Board of Visitors minutes September 8, 1866 | ||
ADJOURNED MEETING, September 8th 1866.
Present B. Johnson Barbour, Rector, O. Samuel Watts,
Thomas J. Pretlow, Marmaduke Johnson, Thomas L. Preston,
John R. Woods, Samuel H. Lewis, & R. W. Hughes.
Resolved that the office of commissioner of Accounts
be revived and that the compensation be fixed by the Executive
Resolved the Robert R. Prentis be appointed Commissioner
of Accounts.
The Rector laid before the Board a memorial signed by a
number of persons who propose to open Boarding Houses for students
outside the precincts of the University, praying for
a removal of all restrictions upon the price charged for
board, room rent &c. Whereupon on motion
Resolved that the memorial of the outside boarding house
Keepers be referred to the Faculty for their decision, with
the request that they will give to the whole subject a
serious consideration.
Resolved that the regulation fixing a charge of $5 on
each boarder at the Hotels be rescinded.
Resolved that the rent of the two large Hotels (E&F) be
fixed at four hundred dollars, each, per annum and that of
the small one (A) at two hundred dollars per annum.
Resolved that the Proctor's application for an appro-
priation of $350 to repair his house be granted.
The Rector laid before the Board a communication from
Robert S. Jones upon the subject of establishing within the
University a Laundry & Baths.
On motion
Resolved that the same be referred to the Chairman and
also that the petition of Charles E. Bailey for the like
purpose, referred at the last meeting to the Executive Committee,
take the same direction.
Resolved that B. J. Barbour, Ro. W. Hughes, & Samuel Watts
be requested to memorialize the legislature for suitable
assistance to inaugurate the Statue of Jefferson at the University,
and that the Rector in his reports, be requested
Resolved that an Assistant Professor be apointed in the
School of Mathematics with the special view of aiding the
Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Drawing and
Field Practice in the new School of Engineering, and also
in such other duties in connexion with the School of Pure
Mathematics as may be assigned him. Said Assistant to be
paid one thousand dollars from the excees of the fees in the
School of Mathematics [as may be] over two thousand dollars,
and in addition to receive a fee of $25 from each student
whom he may instruct in the special department of Engineering.
And it is farther ordered that for the whole Engineering
course there shall be paid the sum of $70- viz the above fee
of $25 to the Assistant Professor and $15 each to the Professors
of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, & Chemistry- provided
that it shall be optional with the students to take one
or more of the classes in Engineering.
On motion - The Board adjourned to meet at 11 oclock
Monday morning September 10th.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present the same
members as on Saturday.
Resolved that from the unexpended balance of the annuity
fund the Proctor or Chairman be instructed to effect insurance
immediately upon the University buildings and that the
the immediate expenses of the University.
Whereas the establishment of an observatory and Chair
of Practical Astronomy is one of the measures necessary to
placing this institution abreast of the other scientific
institutions in this country, and it is deemed eminently
expedient that the name and attainments of Capt. Mathew F.
Maury shall be associated with the University which is at
present unable to carry out successfully the enterprise, from
its own resources, and it is hoped that through the influence
& reputation of Captain Maury the necessary means may be
obtained for the accomplishment of so desirable an object,
therefore be it
Resolved that the Rector of the Board communicate with
Captain M. F. Maury on the subject of the establishment of
an Observatory in the University, with the special view of
ascertaining whether in his opinion the requisite funds for
building and equipping an observatory and creating a permanent
fund for an observer might not be obtained by subscriptions
at home and abroad, and whether he would not take charge
of the work and give his labors and the influence of his name
for the foundation of said observatory- and accept the position
of Director of Observatory and Professor of Practical
Astronomy in the University.
Resolved that the arrangements for the Inauguration of
the Statue of Jefferson be referred to the Executive Committee,
with authority, after epistolary consultation with the
members of the Board, to appoint an Orator.
Whereas the subjects of Rhetorick & Belles Lettres have
been dropped from some unexplained reason from the course
of studies at the University, be it resolved that Professors
Holmes and McGuffy be requested to have a conference on the
subject and arrange for the reinstatement of these studies
in the course.
Resolved, unanimously, that William E. Peters be appointed
Professor of Latin.
On motion the Board then adjourned.
Rector of Univ. of Va.
Board of Visitors minutes September 8, 1866 | ||