University of Virginia Library




O Peter! since thy sportive Muse
A puppy for her theme will choose,
How envied must his race of brothers be!
How will their mop-like tresses flow,
How will their mops and long ears glow,
When crown'd by genius, Peter, and by thee!
But thou, the Muses' watch-dog, Peter,
Who scar'd the highest with thy metre,
Thou never would'st a servile state survive:
Thou would'st not wear a puppy's chain,
But treating bondage with disdain,
Would'st hope to lead where I would wish to drive.
Then, Peter, boast a nobler pate,
Nor envy Shock's inglorious state;
For, know, the puppy species I despise!
With thee I'll wander, wake, or dream,
By Helicon's immortal stream,
Where Peter guards a passage to the skies!


But if, in sportive vein, you seek
To paint a puppy's whisker'd cheek,
My little fav'rite shall your levee grace;
For oft, if they are not bely'd,
At levees, in due pomp and pride,
The highest patronize the fawning race.
My dog has something more to boast;
He scorns the cringing, sneaking host,
And looks to lasting wreaths by genius twin'd;
Since Peter, with his magic help,
Will keep in countenance the whelp,
And prove the painter, like the puppy—kind!