APPENDIX 3 Studies in bibliography | ||
- N. By 39 Eliz. c. 5. wch was made
perpetual by 21. Jac. I. C. 1 Concerning ye Erection
of Hospitals & Houses of Correction [two words scratched out] also Measons de dieu. &
abiding places. [word scratched out] Any Person may erect such a house wthout licence
of Mortmain, & endow it wth Manners, Lands, Tenemts hereditamts in fee-simple free-
hold, to ye value of 200 £ & no more, nor less than 10£ p. annum. But if by improvemt,
ye Land wch was not above 200 £ p an. at ye endowmnt, becomes worth more, they
may enjoy its Goods and Chattels (real or personal) they may take of wt value soever.
It cannot be erected by any other Instrument but by deed enrolled in ye Chancery,
in Parchment. The Persons must be plac'd & nam'd wn ye Founder gives ym yr name
of Incorporation, & yn ye Law by ye Act Incorporates ym.
APPENDIX 3 Studies in bibliography | ||