University of Virginia Library

[Not to be served, O Lord, but to serve man]

“The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.”— Mark x. 45.

Not to be served, O Lord, but to serve man
All that I can,
And as I minister unto his need,
Serve Thee indeed:
So runs the law of Love that hath been given
To earth from Heaven.
What, if the task appointed me be mean?
Wert Thou not seen
To gird Thee with the towel, as was meet,
To wash the feet
Of Thy disciples, whom Thou would'st befriend
Unto the end?
For meanest work becomes the noblest part,
When a great heart,
Pitiful, stoops to comfort our distress,
Or to impress
A sealing kiss on penitence, fresh clad
In raiment sad.
And if the wanderer's feet be soiled and sore,
So much the more
He needs a tender hand to cleanse and heal,
And make him feel
There is no task that love will shrink to do
Life to renew.