University of Virginia Library

Accessible on the World Wide Web

The following publications are available without charge through the home
page of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia,

  • Studies in Bibliography, vols. 1–56, with Cumulative Table of Contents. Available
    in HTML and Microsoft Reader eBook formats.
  • de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. Attributions of Authorship in the European Maga-
  • de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's
    1731–1868: An Electronic Union List.
  • Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Cen-
    vols. 1–8.
  • Ray, Gordon N. Illustrations for The Art Deco Book in France.