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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. G. W. F. Hegel,
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, 3 vols. (New York,
1962; reprint, 1968). Immanuel Kant, Religion Within the
Limits of Reason Alone
(Chicago, 1934; new ed., New York,
1960). Albrecht B. Ritschl, Diechristliche Lehre von der
Rechtfertigung und Versöhnung,
3 vols. (Bonn, 1870-74), esp.
Vol. III, trans. H. R. Mackintosh and A. B. Macauley as
Critical History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification and
(Edinburgh and New York, 1872-1900).
F. Schleiermacher, On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured
trans. John Oman (London, 1893; New York, 1958).

Early Twentieth Century. Gustaf Aulen, Faith of the
Christian Church,
rev. ed. (Philadelphia, 1961). Karl Barth,
The Epistle to the Romans, 6th ed., trans. Edwyn C. Hoskyns
(London and New York, 1933). Emil Brunner, Dogmatics,
Vol. I, The Christian Doctrine of God (Philadelphia, 1950;
1962). Austin Farrer, Finite and Infinite, 2nd ed. (New York,
1959). Étienne Gilson, The Unity of Philosophical Experience
(New York, 1937; also reprint). Charles Hartshorne, Man's
Vision of God and the Logic of Theism
(Hamden, Conn.,
1941). Jacques Maritain, The Degrees of Knowledge, Vol.
II, 4th ed. (New York, 1959). Eric L. Mascall, He Who Is
(New York, 1943). Reinhold Niebuhr, The Nature and Des-
tiny of Man,
Vols. I and II (New York, 1949; 1964). Paul
Tillich, Systematic Theology, Vols. I, II, and III (Chicago,
1951; 1967). A. N. Whitehead, Process and Reality
(Cambridge and New York, 1929; New York, 1967).

Contemporary. Thomas J. Altizer, The Gospel of Christian
(Philadelphia, 1966). Leslie Dewart, The Future of
(New York, 1966). William Hamilton, The New Es-
sence of Christianity
(New York, 1961). Karl Rahner, Hearers
of the Word
(New York, 1969). Richard Rubenstein, After
(Indianapolis, 1966). Paul Van Buren, The Secular
Meaning of the Gospel
(New York, 1963).

General Surveys. Karl Barth, Protestant Thought: From
Rousseau to Ritschl
(New York, 1959). James Collins, God
in Modern Philosophy
(Chicago, 1959; also reprint). Peter
Gay, The Enlightenment: An Interpretation (New York,
1966). John Herman Randall, Jr., The Making of the Modern
rev. ed. (Boston, 1940).


[See also Agnosticism; Buddhism; Christianity; Deism;
Evil; Evolutionism; Existentialism; Faith; Hegelian...;
Holy; Positivism; Progress; Reformation; Sin and Salvation.]