
that sum towards the repairing of Prof. Venable's house.

Resolved that $250 be appropriated for the consuction
of a Portico to the Pavilion occupied by Prof. Maupin.

Resolved that the salary of the Proctor and Superintendent
be fixed at $1800 per annum for the fiscal year commencing
Oct. 1, 1867.

On motion- the Board adjourned till tomorrow morning at
9 oclock.

Wm. Wertenbaker

B. Johnson Barbour
Rector of Univ. of Va.

The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same
members as on yesterday.

Leopold J. Boeck was appointed assistant Professor of
Mathematics for one year.

Resolved that the account of John Saunders for slating
&c be returned to the Proctor with instructions to compromise
& settle it on the best possible terms, paying the usual rates
for such work.

The Rector laid before the Board a resolution of the
Faculty recommending for reasons therein stated that a special
examination for graduation in Law be granted to Legh Richmond
Watts early next Session without requiring him to matriculate



On motion

Resolved that the application of Mr. Watts be granted.

Resolved that the Board of Visitors will meet on the
first Wednesday in September to appoint Professor in the
Schools of "Medicine" and of "Technology and Agricultural Science"
and that the Chairman of the Faculty be instructed to invite
applications for said Profes orships, by public advertisement.

Resolved that for want of time the Board postpone the
consideration of the Revised Enactments till their meeting
in September.

Prof. S. Maupin was unanimously reelected Chairman of
the Faculty.

Resolved that the Rector of the University be requested
to communicate with Captain M. F. Maury upon the subject of
establishing an Observatory in pursuance of a resolution
heretofore passed on the subject.

Resolved that the Proctor be instructed to have further
negotiations with Ambrosille on the subject of "Canada" and
report the result of said negotiation to the Executive Com-
mittee at their next meeting for final decision.

Resolved that the little yard in the rear of Mr. Jeffries'
boarding house be paved, and that the small porch in that
locality and the steps leading to the cellar be repaired
and that the Proctor is hereby directed to carry into effect
this resolution if in his opinion they are all deemed necessary.

Resolved that the Proctor be instructed to repair the
Roof of the Chapel, and (if in his opinion advisable) to



make such changes as are necessary for improving the ventilation

Resolved that the question between Mr. John Wood Jr.
and the Proctor in reference to the two car-loads of coal be
referred to the Executive Committee with instruction to hear
both parties further in reference to the matter and make a
final decision.

Resolved that the following appropriations be made

Repairs and Improvements  $4000 
Labor of all kinds for grounds  1000 
Servants to attend Lecture rooms &c  500 
Fuel & Lights for lecture rooms, Library
Chapel &c. 
Insurance  650 
Interest to Cocke &c  1881 
Sundries- Expenses of Visitors (so much
as may be necessary) 
Contingencies  1000 

Resolved that when the Board adjourns, it adjourn to
meet on the first Wednesday in September. The Board then
on motion adjourned.

Wm. Wertenbaker
B. Jonson Barbour
Rector of Univ. of Virg.