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SANG XIX. Bush aboon Traquair.


Sung by Peggy, p. 70. [P. 263, l. 209: as alternative to ll. 202–9.]

At setting day and rising morn,
With soul that still shall love thee,
I'll ask of heaven thy safe return,
With all that can improve thee.
I'll visit oft the birken-bush,
Where first thou kindly told me,
Sweet tales of love, and hid my blush,
Whilst round thou didst enfold me.
To all our haunts I will repair,
By greenwood-shaw or fountain;
Or where the summer-day I'd share
With thee, upon yon mountain.
There will I tell the trees and flowers,
From thoughts unfeign'd and tender.
By vows you're mine, by love is yours
A heart which cannot wander.