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The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun

printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts: Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by F. J. Amours

expand sectionII, III, IV, V, VI. 


How þe Erll Davy of Athale
Wes slane fechtand þan in batall.
Qwhen Schir Andro Murraif herd
How rude þe Erll Davy ferd
With his men, he wes angry,
And thocht to raiss þat segis in hy.
Than in haist all þaim gaderit he
That wes south half þe Scottis Se,
That he mycht get of armyt men.
The Erll Patrik come till him þen,
And alsua Ramsay and Prestoun,
And oþer seire of gret renovne.
William of Dowglass als wes þare
With his gud men, at worthy ware,
And oþer feill, till þai were þen
Weill aucht hunder of fechtand men.
The floure of þe south half þe Scottis Se
At þat tyme in his rout had he.


Than raid þai on þar way fast,
Till þai þe Month had saufly past.
The erll herd of þar cummyn weill,
And departit fra þe castell;
Till Kilbleyne straucht þe way tuke he,
And herbryit him and his menȝe
At þe est end, rycht in þe way.
And evin befor þaim, quhare þai lay,
At þe Hall of Logy Rothwayne
Schire Andro has his herbry tane.
And till him come fra Kindromy
Thre hundreth wicht men and hardy,
That comfort him in mekle thing;
For he wes glaid of þar cummyng.
Sa in his cumpany wes ane,
Callit Iohne of Crag, þat had bene tane
With þe erll, and suld his ransoun pay
Apone þe morne, at wes his day.
He said to þe lordis in prevete,
Gif þai wald trow his counsall, he
Suld throu þe wod a redy way
Enviroun quhare þare fais lay,
And behind bring þaim all weill neire,
Or þai oucht of þar cummyng suld heire.
And he fulfillit all þat he hecht;
For sone eftir þe mydnycht
He gert þe Scottismen prevely
Ryss, and mak þaim boune in hy.
To Dee he led þaim, and þare þai
Fand in þe wod a redy way.
That way þai held, quhill at þai ware
Passit þar fais a myle or mare.


Endlang þe wod wes wayis twa:
The erll in þe vmast lay of þai;
The Scottismen held þe nethir way;
Syne corsit oure till it perfay.
Thare horss þai left behind ilkane,
And to þar fais on fut ar gane,
That of þar come wist nakyn thing.
Bot sone eftir in þe dawing
Thare scowerouris of þaim gat a sicht,
That, with all hy þat euer þai mycht,
Warnyt þe erll, and he in hy
Gert trump, to warne his cumpany;
And þai till him assemblit sone.
In to schort tyme sa haif þai done
That at a litill peth wes þare
Thai assemblit withoutin ware.
Evin in þe peth wes Erll Davy,
And till a gret stane, lay him by,
He said: “Be Goddis fais, we twa
Sall fle elike, I vndirta.”
William of Dowglass, þat had þen
The waward wiþ þe wichtest men
That were in all þat cumpany,
Quhen at he saw þe Erll Davy
Standand with his men arrayit swa,
His spere in baith his handis can ta,
And kest it oure thwort and can say:
“Standis, lordingis, astound;” and þai
That were in till his cumpany
Murmurit þarof prevely.


And quhen Erll Davy saw at þai
Stude sa, in hy he brak array,
And cryit lowd: “Apon þaim tyte,
For þai are all neire discomfite.”
Than till a furde doune can he ga;
And quhen Dowglass saw him do swa,
He said: “Now we”; and, but mare let,
Thai strekit speris and samyn met
Richt in þe furd. Robert Braid E,
A hardy knycht, þare gert þai de.
Amang þaim gret dyntis þai gaif.
With þat Schir Andro of Murraif
Come in on syde sa sturdely
With all þaim of his cumpany
That in his cummyng, as þai say,
He baire doune buskis in his way.
Fra he assemblit þar baid nane;
The commonis all þe flicht has tane.
Thare by ane aik deit Erll Davy,
And feill als of his cumpany;
Schire Walter Cummyn wes þare slane;
Schire Thomas Broune in handis wes tane,
And syne wes hedit hastely;
It semyt þai luffit him nocht gretly.
Schir Robert Menȝeis to Canmor
Went, quhare he wonnand wes befor.
Thidder he went, and in a peill
He gouernyt him and his menȝe weill.
And syne apon þe toþer day
He tretit, and come to þar fay.


Thare wes bot few slane in that fycht,
For þe wod held þaim out of sicht;
And sa fled als sa hastely
That away gat þe mast party.
This fecht apon Sanct Androis day,
Or on his evin fell, as þai say.
And of þis fechting þat þare was
Off Arsildone spak quhilum Thomas,
And said þus mystely in derne,
Thare sulde mete stythly stark and sterne.
Thus spak he as in prophacy;
Bot how he wist it wes ferly.
The erll wes þusgatis done of day;
And sone eftir William Mowbray
Tretit, and come to þare pess,
And to richt weill resauit wes;
For he wes waill wycht at deviss,
And of richt gud counsall and wiss.
The wardane þan tuke furþ his way
To Dundarge; þare þe Bewmond lay,
That had maid vp þe castell þen,
And stuffit it with meit and men.
The wardane þidder is went syne,
And þidder gert cary ane engyne.
And þat Schir William þe Mowbray,
That ȝarnyt to be at assay,
With oþer wycht went to þe ȝet.
The Inglis ischit to mak debate


At þar barras, and fonȝeit fast;
Bot thai were drevin at þe last.
The wardane gert þe gunnare syne
Dress vp stoutly þe engyne,
And warpit at þe toure a stane.
The first cast at it kest, bot ane,
It hit þe toure a sturdy straik,
That þe mast gest of þe toure brak.
The Bewmond tretit þaim in hy,
To sauf him and his cumpany,
And ȝauld þe toure to þe wardane,
And went him on in Ingland hame.
Quheþer he went be land or se,
I can nocht tell þe certante.