Board of Visitors minutes September 8, 1856 | ||
Sept 8th 1856
The Board met pursuant to its adjourning order of
June 28th 1856 present A. Stevenson, Rector, J. R. Edmunds
W. T. Joynes, Wm J. Robertson & J. R. Tucker, Visitors, these
constituting a quorum, the rector called the board to order,
and several subjects were considered, but without coming to
any definite action, the Board adjourned until tomorrow
morning at 8 1/2 oclock A.M.
Tuesday Morning Sept 9th 1856
The Board met pursuant to adjournment present the
same gentlemen as on yesterday with the exception of the
Rector who was detained from his place by indisposition
there being no quorum present, the members in attendance
by the arrival of Col J. E. Baldwin a Board was formed and
organized by the election of Wm S. Joynes Rector pro tem.
The following proceedings were then had.
The Board being impressed with the necessity of some
changes in the present laws respecting Hotel Keepers and
the mode of their appointment have-
Resolved that the Board will itself hereafter, unless
otherwise specially ordered, appoint all Hotel Keepers.
Resolved that no resignation of any Hotel Keeper nor
of a Proctor or other officer shall be made (except at the
option of the Board) unless upon 30 days notice to take effect
at the terination of the Scholastic year, provided that this
last resolution shall not take effect until the 1st day of
January 1857.
Resolved that in case of any vacancy occuring in any
of the aforesaid offices the Executive Committee are hereby
authorized to fill them by temporary appointments, whose
term shall expire one month after the next annual meeting
of the Board.
On motion of Col Baldwin it was unanimously
Resolved that the first resolution in relation to Mr
A. Maupin, one of the Hotel Keepers passed June 28th 1856
be rescinded & that he be furnished with a copy of this
resolution & of the one hereby rescinded.
On motion of Mr Joynes the following entry was made.
Mr George Rives appeared before the Board, and requested the
Watson, informing the Board that Col Watson proposes to
resign his position and to transfer his furnature to Mrs
Ross, in case of her appointment. The Board thereupon
ordered that the Rector inform Mr Rives that the Board will
not entertain any proposition for the appointment of a Hotel
Keeper in anticipation of a vacancy, but that if any Hotel
Keeper desires to tender his resignation the Board are now
prepared to receive it- but that in the event of a vacancy
the Board will consider the claims of every applicant upon
their merits.
Col J.R. Watson appeared in person and resigned his
office of Hotel Keeper of the University of Va, which
resignation was accepted by the Board.
Mr James Neeson appeared and took his seat at the Board.
The Board next proceeded to the reading of the testimonials
of the following candidates for the Chair of Greek
& Hebrew in the University of Virginia. viz
George F Holmes, Wytheville Va.
William Shelton, Tennessee
B. L. Gildersleeve, Richmond Cty, Va.
William Carroll, Lynchburg College
William E. Peters, Emory & Henry College
W. W. Tibbs, Fauquier County Va.
Henry C. Cameron of Princeton New Jersey
F.F. Kemper, of Boonville Missouri.
The testimonials of these gentlemen being read, the
as follows
For B. L. Gildersleeve. Messrs Tucker Edmunds, Robertson,
Neeson Baldwin & Joynes
For Geo F. Holmes, Mr Stevenson.
Mr Stevenson then retired from the meeting in consequence
of indisposition.
The subject of an increase of Professors Salaries bing
under consideration the Board of Visitors deemed it inexpedient
to make any change.
Resolved that the Proctor pay to Mr Compton $150 with
legal interest thereon from the 1st day of July 1855 in full
of his claim for rent, &c for the House erected by him on
the grounds of the University- But the Board does not mean
by the passage of this resolution to sanction the erection
of any buildings without their previous approval.
Resolved that the Professors of law be authorized to
excuse the Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Laws,
who have taken certificates of Proficiency in Constitutional
and International Law, from re- examination on those topics.
Mrs Ross is appointed Hotel Keeper in the rplace
of Col J.R. Watson resigned.
Resolved that the Proctor be authorized to apply to
the repairs of the Gymnasium under the direction of Mr
D'Alfonce, such sum as may be necessary not exceeding $130.
A resolution of the Faculty passed April 1st 1856 was
communicated to the Board as follows:
"Extract from the proceedings of the Faculty April 1st
Resolved that in the opinion of the Faculty the law
passed by the legislature at its last session, in regard to
state students, does not apply to those at present members
of the institution, and whose terms of appointment will expire
either on the 29th of June 1856 or the 29th of June 1857."
Resolved that in the opinion of the Board the act of the
last Legislature was not intended to interfere with the support
of State Students for the session of 1855-56 - but
the Board are of opinion that for the future, State Students
can only receive[?] the benefits provided by that act.
Mr Charles B. Shaw, superintendent of work upon the
terraces returned his final estimates of balances due to
George W. Spooner & James F. Bowyer the contractors for
the work, whereupon it was,
Resolved that the Proctor be directed to pay to George
W. Spooner the sum of $1301.94/100 & to James F. Bowyer the
sum of $86.18/100 in full discharge of the amounts due
them respectively upon their contracts, according to the
said estimates.
The Board having had under consideration the claim of
Mr Charles B. Shaw for his services as superintendent &
architect of the work done upon the Terraces & having fully
heard Mr Shaw in support of his claim is of opinion that
nothing is due to him & refuses to make him any payment.
Resolved that when the Board adjourns it adjourns to
meet the second Wednesday of February 1857.
Resolved that the Proctor be authorized to expend under
the directions of the Executive Committee a sum not exceeding
$600 in making the additions to the outhouses on Dr Cabell's
lot as applied for by him,
Resolved that the Proctor be directed to assign to
Prof Davis a lot of the University land such as has heretofore
been assigned to the other professors, The location
to be approved by the Executive Committee.
Resolved that for the present the salary of the Secretary
of the Faculty be increased to $200 per year.
The Board then adjourned until the 11th day of
February 1857.
Rector pro tem
Board of Visitors minutes September 8, 1856 | ||