Board of Visitors minutes April 5, 1824 | ||
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia held at
the sd University on Monday the 5th. day of April 1824. as prescribed by
the Governor of the Commonwealth, present James Madison, Chapman Johnson,
John H. Cocke and Thomas Jefferson.
On a view of the Commissions produced, and of a letter from the
Governor, dated the 1st. day of March last past, it appears that Thomas
Jefferson, James Madison, Chapman Johnson, Joseph C. Cabell, George
Loyall James Breckenridge and John H. Cocke were on the same 1st. day of
the said month of March, appointed by the Governor, with advice of Council,
Visitors of the sd University.
The board proceeded to the appointment of a Rector and Thomas Jefferson
was appointed. and being of opinion that the other officers of
the institution continue in office of course, they deem reappointment
The legislature, at their late session, having released to the
University the paiment of interest on the sum of 180,000. Dollars advanced
by the Literary fund for the accomplishment of it's buildings,
with the view that the institution may be brought into operation with
as little delay as practicable, the board now proceeds to take such
preparatory measures as can be taken at this time, to carry that view
into effect.
From accounts and Estimates now rendered by the Bursar and Proctor,
it appears that, on the last day of the preceding year 1823. the
funds of the University in hand and due of the last loan, and of the
arrearages of subscriptions, would be sufficient, when recieved, to
pay all debts then existing on any account, and to leave a sum of
about 21,000. Dollars applicable to the building of the Rotunda, which
with the further sum of 19,370.40½ already paid or provided for, making
together the sum of about 40,500.D. applied, or which may be applied,
to that edifice, would put it into a state sufficient for use, until
other and more pressing objects shall have been accomplished.
They consider the University therefore as having had in hand on
the 1st. day of this present year 1824. the annuity of this year, clear
of all prior claims, as a fund for defraying the current expences of
the institution for the present year, for meeting those necessary for
procuring Professors, for bringing them into place, for paying any commencements
of salaries which may be incurred to the end of the year,
and to leave a surplus for contingencies of about 3000. Dollars.
They calculate that in future years, in addition to the annuity
of 15,000.D. they may count on the rents of 6.Hotels at 150.D. each,
of 100. dormitories at 16.D. each, of 9. others smaller at 12.D. each,
and an additional rent from 218. students at 12.D. each, for their
participation in the use of the public apartments, making a total income
of 20,224. Dollars.
They are of opinion that to obtain Professors of the first order
of science in their respective lines, they must resort principally to
Europe; and that persons of eminence may not be expected to leave a
known, for an untried situation but on certain salaries in addition
to liberal tuition fees.
On this view of their future funds, it is evident that they will
not be adequate to the full establishment of the ten Professorships
contemplated by the legislature in their act of Jan. 25. 1819. for
establishing the University.
It is their opinion however, that they may, on that income, adventure
on the establishment of eight professorships, either immediately,
or at a period not distant; and that the branches of science
proposed to be taught in the University may be arranged within the
competence of that number for a time, and until future and favorable
thus overcharged with duties.
That to be ensured of obtaining characters of the due degree of
science, of talents for instruction, and of correct habits & morals, a
special Agent be sent to Europe, and of preference to the countries there,
using our own language, to make the selection, under necessary instructions,
caution and advisement, and to counsel and effect their passage to this
country and to the University-
That the agent be instructed to procure them for such compensation,
within the limits herein prescribed, as he shall find practicable and deem
right; that he offer to each a fixed salary, not less than 1000, nor more
than 1500.D. a year with the privilege of recieving the tuition fees required
from the students by the regulations of this board, and that he be
authorised, if he find it expedient, to assure to each, or any of them,
that his salary, together with his fees, shall not be less annually, for
five years, than the sum of 2500.D.: and that though the board of Visitors
retain the power of regulating the tuition fees from time to time, as circumstances
may require, they will not reduce them below the rate now fixed
at any time within five years, without the consent of the professor to be
affected by such reduction, and at no time thereafter without strong considerations
connected with the prosperity of the institution.
That a sum of 2000.D. be placed in Great Britain, subject to his
orders for such advances as may be necessary to the professors on account
of salaries; which salaries may commence on the 1st. day of October, or on
whatever later day they may embark for their destination.
That a further sum of 6000.D. be placed in like manner for the purchase
of such chemical, astronomical, physical and mathematical apparatus,
each for his department, shall be deemed indispensable for a beginning,
and not exceeding in the whole the sum so placed.
That the sum of 1500.D. be allowed and advanced to the Agent in full
of all compensation for his expences and services on this mission.
Resolved that Francis Walker Gilmer be appointed Agent for the purposes
aforesaid; that he proceed on the mission with as little delay as
possible, and that he use his best diligence to have the professors in
place by the middle of November next, that there may be time for announcing
sufficiently, and on certain grounds, the commencement of the institution
on the 1st. day of February following.
That if the monies destined for these advances be not in hand, to
save time and disappointment, they be borrowed by the Executive Committee
on the credit of the University, from any bank, body, or individual,
whatever, to be replaced by the sd monies when recieved.
And inasmuch as it is necessary, for the information of the agent,
now to specify the sciences to be taught, and their distribution among
the professorships, and it may be satisfactory to the professors also
to know what their general situation in the University will be, what
and on whom their dependance will be, and the duties expected from
them, the board proceeds to the following enactments. adjourning however
for the present until tomorrow.
Tuesday April 6th. a constant and heavy rain prevented the meeting
of the board.
Wednesday April 7. 1824.
Joseph C. Cabell attended with the members present on Monday.
In the University of Virginia shall be instituted eight Professorships,
to wit 1st. of Antient languages. 2dly. Modern languages, 3. Mathematics.
4. Natural philosophy. 5. Natural history. 6. Anatomy and Medecine.
7. Moral philosophy. 8. Law.
In the school of Antient languages shall be taught the higher grade
of the Latin and Greek languages, the Hebrew, rhetoric, belles letters,
antient history and antient geography.
In the school of Modern languages shall be taught French, Spanish,
Italian, German, and the English language in it's Anglo-Saxon form; also
modern history, and modern geography.
In the school of Mathematics shall be taught Mathematics generally
including the higher branches of Numerical arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry
plane and spherical, geometry, mensuration, navigation, conic sections,
fluxions or differentials, military and civil architecture.
In the school of Natural philosophy shall be taught the laws &
properties of bodies generally, including mechanics, statics, hydrostatics,
hydraulics, pneumatics, acoustics optics and astronomy.
In the school of Natural history shall be taught botany, zoology,
mineralogy, chemistry, geology, and rural economy.
In the school of Anatomy and Medecine shall be taught anatomy,
surgery, the history of the progress and theories of medecine, physiology,
pathology, materia medica & pharmacy.
In the school of moral philosophy shall be taught mental science
generally including ideology, general grammar, logic, and ethics.
In the school of Law shall be taught the Common and Statute law
of Nature and Nations, and also the principles of government & political
This arrangement however shall not be understood as forbidding occasional
transpositions of a particular branch of science from one school
to another in accomodation of the particular qualifications of different
In each of these schools instruction shall be communicated by lessons
or lectures, examinations and exercises, as shall be best adapted to the
nature of the science, and number of the school; and exercises shall be
prescribed to employ the vacant days and hours.
The professors shall be permitted to occupy, rent-free, a pavilion
each, with the grounds appropriated to it. they shall also recieve from
the funds of the University such compensation as shall have been stipulated
by the agent or fixed by the board; and from each student attending
them tuition fees as herein after declared.
The professors shall permit no waste to be committed in their tenements,
and shall maintain the Internal of their pavilions, and also the
windows, doors and locks external during their occupation, in as good repair
& condition as they shall have recieved them.
The collegiate duties of a professor, if discharged conscientiously,
with industry & zeal, being sufficient to engross all his hours of business,
he shall engage in no other pursuits of emolument unconnected with
the service of the Univty. without the consent of the visitors.
Every student shall pay to the professor whom he attends, if he attends
but one, 50.D. the session of ten months and an half; if two, 30.D.
each, if three or more 25.D. each. and these paiments shall be made in
maintain their dormitories in the condition in which they recieve them
in like manner as is required of the professors. the Proctor shall in
duty attend in both cases to the observance of this requisition.
Altho', as before expressed, the board is in the expectation that
they may be able, either immediately or at no distant period, to establish
eight professorships; yet some uncertainties in the state of their
funds, and other considerations, render it prudent, for the present, to
establish seven only; and the school of anatomy being that which it will
be most expedient to postpone, they instruct their agent accordingly to
make no engagement for an Anatomical professor, or a provisional one
only, subject to the future determination of the board. they deem it
also expedient that professors of Law and Moral philosophy shall be taken
from among the citizens of the United States.
Considering as satisfactory the qualifications and character of
George Blaettermann, of the city of London, recommended to them as professors
of modern languages, the agent is authorised to engage him for
that professorship, unless circumstances unknown to this board should,
in his judgment, furnish cause to decline that engagement, and to proceed
to procure one who may merit more unexceptionably the approbation
of the board.
The board then proceeded to the appointment of a Professor, and
Francis Walker Gilmer was appointed to be professor of law, or of Moral
philosophy, at his election, to be signified to the Rector
The Executive committee are authorised to appoint a Collector of
the arrears of subscriptions, and are required to take measures as may
be necessary to effect a speedy collection.
An act of the last assembly having appropriated to the University
for the purchase of a library and apparatus the sum of 50,000. Dollars
out of the first monies that may be recieved from the government of the
United States on account of the claim of this commonwealth for advances
and expenditures during the late war, having also authorised a contingent
loan to that amount, by the board of public works, on the credit of the
appropriation so made, and it being proper to provide for the reciept and
disposal of this money, and for the negociation of the authorised loan
to such extent as may be advisable, the board doth therefore resolve
First that as soon as the money so appropriated or any part thereof,
shall be paiable, it be paid to the Bursar of the University, or to his
order; that so much thereof as may be required by the Executive committee,
not exceeding 20,000. Dollars, be placed by him in Europe under the controul
of the Agent hereby deputed to that country, to be employed in the
purchase of such books and apparatus as may be deemed most useful for the
commencement of the several schools in the University; and the balance of
the money which may be recieved by the Bursar be deposited in bank, subject
to the future orders of the board.
Secondly, that the Executive Committee be authorised, if they deem
it expedient, in anticipation of the money to be recieved from the General
government, to negociate a loan with the board of public works for any sum
not esceeding that hereby directed to be placed under the controul of the
agent in Europe; and to pledge the monies so to be recieved from the general
government for the paiment of the interest and refunding the principal
of the loan; and any money so borrowed by the Executive Committee
shall be placed under the controul of the agent in Europe, in lieu of that
mentioned in the first resolution, and for the purpose therein specified.
And the board adjourned without day.
Board of Visitors minutes April 5, 1824 | ||