University of Virginia Library



The stated meeting of the Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia, required by the Enactments to be
held on the 10th July 1834, did not take place on that day
in consequence of the want of a quorum of that body; Wm.



H. Brodnax being the only member who appeared. On Friday
the 11th of the month James M. Mason attended; & on Monday
the 14th Joseph C. Cabell, who had been detained in Charlottesville
by indisposition, was in place. On Tuesday,
July the 15th Th: J. Randolph and Wm. C. Rives appeared,
when a Board was formed, and proceeded to organise itself
by the choice of Joseph C. Cabell as Rector in place of
James Madison who had resigned.

The following committees were appointed
Committee of Inspection. Messrs. Rives, Randolph, & Mason
————— Finance. Messrs. Brodnax & Cabell
————— Proctor's &

Brodnax & Cabell
Bursar's accounts

The Proctor made his report on the State of the Library
which was received by the Board and referred to the Committee
of Inspection. The following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, That the application of Professor Emmet contained
in his letter to the Board of July 10th 1831 & on the
conditions therein specified, be granted.

The Board, having under consideration the report of
Professors Tucker, Davis & Emmet of the 5th May 1834 relative
to a late misunderstanding between Professor Johnson and
Danl. E. Johnson late a Student of the University, with the
accompanying papers which were communicated as part of the
proceedings of the Faculty -



Resolved, That Professor Thomas Johnson be informed that
the Board of Visitors have had the foregoing subject under
consideration, and will proceed to its further consideration
tomorrow morning at 8 O.Clock, when they will receive with
pleasure any communication relating to the matters involved
which he may desire to make.

The Board then resolved to take a recess and to meet
again at half past 3 O.Clock.

The Board met again, and proceeded to the reading of papers
in which they were engaged until they adjourned to meet
again tomorrow morning at 8 O.Clock.

Wednesday. July. 16 - Present, as on yesterday Joseph C.
Cabell, Rector, Th: J. Randolph, Wm. H. Brodnax, James M.
Mason, & Wm. C. Rives.

Engaged reading the records of the Faculty.

A communication was received from a portion of the students
of the medical class recommending the Board to raise the
Salary of the Professor of Anatomy & Surgery. The following
resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, that the Chairman of the Faculty be authorised
to grant to the Revd. Wm. Hammet the usual certificate whereby
medical Students of this University are permitted to join
the medical school in Philadelphia with a years standing without
Mr. Hammet's paying the charge of $15 for the use of the
public buildings before matriculation as required by the existing
enactments in other cases.



Resolved, that the sentence of Expulsion pronounced by
the Faculty against Jno. R. Jones, a late Student of the University
be, & the same is hereby confirmed.

The Board had a recess to enable the committee of Inspection
to make examinations. The other members were engaged
in the meantime in reading the Books of the Faculty & Chairman,
and in noting from them subjects deemed proper for the
action of the Board.

The Board met again, when Dr. Johnson, Professor of
Anatomy & Surgery appeared before them on the subject indicated
in the proceedings of the Board on the first day of
their meeting, & were sometime engaged in hearing his statements-When
he had concluded the Board took a recess to meet
again at 3 1/2 O.Clock.

At 3 1/2 O.Clock the Board met again and pursued the
investigation of the matter above referred to, by reading
the testimony which the Committee of the Faculty had embodied
in reference to it, & by the examination, at the request of
Dr. Johnson, of sundry Students.

The Board then adjourned to meet again tomorrow morning
at 8 O.Clock.

Thursday July 17. The Board met.

Present as on yesterday. The investigation of yesterday
was continued, and, at Dr. Johnson's instance several Students
& other persons were examined. While the investigation



was in progress, Genl. Brodnax was compelled by indisposition
to leave the Board, when the testimony subsequently taken was
committed to writing for his inspection.

The following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved that Dr. Knox have permission to withdraw the
letters and papers of recommendation to the medical chair in
this University.

Resolved, That the Board of Visitors have examined with
attention, and an interest commensurate with the importance
of the subject, the proceedings of the Chairman & Faculty
in relation to the meeting held by 68 Students on the 7th of
Nov. last for the avowed purpose of combined resistance to
previous enactments of this Board - and the Board highly approve
the measures adopted by the Chairman and the Faculty on
the occasion referred to. It is however recommended in pursuance
of a recommendation to that effect from the Chairman
himself, that, in future, the enactment of the Visitors at
the late meeting of the Board authorising the Chairman to have
the Bell rung, & requiring Students, thereupon to repair to
their respective Dormitories, should, in the discretion of
the Chairman of the Faculty not be enforced except in cases
in which he may regard its application as decidedly likely
to be beneficial to the Institution; but to depend in cases
of serious riot among the Students, should any such unfortunately
occur upon the aid of the civil authorities.



Resolved, that in future not more than two orators and
two essayists shall be appointed to participate in the public
exercises at the termination of the session - one of each to
be chosen by the Faculty, and the remaining orator and essayist
to be designated by the Students in an election to be
held for the purpose in the office & in the presence of the
Proctor, on a day previously fixed by the Chairman, and under
such other regulations as the Faculty may think it expedient
to prescribe.

Resolved, that the Chairman of the Faculty hereafter
have discretionary authority, with the approbation of the
Faculty, to modify or suspend the provisions of the Enactments,
which render it an offence in Students to visit Keller's
or other confectionaries, so as to permit them to
visit in an orderly manner any such confectionary, at which
the Chairman shall have received satisfactory assurances
that no spirituous or vinous drinks are sold, or permitted
to be drunk - That for this purpose the Chairman have authority
to enter into such arrangements with the owners of
neighbouring confectionaries as he may deem expedient to
preserve good order among the Students, & to take from any
with whom he may have effected arrangement, bonds payable
to the Proctor in such penalties, with such securities, and
with such conditions as he may deem necessary to enforce the



Resolved, that the Faculty shall have power, in their
discretion, to dispense with so much of the Enactments prescribing
the uniform to be worn by the Students, as to allow
vests & pantaloons to be worn within the precincts, other
than those now prescribed.

Resolved, that if any Student shall insult or maltreat
the Proctor or any Hotel Keeper, he may be punished at the
discretion of the Faculty by the infliction of any of the
minor or major punishments.

The Board then adjourned to meet again tomorrow morning
8 O.Clock.

Friday July 18. The Board met according to adjournment.

Present as on yesterday with the exception of Genl. Brodnax
whose indisposition prevented his attendance.

The Proctor & Bursar gave in their accounts.

The committees of Inspection and Finance made their reports;
of the latter committee Mr. Randolph had been substituted
as a member, in the place of Genl. Brodnax, whose
indisposition forbade him to discharge his duties as a member
of it.

Mr. Cabell having resigned as a member of the Executive
committee, Mr. Rives was chosen to supply the vacancy.

The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, that in addition to the duties now performed
by the Janitor, he be required without any additional compensation
to render, on the requisition of the Proctor such



services as an artizan as he may be competent to render to
the University, & as the discharge of his other duties may
reasonably allow.

Resolved, that Professor Bonnycastle be appointed Chairman
of the Faculty for one year from the termination of the present session.

Resolved, that the Proctor be authorised to pay professor
Harrison the sum of fifteen dollars and twenty cents for
that amount paid by him to J. Grenier & Ths. Bagby, for the
erection of a gutter & for opening a window at his pavilion.

Resolved, that the application of Mrs. Conway respecting
certain improvements in Hotel A be referred to the Executive

The correspondence between the Chairman of the Faculty
and O. Rich Esqr. of London, communicating the orders of the
British Government to present to the University of Virginia
copies of the public records of Great Britain recently published
by order of the commissioners for the preservation of
the public records being laid before the Rector & Visitors
of the University, together with a letter from Messrs.
Goodhue & Co. of New York announcing the arrival of the
Books in that port:

It is ordered that the Chairman of the Faculty do communicate
in suitable terms to the proper authorities of
Great Britain thro' Mr. Rich of London the sense entertained



by the Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia of
the courtesy and good feeling so conspicuously manifested
by the Government of Great Britain in the present instance;
and that they will order the valuable publications presented
to be placed in their Library as an honorable evidence alike
of the zeal of that government for the diffusion of useful
learning, and of the liberal sentiments of national amity,
and consideration which prompted the offering.

Resolved, That the interests of the University imperiously
demand a punctual compliance with those enactments which require
of the Professors and officers of the University to
present their annual reports on the first day of the meeting
of the Visitors - a law to which the Board earnestly hope it
may not be necessary again to invite their attention.

Resolved, that the Proctor cause to be kept in order the
walks laid off in the pleasure grounds of the University,
the trees kept in proper condition, & renewed when necessary
& those missing in the rows on the Lawn replaced in the
proper season.

Resolved, that the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated
under the directions of the Executive Committee
for the purposes of the Library during the ensuing year.

The Board then adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at
8 O.Clock.

Saturday July 19. Present as on yesterday.



The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That in order to prevent the suspension of
Lectures which the Students are now in the habit of causing
at Christmas and other times, by agreeing and combining not
to attend lectures, it shall hereafter be the duty of each
Professor to lecture whenever one or more Students shall attend
lecture as if the whole class were present; and whenever
all the class shall absent themselves from lecture, it shall
be his duty, and he is hereby specially enjoined to consider
as delivered and examined upon the lecture and subject which,
if the class had been present he would have delivered and examined
upon, & to proceed on with his course in the same manner
as if such lectures & examinations had been delivered
and held. And in the examinations subsequently held in his
school for graduation, and at the public examinations, he
shall particularly examine on those portions of his course
which the Students shall have thus neglected to attend. And
it is expected of the Professors that by the enforcement of
this regulation they endeavour to prevent in future the
unauthorised recess which has heretofore occured at Christmas.

Resolved, that untill the further order of the Board Physiology
shall be taught in the school of Anatomy and Surgery,
instead of the School of Medicine, and that the same duties
and emoluments connected with the lectures on this Science,
which now appertain to the Professor of Medicine shall



hereafter attach to the Professor of Anatomy & Surgery.

Resolved, that the Executive Committee be authorised
to cause the arcades to be lighted by the insertion of thick
glass of the kind called Bull's eye over the Doors of the

Resolved, that the resignation of Dr. Th: Johnson,
the present Professor of Anatomy & Surgery, be accepted.

Resolved, that Doctr. A. L. Warner of Baltimore be appointed
Professor of Anatomy & Surgery in the University of
Virginia pro tempore to commence the performance of his duties
on the 1st day of September next and to continue in office
to the end of the Session.

Resolved, that in consequence of the Resignation of Dr.
Th: Johnson, Professor of Anatomy & Surgery, the care of the
Anatomical Theatre, & the Anatomical preparations, surgical
instruments, plates, & other property of the University at
that establishment be temporarily committed to the care of
the Professor of Medicine, till the arrival of Dr. Johnson's

Resolved, that the Professor of Medicine be authorised,
with a view to the custody & preservation of the collections
& property aforesaid to require of the Proctor such aid and
assistance as he may deem necessary & proper.

Resolved, that Dr. Thomas Johnson late Professor of Anatomy
& Surgery be authorised to occupy Pavilion No. 2 for the



residence of himself & Family for such time as he may think
proper, provided it should not extend beyond the 20th of
August next.

Resolved, that the Secretary of the Board of Visitors,
deliver to the Professor of Medicine a list of the collections
belonging to the University at the Anatomical Theatre, and
that the Professor of Medicine be authorised to deliver to
Dr. Thomas Johnson late Professor of Anatomy & Surgery such
articles at the Theatre as may be objects of private property
belonging to said Professor.

Resolved, that the claim of Dr. Thomas Johnson for reimbursement
for the sum of "fifty or sixty dollars", alleged
to have been expended from his private funds at the Anatomical
Theatre during the last year; & also his claim for reimbursement
for advances in alterations about the house & lot at
Pavilion No. 2 be referred to the discretion of the Executive
Committee under the expectation that these claims will be
liberally adjusted by the Committee.

Resolved, that the Secretary of the Board of Visitors
deliver to Doctr. Thomas Johnson, the papers referred to in
the postscript to his letter to the Board of this date (19th
July 1834) and that he inform Dr. Johnson that the Visitors
do not feel themselves at liberty to cause copies to be furnished,
as requested by him, of the papers referred to in
the last paragraph but one, of the same letter.



Resolved, That in future the sessions of the University
shall commence on the 1st Sept. and terminate on the 4th
July ensuing, & that the Faculty make arrangements for the
final examination of the Students so as to conform to the
period here fixed for the close of the session.

Resolved, that in future, the stated meeting of the
Visitors shall commence on the first day of July, and if
that be Sunday, then on the next day.

Resolved, that hereafter the Candidates for graduation
in the respective schools, shall, within a month after the
commencement of the session, or their Matriculation, inform
the Professor of the School in writing of their intention
to offer for graduation therein; & on failure to do so shall
not be permitted to become Candidates but with the leave of
the Faculty. It shall be the duty of the Professor at the
daily examinations of his class, to examine candidates for
graduation in his school with especial strictness, & to
keep an account of their state of preparation at these examinations,
& lay it before the Faculty at their monthly
meetings. On the examinations for graduation the daily
state of preparation of the Candidates shall be considered
by the Committee in deciding upon their qualifications for

As soon as convenient after the Candidates for graduation
in the several schools shall be known, the Faculty



shall appoint the times at which the Examinations to test
their qualifications shall be held in each school, and
give notice thereof.

That in the School of Moral Philosophy the theses required
from the Candidates for graduation be sent in at
least a fortnight before the end of the session.

Resolved, That hereafter the Faculty in their discretion
may permit Students who will attain the age of 20 years
within five months after the commencement of any session to
reside without the precincts of the University, on the same
terms, & subject to the same conditions as those Students
who exceed the age of 20 years.

Resolved, That Dr. Alfred T. Magill, appointed pro
to the school of Medicine on the 3d of September
last, be appointed Professor of Medicine in the University
of Virginia.

Resolved, that the accounts presented by C. P. McKennie
be referred to the Executive Committee.

Resolved, that the enactments respecting the Inspection
of the Books and accounts of the Patron and the comparison
of said books and accounts with the vouchers connected therewith
shall be modified so as to dispense with the inspection
& comparison now required to be made on the 1st of November,
and shall remain in force only so far as to require
such inspection & comparison at or immediately after the end
of the session.



The following resolutions were reported by the Committee
of Inspection and adopted.

1. Resolved, that the attention of the Proctor be
called to the portions of the 7th & 8th resolutions adopted
by the Board of Visitors at their last annual meeting on
the proposition of the Committee of Inspection which have
not been executed, and that it is hereby enjoined on him
to take measures for their immediate execution.

2. Resolved, that the Proctor is directed to procure
and have set up, under the direction of Professor Emmet,
a worm, & its necessary fixtures to the distillery in the
Chemical Laboratory.

3. Resolved, that the Proctor be directed to assign
some other room for the Librarian than that now occupied
by him unless the offensive annoyance complained of by
the Professor of Chemistry be otherwise prevented.

4. Resolved, That the proctor have an estimate made
of the cost of glass doors to the cases of the Library and
lay the same before the Board at their next meeting.

5. Resolved, that the Proctor under the instruction
of the Executive Committee be directed to cause the leak
in the eastern wall of the Anatomical Theatre, and such
additions to the Benches in the lecture rooms of Professors
Patterson & Emmet as may be necessary for the accommodation
of their classes.



6. That the proctor be required to make a report to
the Board of Visitors on the first day of their regular
annual meeting of all unexecuted resolutions of the Board
at their preceeding meetings with explanations, and his
reasons for their non-execution.

7. That the proctor under the directions of the professor
of Natural Philosophy cause two walls to be erected
near the Observatory for meridian lines.

Resolved that the Librarian be directed, under the
supervision of the Faculty, to cause the Books in the Library
to be arranged according to the order of the printed
Catalogue, and cause the shelves to be labelled with printed
labels corresponding to each of its chapters.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be charged with
the duty of causing the roofs of the University to be speedily
renewed or thoroughly repaired, to such extent as the
funds placed at their disposal may authorise: taking care
in the renewal of the roofs of the Dormitories, to pursue
the plan adopted in the recent renewal of the roof of the
Dormitory on the South side of the pavilion now occupied
by Professor Tucker; and that they also cause such portion
of the exterior painting of the University to be renewed
as they may think justified by the state of the Funds, &
the necessary preservation of the buildings.

Resolved, That for the purposes of the preceeding
resolution, the Executive Committee be authorized to borrow


money or to contract to any amount not exceeding three thousand

The Board then adjourned Sine die.