University of Virginia Library


The ocean ebbs and flows,
The stars arise and set,
The flower to-day that blows,
To morrow we forget.


Things mortal, passing soon,
Leave nothing but their wraith;
God's Church outlives the sun and moon,
And God defend the Faith.
The summer has its time,
Its turn the yellow sheaf;
And man's majestic prime,
Falls into withered leaf.
Things human live their day,
God's Church hath ever light,
Though heaven and earth shall pass away,
And God defend the Right.
The strongest earthly power,
Must pine and suffer thirst;
The proudest Babel tower,
Was fated from the first.
But, glory of all lands,
Which only keeps its youth,
God's Church unchanged and changeless stands,
And God defend the Truth.
No sinful word is sure,
And nothing built on sand;
No falsehood may endure,
That forges prison band.
The iron bar and lock,
Are into ruin thrown;
God's Church is founded on the Rock,
And God defend His own.
The fabric raised by man,
Will wanting yet be found;
The thinker's giant plan,
Has yet a final bound.
The conqueror too must kneel,
Beneath the judgment sword;
God's Church on conquerors set its heel,
And God defend His Word.
The world is growing gray,
It is a fleeting breath;
The fairest lives decay,
The longest come to death.
Grace is a fading toy,
Fame is an ebbing tide;
God's Church is portion of His joy,
And God defend His Bride.


Creeds born of erring mind,
Betray the heart that trust
And blown by every wind,
Shall vanish into dust.
No rest for wounded will,
In labour's mire and murk;
God's Church is freedom's fortress still,
And God defend His work.
Our systems come and go,
Our temples rise and fall;
Doom, ravening to and fro,
Is written upon all.
And vanity the end,
Of every carnal search;
God's Church alone shall never bend,
And God defend His Church.