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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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One of the most successful farmers and stockraisers in Southwestern
Virginia, comes of a family where the men have been farmers for several
generations. His grandfather was Eli Chiddix, who came from England
to Virginia, and his father was William Chiddix, of Saltville, who married
Nancy, daughter of James Lowder of Tazewell county, Virginia,
also a farmer, and one of the earliest settled in the county, of Irish
descent. James, subject of this sketch, was born in Tazewell county,
June 23, 1837. During the late war he served one year in the 45th
Virginia regiment, Company G, then until close of war in the 23d battalion,
a part of the Stonewall Brigade. He was a prisoner about
one-half hour, at Fishers Hill. His brother Leander served in a Texas
regiment, C. S. A. Another brother, Eli, was a member of the 29th
Virginia regiment, Pickett's division, and was killed in action May 14,

Near Saltville, February 28, 1866, James Chiddix married Sarah A.
Meadows, and their children are: Isabelle, William Huston, Eli S.,
John W., Susan V., James (deceased), George W. P., Charles, Pearl


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(deceased). Mrs. Chiddix was born near Saltville, the daughter of
William T. Meadows, of Smyth county, who was the son of Joel
Meadows, who raised his family near Emory. Her mother was Miss
Susan MacCready.

Mr. Chiddix has been a zealous worker and able exhortor in the
Methodist Episcopal Church and Sunday-school for thirty years, his
successful work abundantly shown by its fruits, and by the many letters
of approval and encouragement he has received, as well as by the
resolutions and votes of thanks passed by churches, Sunday-schools
and other religious societies he has assisted. His father was a Sunday-school
superintendent for over thirty-five years, and his father-in-law
filled the same position for a like number of years.