University of Virginia Library



At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia
held at the University April 23d & 24th 1845, which was called
in consequence of the riots of the Students: Present Chapman
Johnson, Rector, Jos: C. Cabell, John H. Cocke, Thomas J. Randolph,
Wm. C. Rives, & Andrew Stevenson, who was appointed to
supply the vacancy in the Visitation occasioned by the resignation
of Samuel Taylor, the following resolutions were passed.

A committee from the Court now in session in the University,
having waited upon the Board of Visitors for the purpose
of knowing whether it is their pleasure that the guard which
has been kept up for the protection of the public property
for several nights past should be longer continued.

1. Resolved that the Visitors do not deem it expedient,
under the existing circumstances, to express to the Court
any opinion upon the propriety of discontinuing the public
guard at the University, but that the subject be confided
to the judgment and action of the legal authorities, who have
already taken cognizance of it.

2. Resolved, as the opinion of the Board, that it is not
expedient, as suggested by the resolution of Sundry Students,
that the present session of the University should be now brought
to a close; but that, on the contrary, the lectures which have
been recently suspended on account of the late disturbances,
should be resumed as early as practicable and continued until
the regular termination of the session.

3. Resolved, that it is expedient and proper that a



written statement of the disturbances which have led to the
present meeting of the Visitors of the University setting
forth distinctly all the material circumstances known upon
the subject & especially those which induced the Faculty to
invite the interposition of the civil authority to protect
the property of the University and the persons of a portion
of the Professors, be prepared for the use of the Board of

4. Resolved, that it is desirable that this statement be
prepared by one of the members of the Faculty whose house was
not of the number of buildings assail'd & whose persons have
not been threatened by the riotors.

5. Resolved, that with a view to improve the Government
& discipline of the University, professor Henry St. George
Tucker be requested to prepare & lay before the Visitors at
their annual meeting on the 4th of July next his views of the
best plan & organization of a special court of Record to be
established at or near the University, with authority to take
cognizance of offences affecting the peace, order and general
prosperity of the Institution.

The Board of Visitors having had before them communications
both oral and written relative to the recent disturbances at
the University, & having had under advisement various propositions
having for their object the restoration of order & discipline
in the Institution & having taken such measures in
reference to the same as they deem requisite & proper:



6. Resolved that it be recommended to the Faculty forthwith
to address thro their Chairman to the parents & guardians
of the Students of the University a circular letter, setting
forth a brief statement of events connected with the recent
disturbances, of the withdrawal of the civil authority from
the precincts, of the meeting and adjournment of the Visitors,
& of the resumption of the Lectures & exercises of the Institution.

7. Resolved that it be recommended to the Faculty in case
of the recurrence of scenes similar to those which have recently
disturbed the peace & good order of the University to endeavor,
thro' their Chairman, to concert such measures as may be deemed
prudent to secure the prompt & efficient aid of the civil authority
in preserving the peace & protecting the property of
the University.

The Board then adjourned sine die.