University of Virginia Library


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Incorporated in October, 1907, under a Perpetual Charter granted
by the State of Virginia, the Colonnade Club occupies Pavilion VII,
West Lawn—the interior having been suitably and tastefully remodelled
for the Club's use, and comprising assembly, reading, writing,
chess, sleeping, pool, billiard, and bath rooms.

The Resident Members, nearly 100 in number, include all the administrative
officers, and nearly all the Faculty and Teaching Staff,
together with a number of local alumni and friends of the University.
Through the dues paid by the local membership, the Club has from
the first been thoroughly self-sustaining for all purely local purposes,
the dues required of other members being to extend the
Club's privileges to themselves.

One of the Club's most significant features is its increasing list
of Non-Resident Members, now (December 1, 1909) over 500 in number
and including many distinguished names. Just as the Club's
founders intend that it shall be an attractive place for local social intercourse,
they earnestly desire that it shall become the recognized
centre of the alumni-life of the University—a centre at which the
visiting alumnus can always feel himself thoroughly at home, thus
inducing him frequently to renew the old associations of his college-days.
The Club now maintains three large and pleasant sleeping-rooms
(each containing two beds) devoted to this purpose. The
Club's founders believe that it is its mission to help thousands of
the University's sons to keep in closer touch with their Alma Mater
and with each other than would otherwise be practicable. The Club
now has members in 40 States, as also in countries 6,000 to 10,000
miles distant; and, as a result admittedly due to the Club's influence,
more alumni are month by month revisiting the University than for
many years past. It is hoped that the membership may in time include
a substantial proportion of the University's Alumni. The dues
for Non-Resident Membership are $4 a year, $25 for ten years, or
$50 for life.

The present officers of the Club are: Wm. Minor Lile, President;
Howard Winston, Treasurer; L. Bruce Moore, Secretary. The members
of the Board of Governors are: Wm. Minor Lile, R. Heath Dabney,
Wm. M. Thornton, Armistead M. Dobie, Theodore Hough, Wm.
Harrison Faulkner, L. Bruce Moore.