![]() | Studies in bibliography | ![]() |

- Craig S. Abbott
- Mildred K. Abraham
- Albert Aldham
- Sandra Alston
- Scott R. Anderson
- Pierre Aquilon
- Ronald R. Atkins
- Joseph C. Baillargeon
- Carlo M. Bajetta
- William P. Barlow Jr.
- Aileen Berg
- Paul F. Betz
- John Bidwell
- Erin C. Blake
- John R. Block
- Lenora P. Blouin
- W. H. Bond
- Thomas F. Bonnell
- Stanley H. Boorman
- O M Brack Jr.
- Robert C. Brandeis
- Jeremy Breedlove
- Alvan Bregman
- Gavin D. R. Bridson
- Peter Byrnes and Kelly Tetterton
- Stephen H. Cape
- John P. Chalmers
- Derek Ashdown Clarke
- John Y. Cole
- Christopher D. Cook
- Mrs. Walker Cowen
- James Cummins
- L. Dack
- John Lasley Dameron
- Erin Davis
- Emily Lorraine de Montluzin
- Hoyt N. Duggan
- Carlo Dumontet
- Christian Dupont
- Blanche T. Ebeling-Koning
- Donald D. Eddy
- Christopher Edwards
- Paul Eggert
- Archibald C. Elias Jr.
- Jonathan R. Eller
- Conor Fahy
- Donald L. Farren
- J. P. Feather
- W. Craig Ferguson
- John A. Fish
- Barbara L. Fitzpatrick
- Patricia Fleming
- Gene G. Freeman
- Janet Freeman
- Donald Fry
- Jill Gage
- Andrew Galloway
- Roger Gaskell
- Vincent Golden
- Stephen Greenberg
- David C. Greetham
- J. W. C. Hagstrom
- R. Carter Hailey
- Chiaki Hanabusa
- Geoffrey Hargreaves
- James L. Harner
- Cathy Henderson
- David Leon Higdon
- W. Speed Hill
- T. M. Hofmann
- Trevor Howard-Hill
- David Hunter
- Paul Hunter
- Grace Ioppolo
- F. A. Janssen
- John R. Jenson
- Elizabeth S. Johnston
- Kenneth Karmiole
- Charles Adams Kelly
- Waldemar A. Klemm
- Thomas W. Krise
- Jim Kuhn
- John Lancaster
- Robert W. Langbaum
- John Lavagnino
- F. Lawler
- A. Leal
- Kyungshik Lee
- Deborah J. Leslie
- J. C. Levenson
- Harold Love
- D. G. Mackenzie
- Mary Ann O'Brian Malkin
- Russell L. Martin III
- Keith I. D. Maslen
- Nina W. Matheson
- Francis O. Mattson
- James E. May
- William McCarthy
- J. McLaverty
- Ernest C. Mead Jr.
- Jennie C. Meade
- James B. Meriwether
- Michael Millgate
- Giorgio Mirandola
- Larry Dale Mitchell
- Marco Moretti
- Kate Moriarty
- Daniel Mosser
- Howard S. Mott
- Paul Needham
- D. G. Neill
- Kenneth Nesheim
- Charles C. Nickerson
- Nicholas Noyes
- Larry Paschelke
- Pat Pistner
- Kenneth D. Rapoport
- Mark Reed
- Sidney W. Reid Jr.
- Lin Respess
- Heather Moore Riser
- Shef Rogers
- Paul Romaine
- Alex Ross
- Lance Schachterle
- Arthur Sherbo
- Peter L. Shillingsburg
- Joel Silver
- Steven Smith
- Laura Stalker
- Peter Stallybrass
- Andrew M. Stauffer
- Oliver L. Steele
- Michael F. Suarez, SJ
- Kendon Stubbs
- Mrs. Noriko Sumimoto
- Leslie Kay Swigart
- David N. Swinford
- Akira Takano
- Hans E. Tausig
- Kenneth C. Thompson
- Robert A. Tibbetts
- David L. Vander Meulen
- Edward Vanhoutte
- Lenora Wannier
- Adrian Weiss
- Paul Werstine
- David Whitesell
- Dawn Wilson
- Michael Winship
- Elizabeth Witherell
- Karin Wittenborg
- Harriet W. Woodward
- Mrs. Douglas Wyllie
- William Zachs
- Charles Zarobila

- Acadia University
- American Antiquarian Society
- American University
- Amherst College
- University of Auckland
- UniversitÄtsbibliothek Augsburg
- Australian Defence Force Academy
- Baylor University
- Beasley Books
- Beijing Book Co., Inc.
- The Bibliographical Society
- Birkbeck College, London
- University of Birmingham
- Bloomsburg University
- Blue Whale Books
- Library of Boston Athenaeum
- Boston Public Library
- Boston University
- University of British Columbia
- The British Library
- Bryn Mawr College
- University of California, Riverside
University of California, San
Diego - California State University, Fresno
- Cambridge University Library
- Cardiff University
- Carleton University, Ottawa
- Catholic University of America
- Centro Studi Americani, Rome
- College of Charleston
- University of Chicago
- University of Cincinnati
Public Library of Cincinnati and
Hamilton County - City University of New York
- Claremont Colleges
- Clark Library
- Colgate University
- University of Colorado
- Connecticut College
- Constantijn Huygens Instituut
- Cornell University
- Dartmouth College
- University of Delaware
- Drew University
- University of Dublin
- Duke University
- University of Durham
- Eastern Mennonite University
- École Nationale des Chartes
- University of Edinburgh
- Emory University
- English Faculty Library, Oxford
Kantons-und UniversitÄtsbiblio-
thek, Fribourg - Georg-August-Universitae
- The Getty Research Institute
- The Grolier Club
- Guildhall Library
- Heartwood Books
- Helsinki University
- Herzog August Bibliothek
- Hofstra University
- The Huntington Library
- University of Idaho
- Illinois State Historical Library
- Indiana University
Indiana University-Purdue
University at Indianapolis -
Institut Fuer Anglistik,
Amerikanistik und Keltologie
der Universitaet Bonn -
Institut FÜr Englische Philologie
der UniversitÄt MÜnchen - University of Iowa
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo
Unico Delle Biblioteche, Rome - James Madison University
Jewish National and University
Library - John Carroll University
- John Carter Brown Library
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Kansas
- University of Keele
- University of Kent at Canterbury
- Kent State University
- Al Khazindar Co. Ltd.
- UniversitÄtsbibliothek Kiel
Det Kongelige Bibliotek,
Copenhagen - Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague
BibliothÈque cantonale et
universitaire, Lausanne-Dorigny - University of Leicester
- Bibliotheek der Universiteit Leiden
- Bibliotheek Leuven
- Library Company of Philadelphia
- Library of Congress
- University of London
- London Library
- UniversitÄtsbibliothek Mannheim
- Marshall University
University of Maryland, Baltimore
County - Massey College, Toronto
Memorial University of
Newfoundland - Miami University
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota
- University of Mississippi
- University of Missouri, Columbia
- Morgan Library & Museum
- Moore Ink Books
BibliothÈque Universitaire de
Namur - National Library of Scotland
- National Library of Wales
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln
BibliothÈque publique et
universitaire, Neuchatel - University of New South Wales
- Northern Illinois University
- Northern Kentucky University
- Northwestern University
- University of Notre Dame
- Oak Spring Garden Library
- Ohio University
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Otago
- University of Ottawa
- UniversitÄtsbibliothek Passau
- University of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania State University
- Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Queen's University, Belfast
- Queen's University, Kingston
- University of Queensland
- University of Richmond
- University of Rochester
- Royal Holloway College
- University Library Utrecht
- University of Victoria
- Victoria University, Toronto
- Victoria University of Wellington
University of Virginia College at
Wise - Virginia Historical Society
- Virginia Military Institute
- Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
- University of Wales, Aberystwyth
- University of Warwick
- Washington University
- Wellesley College
- Wesleyan University
- Western Kentucky University
Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela - University of Saskatchewan
- Serendipity Books
Shakespeare Institute,
Stratford-upon-Avon - Somerville College, Oxford
- University of the South
- University of Southampton
- University of Southern California
- Southern Illinois University
- St. Bride Printing Library
- St. Louis University
- St. Vincent College
- Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
- University of Stirling
- University College of Swansea
- Sweet Briar College
- Tavistock Books
- Temple University
- University of Tennessee
- University of Texas, Arlington
- Texas A&M University
- University of Toledo
- University of Toronto
University of Toronto, Faculty of
Information Studies - Trinity College, Cambridge
- Trinity College, Hartford
- Union College
- Utah State University
- University of Western Ontario
- Wilkes University
- Williams College
- Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Wittenberg University
- Wright State University
- Ximenes: Rare Books
- Yale University
- University of York
- York University, Toronto
- Zentralbibliothek ZÜrich


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