![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 25, 1859 | ![]() |
June 25th 1859
Messrs F. Minor and J. R. Tucker visitors appeared,
there being no quorum they adjourned over until Monday
Monday June 27th 1859
The following members of the Board of Visitors appeared
viz. T. J. Randolph Rector, Wm T. Joynes, J. B. Baldwin, J. R.
Tucker, F. Minor, M. R. H. Garnett, James L. Carr and James
Neeson, visitors, when, the board being called to order by
the Rector the following proceedings were had.
The Board appointed Messrs Minor Baldwin and Randolph
the Executive Committee for the next year.
It being understood that the Columbian Society is dissolved
Resolved that the house in which a Hall was set apart for their
use be appropriated for the future to the superintendent of
buildings and grounds.
The Rector appointed the following committees.
Finance Committee Messrs Baldwin Joynes and Tucker.
Committee on Inspection of Philosophical & Chemical
apparatus. Messrs Neeson Tucker & Carr.
Committee on Buildings & grounds. Messrs Baldwin Minor
and Neeson.
Committee on Library Garnett Joynes & Carr.
Upon consideration of the Resolution of the Faculty
recommending the grant of special examinations to Mr. C.
Mortimer Giboins in Chemistry and Greek history at an early
period of the next session, without again matriculating, with
the view to the attainment of the degree of A. M. The Board
of Visitors
Resolved that special examinations be granted to Mr
Gibbins at such time in an early part of the next session,
as the faculty may determine, without requiring him again to
The Rector laid before the Board a petition of T. M.
Freeman asking a remission of the sentence of expulsion from
the University and also a resolution of the Faculty and petitions
from students of the University, on the same subject
on consideration whereof
Resolved that the Visitors regret very much that so severe
a sentence should have been incurred by a student whose conduct
has been in other respects so satisfactory - but they
University which denounces the keeping or using of deadly
weapons and every thing partaking in any respect of the character
of duelling or deadly conflict, and they therefore decline
to interfere with the action of the Faculty.
Ordered that the account of J. W. Johnson be referred to
the Executive Committee.
Ordered that the bill of W. W. Hamner for cutting doors
in his dining room be referred to the Executive Committee.
Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorized to
expend so much of the Dawson fund as shall remain after paying
for the dormitories ordered at the last meeting - to the
building of additonal dormitories for the use of students.
Provided that the Committee shall find it practicable to
anticipate and use the Dawson fund without loss.
Resolved that the Investment of private capital in building
rooms for students on the lands of the University, be
invited upon the following terms.
1. The location and plan of the buildings to be approved
by the Executive Committee and the work to be executed in
all respects to their satisfaction.
2. The buildings to be used only for the residence of
students of the University unless by the express consent of
the Visitors.
3. The person building - to have the right to the rents
of the buildings for such term as may be agreed upon with the
Executive Committee.
4. The University to have the right at any time when
the buildings are not used by students to take possession of
them and to apply them to the use of students paying the rents
to the builders.
5. The University to have the right to become the owner
of any building by paying its original cost subject to a deduction
for depreciation to be determined by arbitration of
persons to be chosen by the builder on the one part and the
University on the other.
6. The buildings to be subject to all the regulations for
health and police which the Visitors may from time to time
establish and the University to have the right to enforce
these regulations and the proper repair of the buildings by
prohibiting their being occupied by students - or by taking
possession of them and putting them in proper repair and condition
at the expense of the owner.
7. Each contract shall be reduced to writing in advance
and shall be spread upon the minutes book of the Visitors and
at the option of the builder may be recorded in the Court
of Albemarle County.
Resolved that in future the sessions of the University
shall commence on the 1st day of October of each year and
close on the 4th day of July following.
The Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning.
Tuesday June 28th 1859
The Board met pursuant to adjournment present the same
gentlemen as on yesterday.
Mr Garnett submitted the following resolution in relation
to the resignation of Dr Harrison which was adopted.
The Board of Visitors has received Dr. Harrison's resignation
with sincere regret at the severance of his connection
with the University which he has faithfully served for more
than 30 years of ever increasing usefulness. To the highest
moral worth, he has added a profound scholarship which has
done honor to the University of which he was an Alumnus and
Professor, and has cultivated the taste for classical learning,
revolutionized methods of instruction, and raised the
standard of attainments.
The Secretary of the Board is instructed to communicate
to Dr Harrison this expression of their respect and regard,
with their best wishes for his future prosperity.
Resolved that it is entirely agreeable to the Board
that Dr Harrison should continue to use his present House,
until such time as it may suit his convenience to move.
Resolved that hereafter each Professor shall be entitled
to receive all the fees of his School provided however that if
the aggregate of such fees shall exceed the sum of 2250 dollars
he shall receive only such proportion of the fees as shall
amount to the said sum of 2250 dollars.
Resolved that the Pavilion recently occupied
by the Professor of Latin be and is hereby allotted to the
Professor of Natural Philosophy - and that Pavilion
now occupied by the Professor of Natural Philosophy be allotted
to the Professor of Latin to be elected at this meeting of
the Board.
Resolved that Professors Davis & Cabell be authorized
to employ Mr Scharff for the next Session as heretofore.
Col. Baldwin offered the following resolution
There shall be and is hereby established in the University
a School of Physical Geography and Agricultural Science.
In this School shall be taught Physical Geography,
Meteorology and Climatology, with their relations and applications
to Agricultural Science and Rural Economy and also such
other kindred subjects as in the judgment and experience of the
Professor may be found expedient and in harmony with the
courses of instruction in the other schools of the University.
The instructions in Agricultural science and Rural economy
shall include as far as practicable, the branches of
learning not taught in the other schools of the University
best calculated to prepare the Farmer & Planter for the
business of his profession.
To enable the Students in this School to enjoy the benefit
of instruction in the auxiliary branches of science which are
taught in the University the other professors will be called
upon by the Board of Visitors as experience may indicate to
be proper, to give special courses of lectures, so arranged
as to present the opportunity of pursuing at the University
a complete course of professional instruction in agricultural
The Professor in this School shall received the same
salary & fees paid to other Professors and a Pavilion or its
equivalent allowance in house rent.
Mr Garnett called for the ayes and noes which were as
Ayes, Messrs Baldwin Carr Minor Joynes Tucker & Randolph
Noes Messrs Garnett & Neeson
So the resolution was adopted.
The Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning at
9 oclock.
University of Virginia
June 29th 1859
Mr Tucker offered the following preamble and resolutions
A committee of the United Synod of The Presbyterian
Church of the United States consisting of the Rev. A. H. H.
Boyd, D.D. and P.R. Grattan Esqr having appeared before the
Board for the purpose of ascertaining the terms upon which
theological students attending the Seminary of said Church,
may be admitted to attend the lectures of the University and
have the benefit of the Library of the same and having stated
that the Synod has already decided to establish its seminary
near to the University, the Board of Visitors have deemed this
a proper occasion to pass a Resolution defining the general
terms and conditions upon which this seminary and any others
established by other religious denominations may receive
the benefits of the system of Education at the University.
Resolved that the Board, disclaiming any purpose to induce
the establishment of such seminaries near the University,
though well disposed to see them established as well because
consistent with the original purpose of the friends of this
following rules and which subject to the entire power of the
Board to abrogate or modify the same, the Students of all
such seminaries may attend the lectures of the University
said rules to remain in full force until otherwise ordered.
1. The Students of Such seminaries shall be permitted
to attend any and all of the Lectures delivered at the University,
and use the books in its Library, subject to the rules
and regulations of the University.
2. Such students shall not be required to matriculate
nor to pay any fees for tuition nor for public rooms Library
or infirmary, nor shall they be compelled to attend such lectures,
nor shall the Professors of any School examine the
exercises of such students.
3. While in the University such students shall be subject
to its laws and the authority of its proper officers -
but elsewhere shall be exempt therefrom
Mr. Carr moved to amend the resolution of Mr Tucker by
striking out the words "for public rooms library or infirmary"
and by inserting "any other fees except a fee of $15 for the
use of Library and public rooms."
Mr Joynes moved as a substitute for Mr Carrs proposition
to strike out all after the word "matriculate" so as to require
the students of Theological Seminaries to pay the usual
fees for instruction and for the use of the Library and
public rooms.
The ayes and noes being called upon the substitute of
Mr Joynes resulted as follows
Ayes Messrs Neeson, Randolph, Joynes & Garnett
Noes Messrs Baldwin, Tucker, Minor & Carr.
The vote recurring on Mr Carrs proposition and the ayes
and noes being demanded stood as follows.
Ayes Randolph, Joynes, Carr, Garnett & Neeson
Noes Messrs Baldwin, Tucker, and Minor
So Mr Carrs amendment was adopted.
Mr Neeson moved an indefinite postponement of the whole
The ayes and noes being called stood as follows
Ayes Randolph, Garnett & Neeson
Noes Joynes, Baldwin, Tucker, Minor & Carr.
The question then coming up upon the resolution as amended
and the ayes & noes being demanded the vote stood as follows
Ayes Joynes, Baldwin, Tucker, Minor and Carr
Noes Randolph, Garnett & Neeson.
So Mr Tuckers resolutions as amended by Mr Carrs proposition
to strike out and insert were carried.
Resolved That the Executive Committee be instructed to
cause the improvements requested by Prof Shele to be done to
the porch of his pavilion.
Mr Garnett submitted the following resolutions which
were adopted.
1. Speaking shall not be required for graduation in
Modern Languages.
2. One assistant Instructor in the school of Modern
Languages shall be dispensed with the Professor being at
by the three between the remaining two.
3. Graduation in French and German shall be requisite
for the degree of A.M. but this shall not apply to any student
who has already graduated in Spanish or Italian.
4. So much of the enactment of Sept. 4th 1858 as is not
in conflict with the foregoing sections remains in full force.
5. In lecturing on the literature of the several Modern
Languages, except Anglo-Saxon, the Professor is at liberty to
combine them in one course of lectures on Modern European
Literature (Except English) provided however that the course
shall be as full in every respect as heretofore and that
nothing herein contained shall be construed to dispense with
special instruction in the history and Philology of each
Mr Joynes moved to reconsider the resolutions adopted
this morning in relation to the "Theological Seminary of the
United Synod of the Presbyterian Church which motion was
The ayes & noes being demanded on this motion resulted
as follows.
Ayes Messrs Randolph, Neeson, Joynes, Carr & Garnett
Noes Messrs Minor, Baldwin & Tucker.
Mr Joynes then moved to amend the resolution of Mr Tucker
by striking out all the regulations proposed being all after
the word "ordered" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following
1. The students of such seminaries shall be allowed
without matriculating as students of this University to
attend any of the schools and to have the use of the Library
and public rooms in the same manner as the students of the
University upon payment of the usual fees for instruction
and for the use of the Library and public rooms.
2. While within the precincts of the University such
students shall be subject to all the laws and regulations
of the University and to the authority of its officers, in
the same manner as students of the University, and any such
student for a violation of any such laws or regulations shall
be liable to be excluded by the Faculty from the privileges
conferred by this resolution.
The ayes & noes being called for resulted as follows
Ayes Messrs Randolph, Joynes, Neeson & Garnett
Noes Messrs Minor, Baldwin, Tucker & Carr.
So the amendment of Mr Joynes was lost.
The question then coming up on the original proposition
of Mr Tucker, Mr Joynes moved to lay the question on the
The ayes and noes being called for resulted as follows.
Ayes Messrs Joynes, Randolph, Neeson, Garnett and Carr
Noes Messrs Minor, Baldwin & Tucker.
The question was therefore laid upon the table.
Mr Joynes asked to have it spread upon the minutes that
he would call up this question at a full meeting of the Board.
Mr Baldwin offered the following resolution.
Resolved that the Faculty regulation now in force providing
that "young men" preparing for "the ministry" shall
be allowed to attend any of the schools of the University
without the payment of the fees of Professors, be and the
same is hereby rescinded.
Mr Neeson moved to lay this resolution on the table and
called for the ayes and noes on the question to lay upon the
table which resulted as follows.
Ayes Messrs Neeson, Garnett and Randolph
Noes Messrs Baldwin, Carr, Joynes & Tucker and Minor.
The vote then coming up on Mr Baldwins resolution, it
was adopted. The ayes and noes being demanded resulted as
Ayes Baldwin, Carr, Minor, Joynes, Tucker and Randolph.
Noes Messrs Garnett & Neeson.
Mr Joynes offered the following resolution which was
Resolved that the Faculty be authorized in their discretion
to dispense with intermidiate examinations in any or
all of the Schools and to substitute for them such other examinations
as they deem best and that they be requested to report
their views upon this subject in detail at the next annual
meeting of the Board.
The Rector laid before the Board a report of the superintendent
of buildings and grounds on the subject of using the
surplus steam power of the water works to carry into partial
effect the plan of Capt Meigs for heating the public buildings
On consideration whereof it was resolved that the said
report be referred to the Executive Committee with instructions
to ascertain whether the work proposed can be done for about
the cost mentioned by Mr Pratt and if it shall be found practicable
and in their judgment expedient the said Committee
are authorized to carry the plan into effect.
Resolved that a Committee be appointed to enquire what
farther provision should be made for teaching Hebrew in the
University and that they report to the next meeting of the
The Rector appointed the following Committee under this
resolution. Messrs Garnett, Baldwin and Minor.
Resolved that the Professor of Greek and Hebrew be relieved
from the duty of teaching Hebrew at the next session.
Thursday June 30th 1859
Resolved that the Salary of the health officers for
the Session of 1858-1859 be fixed at the sum of $250 each.
W. W. Hamner was elected Hotel Keeper
Dr. Maupin was appointed Chairman of the Faculty for
the next session.
William A. Pratt was elected superintendent of Buildings
and grounds for the year ending on the 1st of August 1860
The Board then proceeded to the election of a Professor
of Physical Geography and Agricultural Science. Commander
M. F. Maury and Mr William B. Rogers were placed in nomination,
and the roll being called resulted as follows.
For Comr M. F. Maury. Randolph, Baldwin, Carr, Minor and
For William B. Rogers. Tucker , Neeson & Garnett.
Commander M. F. Maury was therefore elected.
Mr. Lewis M . Coleman was lected Professor of the The
Latin Language and Literature in the University of Virginia.
Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorized if
to them it shall seem expedient to permit the admission to
Vapor Baths in the University of persons not connected with
the Institution, under such regulations and restrictions as
will not impair the use of them by the students and Professors
and to grant a supply of water from the University Water
Works, to Mr. D'Alfonce for his baths if it can be done
without detriment to more important objects.
Resolved that until further orders by the Board the
Salary of the Chairman of the Faculty shall be $750 from
the 1st day of July 1859.
Resolved that in future a certificate of proficiency
may be granted upon the subject of "Human Physiology" in
the School of "Comparative Anatomy Physiology and Surgery"
and on"Anatomy" in the School of "Anatomy Materia Medica
and Botany".
2. Resolved that if any such proficient or any proficient
in "Medical Jurisprudence" shall return to the
University for a second course in the Medical department
he shall upon becoming a candidate for graduation be
exempted from a re-examination at the close of the session
on those subjects in which he has been so declared proficient.
Mr Neeson moved to reconsider the resolution adopted
yesterday rescinding the Faculty regulation providing that
young men preparing for the Ministry be allowed to attend
lectures without payment of the fees of Professors, which
motion was adopted, and on motion of Mr Neeson the said resolution
was laid on the table.
Resolved that the annual reports of the Proctor and
other officers of the University shall be made up to the 1st
day of July inclusive.
Resolved that so much of the Librarian's report as refers
to the leaks in the Library be referred to the Executive
The Board then adjourned to hold a Special Meeting on
the 15th Feby 1860.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 25, 1859 | ![]() |