University of Virginia Library


[A provident and wakeful fear]

A provident and wakeful fear
Impels me, while I read, to say,
When Poesy invites, forbear
Sometimes to walk her tempting way:
Readier is she to swell the tear
Than its sharp tinglings to allay.
“But there are stories fit for song,
And fit for maiden lips to sing.”
Yes; and to you they all belong,
About your knee they fondly cling:
They love the accents of your tongue,
They seek the shadow of your wing.
Ah! let the Hours be light and gay,
With Hope for ever at their side,
And let the Muses chaunt a lay
Of pleasures that await the bride,
Of sunny Life's untroubled sea,
Smooth sands, and gently swelling tide.


A time will come when steps are slow,
And prone on ancient scenes to rest,
When life shall lose its former glow,
And, leaf by leaf, the shrinking breast
Shall drop the blossom yet to blow
For the most blessed of the blest.
Then, nor till then, in spring go forth
“The graves of waiting friends to see.”
It would be pleasant to my earth
To know your step, if that might be.
A verse is more than I am worth,
A thought is not undue to me.