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Sept. 9-15
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Sept. 9-15

A sermon from Mr. Boyden from the text "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do." The Holy Communion is administered. Finish reading Kostis book On That Holy Faith ....A quiet walk in the morning with sister Mary and Mr. Coffman. Monday a call from Mary Walker and Miss Sara Terrel. Mary Walker has commenced knitting a counterpane and she is such a machine to knit that it will no doubt soon be finished ....[Letters written

and dinner guests.] Cousin Howel comes for me on Red Eye Wednesday morning and I go home with him where Aunt Sally and I have planned to dine. Have such a jolly day. Both Cousin Sarah and Aunt Sally seem to try themselves to make me laugh. Miss Jones and her school are all busy so I have the old folks all to myself. Sister Mary comes for me in the evening in the waggon and we go to prayer meeting. I spend a day and night with Aunt Sally this week. Alice [Lewis] and I ride to Cobham hoping Miss Vallant might possibly arrive, certainly expecting a letter but returned without either. The letter does not arrive until Saturday and then she says nothing about the time she will arrive. I'm very disappointed for I had so hoped she would come while I was down. Saturday evening we all go chinquapin hunting, succeed in getting about a dozen. Go to Uncle Bob's to supper but am so tired that we conclude to stay all night and Aunt Sally invites me to write to Miss Vallant for her. Have a very satisfactory talk with both Bob and Jimmy today. I heartily wish them both success.