University of Virginia Library



My covenant will I not break.”—Ps. lxxxix. 34.

“I left it whole, most excellent and fair,
A cup of bliss, a marvel and My pride
'Mid trembling graces green and vernal;
It breathed an incense soft as summer air,
And gathered large new lustre at My Side
Thrilled with the joy of thoughts eternal.
But men arose in haste, who knew Me not,
And turned each splendour to a loathsome spot.
“Divisions came (a thunder-cloud) and lay
Like night upon it, though with bitter tears
I bathed the lands and fenced My Treasure;
But errors throve and doubt that had its day
And darkened many a faith with cruel fears,
Which would not take its mighty measure.
And then in sordid shards it clove and fell,
Though life rang out from even its dying knell.
“I saw Myself there stricken to the tomb
With its affliction too afflicted sore,
While to the last my Love had spoken;
All Heaven was struggling in its sacred womb,
If pain and endless grief were all I bore
And with it was My Body broken.
Still shall the fragments plant a better time,
And yet bring back the lost true golden chime.”