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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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“For say—for powers so proved—what name
But ‘Mind’—could reason find or frame?—


And does not one strange fact proclaim,
Nay, prove this bounded Mind of Man
In some accordance made, or grown,
With that all-boundless Mind unknown
That did the mighty Cosmos plan—
Faint spark from its omnific Flame?—
A thousand years that human Mind
Its subtle sciences designed
Of numbers—angles—ratios—lines—
Complex ingenious symbol-signs—
Pure brainwork as the wildest dream!
Then, when the long research of Time,
For Man's rapt gaze withdraws the veil
That hides the Universe sublime,
To his amazement, lo! the scheme
Of the majestic fabric stands
Before him, fitting to the Scale
So long prepared by his own hands;
In strictest keeping ranged and wrought
With fine gradations, ratios, rules,
Spun out of his unaided Thought
So many an age before, and taught
As abstract Science in his schools.
'Tis as if God himself blazed out
A moment there! beyond all doubt
Perceived—the still small voice profound
Speaking for once with trumpet-sound!
A glimpse of the All-Puïssant say
A moment deigning to display
Some kinship of its mind with ours—
Its infinite with our finite powers!
To prove how in our mind could lurk
Some power to scale some little way


Unconsciously the self-same heights
Where soared its own imperial flights;
Power to invent, construct, do work,
Though far-off, faint, in thought alone,
In strict accordance with its own!